
The Betrayed Monarch

In the world of Tianxia, the legend of Ling Tian, the Greatest Monarch Under Heaven, was whispered in hushed tones. He was revered as the most powerful cultivator to ever walk the land after the ear of the Ancients, and his name struck fear into the hearts of his enemies. But few knew the truth about his mysterious downfall. 8000 years ago, the Central Tianxia Continent was ruled by the Divine Emperor, a powerful cultivator who had reached the pinnacle of the cultivation world at that time* His two most promising disciples were Ling Tian and his fellow brother Feng Lei, whom Ling Tian had taken under his wing and cared for like a younger sibling after the mysterious death of their master. Ling Tian had been on the cusp of breaking through to the realm of the Great Sovereign, a feat that no one had accomplished in millennia. He had pushed himself to the limits of his cultivation, enduring countless trials and battles, but now he was so close he could almost taste it. However, his fellow brother, Feng Lei, launched a sudden surprise attack, leaving Ling Tian gravely wounded. Despite his injuries, Ling Tian remained determined, ready to confront his betrayer, who brought alongside him a horde of enemies and four Monarchs. Outnumbered and outmatched, Ling Tian fought relentlessly, unleashing powerful techniques and lightning-fast strikes. But the battle was slipping from his grasp. Weakened and aware of his impending defeat, Ling Tian summoned his last reserves and unleashed a devastating attack, ignorant of Feng Lei's hidden plan. To Ling Tian's dismay, Feng Lei revealed a pagoda emitting a suppressive and ancient aura, nullifying Ling Tian's attack and redirecting its force toward his already injured body. He was sent hurtling through the air, crashing heavily onto the ground. Broken ribs pierced through his flesh, twisted limbs throbbed with agonizing pain, and his seven orifices bled profusely, marking the precarious state of his fading existence. Ling Tian knew that his life was ebbing away, his body ravaged beyond recovery. A sinister smile crept across Feng Lei's face as he taunted, "Did you really believe I would confront you without countermeasures? This pagoda possesses the power of an ancient artifact. Your efforts are in vain." As his vision began to fade, Ling Tian felt a surge of rage and hatred. He had been betrayed by the one person he had treated like a little brother, and now he was paying the ultimate price. Ling Tian's laughter echoed through the desolate valley, a chilling sound that made the birds scatter and the leaves rustle in fear. "Hahaha...HAHAHAHA!" he cackled, his eyes blazing with ferociousness and unwillingness as he looked at the sapphire sky. "Betrayal only reveals the true colors of a person, and now I see yours. But don't celebrate too soon, for I will return stronger and more determined than ever, even if it takes me 8000 years. The madness and hatred inside me burn like a raging fire, fueling my every step toward vengeance. You may have broken my trust, but you will never break my spirit. I will rise from the ashes of this betrayal, I shall emerge as a Demon, and you will rue the day you ever crossed me." As Ling Tian spoke, his body trembled with the intensity of his emotions. He could feel the energy of Heaven and Earth and his life force seeping away. But as his final words left his lips, a sudden pain pierced his chest, His vision began to blur, and the world around him faded into darkness. "I...will...return..." he whispered before everything went black. As his spirit drifted away, Ling Tian had no idea that his words would hold true for him in the distant future as He was reborn 8000 years, with memories of his past life still intact. But as he explored this new world, he realized that the truth behind his betrayal was shrouded in mystery and secrets that went deeper than he ever imagined. Add to Library 4-6 Chaps/week

TheTurtleHermit · Eastern
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10 Chs

The Young Master's Decision

"What about you, are you going to run away like a coward and not participate in the hunting contest?" Ling Feng Yun mocked.

When everyone heard this, they could not help but feel at a loss.

They had hoped earlier that the Grand Elder might change his decision, but now it seemed like their own wishful thinking as it seems like the grand elder still has not yet given up on the idea of forcing Ling Tian to participate.

Ling Chenyuan stepped forward, his face dark with anger. "That's enough, Ling Fengyun,"

Ling Chenyuan's voice became cold and threatening as he addressed the group, staring them down with his piercing gaze.

"As the clan leader, I hold the power to make decisions for our clan. I will always choose what is best for us, and no one can challenge my authority.

Ling Tian will not be participating in this competition, as it will only bring harm to our clan. He will join when the time is right."

As he spoke, Ling Chenyuan's voice shook with emotion.

"If Ling Tian fails to demonstrate any talent during our annual competition in December, I will resign as clan head, and he will not succeed me.

But to be honest, I don't care much about the position that my father left me. It doesn't matter to me at all."

The annual competition is an event held by the Ling clan every year in the last month. It is a competition for the young members of the clan, and it typically involves sparring and other tests of skill and strength.

The competition is an important tradition for the clan, and it serves as a way to identify the most talented and promising young members who may one day become leaders of the clan.

Ling Chenyuan's voice rose again, this time colder and more menacing than ever as he looked at everyone and spoke loudly,

"But if anyone dares to force my son to participate in this competition, then I will leave the clan with my son right now!"

The crowd was stunned into silence, trying to comprehend the severity of the situation. No one had anticipated such a strong reaction from the clan leader.

Ling Tian was taken aback by his father's words. He had never seen him so resolute and determined.

The love and support that his father had shown him were evident in his words, and Ling Tian was deeply moved.

He knew that his father had always believed in him, even when he had doubts about himself.

Ling Tian's eyes welled up with tears as he looked at his father. Ling Chenyuan's words touched him deeply, and he felt a mix of emotions - gratitude, sadness, and guilt.

He had always felt like a disappointment to his father, no matter how hard he tried.

Ling Tian knew that he was not as talented or skilled as the other members of the clan, and he had always felt like he was letting his father down.

But seeing the love and care in Ling Chenyuan's eyes, he realized that his father's love for him was unconditional.

Ling Tian had never doubted his father's love, but hearing him make such a bold statement in front of the entire clan was overwhelming.

Ling Tian felt grateful to have a father who would risk everything for him, but he also felt a deep sense of sadness and guilt.

He knew that his father was willing to sacrifice the clan's traditions and reputation for his sake, and he couldn't help but feel like he was the cause of all their problems.

Ling Tian wiped away his tears and made a silent promise to himself to work harder and become stronger, so he could make his father proud and prove himself to the clan.

As Ling Tian looked around at the stunned faces of the other clan members, he realized that his father's words had shaken them to the core.

One of the elders finally spoke up, his voice trembling slightly.

"Clan Head, we understand your concern for Ling Tian's safety, but perhaps we can send some of our best disciples to accompany him to the competition.

That way, we can ensure his safety while also demonstrating our strength."

Ling Chenyuan's expression grew even colder as he listened to the Elder's suggestion. "No, I will not risk my son's safety.

Sending others with him will only attract more attention and danger to him. Ling Tian will not participate, and that is final."

The Elder bowed his head, beads of sweat dripping from his forehead, realizing that he had overstepped his bounds. "My apologies, Clan Head. We will abide by your decision."

As Ling Chenyuan stood firm in his decision, a thunderous voice suddenly came from the distance, interrupting the conversation.

"Today, no one is going to leave the clan, and that is my final decision."

They turned to see a tall figure approaching at a brisk pace, causing the ground to tremble with each step.

They turned to see a tall figure approaching at a brisk pace, causing the ground to tremble with each step.

It was none other than the Supreme Elder, Ling Zhentian, the only martial master of the clan from the older generation (same generation as Ling Feng Yun) and the uncle of Ling Chenyuan.

He was a man of formidable stature, with broad shoulders and a muscular build that spoke of his immense power. He still looked spirited and vigorous.

His black hair, tied in a topknot, had only a few streaks of gray, and his chiseled face was devoid of any wrinkles.

He exuded a youthful vitality that was difficult to ignore, despite his age. His speed was so great that he appeared to be gliding over the ground.

His arrival was accompanied by a low rumbling sound, like that of distant thunder.

As he approached the group, his expression was grave, and his eyes fixed on Ling Chenyuan.

"Ling Chenyuan, I understand why you do not want Ling Tian to participate in the hunting competition," he said, his voice firm and authoritative.

"but the Ling clan's traditions must be upheld. This competition is a crucial event for our clan and has been held for generations. We cannot simply let one individual opt-out."

Ling Chenyuan's eyes narrowed as he glared at his uncle.

"Uncle, I have already made my decision," he replied, his voice laced with steel. "Ling Tian will not participate, and I am not going to change my mind."

The crowd of clan members watched in shock as Ling Zhentian continued to try and convince Ling Chenyuan, who appeared like an angry and spoiled child.

But Ling Chenyuan remained resolute, his expression unchanging. The Supreme Elder seemed to understand the father's position.

Undeterred, Ling Zhentian turned his attention to Ling Tian, his voice softening as he addressed the young man.

"However," he added, "It is important that we must consider little Tian's wishes. What do you want, young man? If you decide not to participate, then I promise you no one here will force you.

You don't need to worry your granduncle is with you."

The forest became silent once again as all eyes turned towards Ling Tian, waiting for his response.

Ling Tian took a deep breath and looked up at his granduncle. "I want to participate," he said, his voice firm and determined.

"I know that I am not as talented as the other young masters, but I am willing to work hard and prove myself. I want to show everyone that I am not a coward."

Ling Zhentian smiled at Ling Tian, his eyes filled with pride. "Good, good," he said, patting Ling Tian on the shoulder. "I have faith in you, young man."

At first, Ling Tian's decision shocked everyone, but eventually, they came to understand that the youth they had been trying to force still cared for the clan and his father.

However, two people were not surprised - Ling Zhentian and Ling Tian's father, Ling Chenyuan.

As he looked at his son, Ling Chenyuan heaved a deep sigh filled with sorrow. "Tian-er, you don't have to do this. Father is here. No one can force you."

Ling Tian's eyes showed a strong determination as he replied, "Father, some things are inevitable.

If I hide at home to practice, father will always be sheltering me. How would I be able to grow and become a strong martial arts warrior?"

Ling Chenyuan nodded his head and said, "Since you insist on participating, I will not stop you. However, you have to pay attention to your own safety."

As Ling Tian walked away to prepare for the competition, the crowd heaved a sigh of relief.

Even though they did not like Ling Tian due to his poor talent and as the young master of the clan, they were thankful to him deep down for his decision.

Once the atmosphere had quieted down, Ling Zhentian turned towards Ling Feng Yun, his eyes dangerously cold as he directed his aura over Ling Feng Yun, who collapsed to his knees.

"And you, Ling Feng Yun, as a Grand Elder, how could you be so selfish to willingly leave the clan just for your lust for power?" the Supreme Elder thundered.

Ling Feng Yun tried to reply hurriedly, "Supreme Elder, I-"

But, Before Ling Feng Yun could even speak, the Supreme Elder increased the pressure directed towards him, causing him to cough up blood.

Everyone present, from elders to youngsters, was shocked.

A Grand Elder who was a 9th-level martial Master was on his knees with just the Supreme Elder's aura, and he even coughed up blood.

The elders quickly realized that the difference in power between realms increased exponentially with each advancement.

The sudden increase in pressure from the Supreme Elder causes Ling Feng Yun to cough up blood. This shows just how powerful the Supreme Elder is and how vulnerable Ling Feng Yun is in comparison.

The Supreme Elder's voice thundered once more. "If you want to leave, you can. But only if you think you can survive on your own.

The decision is yours to make, but don't forget, you need the clan more than the clan needs you."