
The Betrayed Hero and the Idol

What if a hero from another world was betrayed and given a chance at a peaceful life?... more>> What if that hero was able to save Hoshino Ai from her determined fate? What if... Hoshino Ai was able to shine brighter than ever, with love absent of lies? A hero having just slain the Demon of Corruption was killed due to his great political power and the Goddess that sent him to that world feels immense guilt, that even after years of fighting and a life filled with tragedy he was never given the peace he deserves. So... she gives him another chance to live a peaceful life, one filled with love and family. And maybe he'll save an Idol along the way. THIS FIC ISN'T MINE THE AUTHOR IS OmegaLul1234 AND IF HE WANTS I'LL DELETE THIS PIECE OF ART

wanderer12 · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

chapter 38

Chapter 38 – Kana Arima

----- Kana POV -----

I had met an odd girl.

I didn't like Ruby Hoshino at first, she was too happy, too bright, too flippant.

Singing was a serious business, you know!

But over time, I realized I was wrong.

She was taking her training more seriously than anyone else.

And she was good at it too.

Her singing still needed work, but the way she moved so smoothly... it was amazing!

While I had joined the studio mainly to train my voice, I also did a few of the dancing sessions, though this was mostly for some physical activity.

And maybe... just maybe, I joined the dance sessions to spend more time with my friend.

Just maybe, I tell you!

And so, today, when the teacher told me my mom would be late picking me up, Ruby decided to take me to her house.

Which led me to now.

"Kana Arima? Aww, even your name is cute!"

A beautiful woman, with chest-length purple hair, curled slightly at the ends, and an extremely cute face that shined with youth.

But that wasn't what I could see.

As an entertainer, it was obvious that I would know who this woman was the instant I saw her.

Ai of B-Komachi.

Or maybe it's better to say Ai Hoshino of B-Komachi.

The famed idol who shocked the entertainment world with her performances, before promptly retiring as soon as she reached the peak of her fame.

While it was a while ago, I still remember seeing her from the filming of 'That Was the Start', and it looks like she hadn't aged a single day since.

She had talent, and she had the looks... so why did she suddenly disappear from the public eye?

There were rumours, saying that she had found love, lost the passion of performing, and even more outrageous ones such as her being killed by a crazed fan.

But to think that the rumours were true...

And this Cassius must be the one who made her this way.

From the little I had interacted with him, I knew he was an interesting character.

He was handsome too, so I guess I could somewhat understand.

But in the next moment, the thoughts of those two adults were blown away from my mind by the appearance of another kid.

Short, choppy blonde hair.

Narrowed blue eyes.

A constant uninterested impression.

Aqua was here... Aqua was here!

Looking at it now, the resemblance between Ruby and her apparent brother was obvious.

And it also explained the oddly close relationship Ai Hoshino had with her... son, back when I first met them.

But what was this!?

My heart felt like it was pounding out of my chest, and I could already feel my toes curl in embarrassment.

Why did I feel this way after finally finding him?

After reducing me to a state of tears with his performance... he left my life as quickly as he entered it, and I was left to collect myself on my own.

How embarrassing I was...

Not only did my acting pale in comparison when performing next to him, I then burst into tears, sobbing like a baby.

But now, with the years having passed, and my personal growth achieved through my experiences, I knew.

What I held toward Aqua Hoshino was not hate or envy, but rather... admiration.

But that didn't explain why I was feeling this way!

Why did my chest feel funny and my cheeks feel tingly?

It was simple admiration, right?

What else could it be!?

I had gone through this first meeting time after time in my mind, whenever I practiced, whenever I waited on the bus, whenever I slept...

At that final thought, my mind goes blank as my cheeks heat up even more.

"Oh? I didn't even have to do anything, huh?"

I hear Ai Hoshino's words, but they simply go in through one ear and out the other.

"Well, she's only eight. She's probably new to all this. I know I was." Cassius says.

"Hmph. Don't you only know that now because your readers called you dense?" Ai responds.

"Uh... dinner's ready." Cassius quickly changes the subject.

Feeling my hand being squeezed, my mind is pulled back from the void.

Okay... let's calm down, Kana.

"Come on, Kana! It's dinner time! And Papa cooked meat... hehehe~" Ruby says.

I then watch as a trail of drool forms at the corner of Ruby's lips.

As I thought... she really was an odd girl.

----- 10 Minutes Later -----

What was this?

This... this atmosphere?

It was warm... cozy... like curling into a blanket in front of a fireplace.

It was like nothing I had felt before.

No... that's not quite right.

I remember feeling this warm atmosphere before.

I had felt it from my mother.

But that was back when I was at my peak as the ever-famous genius child actor, Kana Arima.

When Mother used to smile so happily.

But lately... I could feel that it was different at home.

Mother got angrier easier, and for the littlest things too.

I would eat dinner alone at the table, while she would constantly be outside, doing who knows what in the city.

She wouldn't hug me after I finished school but would look down at her phone as we made our way home.

Even today... she didn't come to pick me up.

And I knew why.

The genius child actor was starting to grow up.

But I had tried!

Following Aqua's example, the beautiful performance he showed me, I tried to act for the good of the final product rather than myself.

That was only natural, right?

I was an actress, so my purpose was to enhance the film.

But even though I was trying so hard... Mother still found it difficult to look at me.

I watch in a sense of muted wonder as Ruby's father wipes the sauce off of Ruby's cheek.

"You silly girl. If you like it so much, then why are you getting it all over the place rather than in your mouth?" He says jokingly.

"Ehehe~ I just kinda... missed?" She responds lightheartedly.

When was the last time I had such a natural, familial interaction with Mother?

This envy I felt... it was burning through my chest to the point that it hurt.


Hearing a voice, I turned to the side, where Ai was looking down at me worriedly.

"Is something wrong?" She asks.


"N-No, I'm... fine." I respond shakily.

I was being ridiculous.

As Ruby had said... or maybe drooled would be the better word, her father's cooking really was a treat.

So I should just put these thoughts away and enjoy it.

Enjoy... all of this, while I still can.

"Hmm~ If you're sure. Anyway, Aqua. How did the filming go?" Ai says.


Aqua was still acting!?

But I hadn't seen him once in any of the auditions I've been to!

For some reason, both Ai and Cassius start chuckling under their breath while looking at me.

Why were they doing that?

And Ai's smile right now... it was kinda scary...

"Hmm... it was okay. It's not like I did much today." Aqua says indifferently.

"W-What is the film about?" I suddenly ask.

I even surprised myself with my question that nearly sounded like a shout.

What was with me today!?

"Hmm... a hero... I guess." Aqua responds dryly while looking pointedly at his father.

For some reason, both Ai and Ruby chuckle lightly at this.

Was that really so funny?

And why were they both looking at Cassius as well?

How odd...

"Kana." Cassius says, interrupting the others' laughing.

"We should have done this earlier, but does your mother know you're here?" He asks.

"Oh! Yeah... I called her before I came over, and she said she was... busy. And then hung up." I respond.

His lips curl into a frown as his face turns sour.

"'Hung up'? She doesn't even know us though... Is it a Japanese thing?" He mutters the last part to himself.

But he still seemed a little worried...

"Don't worry! I have a cell phone, so Mother told me she would call me when she was done with... work." I say.

Though... I do wonder what she was doing.

I don't think she's had a job for a while, other than taking me to jobs that is.

"Hmm... interesting... But Kana, you can stay the night if you want." Ai then asks.

Stay the night?

I... have never done such a thing before.

I overheard tales of sleepovers all the time in school, as it was a normal thing for children to do.

But... I wasn't exactly a normal child.

I was a genius child actress, I had no time for that stuff.

"That's a great idea, Mama!" Ruby says.

"I think so too! But... I wonder whose room she'd sleep in." Ai then twiddles her eyebrows at Aqua.

In response, Aqua's face goes through a range of emotions.

Confusion, to understanding, to shock, to embarrassment.

He looked cute with red cheeks.

But then, as if his previous state was a lie, he goes back to his normal, straight face.

"What are you talking about? She would obviously stay in Ruby's room." He then goes back to eating.

"Damn. He's a tough nut to crack." Cassius says.

"Yeah... I'll need to work harder!" Ai says while pumping her fist.

Work harder with what?

And why... did I feel a slight shiver run down my spine?

Dinner finished relatively quickly after that, and before I could digest it, I felt myself get dragged upstairs to Ruby's room.

Or at least, I was before Ruby was called back by her mother.

"Wait! Ruby, you need to put the dishes away! You know it's your turn, little miss!" Ai says while crossing her arms.

"Oh... alright. But can't I do it later?" Ruby pleads.

"Nope! Come on, it only takes a few minutes." Ai responds.


Ruby then walks dejectedly over to the kitchen, leaving me alone with the retired idol.

Before I can think about what to say, I watch as Ai crouches down to my level and rests her hands on my shoulders.

"Kana. I just want to say... thank you for being Ruby's friend."

What's with that gaze!?

It feels so... warm... this whole house feels warm...

"I-It's no problem, Ms. Hoshino." I stammer out.

"'Ms. Hoshino'? No no no, you can call me Ai, or Ruby's Mama, or even Mama Ai! But really... thank you."

She then pulls me into her arms, and without a moment to protest, I feel myself suffocated in her embrace.

But the suffocation... felt nice.

When was the last time Mother hugged me like this?

I think... it was when that green pepper dance went viral.

For some reason, feeling the warmth of her hug, I feel the tip of my nose tingle.

Why... why was this place so different from home?

Why did Ruby get to live here, and not me?

I wanted this!

This... something like this is all I've ever wanted...

The tears begin falling down my cheek as I feel Ai rub soothing circles into my back.

I was jealous.

I was jealous that Ruby could come back to this atmosphere every day, and cherish those nice moments at the dinner table.

What was a shock to me was something regular for her.

For that... I was jealous.

And more than that, I was sad.

"S-Shh... I... don't really know what's wrong, but everything's gonna be okay, alright?"

I acknowledge Ai's kind words with a small nod as I try to recollect myself.

I hate these feelings.

They felt icky, childish, and just not good.

But here... being held like this... for some reason, I felt better than I have in a long time.

----- Ai POV - 1 Hour Later -----

"And you're sure that your mother is down there?" Cassius asks.

"Yes. Umm... thank you, for today. It was... nice." Kana responds.

"Ha. No problem, but shouldn't those words be for Ruby?" He asks.

"Maybe so..."

Adjusting her backpack, as the girl goes to open the door, I call out to her.

"You can come over anytime, okay? Whether that's to see Ruby... or Aqua." I say teasingly.

In response, her cheeks flush as her eyes swim before quickly opens the door.

"T-Thank you again, and bye-bye!" She says before leaving.

Fufufu... as I thought, she is fun to tease.

I definitely wouldn't mind a daughter-in-law like her.

But unfortunately... I couldn't tease her and Aqua as much as I wanted to.

Both due to Aqua running to his room after dinner, seemingly sensing the danger he was in, as well as... that.

And by 'that', I mean Kana's little outburst after dinner.

While I was by no means an expert mother, I knew that that wasn't normal.

And with Ruby leaving to get ready for bed, it was as good a time as any.

"So... should we talk about her?" Cas says.


While I may be a little ditzy, I was a master at reading people.

After all, I needed to be in order to play the perfect idol.

So I knew... Kana was a lot like me.

"Yes, but... I really want to have a talk with that 'mother' of hers." I say with a snarl.

After having Ruby and Aqua, I was confused and sad whenever I thought about my mother.

But now that I've grown as a person and as a mother, and have had Freya and Amethyst, those thoughts have changed a little bit.

Now, thinking of my mother... I was angry.

Because now I knew that her behaviour was absolutely unacceptable.

"Well... I do too, but we can't barge into other people's families like that." Cassius says with a frown.

"But Cas-!"

"I know, sweetie, but neglect is a tricky subject. After all, different children need different needs, and not all parents can meet those easily." He says.

"But it's obvious she's sad, Cas! A kid doesn't just cry whenever they're hugged!"

"Yeah, I know, I know."

He then wrapped his arms around me, squeezing me just enough so I knew he was there, holding me securely, but not enough to be uncomfortable.

Something as gentle and simple as this... was it really that shocking for Kana?

"But we can't really do much, is all I'm saying. All we can do is be a comforting place for her to turn to." He says lovingly.

"B-But... is that enough?" I ask.

"It has to be. We can try to invite her on a family vacation or something." He says before bringing his mouth to my ear.

"We were thinking of going to Hokkaido soon, right? It wouldn't be odd to take a family friend on such a trip, would it? And think of all the teasing opportunities we would have..." He whispers.

Separating myself from him, I stare up at his face to see his eyes shining with a teasing glint.

"Cas. I love you. You're a genius." I say.

"Aren't I? So... for now... let's just ask Ruby to invite little Kana over a bit more." He says while brushing his hands through my hair.

"Fine... yeah, let's do that."

Giving him a kiss, I feel his hand slowly rub down my back before reaching my butt, to which he gives a small squeeze.

That perv!

Well... it's not like I hate it though...