
The Big O: The Final Act - Act 33: Preservation of the Present

The battle to decide the fate of Paradigm City and the world has arrived. The players on the stage will now have to choose: Shall they remain on the stage forever or choose a life of their own, not predestined by Big Venus? Their decisions from this point onward will determine the fate of their lives, the lives of their friends, and the fate of the world.

ReikaR33 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


All the world is a stage in Paradigm. But even so, Roger is not an actor. Even Dorothy has said to Roger that notion to play Roger Smith was ridiculous in Act 14. In other words, he is Roger Smith and he is a negotiator.

Even so, now the question of who people are and what they will do in desperate times comes into play. We see Dastun and Lucille make their decisions. Dastun, who has already broken away from the MP once before, does not hesitate to do so again, going as far as to turn his weapon on a fellow officer who is giving him orders that he knows is wrong. And it is in that strength that the men at the station rise with him and follow him into battle.

You have Lucille, making her decision and throwing her hat into the ring, not on the side of the New World Order, but for Angel. Angel, who withstood tortuous treatment from the doctors, who barely had the strength to stand, telling Lucille that what they have in the world right now is good. It's not perfect, but it can be better if the effort is made. On top of everything she has been made to do, she finally breaks free and puts her faith in Angel. And Angel gets some answers at last about herself, Big Venus, and the power she carries, though none related to why she made the decision to have it in the first place. And in some cases, it's best that some things remain unanswered.

But I think the biggest decision made was Roger in the beginning chapters. He is still thinking from his loner mindset, though is understandably concerned about Dorothy's safety and the safety of their children. He does have a point that the enemy has breached the mansion once already, and the nearly did so again when they kidnap Angel. Roger does care for Dorothy in the manga and in the anime, but Dorothy wants more than anything to fight by his side. And while they have great control over their emotions, everything that has happened from this point onward has stressed them both out to the max, which causes to say and act in a manner that is not really them. But even so, their love has been tested before, by time itself. Their love has survived the resets and has evolved into something more.

I appreciate all of your love, kindness, and support for the series. It truly means a lot. The last act got 100 views in less than 24 hours after I posted it. And that, my friends, means the world to me. Bless you all and thank you so much for the kindness.

We got another act to go through. Act 34 is up as part of my two part special. Care to join me friends?

See you in the next act!

