
The Big O: The Final Act - Act 30: Shadows of Memory

The enemy begins to make their move, leaving more unanswered questions behind as Roger and Dorothy try to solve Angel’s case. However, when the enemy targets Roger and Dorothy, they’re forced to make an alliance with a person they least expect to be on their side. Angel finds out more about her abilities from Big Venus. Dorothy begins having a reoccurring dream from a past life.

ReikaR33 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Chapter 3: The Loner’s Promise to The Recluse

The ride home that day was oddly quiet. Dorothy was deeply disturbed by what she had seen, I could tell. I tried offering to finish the chess game, trying to distract her mind from it. But she became withdrawn and went to the bedroom, laying down on the bed. She didn't even volunteer that day at the clinic. Dr. Plebanski understood, and stated some rest and relaxation would probably best when I phoned her to let her know of Dorothy's absence. The last time I saw her this withdrawn, well, I didn't want it to get that far. But, when I phoned Dastun afterwards asking for the ages of the kids, I could understand how she felt. They were young and didn't deserve such a horrible death.

When I went to get Dorothy for dinner that night, she was awake, but staring off into the distance. I crept into bed with her, holding her, closing my eyes for what seemed like a moment. At some point, we fell asleep because I had woken up to a blanket covering us. Norman must've checked on us when I didn't return. Dorothy had fallen asleep, facing me. That night, I held her close, ignoring the pains and grumbles from my stomach, but I fell back asleep again eventually. The next time I awoke, the light from the morning had crept through a crack from the shades. Dorothy was still soundly sleeping and I woke her up using the technique she had been using as of late on me since… well… I guess we both felt vulnerable, and sought comfort from one another.

I was looking for "The Devil." We all were. It seemed like our enemy was finally taking form after hiding in the shadows for so long. It wasn't the best lead, but it was at least something. Though, to be called "The Devil" in a rumor made me feel uneasy. This guy was good. They were efficient, precise, and struck without warning. Norman must've sensed my apprehension later that day as I saw him later cleaning his dual 1911s he carried on his person at all times. Norman only cleans them once a week, and he had already clean them that week as that was his second cleaning. I resolved myself to train harder, and to get Dorothy prepared, in case of an encounter with the enemy.

January merged into February, though you couldn't tell the difference weather-wise. The council kept crying to Dastun out of fear. The shell casings found at the scene came back with nothing. I had forwarded the information from Big Ear to Dastun. With a little magic, the rumor of Angel wanting Cavanaugh dead seemed to disappear. Though, I'm pretty sure the quartet that started the rumor were silenced again with Angel, or possibly Dastun, threatening to air their dirty laundry to the public, as Dastun made an off-hand remark about it to me when we talked. Under the guise of protecting them, Dastun issued surveillance on council members to keep eye on them, concentrating on McConnell, Hill, Harriman, and Vanderbilt primarily. They were the ones that had started the rumor with Angel, and with any luck, perhaps "The Devil" would grace the surveillance team with their presence.

Self-defense sparring started in earnest with Dorothy. Norman was no lightweight, but Dorothy was younger and was determined to get to my level at some point. Matches ended when one fell. I was surprised by her progress with the lessons up to this point. However, Dorothy has only won one match. I told her once she overtook Norman, then I would consider a possible match. It's one to four now, in the favor of Norman. Of course, we still do our normal workout routines, and I go running with her now. Normally, after we're done, she'll clean up and go to the clinic unless she needs to finish up work. She seems more determined now after seeing the crime scene to get stronger. Perhaps it's for the kids at the clinic, perhaps it's her motivation to be the best that she can be. Only she knows the answer.

Norman's man finally came back with a map of the underground. He apologized for taking so long, but pointed out areas that had spooked him the most while mapping. He said he heard random sounds and loud booms and clangs and would wait a few days before exploring the area again. Being alone in the dark, it probably would make anyone scared, and I understood his hesitation to go back. When Angel and Dastun came over for dinner one night to review the map, Dastun attributed the sounds to construction work of some kind, as the sites Norman's man pointed out were near the site with the large tunnel leading into the underground. Some were near homes that had been seized the by assessor's office already. Others were near cases Dorothy and I had handled, including the Townsends case. Angel made the decision that night to issue a moratorium against the assessor's office from seizing property. She figured whoever wanted her power, maybe that would be enough bait to get them angry enough to show their face, and her detail could detain them. Between her detail and the surveillance on the council members, at some point, "The Devil" would make their move. The middle of February began to show warmer signs of weather, so the snow that had fallen on Paradigm was melting. Most the underground was flooded. We agreed to wait for the tunnels to dry out to lessen our chances of getting injured, as some areas tend to hold water longer than others.

Big Ear still had not heard of anything related to "The Devil's" description, which was frustrating. But he did hear an interesting rumor about the expansion project. Apparently, the Paradigm Utilities Board deemed the current network for the electric output from the dam outdated. They also stated their receiving plant was outdated and needed to be remodel. Discussions are in still in the works with council. Dorothy tells me Angel has been stressing out because it seems like they're wanting to stall the project again, but she has remained firm to the deadline. The only way to make sure the power transfer is safe is to rewire the current network established or build new lines, so they say. This seemed too sudden for my taste. However, the expansion committee and Beck did not make any phone calls. It would be presumptuous to act prematurely, so the best thing to do right now is to sit on the information, and keep an eye on the situation.

February also proved to be a key month for me. I was in the shopping district one day close to the end of the month. Norman needed groceries, and Dorothy needed to resupply her desk, so I was on my own. Walking past the jewelry store where I had bought Dorothy's Heaven's Day pearl set, I saw a particular item that appealed to me, that made me think of her. Her birthday was coming up as well as mine. They were both a few days apart in early March, which, what are the chances of that? Knowing her, she probably already had my gift, so it would be rude to show up empty handed. Of course, flowers, jewelry… they're nice and all, but it was as I was leaving, I saw a particular trinket box in the store window that reminded me, and hopefully her, of an old friend…

Rundown crept through walls like an unwelcome guest. The notes hit Roger's brain, jarring his brain into waking up. Roger sighed. It had been a week and a half. He preferred Dorothy's other method of waking him up.

But today, he was prepared. He fumbled around his nightstand, looking for the drawer. Still half asleep, he opened it and removed a box pair of foam ear plugs. If she wouldn't resort to the other method, he would devise a method to get her back into the bedroom. With foam ear plugs inserted, the music now turned into silence. Roger curled back into bed, waiting for Dorothy to open the door. But sleep overtook him once more while waiting, and he was snoring once again.

Dorothy reached the end of the song, eyeing the door. No angry outburst? No door flying open? Odd, to say at the very least. Then again… she shook her head, realizing what he was trying to do. He had been spoiled.

She shut the lid to piano cover and walked over to the door, listening. No, he was actually sleeping. How curious…

She gently opened the bedroom door. Roger was indeed snoring. It sounded real at least. What was going on?

"Roger?" she said gently.

Roger didn't stir.

"Roger? Ro-ger…"

Roger snored loudly in response. She sighed and proceeded to remove the covers from the bed. It took a few moments, but Roger stirred, looking for the covers which Dorothy had taken from him. When he couldn't find them, he rolled over, half awake and annoyed, only to find Dorothy standing by the bed with covers in hand. Roger pulled out his ear plugs and put his head underneath the pillow.

"Dorothy, it's early!" came his muffled yell.

"Cheater! So that's why you didn't get up. If you think 10:30 is early, then perhaps, but all the same, we have property assessment case that you wanted to tag along with, seeing as it came down after the moratorium Angel put out."

"Can I have my covers back now?"

"No, not after using ear plugs to block my piano playing."



"Then come back to bed for a moment."

"I'm already dressed, and you know I can't, if I know what you're referring to."

Roger removed his head from underneath the pillow, scowling. "Why not?" he asked, pouting.

Dorothy simply looked at him sarcastically, raising an eyebrow. Then it dawned on Roger. This was the time of the month where Dorothy needed to abstain from the bed activities.

"Ohhh, right. Sorry. Still waking up."

"Right. I should be fine now, but you know I like waiting a few days just in case. I mean, if you want to play, fine, but know that a little one might come out of it."

Dorothy turned slightly pink, realizing what she said, and tossed the covers back onto the bed one by one on her side to hide her face. Roger simply had a surprised look on his face. He cleared his throat before he spoke.

"Well, I mean… it wouldn't be that bad, would it?"

Dorothy finished putting the covers on her side of the bed, still avoiding his gaze as she smoothed out the wrinkles. "What wouldn't be that bad?"

"You know… if it were to happen, a little one…"

Dorothy sighed, finally looking at him. "With everything going on, I don't think it would be the best time. Not at least until we have dealt with this threat. I mean…"

Roger felt crestfallen at her words, and she noticed his sadness on his face. She felt her face growing red once more, a brief flash of memory of her holding a newborn baby her arms during the first reset, running in a panic state. She shook it out of her mind.

"I mean, I wouldn't mind. Don't get me wrong. But… the timing. And… well…" She trailed off, not wanting to address the next subject, feeling it was still too delicate to bring up.

"Sorry, my mistake. I shouldn't had said that," said Roger quickly. He went to get up from the bed, but Dorothy stood up from looking over the sheets on her side and sat down. Roger stopped moving, looking at her. She spoke without looking at him.

"Kids are a big responsibility, Roger. And with our jobs… I mean, we can't rely on Norman. He has his hands full already with the mansion and Big O. And well… I guess I wonder if I'm ready for it too."

Roger leaned back on the bed, folding his arms behind his head. "You're not the only one."


"I was raised in an orphanage for a while, then I got adopted by an affluent family which had some strict rules. But… they're dead now, and they left me their estate. But I couldn't stand living in the domes, so I sold it, went into the MP to forge my own route and well, you know the rest… They were okay parents, don't get me wrong, I just never liked how the dome dwellers sneered at me since I was from the outside. And… sometimes I still struggle with why my original mom and dad gave me up. So, I wonder if I would be a good dad and ready for it all, especially with my experiences at the orphanage. It's why I took Sheila's grandfather's case. Not so much as to fulfill the wishes of a dying man, but to make sure Sheila didn't go to an orphanage."

The memories of children staring blankly at a doctor figure, possibly Gordon Rosewater, flashed through Roger's mind. He sighed, letting it flow through and then letting it go. He figured it would be best to put all his cards on the table with Dorothy. Dorothy laid on her back, her head now aligned with Roger as she listened.

"I think, a long time ago, I was selected for an experiment. I remember seeing a lab, other children with blank faces, and the light was always red. I think I saw a younger version of Gordon Rosewater, not sure. Anyway, there was probably a chance the orphanage 'rented' me for these experiments to generate money. Who knows. I guess it was traumatic enough that I suppressed it until… until the case with R.D. Every now and then, I would get those flashbacks and flashbacks of the first reset. But lately, I've been able to sleep at night. I think you calm my mind, Dorothy."

He turned to face her, meeting her eyes. Dorothy propped herself up on one arm, moving her hair out of her face and kissed Roger. Roger closed his eyes, enjoying the softness of her lips. Dorothy pulled away.

"For what it's worth, I think you would make a great dad," she said softly, "And, I think you're the reason those memories I had stopped tormenting me too. It's almost like… you're my version of Big O in my mind, stopping them from harassing me. I know, it sounds ridiculous… but… I guess… you've always been like that… my protector."

"You did ask me to protect you."

Dorothy made a soft giggle. Roger pulled her into a hug.

"I'm sorry about the kid topic and if I made you uncomfortable with it. But I just wanted you to know, if it were to happen, I would be happy. But I understand if you're not ready or want to talk about it. I just… got excited."

Dorothy held his arms, nodding her head. "I understand."

He released her and got up from the bed, heading to the shower. "I'll be in the dining hall in a few. What's for breakfast?"

"English muffins, jam, eggs, and sausage. Coffee is ready too."

"Perfect, and Dorothy?" he called from the bathroom.


"No sneaking in cream or sugar in my coffee this time. You know I like it black."

Dorothy scowled as he stepped into the bathroom and turned on the shower. But she managed to get through to him with her next statement, which caused him to snicker.



Roger was driving down the block, looking at the surrounding area. Dorothy told him she could handle the property assessment case as she had all the materials. After all, this had been her first kind of case she handled successfully. When Roger asked if she was sure, she nodded confidently. Roger then decided to canvas the area.

Dastun, Angel, and himself had canvassed this area earlier in the week. They had noticed dump trucks coming in from outside the dome as the location they were surveying was near the West Dome #7. It was the main reason why Roger decided to tag along to see if he could track down the origin of the trucks. So far, his canvas efforts were proving in vain, until he drove past a construction property with a privacy fence surrounding its property line.


Roger reversed the Griffon into an alleyway adjacent from the lot and pulled a set of binoculars from the glove compartment.

"Now, let's see what you're up to."

Roger observed the site. Every so often, he would look at his watch to make sure he was not missing any communication from Dorothy or Norman. Nothing was happening yet. The site looked abandoned. Roger felt his patience being tested.

I understand how Dastun and Angel feel now. This is ridiculous. Give me something.

Roger got his answer when he saw a blue dump truck pull up to the site, loaded with what looked like gravel. The truck stopped for a moment at the fence and honked his horn. Then the fence moved, and the truck pulled up.

"Apparently this load is not needed for the pathway right now. They told us to come back in hour," someone yelled from the truck

So, there's a tunnel big enough to fit these trucks. It sounds like they are making roads. I knew there was something suspicious about this dome. Maybe once Dorothy is done, we can go into West Dome #7 and find out what's going on.

Created with Sketch.

Dorothy was finishing up negotiations the Williamson couple. Like the Townsends, the Williamsons had saved all their paperwork regarding their property tax status. The rep, which was the same rep from the Townsends, scowled and left, scribbling his signature on the paperwork Dorothy needed before tossing it on the table. Dorothy secured all of her paperwork in her satchel and thanked the Williamsons for securing her services. She went downstairs to the entrance.

She stepped outside, feeling good about herself. However, the rep didn't put up much of a fight. He seemed more annoyed that he was there doing the job, and more annoyed that Dorothy was the negotiator. Perhaps things in the assessor's office were not going well. Dorothy shrugged. It wasn't much of her business anyway. As she began to raise to blazer sleeve to radio for Roger, a familiar voice made her stop.

"Well, aren't we happy…"

The rep appeared from the opposite side of the staircase. The manner in which he spoke made Dorothy feel uneasy. She slipped her sleeve down, taking a guard stance, her hand over her sleeve.

"I'm sorry, is there something we forgot to do? I thought you were in a hurry."

"Where's Smith?"

"Why do you care where Roger is? I handled the case. By now, it should be apparent that your employer has subpar employees running the place. Blame them, not me, for not doing their job."

"I think by now, you know this isn't about the case."

Dorothy felt her heart pump faster, but maintained her composure. This wasn't good, and she didn't like how the rep was approaching her. She stalled for time, hoping Roger would appear soon.

"So then, what's this really about?"

"My employer is curious as to why you became a negotiator. You see, they feel that one is enough for this world."

Dorothy titled her head, scowling, her eyes now shaking with anger.

"Which employer? Paradigm? Or someone else? You're talking about the reset, aren't you? What's the deal with Paradigm trying to seize people's homes? You have no right, not without the proper paperwork or justification."

"Let's just say we're doing an expansion project, and we need the real estate space. Land is a precious commodity, and there's a finite amount. However…"

The rep answered without missing a beat, and Dorothy felt her heart racing. He took a step towards Dorothy. Dorothy took two steps back, maintaining her distance from the rep.

"Having two negotiators meddle with this world's true order is troublesome. I was ordered to kill Smith and leave you. My employer is quite curious to see why you chose to be human, after all… the incarnation you were modeled after is the reason why the first rebirth failed in this world. But no matter…"

Rebirth? Failed? And the original Dorothy was the one who caused it? What's he talking about?

Dorothy plunged her hand into her satchel, finding the metal flashlight she carried, and holding onto it, as the rep pulled out medium length ka-bar knife. It wasn't much, but it was heavy and could buy her time.

"You have a lot of attitude, missy. Maybe leaving you an inch of your life while Smith watches in his last moments might straighten it out."

Dorothy didn't hesitate as he made his intention known. She pulled out her flashlight, throwing it as hard she could at the rep. The flashlight found its mark, hit the rep on the side of the face, before dropping to the ground, the lens shattering. I have better chance of surviving this by running than fighting this guy. Dorothy turned heel and ran as fast as she could down the alleyway. The rep rubbed his face momentarily, and then took off after Dorothy.

Created with Sketch.

"Master Roger?"

"Mm, what it is Norman?"

"I'm detecting Miss Dorothy moving at a very fast pace. It seems like she's running, but… it's more rapid than normal. Can I confirm she's with you?"

Roger looked around and didn't see Dorothy. Then it hit Roger… Dorothy was in trouble. Fear turned into rage, and he scowled.

"Norman, what's her location? Tell me!"

Roger put the Griffon into gear, pulling out of the alleyway and onto the street, nearly hitting a passing car, but he didn't care. He was not observing the rules of the road.

"She's two blocks from your location sir heading on a course in which she'll meet you head on."

"Keep an eye on her. I'm on my way!"


Dorothy was breathing hard, her satchel hitting against her, but she didn't care. She darted around another corner, trying to shake the rep from chasing her.

Why? Why do they need to kill Roger and keep me alive? Why is there only meant to be one negotiator in this world?

She shook her head. No, I need to get out of here and worry about that later! Where can I lose this guy?

She halted at a four-way intersection. The street was ahead of her, the path on her right led to a dead end, and the path on the left turned right, probably to the street, but she couldn't tell. She heard the rep closing in on her from behind and she decided to go straight, knocking trash cans over to stop him. She heard a sound of screeching tires approaching her.

Roger. Please be Roger.

It was Roger and he pulled into view, slamming the breaks, parking the car. He hopped out of the car, feeling relief seeing her. She reached him, he pulling her to safety inside the car. Dorothy breathing hard, but now she felt safe.

"I'm telling you this once! If things get bad, get out of here!" he yelled at her, looking down the alleyway."

"Roger, that rep, he wants to kill you! He's tried to kill me! He says there can only be one negotiator, so be careful!"

Roger looked at Dorothy, his rage now mingled with confusion at her statement. However, he heard steps approach, and he turned to look back into the alleyway. The rep, who had been slowed down by the trash cans, came into view, and slowed his pace to walk.

"So, it's you," Roger snarled.

"Smith, nice to see you. I've been looking forward to this since you put me on my ass that one time. How about a rematch?"

Roger saw the knife.

"Dorothy, are you hurt?"

"No, I got him in the right cheek, his right, with my flashlight."

"You're safe now. Stay in the car!" Dorothy slammed the door shut and locked it.

Roger took off his coat, the scarf Dorothy had given him on Heavens Day, and suit jacket and threw them on the hood of the Griffon. He was going to need every advantage he could get in a knife fight. He assumed his fighting stance. Normally, he would've taken Dorothy and got in the car, and ran, but now someone had made the threat to come after Dorothy and him, with the intent to kill. He needed to deal with this threat now and get answers. Roger felt his chest rising out of anger, breathing hard. They began circling one another, keeping distance from each other.

"So, I take it you want to kill me?"

"Let's just say my employer says having two negotiators is real pain."

"Well, it seems I touched some nerves. So, you want to tell me who's your employer? Is it Paradigm? I do have a tendency to meddle in their affairs from time to time."

"Fuck you, Smith. My employer approached me without me asking, and I was happy to take the job. I kill you, I get a lot of money, and I get a spot in the new world they're creating. It's a win-win. I never liked you much to begin with."

"Really, that's it? I could offer you a better deal, but I think rather put you in your place, again," Roger taunted, putting up his fists.

"LET'S GET THIS OVER WITH!" yelled the rep.

The rep lunged at Roger, Roger dodge, but backed into a dumpster. As the rep came in for a thrust with his knife, Roger sidestepped, and the rep hit the dumpster with his knife, throwing him off for a moment. Roger came down with his elbow on the back of the rep's neck. The rep dropped to the floor, the knife clattering and spinning underneath the dumpster. Roger came in for a kick, but the rep rolled away and got up to his feet.

"Come on, is that the best you got?" The rep taunted.

He probably has another knife somewhere, but my chances are better now. Best take him out before he gets any ideas.

Roger charged, drawing back with his left hand, but the strike he had tried to throw missed the rep as he dodged. The rep moved back, then took a running charge, tackling Roger to the ground.

"No!" Dorothy yelled from the car.

Roger pushed the rep up as he was trying to grab his neck in choke hold. When the rep couldn't grab his neck, he punched Roger in the face, hitting his mouth and nose. Roger spat blood back at the rep and yelled, blinding and distracting the rep. He performed a hip tuck roll, now on top. Roger repaid the rep with as many punches as he could in the face. Roger grunting and putting everything into his punches, now seeing red.

The rep kicked Roger forward, knocking Roger off balance, but sending him too far ahead where he couldn't grab one of Roger's hands, resorting him to escape from the ground, not before hitting Roger in the gut. Roger coughed, but rolled over and got up quickly to his feet. Blood was filling his mouth and he spat again.

"You'll pay for trying to hurt Dorothy," Roger huffed softly.

"Is it too late to say I was going to leave her within an inch of her life while she watched you die and you get see her suffer?"


Roger lunged, placing his hands around the reps shoulders, trying to go for a choke hold and choke him out, but the rep grabbed his arms to keep him from getting closer. Roger and the rep exchanged yells. Roger wanted to kick him, but couldn't afford to lose his balance. It was at this moment that the rep drew to his back and pulled out another knife, now a dagger, medium in length. Roger let go, putting up his guard, but not without getting slashed in the arms.

"ROGER!" Dorothy yelled, watching Roger take a few steps back.

Dorothy panicked now. Roger was bleeding badly, the outer part of his lower arm having been slashed, but he kept his guard up. At this point, he couldn't feel pain with the adrenaline pumping through him. She could see his white shirt being stained with blood rapidly. Her breathing tensed. She wanted to join him, but she knew she would only be a distraction. Her fists trembled anxiously. She had to do something. But the alley wasn't big enough for the Griffon. But maybe she could fire something at them nonlethal, if she got the car into position. She went over to the dash panel, scanning the weapons arsenal for something that she could use.

The rep charged, the dagger now an extension of him. Roger jumped back dodging, minding his surroundings this time. Roger breathed hard, trying to keep oxygen flowing in his lungs. Sweat poured from his brow, his slicked back hair was now becoming undone as his bangs were in his face. The rep too was sweating, breathing hard. Roger was not making this an easy fight, and neither was the rep. But with the knife in his hand, Roger maintained his distance. All he needed was an opening, a distraction, so he could get at the rep and end the fight.

The rep charged again, then pivoted, charged once more. Roger jumped back, but the second lunge caught him by surprise and Roger leapt once more. His back against the wall, the dumpster to his right, the rep blocking his only path out. The rep charged at him again.


Roger charged, grabbing the rep's arms to stop him stabbing him. Roger pushed as hard as he could, struggling. He yelled again in frustration. If he lost here… he pushed the thought out of his mind.

Dorothy was frantically searching for the weapons arsenal.

Guns, missiles, mines, where are the less lethal options? Come on!

She turned around to see what was going with the fight. Roger was out of view, but she could see the rep struggling with Roger. She turned back and continued scrolling through desperately through the log.

Roger tried to move the rep around, but he couldn't. Roger grunted. There had to be something he could do, something he could do to distract him.

But the rep outwitted Roger and headbutted him. And in that moment when Roger became stunned, the rep lunged forward with all of his strength, Roger feeling cold steel burning inside his left abdominal, gasping in pain, feeling a tightness constrict around the blade. He felt warm liquid, his blood, coming out of the wound. The rep pushed the knife in a bit more, causing Roger to yell in pain, grabbing the rep's hand to stop him from pushing it in further, the realization that he had been stabbed, now hitting him.

"Now there's a good boy. You did put up a good fight, but I'm winning this one. I promise to go easy on your associate over there."


Roger felt rage now. He had to keep fighting. The rep kept sliding the dagger in little by little, Roger's hands were slipping as the blood from his wound now covered his hand.

"No. Stop!" Roger managed to gasp.

His breath became ragged as the pain began in earnest now. But the worst came when the rep, twisted the knife inside him. Roger felt the pressure of the suction and the pain now amplified beyond his tolerance, causing him to scream.

The scream stopped Dorothy in her tracks. She felt the warmth drain from her face and turned back to the car door, trying to open it in her panic, but it was locked. Dorothy fumbled with the buttons, finally unlocking the car and stepping out, running towards the fight.

Roger broke out into a cold sweat. He felt the blood gushing now and he began sliding down the wall, his consciousness fading fast. With the last of his effort, he aimed a well-placed kick in the rep's gut, kicking the rep back. Roger slid down, closing his eyes, the effort taking what little strength he had.



Norman saw Roger's pulse drop drastically now that the comm link had been activated and maintained. Then a few moments later, he saw Dorothy running back to Roger's location. Something bad was happening and they were both in danger. Without a second thought, he grabbed his helmet and ran to his bike, programming his locator to their location. He checked his 1911s, making sure they were ready to go, before jumping on his bike and sped out of the mansion to their location.


Dorothy saw the rep get pushed back Roger's kick and without thinking, she took off her satchel and swung it as hard as she could in the rep's face, the rep falling to the ground. She had Roger's book from Heaven's Day with along with her notepads and pens, making it heavy. She saw flecks of blood in the air. She had successfully smashed his nose.

"You little fucking bitch!"

The rep grabbed his face in pain, but now he was furious.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" she cried, trying to distract the rep from focusing on Roger. It worked.

"You should've stayed in the car! This would've been easier on you if you had!"

If she had still been an android, this fight would've been over the moment he started chasing her and he would've been thrown through the wall. The realization of this turned into anger inside her. Dorothy charged, not caring about her life anymore, only wanting to end this and get to Roger. She kicked the rep in the ribs, knocking him over as he had started to get back up, smacking him again with her satchel. As she ran to kick him in the groin, the rep kicked her in the stomach, knocking her down, dropping her satchel as she fell. The rep got to his feet slowly and walked over to her. Dorothy struggled to get up, having the air knocked out of her.

"You little brat, you're done now!"

The rep bent down and picked Dorothy up in choke hold. Dorothy's feet were off the ground. She struggled with all of her might, yelling and whimpering. She took her right fist and tried hitting the rep in the elbow joint of the arm, but she couldn't collapse his arm. He was too strong, and his adrenaline was pumping. He couldn't feel her strike.

"They wanted you alive, but you're too much of a nuisance. You're better off dead, little brat!"

Dorothy was fighting him with everything she had. She couldn't reach him to kick him or use any of the pressure points Roger had taught her. Slowly, she felt herself running out of air, her struggling becoming less animated, her yells becoming quieter, and losing consciousness. Her right arm dropped, now too tired. She tried using her left hand to pry herself free, but she had no strength.

A whizzing sound came from behind the rep. Roger had regained consciousness, hearing Dorothy's cries. He stood up and moved himself behind the rep, with some difficulty. The rep had not noticed as he was entirely focused on Dorothy. The knife was still in Roger's abdomen, but he had fired his grappling hook around the rep's neck and with an utter primal roar, jerked the rep back as hard as he could. The rep dropped Dorothy, his instinct now kicking in to claw at the wire that was now choking him around the neck. Dorothy slowly turned to see what was going on as she recovered from the drop, coughing as she tried to get air back into lungs. Roger turned and slammed the rep into the dumpster. Roger was breathing hard, bleeding profusely, but the adrenaline had kicked in, numbing his awareness to the severity of his situation. His only concern at the moment was Dorothy and her safety.

"You… bastard! How dare… you! DON'T YOU TOUCH HER!!!"

Roger limped over to the rep, keeping the line taunt. The rep gasped in fear, Roger's eyes now cold, full of wrath and vehemence towards the man who harmed Dorothy. He would pay and Roger would see to it. With the last of his strength, began slamming the rep into the dumpster, over and over, Roger roaring in rage.

"DON'T!!! YOU!!! EVER!!! TOUCH!!! HER!!!"

And with his last roar, he punched the rep in the jaw and knocked him out. Roger breathing hard, now feeling dizzy. Dorothy staring at Roger, now hunching over, stumbling, now placing his hand around his wound.

"Take… that… you… bas..tard…"

Roger then collapsed to his knees, and began to fall forward. Dorothy scrambled to her feet and caught him before landing on his injury, so that the knife wouldn't be pushed in any further. She turned Roger on his back. She took off the scarf she was wearing, carefully placing around the knife wound, trying to stop the bleeding, but the knife made it difficult to administer first aid.

"No, no, no…. Roger, please stay with me…"

Roger felt the adrenaline leaving him once more. He was struggling to stay awake. Every breath he took now stung. She was safe for now, but he didn't have the strength to stop anymore threats. Dorothy moved her sleeve back and hit her communicator, accidentally selecting all contacts she had programmed in her watch.

"Norman! Help! Please! Roger's down! He's been hurt! Norman! HELP!"

"Dorothy go… for… he… wake…"

Roger passed out.