
The Beyonder Beginning After End

It tells about the life of a person called Eric, a college student who always plays an active role in organisations, has experience in reading people's characters and is a leader. But underneath it all, he's good at manipulating people's feelings for his own benefit. Just as he is about to leave for the campus to fulfil his role as a student, Eric is involved in a car accident that kills him. But it doesn't end there, Eric, without knowing what happened, is reincarnated as an elf boy, where the world has some serious problems such as racial racism, a slave trade that looks normal and politics that are evil to the lower classes. Here Eric, who thinks that modern people cannot stand these conditions, is moved to change the world, where the way to do so is like hell.

Poponioko · Fantasy
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14 Chs

A real dispute

[Third-person point of view]After the funny moment passed, Eric walked out of Yuna's clothing store feeling very sad. His face looked haggard, as if all his energy had been drained by the ridiculous incident inside the store. The clothes he ended up wearing were better than the strange costume before, but the incident was still burned into his mind.Meanwhile, Jack was still smiling widely remembering that funny moment. Every time he turned to Eric, his smile grew wider, remembering how ridiculous Eric looked in that strange costume."Kekekeke~ how is it, kid? How cool is Yuna's outfit," Jack teased while holding back laughter, his eyes sparkling with mischief.Eric glared at Jack, his lips pursed in an annoyed expression. "Shut up," he replied in a firm tone, though there was a slight tremor in his voice that suggested a mixture of frustration and fatigue. He quickened his pace, trying to get away from Jack who was still chuckling behind him.The bustling market streets welcomed them back, with vendors shouting their wares and the smell of food wafting through the air. The atmosphere that had been so lively now contrasted with Eric's gloomy feelings.Jack, on the other hand, enjoyed every second of this moment, unable to wipe the smile off his face. He continued to follow Eric with light steps, enjoying the colorful market atmosphere and familiar noise."Don't sweat it, boy!" exclaimed Jack encouragingly, though Eric could only sigh inwardly, hoping that this would soon move on to a better direction.Then, along the way, Eric saw children who looked like homeless people. Their clothes were tattered and inappropriate, looking dirty and torn here and there. They sat on the side of the road with their hands outstretched, begging passers-by. Their faces looked dull and tired, their eyes full of faint hope."Uncle Jack..." called Eric, his voice filled with concern."Hmm?" replied Jack, turning to Eric."Are they half-elves?" she asked, her eyes looking at the children with compassion.Jack looked at the abandoned children and nodded slowly. "Yes, they are half-elves. Why do you ask?" he replied in a familiar tone, as if this scene was nothing new to him.Eric's expression looked shocked, his eyes wide and his mouth slightly open. Uncle Jack's usual reaction made his heart ache even more. "But, isn't the kingdom responsible for them? Why do they seem to be abandoned!" Eric exclaimed, his voice trembling with a mixture of anger and confusion.Jack let out a long breath, looking directly into Eric's eyes with a more serious look. "That's the reality here, Eric. The kingdom may have responsibilities, but in practice, many of them are overlooked. Half-elves are often underestimated, they are considered to be the result of unwanted relationships and are not recognized by both sides, both humans and elves."Eric let out a long sigh, his eyes turned towards the half-elf children who seemed to be starving with pitiable faces, hoping to get compassion from the adults passing by. However, none of them felt sorry for the sight. Feelings of sadness and anger mixed in Eric's chest as he witnessed this terrible indifference."Uncle, can I borrow your money?" asked His suddenly, his voice full of determination.Uncle Jack looked startled by the sudden request. He stared at Eric for a moment, then his eyes followed Eric's gaze that didn't move from the half-elf children. "Haah... Eric, it's not that I don't feel sorry for them, but there's a social law here that we can't feel sorry for 'dirty blood', even if they're children."Jack sighed, his face looking serious. "Perhaps you don't know, but we, pure-bloods, are blessed by the forest spirit so that we have longevity and abundant mana. Unlike them, half-elves are not only not blessed by the forest spirit, but their level of development is also the same as humans. As a result, they are not blessed by anything from birth."Eric's eyes continued to look at the children with empathy, while Jack continued, "Also, most of the people here hate humans, so just looking at their faces is mostly disgusting. To them, these half-elves are a reminder of something they don't want."Eric felt anger and injustice welling up inside him. "But they are children, uncle. They didn't choose to be born like this."Jack patted Eric's shoulder gently, as if trying to calm him down. "I know, Eric. But the reality here is cruel. We can do little to help without challenging the system. Giving them money probably won't solve their problems in the long run."Eric bowed his head, feeling frustrated. He knew Uncle Jack was right, but his heart could not accept this injustice. "At least I can help them today," he said in a low but determined voice.Jack looked at Eric for a moment before pulling out a few coins from his pocket. "Here, take it. But remember, be careful. This small act may not mean much, but sometimes, it can make a difference."Eric accepted the coin with deep gratitude. His eyes shone with newfound determination. He walked towards the nearby bakery, his steps purposeful. The scent of freshly baked bread filled the air as Eric opened the shop's door, echoing with the sound of the small bell mounted above the door.Inside, the shelves were filled with a variety of breads and cakes. Eric selected some bread that looked fresh and warm, handing the coins to the shopkeeper who looked at him with some surprise. After getting his bread, he exited the shop with a lighter heart, feeling that he could at least make a small difference today....On the street corner, the half-elf children who had caught her attention earlier were still standing with expectant eyes. Their dirty faces and thin bodies reflected the harshness of life on the streets. They held out their hands expectantly, their gazes following each passer-by."T... Sir, t...help!" The half-elf boy hoarsely and desperately begged passersby for a piece of bread. His big, sparkling eyes full of hope looked pitiable, but people continued to walk by without paying any attention to him."T... please, a piece of bread, sir!" The half-elf girl, with an almost lost voice, begged for the same thing. Her matted hair and dust-covered face only added to Eric's concern.Eric approached them, his face filled with empathy and determination. He knelt in front of them, sharing the bread he had brought. The children were silent for a moment, their eyes wide with disbelief."Here, take it. Eat well," Eric said softly, handing them the bread.The children's faces changed from confusion to genuine happiness. They picked up the bread with trembling hands, tears of joy running down their cheeks. They began to eat the bread greedily, as if it was the first meal they had had in days."Thank you, sir. Thank you very much," said the boy with a mouth full of bread, his eyes shining with deep gratitude.Eric smiled faintly at the momentary joy on the children's faces. He noticed in more detail, their ears were indeed longer than humans, but not pointed like a typical elf. The shape was rather blunt, a clear sign of the mixture of human and elven blood."Excuse me... Do you have a place to stay?" asked Eric in a soft voice, his eyes full of concern and empathy.The male half-elf boy swallowed his bread first, before answering the question of the elf boy in front of him. "Uum... We live in the dark district," he replied in a low voice, his eyes momentarily lowered before looking back at Eric.Eric nodded in understanding. He remembered Bella's story about how half-elves and ordinary elves were separated according to districts. It seemed that the so-called "dark district" was indeed rundown and neglected. It was obvious from their tattered clothes and facial expressions that always looked desperate and exhausted."How are things there?" Eric asked again, wanting to know more about their lives.The female half-elf, who had been silent, finally spoke up in a low voice. "It was dark and cold there. Many of us are sick, and no one cares. We can only hope that there are kind people like you who give us food."Eric felt a wave of sadness flood his heart. He envisioned the dark district as a bleak place, filled with suffering and injustice. The images of the half-elven children stuck in his mind, sparking an even stronger determination to do something for the forgotten.Memories of his old world came back to haunt him. Eric had also been the little guy, with no one who cared about his life, not even those closest to him. In his old world, he often felt neglected, swept away in the harsh and merciless currents of life. However, she was determined to change her fate by studying hard and working hard. She knows that success only comes to those who struggle relentlessly.Eric remembers his early days as a freshman. Back then, he was a shy and quiet young man who was barely recognized on campus. Every day he walked through the crowd of students who seemed busy with their own lives, feeling small and insignificant. However, in his heart, he harbored great ambition. He always wondered why the country ignored people like him, people who struggled in the shadows without anyone caring.Then, he came across something that changed his outlook. He realized that in order to change his fate, he had to stand out more than anyone else, had to be greater than anything else in order to make his voice heard. He began to be active in campus organizations, demonstrating his leadership talents and ability to read people's characters. He understood that the world was unfair, and in order to survive, he had to take advantage of every opportunity available, even if it meant manipulating the feelings of others to achieve his goals.Eric didn't mind basically. He knew that humans were social creatures who each had a goal to achieve. If he had to use his ingenuity and adaptability to achieve his goals, then he would do so without hesitation.Back in the reality of his new world, Eric gazed at the half-elf children with the same determination he had felt in his old world. The children's faces looked pitiable and hopeful, their large, confused eyes looking up at Eric with curiosity and a hint of fear. He realized that his small act could provide a glimmer of hope in their harsh lives."What are your names then?" asked Eric gently, trying to put them at ease.The boy lowered his head slightly before answering in a low but clear voice, "Reya..."Eric smiled softly, his eyes shifting to the little girl standing next to Reya. She looked a little younger, with longer, tousled hair. She bit her lip briefly before answering, "Sella...""Reya and Sella," Eric said, trying to remember the names well. "Nice to meet you guys."The children nodded slowly, still looking a little awkward, but there was a sparkle of hope in their eyes. They weren't used to someone showing this kind of concern, and Eric could sense how rarely they felt affection and care."Where do you guys live in the dark district?" asked Eric, trying to get more information.Reya looked at Sella for a moment before answering, "We live in an old building at the end of the district. There are a lot of kids like me and Sella there."Eric nodded, absorbing the information. "Is there an adult taking care of you guys?"Sella shook her head, her voice small as she replied, "Nothing, sir. We just take care of each other."Eric was uncomfortable with being called "Sir". He wanted them to see him as a friend, not as someone superior. He looked at Sella who looked shy and scared. "Can you not call me sir? My name is Eric. Just call me Eric," he said softly, trying to make them feel more comfortable and close to him.Reya and Sella looked at each other for a moment before nodding. "Okay, E-Eric," Reya said, trying the name on her tongue. Sella just nodded slowly, looking a little calmer.Eric smiled warmly at them, feeling warmth spreading in his heart. "Thank you. I enjoyed meeting you, Reya and Sella," he said sincerely. "I'll be back again to see you and your friends in the dark district. Make sure you stay together and be careful, okay?"The children nodded again, small smiles beginning to appear on their dirty, tired faces. Despite the extremely difficult circumstances, they now had a glimmer of hope. Eric felt a little relieved, although he knew there was still much to be done. With a determined heart, he left the children with a promise in his heart to make a real change in their lives.Meanwhile, Jack who was observing from a distance, smiled faintly, realizing that Eric was the new hope they needed. He knew that this young boy, with his passion and determination, could bring great change to their world. Eric walked back towards Jack, ready for the next step in his long journey.<---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >Author note:Character DescriptionReyaName: Reya

Age: 10 years old (approximate)

Appearance: Reya is a half-elf boy of about 10 years old. He has dark brown hair that is tousled and shoulder length, often partially covering his face. His ears are longer than a normal human but not as sharp as an elf's, reflecting the mixed blood in him. Her dark brown eyes are full of emotional depth, displaying a sadness and resilience that is remarkable for a child of her age. Her skin is pale and dirty, indicating a lack of care and exposure to the harsh elements in her environment.Reya was wearing shabby and dirty clothes that were too big for his thin body, indicating that they were either donated or found. His torn trousers and loose shirt that barely covered his body made his look extremely fragile. A pair of worn-out sandals completed his poor appearance, suggesting a life of hardship and deprivation.Character DescriptionSellaName: Sella

Age: 8 years old (approximate)

Appearance: Sella is a half-elf girl of about 8 years old. Her light brown hair is slightly longer than Reya's, often loose with a few tangled and dirty strands. Her ears were pointed but not as sharp as pure elven ears giving her a typical half-elf appearance. Her large, bright green eyes are full of fear and confusion, reflecting her harsh life experiences and lack of protection. Her skin, like Reya's, looked pale and dirty.Sella was wearing a worn-out dress that may have once been brightly colored, but was now faded and full of patches. The dress is too thin to provide enough warmth, and her feet are protected only by a pair of small, well-worn shoes. This outfit accentuates how vulnerable she is in the harshness of street life.Other Information :Half-Elf RaceAppearance: Half-elves are a cross between elves and humans. Their appearance reflects a mixture of characteristics from both races. Their ears are their most noticeable feature-longer than a normal human ear, but not as sharp and long as a pure elf ear. This gives them a unique appearance, which often makes them easy to spot in a crowd. They have skin that is slightly paler than that of humans, yet not as smooth or glowing as elven skin. Their hair varies in color, ranging from common human colors to exotic colors inherited from their elven lineage.Age and Development: Unlike pure elves who are blessed by the forest spirits with longevity and slow physical development, half-elves grow and age at a more human-like pace. They do not have the same longevity or natural magical abilities as elves. This often makes them feel alienated between the two communities, as they are not fully accepted among either elves or humans.Social Status : Half-elves often live on the fringes of elven and human society, housed in run-down and poorly maintained districts. They are often looked down upon by both major races, as they are considered mixed bloods who have no clear place in the social hierarchy. They are not blessed by the forest spirits, which means they do not have access to many of the magical and spiritual advantages enjoyed by pure elves. This exacerbates the discrimination against them, leaving many half-elves forced to live in poverty and uncertainty.Daily Life: Within elven society, half-elves are often considered second-class citizens. They do not receive the same attention or assistance from the government or society. Half-elf children, like Reya and Sella, are often found begging on the streets, with shabby clothes and emaciated bodies that reflect a lack of nutrition and care. They have to look after each other and survive on their own, without support from adults or official institutions.Overview: Pure elven society, blessed by the spirits of the forest, tends to view half-elves with hatred and contempt. The inability of half-elves to evolve in the same way as pure elves makes them regarded as less valuable beings. Most pure elves refuse to feel compassion or help half-elves, as they are seen as the result of an unwanted mix between humans and elves. This creates a harsh and inhospitable social environment for half-elves, forcing them to live in conditions that are far from decent.Residence: Half-elves usually live in the dark district, a rundown and forgotten neighborhood on the outskirts of the city. The buildings they live in are old and run-down, with little to no amenities. The district is a bleak and miserable place, where half-elf children must look out for each other and survive on their own terms.