
The Ranking of Heros


-The Ranking or Heros: The alpha squad-


"Man can't believe the hero rankings are tomorrow, how you think your gonna do Conner" a man asked "I'll probably finally get double S rank this year, what about you John" Conner says

"I guess double s rank as well, you know the only way to stay in highest ranking squad is everyone gotta be the same rank" John explains

Conner nodded in agreement "True, but have you ever thought of having more then just the hero title and strongest squad title" he questioned

John looked at him confused "What do you mean more? I got an amazing girlfriend, leader of the strongest squad and you my brother for life" he says with a smile "Yeah I get that but what about more, like more famous more money and more power" Conner stated as he got up and pulled his sword out of a monster corpse

"Well not really, I never had to seek more" John explained as he stretched "Anyways let the other four handle the small fries the boss room seems to be opening" he says while cracking his nuckles and walked towards a huge door

Conner nodded in agreement as he follows John "Seth we'll be back y'all handle the rest" he says while the huge doors start to open

"What a pain..." Seth states with a yawns as he looked towards the left over monsters "....seems I'll actually have to try" he says with agony as he pulls out a book and slowly started reading "As the light shine over all, the darkest swallow all into an endless abyss of agony..." he says out loud as the shadows around him slowly start to rise

"Hehe it seems Seth getting serious" a woman says with excitement as she shoots arrows at the monsters "We should probably get behind Chad for cover, what you think Eliya" another woman questions cautiously as she cast a healing spell on everyone

"I agree Lilith" Eliya says as she heads towards a huge man, with Lilith following behind her "Hey Chad we need a barrier Seth not gonna hold back" she yells

"Oh I see" Chad says as he slams his shield into the ground, releasing a huge barrier around the three of them "where did the boss and Conner go" he questions while he focuses on keeping the barrier up "They went into the boss room a few minutes ago" Lilith explains as she relaxes on the ground "They'll be fine, their the strongest of the seven" Eliya stated


-Passing Point: Info-


In this world the title of Heros are given to those with the ability and skills to destroy a door, there are many ranks ex:F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS, and Z

Doors are what they called dungeons, the meaning on why they call them doors is because the portals appear in the shape of a door and there are many ranks similar to the hero ranks


-The Ranking of Heros: The strongest S heros-


John and Conner walked towards a giant four arm troll "WHO DARES ENTERS THE KINGS TOMB" the troll shouted with ferocity

"Seems we have a wild today Conner" John states with a smile as his fist lit on fire "I agree" Conner says with excitement with a grin across his face as a red aura surrounds his body

"Shall we go with the three four five formation" he questions John "Do we want to end this quickly, alright" John answered as he dashes towards the troll as Conner stays back with blade in the air

"Special ability: Stolen Skill" Conner yells as his eyes glow red while a huge amount of air surround his sword "heh alright then just guess I can't lag behind" John stated with a smile as he jumps towards the trolls head

"Skill: inferno fist" he shouts as he punches the troll on the chin cause it to stagger "NOW" he shouted at Conner "ALRIGHT" Conner shouted back with a smile as he swing his blade towards John releasing a huge gust of wind

As the wind striked John it fueled his inferno fist, causing the flames to ingulfed the troll "AHHHHHHHHHH IT BURNS" the troll yelled in pain

The troll the falls back onto ground, burnt to a crisp "Damn he burned faster then I thought he would" John says disappointed as he walks towards the huge doors with his shirt burnt off "Yeah I agree man I this is why we need higher rank doors now own" Conner states as he stretches

Before they could open the doors, they suddenly stopped in their tracks from feeling a slight rumble "You felt that" Conner questions John "Yeah I don't think the boss is down yet" John answered as they both turned around and noticed the troll's body started to glow

As the light starts to dim all they saw was a human size troll "I didn't think I would have to use thus form on mere humans" the troll says annoyed as he cracks his neck "But I should make this harder" the troll say as he snapped his fingers summoning more trolls but the size of gorillas

"hahaha now that's what I'm talking about" Conner shouted with a grin "I agree this is much more fun" John says as he cracked his nuckles "BRING IT" they both shouted together as they leaped at the trolls


-Passing Point:Info-


Hero special abilities are abilities that heros are uniquely born with, and are more known as abilities that can change the tables in any battle

Conners special abilities: Steal Skill and Stolen Skill, "Steal Skill"; is a ability where he copies the skills he sees but he can't copy special abilities, while "Stolen Skill"; is when he activates the skill he has stolen but the acquirements for this is he needs to stand in the same position of the person he stole the skill from when they activated it

Hero skills are abilities any hero can learn or buy and is not unique to any hero, ex; John's "Inferno fist" is a skill where the user fist lights on fire with a flame as hot as lava

There are many more skills and abilities, but you'll see more of these later on in the story


-The Ranking of Heros: Ranking day-


As a glowing door opens Lilith, Seth, Eliya, and Chad walk out carrying bags off monster hearts "Eh that was tiring, I wonder if the boss and Conner finish up their part" Chad says as he loads the bags into a truck "Yeah I hope they hurry we got to hurry since the ranking test starts soon" Eliya says abit inpatient

"Yeah I'm sure they'll ma-" before Lilith could finish her sentence, John and Conner walked out the door with a bag of monster hearts and one boss heart "That took longer then I thought it would" John says as he rub his shoulder "Yeah that took longer then it should have" Conner stated annoyed while the door behind them slowly disappears

As Chad grabs the bags from John and Conner, John heads towards Lilith "You got my spare hoodie" he asked with a smile "I do love" she answered as she gives him his hoodie

"Bleh get a room you two" Eliya says abit annoyed as she pretends to puke "Hahaha well anyways we need to hurry the rank test starts in a hour" Chad explains as he starts the truck "True let's go everyone" John shouted as he head into the truck "YES BOSS" the rest of them yelled as they all get in the truck

After a few hours of getting ready and selling the monster hearts and boss heart, they arrive at a tall skyscraper "We're here everyone" Chad says as he parks the truck "Alright everyone after we all pass our test drinks are on me" John says with smile "Alright boss" they all replied excited, as they all head towards different parts of the building

John gets to a counter where a woman is waiting with a clipboard "I'm here for the SS rank test for attacker class, name is John Valentine" he says as he shows the woman his hero ID "hmmm yes you're on the list, please head to room 666" the woman stated "Thank you" John replied as he head towards room 666

As he arrives he knocks on the door "Hello I'm here for the SS rank test" he says, a few seconds the door slowly opens to a empty room with a glowing door on the other side "Alright we will know begin the test" a voice says from a near by speaker, a buzzer goes off and the glowing door slowly opens as a shadow figure walks out

"You'll be facing a SS rank monster, known as the shadow jester" the voice explained as the shadow zoom towards John "YIKES" John shouted as he barley dodge the first strike "Skill: inferno fist" he shouted as he started fighting the shadow in hand to hand combat

As the fight goes on John noticed the shadow was holding holding back then right before he could land a good blow the shadow leaped back "huh it's more intelligent then your average monster" John says to himself before he could finish observing the shadow it then leaped at him quicker then before pulling out a blade

Before John could noticed the shadow had already left a deep slash in his chest "UUGHH damn I don't think he's holding back anymore hehe" John says nervously "Alright Skill: jet boots" he shouted as he started flying towards the shadow

But John soon realized it he was already in the wall full of wounds and broken bones "gahh.." John yelped in pain as the medics come in and try to heal his wounds "You have failed today's ranks, and the punishment of losing your rank test you will be demoted back to rank A" the voice says before shutting on the speakers "WAIT....what what rank A wait why" John rambled in confusion of what just happen


-Passing Point:Info-


Monster hearts are harder then any steel ever mad, that's why many heros won't just go for the heart to kill it, and as of price monster hearts are around 500 for each no matter what rank

While monster hearts are valuable, the ones that are more valuable are the boss hearts since it's even harder then monster hearts and much harder to aquire, the price coming to 10,000 each for B and A ranks, while lower rank bosses cost less and higher rank bosses cost more


-The Ranking of Heros: The six is form-


John sits on the edge of a building sulking as he stares down at the city "I guess I'll have to give them the bad news soon" he says disappointed before he could figure out how he would confront the team Conner pat him on the shoulder "Sup boss how your test go" Conner questions John "Well I didn't pass actually" John says abit down "What really" Conner questions disbelieving

"Bro don't worry come on the others wanted to try out our first SS door, since you're still our boss" Conner stated with a smile as he head down stairs "heh alright" John replied as he follows him

John and Conner soon arrive with the others near the door "Hey boss we heard the bad news, but nothing like bashing some monster heads in to chear a man up" Chad explained as he heads inside "the others are waiting inside for us" Lilith stated as she follows Chad inside

"Alright let's do this" John says abit more excited while he heads inside "Hmmmm where is everyone" he questions as he noticed no one on the other side "Maybe-" before he could think he heard a scream come from the boss room "oh no LILITH" he shouted as he ran towards the boss room and busting through the doors without hesitation "Lilith Lilith where are you" he yelled her name hopping for an answer

But as he continued shouting a deep growl comes from the shadows "the boss HEY WHERE ARE THE OTH-" before John realized it an arrow pierced his chest from behind "w-what" he said confused as he slowly turned around seeing Chad, Conner and the one who shot him Lilith all of them wearing a grin

"Sorry honey but I found another" Lilith said cheerfully as she hugs Conner's arm "Hahaha who would have saw this coming, well I did a few years ago" Conner said with a grin as he nodded towards Chad "You losing your rank just set it all in motion, I slowly got tired of being in your shadow and knowing how much more we have accomplished" Conner explained with a laugh

"B-but w-what...." John try to forcefully speak but coughs up blood "You chad" he says in agony "Me well I never was loyal to you if you remember correctly it was Conner who told you about me" Chad states as he raise his shield

"Well enough of that the boss seems to be waking up dear" Lilith says to Conner as she lets out a small giggle "True true well I think that's enough of you, don't worry about the other two I'll take care of them and this squad you build just without you" Conner says as he slowly walks away with Lilith while he snaps his fingers

"See ya in hell" Chad said right before he slams his shield into the doors, causing it to collapse, trapping John with the boss "W-w-wait..." John struggle to get up as he reaches for the exit "Why....I thought..." before he could finish his sentence he collapse to the floor exhausted from blood lost