

Jessy is the daughter of two alpha blooded parents who ran away from their packs to live together in forbidden love as omega's. Unlike other shifters in her pack, she got her wolf extremely young. Her wolf was full grown from the moment she shifted, most other shifters got adolescent wolves who grew with them. As a result, Jessy wasn't able to control her wolf and was tormented by other pack members. The worse of them was the Alpha's son Erik, he would harass her until she lost control of her wolf. One day Erik decided to push her too far, he was on the brink of having his life ended before Jessy's father stepped in to protect the Alpha's son. The Alpha heard what happened, reporting it and all other wrong doings to the council to have her banished from the pack. The councilwoman came to read Jessy her last rights, giving her a time to leave the pack lands by. The Alpha's son thought different, sending out warriors to hunt her down before her time had elapsed. She ran for her life as the warriors surrounded her, the fight spilling over to a neighboring Alpha's territory. The Alpha was known far and wide as a ruthless beast who killed anyone who stepped in his territory.He was mateless and cared not for women's advances, snarling at them if they tried anything.But for her he protected her, helped defeat her adversaries and found one of her last living relatives.She went to live with her grandfather, she became his heir and began her Alpha training.As part of her Alpha duties she was forced to go to the Harvest moon mate gathering.As the she-wolves were getting hunted down by their mate's, the rogues were hunting them all.The rogues capture dozens of wolves, delivering them to a facility hours away.They were hired by members of the very council sworn to protect the pack wolves.Jessy joined forces with the reclusive alpha to attempt to take down the corrupt council.They began raiding the facilities ran by the council, unlocking the horrors that hid behind closed doors.

Chelsea Rice · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
130 Chs

Cassie pov

"WHO ARE YOU TO STEP FOOT ONTO MY LAND!?" the mysterious man roared

"I'm s..sorry, we were looking for the LOR pack.. we didn't mean to step foot into your territory.." she replied, her mate on the ground from the weight of this mysterious man's aura.


*Her phone starts ringing*

"I.. if you would allow me to answer my phone I can provide proof that.."

A ear piercing roar comes from him as he rushes up and snatches her phone from her bag. He answered it holding out for her to speak.

"h..hello?" she stammers

"Hey Cassie, where are you? You should have been here hours ago? Alpha Duncan is about to send out a search party" her cousin laughs

He abruptly ends the call putting her phone in the bag shoving it towards her.

"Get your mate off the ground and get out of my territory" he growls as he starts to walk away.

"but… we don't know where we are…" she says quietly

"that way, 8 miles and you'll find the Pack house" he says as he closes the door to the cabin.

The way he spit out 'pack house' made her think he didn't like being around people, not that his lovely demeanor didn't say the same. She helps her mate off the ground, he was covered in dirt and debris from practically face planting into the dirt once that colossal man let his aura out.

"You ok?" she says as she wipes dirt off his shirt.

"Will you stop preening me? If I can't protect you from a random strangers aura then what use am i… he wasn't even a alpha wolf.." he says as he finishes cleaning off the dirt from his clothes.

"he might not have been a alpha wolf, but he was something.." she whispers.

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing, lets go. 8 more miles, that way." She points at a hill.

"Ugh.. I'd rather stay face planted in the dirt.." he groans.

They finally made it onto LOR pack, when they came across a search party. 7 shifted wolves and 3 in human form.

"dang it, I forgot to call Cindy back" She curses

She reaches into her bag to find her phone, *27 texts and 32 missed calls* she starts scrolling through reading them


"Hey, you lost? Lol"

"You should be here soon right?"

*missed call*

*missed call*

"Cassie, I'm getting worried.."

*Missed call*

*Missed call*

"Cass, this isn't funny. Text me when you take a break."

*Missed call*

"Cass, alpha is getting worried. It's getting late, you should've been here hours ago.."

*Connected 0:27*

*Missed call*

*Missed call*

"Cassie, are you ok? You sounded scared on the phone.. please call back."

*Missed call*

"Alpha has sent out a search party, I really hope you're ok.."

As she was scrolling through her texts quickly reading them she is caught off guard when a loud howls echo around them.

"State your name and business on these lands" an older man in his 40's says while approaching them.

"Cassie, this is my mate Josiah, we're here visiting my cousin Cindy Farris."

The old man growls lowly

"And… to meet the alpha to discuss joining.."

Josiah looked at his mate in shock, joining? She was next in line for alpha, after her brother, why would she want to join another pack to be an omega? All new comers or weak members were omegas..

"Cassie, what-" he's cut off by her growling at him

"My name is Brian, I'm the Beta of the LOR pack. Alpha Duncan was needed elsewhere so he won't be able to meet with you until this afternoon. I know you guys look exhausted, so let's get you to the pack house." He states plainly, like it's just every other day that two alpha bloods want to join their pack to become omegas.

"Anyway that we can go to Cindy's? I would love to see my cousin." Cassie asks

Brian's eyes fog over as we wait for a response, I look over at my fuming mate. He wasn't happy but if I have to use my alpha aura on him to comply, I will, I will not lose my mate.

"Cindy said it would be fine, lets stop by the pack depot to get you some towels and toiletries, Doesn't look like you packed much." Beta Brian states.

"That is quite alright Beta, me and my mate need our rest before meeting the Alpha. Maybe a later time perhaps?" Josiah states

For whatever reason he is.. more him.. on this land… she ponders her thoughts before she is nudged by her mate as they follow Beta Brian to Cindy's house.

"This would be it, I'll be by around 5pm to escort you to the alpha meeting. Cindy is at work at the daycare, but said it should be fine for you to go right in. Key is under the Mat." He waves as he begins walking back down the road towards the pack house.

"Beta Brian?"

"Yes, Cassie?"

"When will Cindy be home?" she asks

"Typically training is done by 6 p.m. but there are a few that like to stay behind a bit for pointers, I would say about 7 p.m. or so. Why? Anything you need?"

"No... just excited to see my cousin" she fakes a smile

"She will be here soon enough, young alpha." Brian states.

He used my title as a form of respect, but soon.. I will be the lowest ranking of the pack. Needing to gain respect or fight for it on the training ground.

I get the key from under the Mat and unlock the door, my mark burning with anger and disapproval from my mate. I slowly close the door behind us as I'm pinned against the door.

"Why are we really here, Cass."

He used my nickname, he new I couldn't tell a lie when he used my nickname, dang it!

"I.." I stammer not knowing what to say, I refuse to let him believe its his fault.

"Don't lie to me, mate"

"My father is kicking me out of the pack" I state, wasn't completely a lie…just not the complete truth.

"what!? Why!?" he retorts

Shit.. guess I didn't think that he would ask why huh..

"His reason is nonsense, I refused to Even listen to his reasoning. I need a new pack and as my mate I assumed you would want to join me." I did refuse to listen to my father, once he said that I needed to reject my mate I couldn't hear anything but my blood boiling.

"Babe.. of course, I'd follow you to the ends of the earth, you know that." His voice gentle and sweet.

"Come, lets go shower and take a nap. We have the Alpha meeting in a few hours" She kisses his cheek sneaking past him

*4:30 p.m. alarm*

She groans, it felt like it was 2 seconds ago that she closed her eyes. She nudges Josiah awake as she gets up to go use the bathroom.

"wake up.." she murmurs as she closes the bathroom door.

He groans rolling up into a ball not wanting to get out from under the covers. She washes her hands and walks back in the bedroom, she see's him peacefully sleeping.

"my mate.." her wolf Trixie purrs

"our mate" Cassie corrects

Trixie rolls her eyes, then forces control yanking the blankets off her nearly nude mate.

Then they start doing the deed and get caught by the Beta and blah blah blah, not something I really want to think about my parents doing. Yuck… I've heard the story way too many times from my mother.