
The Guardians of the Cosmic

Three individual beings from three different universe was summoned by TOAA, they are gathered because TOAA are giving them missiom to an omniverse similiar to them yet different at the same time. DESCRIPTION : I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING

david_vazcano · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 5

Asgard marvel

Thor is flying around asgard and look in it's glory. He wants to go to midgard to see what kind of new things this universe would give him and also he wants to meet peter so he fly to the birfrost.

He goes to the bifrost and met heimdall. "Heimdall, I need to go to midgard."

Heimdall see thor. "Why you need to go to midgard thor?" Thor see the stars from the bifrost and look at heimdall.

"Let's just say I want to explore this new midgard and new thing it would give me. I also want to see other pantheons from this world." Thor said.

"Are you sure about this thor? This world is dangerous and we know nothing about it." Heimdall already see the entire nine realms and the universe but he still need to observe more so he can understand more about this new universe.

"Don't worry about it heimdall I can handle it." Thor stands infront of the bifrost." Also I need you to bring me to a safe place like far from new york city or other cities so I don't get caught!"

"It will be done, thor."

Thor look at heimdall again. "Also if asgard is in danger contact me!"

"Yes my prince!" Heimdall insert the sword down and the bifrost is activated. Thor was pulled and he is gone from the spot. "I hope you are safe thor the danger of this new world is much more just like ours." Heimdall whispered.

Colorful rainbow energy comes down to the forest far from new york. The eneegy is gone to reveal thor who is standing looks at his sorrounding. Thunder engulf him and change his outfit.

He wears a black shirt, brwon jacket, blus jeans, black belt and brown shoes. Mjolnir is also change into an umbrella. He can see new york city from far. "Well seems like from here I need to walk." So he walks throught the forest to new york.

New york

Peter is doing his heroic work and saved as many civilians as possible. He begin to dived down towards them as he use his stinger to stab one on the villains's neck as he spin his body sending the bleeding fire mutant to crash to a car as the other one quickly rushes to me. He tried to choke me buy I electrocute him making him screaming.

He let him go and swept off his leg from the ground using his leg. Peter see a car and used his web to pull the car to swing it to the fire man but he just spit a fire breath from his mouth making the car exploded.

Peter ignore the explosion from his face and rush towards him with great speed. He catch him off guard and grab his face, slam him to the ground. Peter spider sense tingles to see the other one is getting up.

He manages to landed a punch to his cheek but that did not make him hurt or flinch. He is now feeling hot around his cheek because his hand is on fire but he deliver an uppercaut that breaks his jaw.

"Gurggh!" He lands to the ground and grab his jaw where he punch him peter snort and crack his hands.

Suddenly he began he began to hit his stomach with his elbow very hard breaking his rib making him spitting out blood from his mouth as some of them hit my mask and make me mad.

He pull out his stinger and stab his collar bone. His collar bone bleeding profusely as he stares in the stale of what just I have done to his collar bone. We began to stare at each other eyes now are locked towards another one.

He flinches when he noticr my eyes now are on him. "Fuck!" He cursed as he runs leaving his friend or partner alone here as he probably intimidated with my eyes.

"You think you can ran away from me? I don't think so pal!" He picked up the bleeding man and throw him towards the other fire mutant as he avoids it.

The person he throws now laid on a car as he lunged to wards the second fire man as my hand grab his throat with me grinning maliciously behind my mask seeing his eyes and face has fear in them.

He head smash him breaking his nose as it's now bleeding the same goes as he headbutt his head making hims bleed. He slam his to the ground three times making the ground cracks.

He see the fire man is unconciousness, he began to see the second fire man and picked him up. He throw them to the ground and pull out his stinger. He kneels and stab them both on the head and electrocute them.


Both of them are screaming in pain and agony because they are being electrocuted. A few minutes later he stop his electric powers and pull out the stinger from their head and reattract them. He see a smoke coming out from their body and tehy have been roasted.

He see pedestrians are taking pictures and videos of my actions. I didn't do anything except stare at them. "Spider man hold it right there, you are under arrest!" Spider look who said that and see a bunch of heroes are arrived.

'Oh great them! What's the charge of my crime? Helping people and defeat these fire quirks people so they can't cause any damage!' Peter is angry at these people who don't see bigger picture right now.

He save the civilians and defeat these two fire man because there aren't any heroes around to help them either they said their quirks are useless to do the mission or they ran because they didn't want to die or making an excuse they said they are far from the crime.

"I don't think so buddy." He began to shoot his web and get out of the scene.

"Hey stop right there." Said the hero who wears a cowboy outfit. He begin to chase him and the others are following but in the end it is futile because he already dissapeared so quickly.

"Seems like I lost them now I have to continue on my patrol!" He begin to swing on new york city to kill some bad guys or other stuff.

Space, Unknown location

The supremacy begin to fly around the universe at hyperspeed. Appareantly OAA doesn't found anything usual except many new species and more new artifacts have appeared. He also already know the history and background of this universe and the civilizations, he even know earth and has all of it's iformation.

"OAA, where are we going now?" Drago is standing on OAA's shouler looking at the front to see outside the mirror they are moving hyperspeed with only white and blue around them.

"I also don't know where are we going now drago but for now we need to explore this new universe first and see if there are anything interesting." OAA said looking at the holographic screen infront of him.

Drago understand that OAA right now wants to see and explore this new universe because he is also curious if there are any new events or interesting will happen. He strated to heard a sound infront of him.

He see and turns out it was an alarm if they are near a dangerous situation or unknown force or there is a problem near their location and more. "EVE what is going on?" OAA ask.

"Sir, I think there is a battle near our location." EVE materialize herself in her human form. Which is 6'6 ft tall, golden hair, muscles all over her body, thicc thighs, blue eyes, eight pack abs, H-cup breasts, big bubbly ass, beautiful and pretty face, hot and sexy body with wearing a white skintight suit with blue lines. She also sounds sexy.

"A battle?"

"Yes, A battle sir."

EVE projects a holographic screen to show OAA and drago the battle near their ship. Appareantly they see many green glows in space with many projections from guns, swords, shields, big hands, vehichles, fire extinguisher and more.

"Wait, Are those...?" Drago is surprised because he knows what those green lights are.

"Yes, Drago those are the green lanterns but what are they fighting right now?" OAA confirm what drago see and they see the green lanterns are fight something or someone.

He see contructions the same as the green lanterns but instead of green it is yellow. He can see the yellow colors are overwhelming the green lantern corps.

"Yello lanterns corps!" Drago growl at those yellow lanterns.

OAA see this unsurprised because he knows green and yellow lanterns sometimes they have a grudge against each other. He begin to look at drago.

"Hey drago, you want to intervine on this one?"

Drago look at OAA and look back at the screen. He look at OAA and nod. "Yes I wish to help those green lanterns and defeat those yellows." He wants to help those green lanterns and OAA look at the yellow lanterns. 'Seems like this is not the sinestro corps.' OAA thoight this because he doesn't see sinestro or a member his corp.

"Alright drago you can go now and use a portal to go ourside and inside of ths ship."

"Thanks OAA I will be back." Drago began to fly and create a portal infront of him. He gets in and a portal appeared outside the ship. Drago comes from the other side of the portal and the portal dissapeared.

He turns around and spoke to OAA using telepath. 'I will be back soon'. OAA nod his head. 'Good luck drago.' Drago nod his head and turn around. He begin to fly towards the fight almost at lightspeed leaving a cosmic trail with twinkling light before dissapeared along the way.

The green lanters copr amd yellow lanterm corp are fighting against each other. "Give it up lanterns you can never defeat us." Said a yellow lantern contructing a sword.

"No, we green lantern will never surrender to you or any other yellow lanterns." Said a green lantern with pink skin.

They begin to fight again with other lanterns are also fighting with each other side by side.

The green lantern corp are losing to yellow lantern corp because green is willpower. Yellow is fear. Green Lanterns used to be unable to use their rings against yellow, because it represented fear.

"Come one let's finish them off!" Said a female yellow lantern and fire her laser plasma gun contrustion.

"AAGH!" Shouts a female green lantern who is shot and now dead.


"Hahaha, give it up lanterns you have no power to stop us the yellow lanterns!"

The yellow lamtern begin to kill the green lantern corp but the green resist and fight beack. They know they will die and have no chance but they prefer to die in battle than surrender and join the yello lanterns.

Before they begin to fight the yello lanterns suddenly goti disintegrated but some evade the attacks. "WHAT! who the hell attack us?" Said a blue skin female yellow lantern.

The green lantern is also confused but suddenly there is another cosmic attack coming towards the yellow lanterns.


The yello lanters legin to construct a shield on them but some are manage to evade those blast. The ones who is using a shield can't hold much because the power os those blast is too much for them.

"S-Shit, I can't hold much longer!" Said a yellow lantern who see his is cracking and destroyed. He began to get disintegrated and die.

The other lanterns who contruct shields are also destroyed and die. The other yellow lanterns began to feel fear because their teammates are dead. "Who-who is there? Show yourself!" Said a big yellow lantern angry.

He suddenly see the scene infront of him began to upside down, he realize his head was cut off from his body and he die. The other lantern is surprised he is dead and cen't see who attack him.

"Who are–?" Before a female yellow lantern speak she is cut into two piece.

The other yellow lantern don't have a chance to defend themself as they are dead one by one. The green lantern is surprised to see this. It seems like they have been helped by someone but they didn't know who help them.

The lanterns are dead either their heads are chopped off or sliced into two or disintegrated all of them are dead. The green lanterns are still on their guard even the battle is over.

"Hey do you guys see who did this?" Said a male green lantern.

"I don't know I didn't see anything." Said another green lantern.

The other green lanterns also can't see anything but suddenly infront of them appeared a big white cosmic light. They prepare rings and ready to face this new enemy of them.

"Don't worry everyone I am not an enemy!" The ball of cosmic light said.

"Who are you or what are you?" Said a female lantern that seems like the leader of this corp.

"My name is pyronus dragonoid or you can call me drago and I am a cosmic star dragon." Said drago.

"If you are here to help us, can you please show yourself?" Said leader of the corp.

"Of course!"

The white ball began to dissapear and apparead a golden dragon with four wings and silver armor with blue linings. He has a majestic and powerful aura around him.

The green lantern corps are shocked, jawdrop and awe to see drago. They didn't believe their entire eyes they will see a dragon or a cosmic dragon to be precise. They can feel a majestic and warm energy from him.

'WOW! Never thought in my entire life as a green lantern I see something this majestic and beautiful!' Green lantern corps thinks drago has a noble and gentle aura around him.

"I think it is time for me to leave!" Said drago.

The green lanterns and leader get out of her thought and look at drago. "W-Wait so suddenly?" She is surprised this dragon will leave after he kill the yellow lanterns.

"Wait!" Drago look at her. "Why did you help us, what is your purpose of doing this?" She thinks he must have a hiddem motive or a plan if he is helping them.

"I just want to help you guys and besides It is the right thing to do!" He suddenly speed up getting out of there.

Before she can ask drago is already gone and she look far away where drago goes. She goes back to her corp. "Sir, what was that?" Said a female lantern.

"I don't know but I am glad he helped us." She ask them to get ready themself to go back to Oa. She look again where drago dissapeared. 'It is the right thing to do huh? You are interesting drago!' She also wanted to report this to the guardians.

Drago speed up open a portal get into the ship and the portal closed. "I'm back." OAA and EVE look at drago.

"Seems like you enjoying your fight drago." OAA said.

"We have seen you throught the monitor it is impressive." EVE said.

Drago shrugged his shoulder. "It's nothing those guys are tough but I manage to finisgh them all." He flies towards OAA's shoulder. "So where are we going now!"

OAA look aheas and see space with many stars. "Anywhere we go my friend!" And with that they go to hyperspeed again exploring the universe.