
An Old Crush

"Do you have it?", Liam asked the lackey as he entered his office again In the same day. "Yes sir, I have all her details?", The lackey replied.

"Are you sure you have everything?", "I hope you didn't miss any single detail?", Liam asked without pause. He was so impatient to get the details he needed.

"Ye sir, and when I searched deeper, I found some really interesting facts!", the lackey named John said as he passed Liam the file that contained the information about Audrey.

He collected the file from John, going through the details, his smirk evident as his brain was already thinking about the next line of action.

" So, he does have someone he's dating!", Liam said going through the files, he continued, "she's pretty too. Too bad she was caught in the crosshairs of the whole thing!", Liam said as he closed the file.