

Izuku : first of all I'm sorry I didn't visit you mom

Inko: its fine honey can you explain what happened to you and why you taller than before and who is this little girl?

Izuku: okay mom I want to tell you the truth I'm taller because of someone give me power and train me so I can become true hero who will save anyone, will always give everyone hope maybe You now think from where I got this scar.I got the scar from some prisoner who want me to kill me but the guard save me Save me in the last minute but I'm in coma for 2 months That's when I'm empowered by someone for you last question this little girl is someone I save when I was in patrol.

Inko :....... *hug Izuku*You're facing a tough time *crying* thank goodness you fine honey.

Izuku: and one last thing I want to tell you.....

Inko : w-what do you want to tell me honey?

Izuku: ...... I know who is my father real Identity.*sad* my father is all for one Right mom?

Inko: w-what h-how do you know ?

Izuku: he tell me everything

Inko: *sigh* oh Izuku honey I'm sorry If I kept this secret from you but This is for the good of you your father has danced the most feared villian if I tell who your father is afraid if you consider yourself villian *sad*

Izuku: mom I'm glad that you raised me lovingly.Before dad died he had told me he was going to die after two days I got out of tartarus He says he always loves us and he gave his quirk to me but I haven't used the quirk yet .

Inko: Izuku if you don't want to use the quirk ignore it just assume you don't have that quirk okay?

Izuku: sure mom thank-(before Izuku can finish his word they hear sounds *stomach growl* When they searched from where the sound came from them looking at eri blushing) eri afe you hungry Why you didn't tell me?

Eri : I-l don't want to bother you still talking with your mother

Inko : ow why You can just let us know if you're hungry

Eri: okay*low voice*

Inko: don't be shy just call me grandmother okay *smile*

Eri: *shock* a-are you sure?

Inko: yeah sure now you will be my grandchildren okay?

Eri: okay grandma *happy*

Inko: Let's eat first *Stand up and go to kitchen*

Izuku: Eri how about you live with me?

Eri : *shock* do I not bother with you?

Izuku: no eri You don't bother me straight away and you'll be protected from the villain *smile* let's go to the kitchen Eri.

Eri: h-hai thank you Izuku-san*smile*

Izuku: mom What you cook?

Inko : katsudon

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Eri: *sparkle eye* It look delicious grandma

Izuku : of course it look delicious Eri *eating*

Eri: *Trying to hold a chopsticks * ehh Izuku-San How to use this?*Show chopsticks to Izuku*

Izuku: are you not good at using chopsticks?* Eri nod* Let me feed you okay?

Eri: *rhappy* really thank you Izuku-San *Inko Seeing them both like dad and his daughter*

Inko: you two like Izuku you look like Father who Feeding his daughter

Izuku: *blushing* uhhhhh y-yeah maybe mom

Inko: hahahaha maybe she can become your daughter Izuku

Izuku : mom can we talk about this at other times

Inko: sure eat fast you want to bring Eri to go shopping right.

Izuku: yes mom

Eri: Okay grandma * Izuku feeding Eri*

(After eating)

Izuku: Eri let's go shopping we will find a suitable Cloth for you to wear

Eri: *Excited* okay izuku-san

Izuku: mom I will go shopping with Eri okay?

Inko : okay honey please take care Eri .

Izuku : Yes I will take care of her bye mom.

Eri: Bye grandma *smile*

Inko: Don't forget to visit grandma Eri

Eri: i will visit you grandma *happy*

Izuku : let's go Eri *leave the house*

Eri: hai izuku-san


(at shopping mall)

Eri: wow

Izuku : eri lets go * Hold Eri hand* hmmm where the children Clothing store is.... *look around* Oh finally I see a children's clothing store * enter the store See female employees* uhh miss can you show me 6 years old girl clothes

Employees: ( look at Izuku) *blush*uh sure sir follow me I will show girl clothes

Izuku : okay let's go Eri

Employees : umm what kind of clothes do you want sir

Izuku: hmmmm Eri what you want just Choose any clothes you like *smile*

Eri: (Eri is looking around) I like this one Izuku-san *show Izuku the clothes*

Izuku: You tried first Eri

Eri: hai

Eri: H-how do you think Izuku-San ?

Izuku: wow Eri You look cute *Take a picture*

Eri: r-really you think I'm cute

Izuku thought : I will send this picture to mirio*sending picture to mirio*

Izuku: yes you look really cute emm miss how much this clothes?

Employees: 3,748.93yen sir

Izuku : Well okay *give the money*

Employees : This Balance sir thank you Come again *smile*

Izuku: sure(But when Izuku took the balance there was paper and paper, on the paper there was a number)

Employee: call me if you have free time * wink *

Izuku : *confuse* (Izuku put the number in his wallet) okay good bye *leave with Eri*(After that they went for fun at the arcade )Eri Is today a fun day for you?

Eri: yes Izuku-San thank you for taking care of me

Izuku : your welcome Eri, I think it's too late, let's go bac-(Before Izuku could finish the phone word he rang when he saw who the message the person was mirio togata)


Izuku: mirio what do you think the clothes fit with Eri?

Mirio: he looks very cute, Izuku I have another reason to chat you nighteye said he changed the date of the meeting to tomorrow so I want you to come with eri tomorrow can you?

Izuku: can I come tomorrow but make sure they do not scare Eri otherwise they will die dead understand?

Mirio: * sweet drop * can Izuku do not worry

Izuku: well I want to call Nezu bye mirio

Mirio: bye Izuku

Chat end

Eri : Izuku-san can we visit grandma again?

Izuku: hmmm yeah we can visit again but you need to be a good girl okay?

Eri: okay

Izuku : Eri I want to visit someone do you want to follow me to meet that person?

Eri : yeah I want

Izuku: let's go


Time skip UA high school

Knock knock

Nezu: enter ow midoriya-kun what can I help you are not still internship with nighteye what are you doing here and who is this young girl

Izuku: my principal Nezu will not be in the dorm tonight I will sleep in my house her name is Eri I saved her from the villian

Nezu: owh so she is the girl used by the overhaul so if you want to sleep in your house there is no problem as long as you already have permission from nighteye

Izuku: we were given leave so it's okay with my request principal Nezu?

Nezu: ow you want to go to class 3A I have talked with other teachers they agreed you can move after internship.

Izuku: thank you principal Nezu I will be back first goodbye * Leave the office *

Nezu: it seems he will forgive me * sigh * all might hope you do not do something useless

With Izuku

Izuku: Eri want sleep In a grandma house?

Eri: yes I want *excited*

Izuku :calm down Eri let's go *smile*

Eri : hai

Inko pov

Now 7:00.a.m. I was preparing food for my son and granddaughter when I there seems to be noification on my scree When I want to see who send a message to me before i can check someone grab my shirt from behind When I look back to see who it is and I see my adorable granddaughter

Eri: g-gr-granma I'm hungry can I eat apple?

Inko: eri-chan I think I didn't buy any apple

Eri: o-oh *sad face*

Inko: maybe we can buy later when you back with Izuku from nighteye agencyEri can you go to Izuku room and wake him up so we can eat breakfast?

Eri: *happy* yes grandma*left kitchen*

Inko: hmm wait I think I forget something...... Hm maybe it's not important if I forget hahahaha

Back to eri

Eri: *open room door* Izuku are you up

Izuku: Zzzzzzzzz

Eri:* walk to Izuku bed* Izuku wake up grandma make breakfast *Soft voice*

Izuku : Zzzzzzzz

Eri: hmmm *little angry* Izuku wake up (start punching Izuku but its soft punch)

Izuku: mmmm what happen hm eri why are you here?

Eri : hmm I come here to wake you up but you don't want to wake up

Izuku: *heart attack* too cute

Eri : hm let's go Izuku grandma said if we late she will not cook for you

Izuku: okay okay I'm up *leave the room with eri*

Eri: izuku why we need to go to hmm what his name again nightmare *innocent face*

Izuku: *sweatdrop* n-no eri his hero name nighteye we go there because he need you help to capture overhaul (eri shaking When Izuku said about that man) eri don't worry I will always here to protect you*sweet smile*

Eri: i-izuku*nervous*

Izuku: hm what is it eri?

Eri:c-ca-can i-

Inko: izuku eri come here and eat your breakfast before cold

Izuku: okay mom what you want to do you want to say eri?

Eri: n-nothing

Izuku: *sigh* no need to be nervous eri

Eri: i-i i will tell you later

Izuku: fine tell me later

In kitchen

Izuku: mom What do you cook for breakfast?*sit*

Inko: something good for you and eri diet and will help you grow taller

Izuku: *sweetdrop* mom If I am taller than now, how can I enter the house

Inko: owh I forget you tall hahaha but it's still good for diet okay eri make sure you eat vegetables now eat before your food cold

Eri: okay grandma *sit and eat* wow grandma make delicious food

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Inko: thank you eri, Izuku when you back to dorm?

Izuku: hm maybe after internship with nighteye I already ask Nezu of I can move to another dorm he told me, I can move to 3A dorm

Inko: so this is you last year school before becoming hero?

Izuku: maybe Nezu said I can still learn in hero class or teach some student how to fight I already agree with him but I will not teach any from class 2A except momo

Inko: okay future number #1 hero you have 3 hours to prepare before left to nighteye agency

Izuku: yeah i know mom

Inko : good, eri have you finished eating?

Eri: yes grandma I already finish

Izuku: okay mom I want to prepare myself and eri before meet with mirio let's go eri after we finish our meeting we can go back to grandma *eri nod and follow Izuku*.


Time skip 1 hours before meeting

Izuku: hey eri I want to meet Mirio in bus stop he said he will arrive 11:30 A.M. Are you ready?

Eri: yes I'm ready...Izuku

Izuku: hm something wrong eri?

Eri: n-nothing

Inko: be careful Izuku I think the villain want eri don't let you guard down Izuku please....

Izuku: don't worry mom I will never let my guard down and no one can touch eri while I look after her okay?

Inko: I still a bit worry *sigh* okay Izuku

Izuku: bye mom.


While walking on the street

Eri pov

I want to ask Izuku if if I ca-

Izuku: eri why stare me like that is something wrong?

Eri: nothing Izuku *innocent smile*

Izuku: hey eri we already arrive let's wait for mirio

Eri: uncle mirio?*innocent tone*

Izuku: *gasp* touhgh: cu-cute

??? :hey Izuku eri I'm here sorry for keeping you guys waiting too long

Izuku : ah mirio don't worry we just arrive too beside bus aren't arrive yet

Mirio: oh

Izuku: hey eri what did you call mirio earlier?

Eri : un-uncle mirio

Mirio: brain not working error error

Eri: eh-eh are you not liking if I call you uncle * innocent tone*

Mirio : (snap when he heard eri words) of-of course I like you call me uncle I'm happy * lifting eri in the air*


Koharu: Just want you guys know mirio high is 188 cm 6'2 izuku 193 cm 6'4 okay continue reading guys.


Izuku: hmmm good for you mirio but I need to ruin you moment because bus already arrive, let's go I don't want see nighteye glare .

Mirio : y-yeah same here Izuku.His death glare sometimes make me feel chill hey eri wants some candy apple?

Eri : yes I want APPLE * give eri 1 apple*Thank you uncle mirio

Mirio&izuku though: must protect


Time skip nighteye agency

Nighteye pov

Hmmm as I thought all might really blind with emotion maybe midoriya refuse one for all but the quirk has nothing to do with all might stupidity.I will ask all might give one for all to mirio he deserves that quirk with his personality and determination just need more training and he can be new simbol of peace .But for now my target one of the dangerous villain overhaul just need to make plan and wait for meeting begin.


Back to Izuku, mirio and eri

Izuku: finally we arrived

Eri : wohh big building *star eye*

Mirio : yup and you can meet with nighteye again eri.


Koharu : this is how eri look like right now mirio wear his hero costume and if you ask didn't eri already saw nighteye agency that time eri still afraid she didn't look around her just hug Izuku like daughter hug father, okay thats all continue story.


Izuku : let's enter first I don't want to late for meeting.

Mirio&eri: sure /okay

Izuku : eri don't leave mirio okay I know you excited but you need to always with mirio so he can protect you understand?

Eri: understand Izuku

Izuku : good now( but before Izuku can enter the building someone call deku he already can guess who is that person are)

??? : d-de-deku-kun c-can I talk to you for a minute

Izuku: mirio can you bring eri to nighteye office someone want to talk to me be a good girl okay eri *smile*.

Eri : *look at uraraka than back to Izuku* okay Izuku *left with mirio*

Izuku : *sigh turn back* what you want uraraka * annoying tone*

Uraraka : i just want to apologize

Izuku : hmm I don't have time for your drama I have more important thing to do

Uraraka : wa-wait Izuku please give me 5 minutes to explain *grab Izuku shoulder*

Izuku : okay you have 5 minutes *remove uraraka hand*

Uraraka : please accept me back you know I love you I always want to date you but because you got frame I can't see you* sad tone *

Izuku : that's all *sigh* I need to go now nighteye waiting for me at meeting room (Izuku left uraraka alone unknown to Izuku uraraka vibe change )

Uraraka : hehehehe I will get you Izuku you are mine no one else *yandere voice*

(back to Izuku pov)

Izuku thought : she really annoying whatever overhaul my target he need to pay for his sins but first I want to see what type of hero nighteye invite I just hope not fake hero (before izuku could think about the meeting someone call his name)

??? : h-hey Iz....izu..ku

Izuku : hm?Tamaki

Tamaki : you w-with mirio where is he

Izuku : he already in meeting room hm if I'm not wrong you are fat gum right?

Fat gum : yup you right kid my hero name fat gum nice to meet you hero in training dragon

Izuku : nice to meet you

Kirishima : hey Izuku...

Izuku : *ignore kirishima* hm I think we need to enter meeting room now we don't have much time let's go * enter room*

Fat gum : huh you two not in good terms?*enter room*

Kirishima : y-yes *following fat gum and tamaki*

Izuku : sir nighteye

Nighteye : izuku finally you here we can start now

(izuku sit beside mirio and on Izuku left are momo eri sit on Izuku lap )

Izuku : sir nighteye how can we find overhaul base

Nighteye : i already check eri's past all I can see overhaul torture eri to make a bullet that can destroy quirk.

(every one gasp except Izuku and mirio)

Random hero : if that the case we need to destroy his base

Fat gum : calm down we need a plan to ambush overhaul base.

Ryuku : i agree with fat gum don't rush use your brain can you continue sir nighteye.

Nighteye : thank you Ryuku, like I said they can destroy your quirk but what I see there are limited for bullet so they can't shot any random hero I suggest everyone be careful when they pull out gun

(everyone nod)

Rock Lock : sir nighteye why you invite hero in training they all don't have experience

Nighteye : they can improve while fighting with overhaul troops, the mentor will take care they own student.

Rock lock : huh I don't care they all just bunch of brat no different from quirk less peop- (before he can finish his word they feel massive bloodlust)

Izuku : oi oi oi you should shut up quirklees doesn't mean useless if you just want to talk something like that go home retired from hero work you not suitable to work as a hero.

Nighteye : izuku stop your bloodlust everyone can't breath

Izuku : my apologies sir nighteye

Nighteye : thank you now back to topic we will have Three team a,b and c. Team a fighting with yakuza team b are facing eight precept of death while team c chasing Overhaul here the team

Team A = random hero, grantorino, uraraka and kirishima

Team b = ryuku, momo, Nejiri, Tamaki, fat gum, nighteye and rock lock

Team c = izuku, mirio

Rock lock : waht the meaning of this nighteye why the kid chasing overhaul

Nighteye those two have can fight with overhaul I trust them with the last battle Can you two catch overhaul?

Izuku/mirio: yes sir

Nighteye : good now let's start the mission

Everyone : hai

Nighteye : izuku-kun can you tell me if overhaul have weakness?

Izuku : hai what I can tell overhaul can be restrained if Kai becomes unable to utilize his arms we need to destroyed his arms I know this is cruel for a hero but his quirk too much dangerous (you can hear people whispering around the room)

Nighteye : you right if he haveopportunity to touch one of hero we can't guarantee safety for any hero aim for his arm we will ambush his headquarters around 12 pm all of you have 3 hours to get ready Izuku mirio and eri follow me I have something to discuss with all three of you.

Izuku/mirio : hai

Rock lock : I can lock his arm for 15 minutes that will be enough time for you right?

Izuku : yes 15 minutes more than enough time for me to cut his arm.

Izuku : eri let's go *walk with mirio to nighteye office*

Inside nighteye office

Nighteye : izuku I want you give rock lock opportunity to touch chisaki arm without he notice rock lock

Izuku : don't worry nighteye

Nighteye : good eri will stay here because my agency more safe than anywhere bubble girl are here so she can take care of eri

Mirio : why you call me too nighteye?

Nighteye : because I want izuku to talk with all might, Izuku I know you don't want to see him again but convince him to pass one for all to mirio the power did nothing wrong other than all might personality

Izuku :....... Mirio promise me you not going to be like all might

Mirio : no need to worry Izuku I want to save million people that's why my hero name lemillion *smile*

Izuku: Remember your promise mirio or I won't forgive You *smirk*

Nighteye : thank you Izuku now that done someone call me but Im too busy with Paper work but when I look at your phone there missed call and have same number

Izuku : wait why you checking my mobile phone?*eri and mirio looking at nighteye face*

Nighteye : what!You left your mobile phone here and I need to open page to see who's phone is it.

Izuku : oww sorry I have a wrong idea

Nighteye : it's fine go get ready I need to prepare my support item

Izuku/mirio : hai

(eri look sad because Izuku will leave her alone)

Izuku : eri I already promise right?After completing the mission I will get you candy apple

Eri : yey candy apple!!!*excited*

Izuku : stay here promise me you will be good girl okay?

Eri : promise!

Izuku : mirio let's prepare our costume, with some information from fat gum overhaul create a bullet that can erase quirk.We need something that can shield our skin not like we need it you can slip through bullet just tell all hero who joining the mission to bring shield or something

Mirio : sure izuku bye eri *leave the room*

Izuku : see you later eri *Waving*


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Koharu : using earpiece too long I will only write uc for short back to story

Nighteye : * using earpiece * dragon remember the plan don't rush understand?

Izuku : *uc* hai

Nighteye : mirio remember our main goal to capture overhaul *uc* team A guard outside team B ambush ready

All hero : ready!

Nighteye : *uc* go!(while team A surrounding outside overhaul Base.team B already attacking)

Fatgum : *uc* nighteye I need backup

Nighteye *uc* izuku go help team B me and team c going first

Izuku : *uc* Roger hmm nice they have mirror here {Yata no Kagami} (using pika pika no mi izuku forms light between his hands, and reflects it off mirror)

Fatgum pov''Damn how long I need to hold this guy my energy nearly reach limit '' (but before fatgum can think something he see flash of light )

??? : yare yare fatgum do you need Some help?

Fatgum : dragon thanks I will leave this to-*faint*

Izuku : don't worry fatgum good job *smile* at least there still a great hero

Rappa : huh boy want to fight me come here

Izuku : i don't have much time need to help lemilion and nighteye *fighting stance* come here villain

Rappa : don't get cocky boy you may have flashy quirk but I have more muscles you can't defeat me (muscles braind) take this!*punch izuku*

(forget to tell you I get wrong information about Aoukiji height he is 9'7 I will change it izuku height will be 7'5)

Rappa : I'm disappointed you can't even Hold my punch

Izuku : what are you talking about * block rappa attack with one hand* don't hold back if you want to fight me

Rappa : HAHAHAHAHA I like you kid let's fight all out (Koharu : izuku hold back a lot he doesn't want to kill rappa... YET) My Quirk allows me to rotate my shoulders at extreme speeds don't hold back or you dead boy here I come AHHHHHHHHHH.

Rappa though : i feel like I kill the boy all my punch went through him : need to find someone else to fight I thought he will give me some fun..

Izuku : stop underestimated me muscle brain *annoyed*

Rappa : W-what I thought I kill you (looking izuku with white eye) w-hat are you a monster

Izuku : i don't want to heard that from someone like you

Mirio : *uc* dragon where are you overhaul trying to escape with his permanent bullet he already kill his follower to survive nighteye injuries and unconscious I can't fight while protecting nighteye

Izuku : *uc* i will be there give me a second : looks like I can't play around any more sorry villian I need to end this quickly sayonara {Hiken} (shooting fire blast at rappa)

Rappa : hah you think you can kill me with weak fire ( izuku only use 12%) huh where are you boy?*look around*

Izuku : behind you {Shingen no Ichigeki} *grap rappa head* sweat dream muscle brain

Rappa : *knock out*

Izuku : *uc* someone from team B please come down here I need someone to carry fatgum and a villain don't forget Quirk eraser handcuffs the big one

Tamaki : *uc* I-I will go there

Izuku : *uc* thank Suneater I going first to help lemilion bye {Yata no Kagami} Though : please be safe lemilion

Mirio pov

Kuso I don't have much stamina Izuku please come here quickly

Overhaul : look like he's not going to be here to protect both of you hahahaha take this lemilion

Mirio : *using his quirk* though : I need to find the right time

Overhaul : hahahaha your quirk make you unbeaten but can you protect him*point at unconscious nighteye* while defending your self

Mirio : no nighteye *running toward nighteye push him to the other side*Ahhhh *whisper* I'm sorry izuku I can't fight anymore *fall down* (but before he fall to the ground SOMEON catch him)

Izuku : I'm the one supposed to apologize let me handle him go to sleep lemilion

Mirio : *unconscious*

Overhaul : you think you can defeat me in you dream hahah-(overhaul stop laughing because he see izuku face)

Izuku : you make me angry today overhaul what you do to eri now mirio Im not going to forgive you

(what reader see)

Overhaul : wh-what with his killing intent

(what overhaul actually see)

Izuku : you the one make me your enemyready for second round?

Overhaul : ...... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh( overhaul attacking izuku without thinking) I will kill you I'll be taking eri back now!

( overhaul start running toward izuku using his claw and try to cut izuku into two but izuku dodge)

Izuku : you trying to kill me?don't make me laugh {dragon claw} ( izuku use his hand like dragon and crack the ground izuku make big hole so he can stay away from unconscious mirio and nighteye)

Overhaul : i will destroy you *touch the ground*

(izuku didn't move at all)

Overhaul : so you accept the fact you're going to die?*smirk*

Izuku : I'm bored I thought you going to prepare for me *smirk*(izuku body cover by blue and golden fire)

Koharu : if my information was correct Marco devil fruit are mythical zoan have the same ability as logia

Izuku : i still have more people to save, overhaul I have something for you {Fenikkusu Goen} (izuku shoots a powerful, fiery shockwave forward from his wings while airborne, overhaul try to block but four of his hand get destroyed by izuku Shockwave)

Overhaul : ahhhhhh kill kill kill kill *yelling still suffering*

Izuku : look like I can't play around *stake off robes *

*Cover hand with haki*

Special techniques [gear fourth : bounce-man ]

Overhaul :........ *launch big claw at izuku*

Izuku : *Disappear*

Overhaul : (Send powerful Shockwave behind him with his hand but no one there)WHAT....

Izuku : look down overhaul {gomu gomu no Kong gun}

(izuku punch overhaul stomach and launch him to the sky destroying rooftop)

Overhaul : ahhhhhh

(izuku launch overhaul into rooftop and destroying it in process)

Overhaul : ahhhhhhhh

(izuku flying toward Overhaul)

Izuku combine attack { gomu gomu no : fire fist Kong organ}

(fire fist haki combined with gear fourth)

*unconscious nearly death*

Izuku : *touch overhaul forehead take his quirk* you bring more destruction if I didn't take your quirk *tired* I need to stay conscious *walk to unconscious nighteye and mirio* good they still in good condition {Nashi no Tsubute} (izuku transforms his arms into phoenix wings and swirls them around, spreading his flames to setting them on fire in order to heal them)

Mirio : *slowly opening his eye* agh what happen *see izuku with some scratches*Izuku......

Izuku : talk later you two need some rest you Wounds already heal but your stamina nearly reach limit can you Help nighteye he still unconscious

Mirio : sure.. *piggyback nighteye* how can we go out of here the door already get block by rocks

Izuku : don't worry * transform into Phoenix* come here sit on my back and don't forget to grab tightly

Mirio : still shock sure *sit on the back of phoenix izuku while grabbing nighteye* how about overhaul you want to leaves him here

Izuku : don't worry lemillion * grab overhaul using his claw* let's go to team A and inform them what happen *fly out of the big hole

(izuku transform into full body phoenix come out of rooftop)

Ryukyu pov

Team B already coming out carries Some big villain but what shock me fatgum condition, he injury and unconscious I ask suneaterWhat happen he said fatgum low stamina asking for some backup dragon come down there help him and knockout the villain,call someone to pick up the villain and fatgum I'm still shock to hear a 16 years old boy knockout one of overhaul best fighterBut something disturbing our conversation a blue and gold fire come out of the big hole Im in fighting stance but when I see lemillion with unconscious nighteye on the back of bird?, the bird come down and I can see the bird are big as my dragon form mirio piggyback nighteye and jump down from the bird

Mirio : thanks dragon I feel warm on you back

Ryukyu : w-what is that you dragon?

Izuku : yeah it's me * transform back to human*

Ryukyu : w-what I thought your quirk are element

Izuku : hahaha we can talk later for now let's bring injury hero to the hospi- (before Izuku can finish his word someone hugging him from behind)

??? : deku are you okay?

Izuku : *annoyed* uravity I already tell you do not call me deku my hero name dragon

Ryukyu : ara~ is that your girlfriend dragon *tease tone*

Izuku : she is not please leave me alone uravity I need to deliver a bird mask

Ryukyu : what you mean bird mask?

Izuku : look down

Ryukyu : (look down and see a bloody overhaul on izuku foot) h-hey you not telling me you the one make that *point at big hole* destruction just to capture overhaul?

(everything on the area turn black except izuku in circle of light)

Ryukyu : what happen and why you the only one on the light?*point at izuku*

Uraraka : yeah what happen deku-kun

Izuku : shut up round face... Ahem you asking why I make such destruction just to capture that thing?* Pointing at bloody overhaul*

Uraraka :* crying *

Ryukyu : yeah why?

Izuku: because reader want epic fight and the author work hard to make such an epic fight,for the destruction no need to worry I have this *take out credit card*I will pay for the destruction

Ryukyu : you think you have enough money to pay for the destruction?

Izuku : my credit card when di I say it was mine?Look closely

(Ryukyu and uraraka look closely but uraraka hair block ryukyu so she push uraraka to the other side which make uraraka fall face first and make izuku laugh, when ryuku see the name make her shock)

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Ryukyu : h-how did you get his credit card!*shock*

Izuku : let's just say my blonde friend give it to me and I should thank him

Koharu : your welcome man

Ryukyu : who you talking to?What ever at least you pay for destruction you cause

Izuku : okay let's just go back our own home and relax I reach my stamina limit *pass out*

Ryukyu : dragon!*catch izuku before falling* I will bring you to hospital myself *transform into dragon*

Uraraka : deku - kun*still hurt from falling*

Time skip at hospital

Izuku : thanks for carrie me here ryukyu

Ryukyu : your welcome so tell me what your quirk really is

izuku : *sigh* my quirk allow me to have 10 different abilities

Ryukyu : *shock* and what is it?

Izuku : i can control fire, ice, darkness,sand, light, Quake, turn into phoenix, rubber, make a barrier

Ryukyu : that's....... Over power quirk but you only tell nine

Izuku : i don't know about the last one ( the last one are magu magu no mi lava izuku didn't want to tell because of how dangerous it is)

Ryukyu : is that so-( someone open the door)

??? : zuzu are you okay I heard you fight with overhaul *hugging izuku not noticing ryukyu*

Izuku : don't worry momo I'm fine ryukyu bring me here

Ryukyu : ah I see so this is your real girlfriend?*Tease tone*

Izuku : yeah let me intro---

Momo : zuzu what she mean by real girlfriend?*smile*

Izuku : well you see when I finish my fight with overhaul I feel tired but someone hugging me from behind

Momo : who is it izuku

Izuku : *sweat* uraraka....

Momo : that round face try to take my zuzu from me *hugging izuku head*

Izuku : ouch momo you hurting me

Momo : I'm sorry zuzu just a bit angry

Izuku : *pat momo head* don't worry momo Im not going to cheat behind you because you the only one I love *whisper* except mom and eri

Momo : what the last part I can't hear you?

Izuku : nothing

Ryukyu : ahem you two look sweet together I will leave make sure to take it easy dragon *wink*

Momo : *gasp* he's mine

Ryukyu : hahahaha take care you two *leave the room*

Someone Knocking on the door

Izuku : You can enter

Uraraka : deku-kun why you leave me behind?

Momo : go away leave me and my boyfriend alone

Uraraka : you the one leave, I'm the one suppose to be on his side by now

Izuku : *sigh* uraraka if you not leaving my room in 5 second I will froze you now

Uraraka : please give me

Izuku : 1

Uraraka : deku-kun hear me out

Izuku : 2

Uraraka : izu...

Izuku : 3

Uraraka : please.....

Izuku : 4

Uraraka : izuku please let me tell you my reason if you don't like it I will leave you alone

Izuku : fine let hear what you explanation

Momo : but izu

Izuku : it's fine momo

Uraraka : izuku everyone need a second chance to make thing right even villain get second chance why not giving me?

Izuku : *sigh* uraraka you right

(Uraraka smile because her plain work)

Izuku : but not everyone get second chance and even villain who get second chance didn't use it properly please leave me and my girlfriend alone I need to tell her something

Uraraka : understand izuku I'm sorry bothering you *smile* hope you have happy live together 私と *leave*

Momo : finally we have time alone zuzu what you want to tell me?

Izuku : my mother want to adopt eri so she will be my little sister

Momo : oww how cute can I see her?

Izuku : sure but she record a video for you

Just imagine eri making video

In video

Eri : i heard from izuku oniichan your name is mama?

( Momo blush)

Izuku : eri her name momo yaoyorozu

Eri : i-I-I *blush* I'm sorry

Izuku : it's fine

Eri : izuku oniichan said you his girlfriend I'm asking you if you will be my s-s-sister in law

Video end

Momo : *blushing* you use eri to ask me if I accept your proposal?

Izuku : yes momo when you graduate I'm asking if you want to be my fiance for now

Momo : yes yes I want *kissing izuku*

Mirio : you two look like a marry couple * come out of nowhere*

(Momo blush while izuku just give mirio a look what the heck man)

Mirio : ahem well I just want to check on you izuku

Izuku : I'm fine mirio

Mirio : hey ryukyu said you want to pay for destruction how did you get much money?

Izuku : *pull out his wallet* wait let me check ( but a piece Of paper come out of his wallet momo pick it)

Momo : izu?*smile*

Izuku : hm?

Momo : who's number writing here?*show izuku piece of paper* ( smiling but black aura behind momo)

Izuku : i-i-don't know

Momo : is it from girl?

Izuku : no...

Momo * Calling the number using izuku phone *

??? : who is this?*female voice*(momo told izuku to speak)

Izuku : it's me

??? : ara you finally call me,I thought it will take the whole week hey how about coming to my house I live alone *seduction voice*

Momo : ah he not going anywhere because I'm here and you should delete this number if you still want to living in this world *off* Ara izuku I thought you love me *smiling*

Izuku : of course I love you * turn to the door* mirio help me ( but to his surprise mirio already vanishe when he see momo aura)

Momo : izu~

Izuku : *dead*

???? Pov

Finally I find him the only thing I need is give the information to dragon I heard he defeat overhaul and now in hospital I'm on my way to his room

??? : *open door* midoriya-San I'm here to see yo- (I can't finish my words because what happento dragon)

Izuku pov

It's still hurt I thought momo surely going to stab me but she slap me i can sense someone coming to my room i heard the door open and the person come endeavor?

Endeavor : midoriya-San I'm here to see yo-

Izuku : momo can you leave me and endeavor alone this is important

Momo : sure but please don't do anything dangerous

Izuku : i can't momo hero risk they own life for citizens But I promise to come back alive *smile*

Momo : * a bit upset * izu promise Kay?*leave the room*

Izuku : *serious* endeavor-san did you find any evidence?

Endeavor : yes there are hidden cctv how but it still work and everything he did in my file the only thing we need is him and show the video to Judges

Izuku : thank you endeavor-San for helping me

Endeavor : no need i though I can surpass all might but in the end I'm disappointed with all might behave with my son but at least I can help real hero out of jail *smile*

Izuku : yeah you right I heard from my friend akainu in America being number one hero but with his crazy justice kill all villain

Endeavor : yeah and the government can't do anything because akainu power surpass all hero in America I also heard if you make him down the government will pay you more than 1,000,000 dollars *smirk*

Izuku : hahahaha I don't really need that much money but if they give me I will take it but he strong enough to take over politics we need to work fast before he can make move

Endeavor : you right I will handle social the only thing you need to do defeat him

Izuku : understand just use the video and aokiji will out I know akainu in rage mode destroying anything in his way

Endeavor : sure I need to prepare hero for defending citizens in there when he rampage*leave*

Izuku : * look outside window* give me some time aokiji I will free you from prison

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(izuku finally out of hospital and he on his way home)

Izuku : i want to hug eri

??? : eri?How about me want hug?

Izuku : *sigh* if she see me hugging you I probably get stab this time

Akane : ehhhhhhh why I'm your childhood friend at least give me a hug

Koharu : not mine okay I just borrow her from @mimminya

Izuku : here some hug * hug akane*

Akane : *blush* W-what *hugging izuku back*

Momo : ara you two look like a cute couple *smile*

Akane : couple..... *blushing*

Izuku : i know that voice momo what you doing here btw this is my childhood friend kobayashi Akane *sweat*

Momo : ara~ara I thought you two are couple *smile*

Akane : *Hold izuku hand* y-you think so *blush*

Momo : yes but *grab izuku other hand* he's mine

Akane : what nooo izu is that true?*start to cry*

Izuku : hmmm {Yata no Kagami} (izuku vanishe leaving his girlfriend and childhood friends

Momo/akane: zuzu/izu where you going!!Comeback here and explain!!!

Izuku : arh this chapter suppose to be serious one but the reader ask for comedy damn

Time skip izuku return home while the girl still searching for him

Inko : izu why you look exhausted Something happen?*worried*

Izuku : nothing where eri?I promise her to buy apple candy

Inko : okay eri izuku here he want to buy you candy apple

Eri : *running* yey onii Chan back let's go buy candy * happy*

Izuku : sure wear your shoes first

Eri : but I want you to carry me *pount*

Izuku : ow how can I say no fine I will carry you, but you still need to wear shoes

Eri : yey

Eri : Let's goo oniichan

Izuku : yeah yeah

Timeskip outside store

Izuku : eri I can't carry you while carrying glossary

Eri : hmm okay*sad tone*

Izuku : but I can do this

Just imagine eri

Akane : finally I find you izu

Izuku : akane you still searching for me?

Akane : of course ow who you carrying your sister?

Izuku : yeah she my sister so what you want to do now you find me?

Akane : this *hug izuku left hand*

Izuku : hey what you doing everyone watching us

Akane : i know and I like how jealous they feel hm

Izuku : if you here meaning?

Momo : midoriya-kun how you doing is it fun go on date with kobayashi-San?

Izuku : no I just buying eri candy apple right eri?

Eri : yup yup oniichan can you give me some more candy

Izuku : no you only get 2 per day..

Eri : but I want more

Izuku : tomorrow okay I need to be at home or mother will get angry

Akane : ahhh it's been along time since I meet aunts Inko *hug tightly*

Momo : *try to grab izuku other hand*Izu you promise me to meet with you mother right *puppy eye*(and giving akane death stare)

Izuku : fine but don't hold my hand or eri will fall

Momo/akane: YEY

Izuku : this will be more troublesome

Izuku: can you two stop hugging my Arm or eri will fall

Momo/akane: sorry zuzu/ I'm sorry izu

Izuku : it's fine just don't climb my arm oh and we already at my apartment *touch bell* mom I'm home and some of my friends here

Inko: coming *open the door and shock*my little izuku have two girlfriend (momo and akane blush)

Izuku : mom this is momo my girlfriend *using right hand to hug momo* you know in my left is akane kobayashi my childhood friend

Inko : akane-chan?How you doing, where your mother and father?

Akane : my mother and father Healthy I doing fine

Inko: come in I hope you two want to have dinner with my family

Momo and akane : sure

Dinner table

Izuku : mom tomorrow I'm not going to be in here I have mission with endeavor so please take care of eri

Inko : please be safe izu

Momo : yeah don't do anything reckless zuzu

Akane : please be safe izuku

Izuku : don't worry I'm strong and number one hero with me just watch in TV tomorrow Kay?

Eri : but if you lost I would be sad

Izuku : eri remember hero always win no matter what

Inko : how about you two stay here for night because eri didn't have friends tomorrow

Momo/akane : *blush* /*blush* are you sure aunt Inko I mean if you don't think I disturbing I can sleep here like when I was 6.

Inko : it's fine you too momo can stay here right izuku?

Izuku : sure but I will sleep first tomorrow a big day good night everyone

Momo /akane: okay!Good night zuzu/izu

Next day

Izuku : mother I'm going if something happen call nighteye

Inko : sure be safe izuku

Izuku : those two still sleeping Bye mom

Inko : are you going to use Motorcycle?

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Izuku motorcycle

Izuku : yeah *drive off*

Inko : good luck izuku

(izuku helmet ringing)

Izuku : hello who's there

Endeavor : it's me everything complete the hero will come in if something wrong happen camera everywhere

Izuku : thank endeavo-san I have all evidence we need so don't worry everything

Endeavor : the judge already call akainu he will be in Court around 2 hours from now

Izuku : okay how about aokiji?

Endeavor : he in special room where you can't use quirk where are you?

Izuku : I'm in my way just give me 1 more minutes *go beyond speed*

In court

Endeavor : Judge-San can you wait for someone he has all information and akainu still not here

Judge : because you number one hero you must have a reason for this alright

Izuku : endeavor-san I'm here

Endeavor : dragon finally can you show to all people what akainu doing to aokiji and the death of civilian

Izuku : we just need akainu

Judge : dragon San good afternoon

Izuku : good afternoon Judge-San, if akainu lost temper can you give me permission to overcome his quirk?

Judge : you have my permission just protect everyone here and you can do anything you want

Izuku : thank you

(after two hours)

Akainu : hmm good afternoon Judge-san

Judge : good you finally here we can start, I want to open case from 8 years ago Involves aokiji formal ice hero here we have number one hero from Japan endeavor want to open the case with hero in training dragon do any of you want to say anything (akainu Raise his hand) yes akainu-san

Akainu : why do we need to open an old case he suppose to be in jail because murder civilian

Izuku : akainu-San I have evidence for an old case

Akainu : you still young you shouldn't be here get back to school kid

Endeavor : Judge-San can I start first?

Judge: allowed

Endeavor : 8 years ago we come back to see the body burning right?If I may ask why the body burn instead froze?

Judge : I agree with you akainu do you have something to say?

Akainu : the body burn because of the place explode

Judge : hm endeavor you have anything to against it?

Endeavor : no.....

Akainu : *smirking* ha

Izuku: Judge-San can I show you a video cctv from the place?

(Akainu smile drop) : you must be lying there no way cctv can survive the explosion

Izuku : no there are one and have all evidence I need *showing the video to everyone*

Judge: akainu we have lying quirk user here I want you to say it

Akainu : grrr I didn't do that

Lie quirk: he lying sir

Judge : akainu I have to arrest you

Akainu : no one can touch me without my permission *lava covering hand* {magu punch }

Izuku: {ICE WALL} akainu what do you think you doing?!

Akainu : whatever kid you destroy my plan *right arm cover in lava*

Izuku : what a troublesome quirk you have there

Akainu : Japan will pay in number one hero from America *smirk* you just make a war kid

Izuku : not really we got a call from America government saying you kill most of villain and some of government spy in process so you already make a crime *smirking* meaning I have the right to arrest you

Akainu : damn all of you, brat you don't have License how can you fight me?

Izuku : the judge give me permission to use my quirk if you out of control

Akainu : i would like to see you try

Izuku : i know everything about your quirk akainu

Akainu : hooo so you know that Physical attack not working right?

Izuku thought : so he akainu reincarnation what a troubledsome the only way to attack him using haki.but which ability can damage him....... gura-gura no mi with haki I can knock him out and take his quirk destroy it permanently yes but I can't do that too much civilian still here/ endeavor can you tell every hero to protect civilian and take them out akainu out of control, this is red zone.

Endeavor : alright all hero save the civilian first judge-San please follow me to safe place

Akainu : all of you know about my plan so no one come out alive {Ryusei Kazan}Akainu points both fists into the air and fires a great number of magmic fists upwards in order to let them rain down upon the place, wreaking enormous area damage in what resembles a cross between a volcanic eruption and a meteor shower.One of the magma nearly reach civilian but ice wall blocking the magma in the same time melt)

??? : araara look like you need my help izuku-kun

Izuku: ah can you protect them I go all out fighting this beast

Aoukiji : sure

Akainu : loser take order from brat

Aoukiji :??Someone who can maintain calm are worse than loser

Izuku thought : i need speed using phoenix I can attack him without get hurt cover my leg with haki will make powerful attack /alright behind you akainu

(izuku leg cover in kizaru=akainu)

Akainu: how Physical supposed to not working against me *shock*

Izuku: haaa you don't know anything about my quirk *transform back* want see my new flame?{Hiken}

Akainu : damn you brat {Inugami Guren}(creates a wave of magma shaped like a fanged doghead and launches it at izuku)

Aoukiji : {Ice wave} ( blocking akainu attack but melt in mere second)

Izuku : aokiji no one here right?

Aoukiji : *nod* everyone In safe zone

Izuku : can you fight akainu while I try to knock out him from behind we need to do it quickly before he causes More damage

Aoukiji : sure {ice beam}

Akainu : {magma punch} you still think you can fight me kuzan take this {magma blast }

Aoukiji : {ice shield} like I said akainu calm one of biggest advantage I have *sweating*

Akainu : like i care you look Exhaustion and where that brat go

Izuku : behind you Combination attack dragon claw mode {Shingen no Ichigeki } (izuku cover his arm with haki using dragon claw grabbing akainu face and smash it to the floor)

Akainu : when I wake up you dead kid *unconscious*

Izuku : there no way I Let you using dangerous quirk like that I will take it *touch akainu face* now you are quirklees stay in jail man you troubled maker

Aoukiji : ha look like you strong than me dragon btw how can we repair this much damage?

Izuku : don't worry about that all might credit card still have 3 dollars and akainu have 2 billion so yeah.....

Aoukiji : when did you take his card?

Izuku: hey don't look at me like I'm robbery he deserves in jail at least I using his money for good right?

Aoukiji :whatever how about my case?

Izuku : judge-san already close your case you free now we just need to record what akainu do so we have full control over your case

Aoukiji : thank izuku *smile*

Izuku: your welcome so you want be hero back?.

Aoukiji : I'm still young maybe

Izuku : let's just go to hospital I think my arm broke because of impact

Aoukiji : sure

Momo POV

I can't believe sleeping in izu house but that akeno girl I'm not going to share izu with her never!

Eri : momo onechan why you talking to yourself?

Momo : eri its not like that I just....... Singing

Eri : ow izuku onii Chan already here

Momo : really!

Eri : yup akane oneechan there talking to izuku oniichan

Momo : *jealous* eri let's go I want to hear what they ''talk about''

Eri : okay!

With akane and Izuku

Akane : izu I see you in TV fighting with that jerk so cool can you help me training?

Izuku : sure akane we have the same goal why not

Akane : yey thanks izu *hug izuku*

Momo : ahem look like you two really close eh *smile*

Akane : *smirk* of course izu and I close enough to bath together right izu?

Momo : *gasp*

Izuku : akane that 10 years ago

Akane : *pount* hmmm

Izuku : you two should go home I still have paper work to do

Akane : eh why I want to be by your side *hugging izuku left arm*

Momo : noo we don't have time alone *hugging izuku right arm*

Izuku : *sigh* you two need to understand I have work to do maybe I'm still a student but endeavor can't do paper work alone or he might burn all of it

Momo : fine but I stay here with eri, right eri?*smile*

Eri : yup oniichan can momo oneechan stay here with me?Please........

Izuku :..... Fine because mother back in midnight.don't eat too much candy be a good girl

Akane: eri how about me don't you want akane oneechan stay here with you?

Eri : i want akane oneechan stay here and play with me

Momo : b-but eri

Akane : *look at momo with smug* hm momo senpai you want to leave eri?*gasp*

Eri : momo oneechan don't want stay with eri?*tear*

Momo : of course oneechan just worried that tomato hair out of control *glare at akane*(though :she think I going to leave eri impossible)

Akane : t-t-tomato hair!You fat ponytail

Momo : *gasp* how dare you

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Izuku : *ignore two rival* eri when I done with my work we going to mall with uncle mirio

Eri : yey meet uncle mirio, oniichan make sure come back early *sparkle eye*

Izuku : *chuckle* yeah *look at two rival* you two stop being childish or I send eri to Nejiri-San she doesn't have anything to do and like playing with eri

Momo/akane : *froze* eh

Izuku : i give full responsibility eri to you two but what I see make me disappointed *sigh*

Momo/akane : we are sorry /sorw

Izuku : good I need to head out now bye you three *leave*

Momo : this all your fault he think Nejiri senpai good than us *pull Akane hair*

Akane : ouch that hurt, *Bite momo arm* it's your fault not me!

Eri : why oneechan (Tear drop from eri eye) fighting?

Momo :no no no you misunderstood we playing right akane?

Akane : yup just playing *sweating*

Eri : can I join?

Akane : sure -

Momo : but not this one let play other game okay *glaring at akane*

Eri : hmmm okay

Back to izuku

Izuku : those two acting like cat and dog I hope they can get along pretty well (someone touch izuku shoulder)

Mirio : yo izuku how you doing

Izuku : *smile* I'm fine how about you and I hear nighteye still recover in hospital

Mirio : yup *sad*

Izuku: don't worry he still alive after all *small smile* I have questions if nighteye not working in his agency who replace him?

Mirio : Bubble girl replace him poor girl she look like ghost when I see her yesterday

Izuku : anyhow I need to go now bye

Mirio : where?

Izuku : helping endeavor paperwork

Mirio : let me help more people faster we can hangout

Izuku : sure

Time skip endeavor agency

Izuku : well look like we're here

Mirio : yeah!

Izuku : um do you know where endeavor's office?*asking some sidekick*

Sidekick: do you have appointment?Hmm you look familiar.... ah you're dragon and lemilion right?Endeavor-San said take both of you to his office follow me *signal Izuku to follow him*

While walking

Sidekick : can't belive you defeat overhaul and number one hero from America amazing!

Izuku : Thanks

Sidekick : *stop walking* this is endeavor office see you next time future number one *wink*

Izuku : uhhh that weird

Mirio : nah hm can you hear izuku?

Izuku: what?

Mirio : endeavor have conversation With someone in his office

Izuku : someone... *Knock on the door*Endeavor-San we here

Endeavor : you can come(izuku open the door and see endeavor with Aoukiji)

Izuku : Aoukiji?

Aoukiji : no need to use my hero name just call me kuzan

Izuku : okay kuzan - san

Mirio : hello *come from behind izuku*

Endeavor : I know you will come but I Still want to know why?

Izuku : we thought you have too much paperwork and come here to help

Endeavor : *chuckle* thanks for coming but you don't have to worry about that me and kuzan already finish it

Izuku : I see

Endeavor : so what you going to do now midoriya?

Izuku : I don't really know what to do after battle with akainu the only thing left are being number one hero

Endeavor : true you have power surpass top hero but you still need experience.Have a sit you two

Izuku : *sit down* I know me and mirio make a plan

Endeavor : what plan?

Izuku : we will make Agency together with Nejire, Tamaki and momo so we can Work together

Kuzan : I see that a good idea you have my vote izuku

Endeavor : agree you also have my vote midoriya (izuku and mirio look each other and smile)

Mirio : look like we just make new goal eh izuku?

Izuku : *chuckle* indeed so lemilion ready?

Mirio : of course


Time skip 5 years later

Reporter : we have breaking news endeavor just Retired and new number one hero just come and his name are the elemental hero : dragon!And number two hero lemilion they are making agency together also!Villain in Japan decrease to 5% percent because of new hero in prime

Izuku : ha look like everything goes well

Momo : indeed dear

Izuku : hahaha where our daughter?

Momo : she sleeping with mirio and tamaki

Izuku : *shook his head* heeee she like them more than me

Momo : *kiss izuku on cheek* yes she is but I love you so you can spoil me right?

Izuku : *hug momo* of course I will by the way how those people from 3 a?

Momo : ah you mean them well some become pro hero c to b rank while other chose to work as normal people

Izuku : how about trouble maker?

Momo : hm he in jail because trying to rape girl in bathroom

Izuku : hahahaha don't you forget the one he trying to rape are tiger from pussycat he thought the room he enter are girl but male room and the worst part it was tiger hahahaha

Momo : *giggle*

Eri : hey both of you let's go inside people waiting for us

Izuku : give us a second eri *smile*Where kota

Eri : *blush* ba-baka why would that water head be here

Momo : don't be like that dear eri still growing

Izuku : sure let's go inside * Lifting momo princess style*hahahha

Momo : *blush* dear

Mirio : izuku come here I think izumi unlock her quirk she just take out notebook out of nowhere

Izuku : yeah-yeah i coming