
The Beta's Queen

Cheyenne grew up in a small pack. They kept to themselves and never had any real problems. She graduated high school a year early at the age of 17. She was starting her freshman year of college when her quiet little, small-town life got turned upside down. Her mother had a deep secret that she had kept this whole time and now it could cost her her daughter. After a visit from the Moon Goddess herself, Cheyenne is faced with a choice. One that is life or death not just for her but her kind as a whole. What will she choose?

Kayla_Wintczak · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
67 Chs

Chapter 49

Cheyenne's POV

"Have you talked to Alex?" Jax asked the King.

"No, I haven't had a chance. You guys are the first. I just heard of it this morning. Harold told me he hasn't talked to them in a couple of weeks. I sent him out with Sadie, Jessica, Gerreth, and Alfred to gather info on the vampires." The King told us.

"I can ask around here sir, but Alex would be your best bet with her abilities to go places unseen. She's a sneaky little shit. She could be in this room right now and we probably don't even know it." Jax and the King chuckled.

"You're right. Alida, you haven't heard any talk from maid or such about lycan's vanishing have you?" The King now looking at me.

"Not of that rank, no." I said honestly. I wasn't lying, I don't know every single soul that got on those ships, and I thought it was mainly the lower ranked lycans that fled.

"Not of that rank? Explain." He ordered.

"I overheard some of the maids talking that some of lower ranks had made a run for it." I answered.

"That's impossible. They would have been caught by my patrols." The King shook his head.

"You know kids and their slang terms nowadays sir. Who knows what they really meant by 'make a run for it'." Jax said relaxing back in his chair.

"True. Very true." The King nodded. "Well, if you guys hear anything on this matter, please report directly back to me."

"Absolutely sir. What should we do if we catch them in the act?" Jax asked.

"You bring them to the center and mindlink me on your way." The King answered as serious as can be.

Jax nodded and then the King tried to make small talk with me and I just couldn't. I had Jax in my head trying to keep me calm but I was losing control, and then it happened. I snapped.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?! Honestly?!" I stood up so fast, I through the chair I was sitting in backwards at least 10 feet.

Jax went to grab me but the King stopped him and then just stared at me. Well, if he wasn't going to say anything then fuck it, I'm unloading on him. He had to know this was coming right?

"You were nowhere around my whole life!!!! I didn't even know you existed! My father is the man who raised me! Then you have me fuckin abducted and brought here!!! What kind of 'father' abducts their own child and holds them hostage, more or less?! Then you barely talk to me while I am here? What in the actual, and I can't emphasize this enough, FUCK!!! That is 38 shades of fuckered up from Sunday. Yet, you expect me to lead your pack someday?! Man, I hate to be the one to tell you this the Fuckery Gods got you, and they got you good." I was pacing his office at this point just letting everything roll off my chest.

I expected him to cut me off, madder than hell but he never did. I felt his eyes on me the whole time. When he was still silent after I finished, I stopped and looked at him. He was sitting there behind his desk, reclined back in his chair, resting his right elbow on the arm rest, with his thumb under the side of his jaw and 2 fingers on his cheek.

"Are you just going to sit there and stare at me or you going to say something?! How can you sit there all relaxed like nothing you did was wrong?!" I blurted out.

He sat up in his chair again before he cleared his throat and looked at Jax. "Jax can you give us a minute please?"

Jax looked at me for approval, "It's fine Jax, I won't kill him. This time at least." I purposedly added that last bit after our little show on the beach yesterday. Was it yesterday or the day before? Fuck it, who cares.

Jax got up to leave and looked me dead in the eye and mind linked me, "If you need anything, I will be right outside that door."

Once Jax was out and the door was completely shut the King stood up and walked around his desk towards me. I took a few steps back to keep the distance between us. He might be my father but he also had me abducted. He went over to the chair that flew out from under me when I stood and he placed it upright back in its place. He then walked over to a cupboard and opened it revealing multiple alcohol bottles, and then poured himself a drink.

"You feel better?" Was all he said.

"Feel better? Seriously?! That's all you got?!" I asked more in shock than anything else.

"Sit Alida." He gestured towards a couch that was on the side of the room facing a fireplace.

"So I'm easy prey? Yea, I don't think so. I'll stand." I said shifting the weight from one hip to the other and folding my arms over my chest.

"Your choice." He said as he walked over to the couch and sat down staring at the fire while taking a sip of whatever was in his glass. "If I tried to explain my side of the story, would you even listen?" He asked never taking his eyes off the fire.

"I really don't care about your past with my mother or even Nakoa, Seeley. I only care about what you've done to me! Allegedly your own flesh and blood! How could you be so cruel to your own blood?" I was more or less pleading at this point.

At the mention of his actual name, his eyes snapped in my direction but it didn't stop me, and by the end of that small rant, he was looking down at his drink. After what felt like a damn microwave minute, he finally let out a sigh of defeat and sat his glass down.

"You're right Alida. But there's something you don't know. Please sit down and let me try to explain. I will not ask for your forgiveness. Yes, Nakoa and I do have a history, one that I'm not very proud of either." He started but then it was like he dazed off staring in the fire again.

At the mention of her full name, I felt Koa stir in my mind and she came forward just enough to hear what was going on. I debated on blocking her out or not. I decided against it knowing that she would torment me until I told her what was said anyways and probably wouldn't believe half of what was said anyways. So, this way she gets to hear it straight from the horse's mouth.

"Hello Koa." He suddenly spoke causing me to slightly jump.

"How…How did…" I was stuttering now. How did he know?

Seeley just smirked, "Your eyes flashed for a second."

"Damn it Koa!" I said in my head, but externally just rolled my eyes and sighed. "Yea she's here listening but that's it."

"Good because I need her to hear this too." Seeley said turning his head slightly in my direction.

"Well then get on with it will ya? I don't have all day. I'm already missing morning training because of this shit." I said plopping my skinny ass down on the chair sitting angled to the couch, so there was still distance between us but we were facing each other more.

"First off, I know I said no apologies. But there is one I have to give. And that's to Koa." He said hanging his head.

"Koa? Why her?" I asked.

"She was my mate and instead of standing by her side, I stood with my father. I never truly rejected her either, so when she died, it damn near killed me. My only regret is that it took losing her to realize how important mates are and how bad I fucked up. But I was a kid at that time and I let my emotions take over. I don't blame her for what she did. I understand now why she did it. I can't rewrite history, and for that I'm sorry." He said. He looked defeated.

"He's lying!" Koa growled. "Remember he's all about games and bullshitting others for his own gain."

"I don't know Koa. He looks pretty upset." I said.

"Games sweetie. Games. Learn to play them and fast." Was all she said before she retreated to the back of mind.

"Ok you got your apology out. She needs time to think about things. So, in the meantime, why did you abduct me and bring me here?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest again.

"When your mother wouldn't come back here with me, we made a deal. You were the oldest. My pack and lands would become yours. She knew this but she didn't want to leave America." He started and then paused looking at me for a reaction.

"Well, I don't blame her. It sucks here." I said sternly. "What was this alleged deal?"

"That when you turned 18 she would bring you to me to take your rightful place here. To learn our ways and the kingdom's people." The way he said it just didn't sit right with me.

Little did I know, that when Koa retreated to the back of my mind she forged the connection with Maddox. He had been listening in this whole time and relaying the situation to Gunner.

"Well, that's definitely a bomb shell that just got dropped. I'm going to need some time on this, because if this is true, then that means my own mother lied to me my whole life." I said trying to sound anything but annoyed that I was still here in his office.

"I understand." Was all he said turning his attention back to the fire.

I got up to leave and when I got to the door, with my hand on the handle, I stopped for a moment to look back at him. He was still staring into that fire. I just shook my head and opened the door and when I saw Jax still standing there, I rolled my eyes and mouthed "get me out of here" to which he grinned and obliged.

Once I was sure we were out of ear shot, even for a lycan or werewolf, I let out the breath that I didn't realize I had been holding this hold time.

"So, do you believe him?" Jax asked kind of cautiously as we continued to walk back to the hall because it was lunch time now.

"Not a bit. My mother would never do that to me. Would she?" I was asking him like he even knew my mother let alone knew her enough to make that judgement call.

Jax just gave me a sad look. I knew he's seen some rough times and what people will and can do for things or if they're desperate enough. We continue to walk in silence, and even ate lunch in silence.

Instead of going to training with everybody else, I decided to head to the weight room. I put my Bluetooth headphones in and turned some rock on my phone. I needed something loud with a beat. Something that was going to drown out my thoughts. I started working out by myself blocking everything out. I had to of been at it for over an hour before I remembered Koa had connected with Gunner. I dropped the dumbbells and sat up freaking out.

"Gunner? Gunner? You still there?!" But I didn't get a response. Shit! Ughhhh how could I forget he was there. I felt horrible. Guilt overtook me and at that point, my work out was over. I mind link Jax that I was hitting the showers and that I would meet up with him at dinner.

I got my stuff from my room and then headed for the showers. I turned the water to as hot as I could stand it. Ty always called it the devil's water because it was so hot. The memory of Ty and that conversation had my homesickness doubling. I undressed and then stepped in the shower. As soon as the water hit my face, the tears started falling. I couldn't hold them back anymore.

I had sunk down to the floor against the wall with the shower still spraying on me. I let my tears fall while holding my head in my hands. I sobbed quietly just ready to give up. I just wanted my family and friends, and yes even my mate. I have no idea why I longed for him so bad. We had only recognized each other as mates shortly before all this shit! We haven't even kiss yet. So why do I wanna be in his arms so bad? Ughh none of this made any sense anymore.

All I knew was that in a matter of hours, I would be in his arms and surrounded by my actual pack again. Then it hit me. I through the shower curtain back and looked at the clock on the wall. Realizing the time, I yelled out "SHIT!" and then hurried to finish my shower while trying to get Koa to wake up.


"You can make the connection yourself you know?" She yawned.

"Just make the connection and then you can go back to sleep. I can't focus enough to forge it, but I can maintain it after the fact." I was rinsing off quickly while she reluctantly agreed and started the connection.

"Gunner? You there?" I said hurriedly.

"Babe! Yea I'm here. What's wrong?!" He asked worriedly.

"Nothing just running behind on time. Trying to hurry. What's your ETA now?" I asked while drying off.

There was a few minutes of silence but I could tell the connection was still there. I just figured he was checking in with Charlie and whoever else.

"Charlie said we are about 2 hours out!" He sounded so excited and it brought a smile to my face.

"Ok I have to meet up with Jax and let him know the updated time so he can pull the patrols." I said as I started to walk out of the bathroom still wrapped in a towel.

"Sweetie, clothes first?" Koa chimed in.

"Oh right. Holy sweet mother of baby Zeus." I groaned.

"Clothes first?" Gunner asked. "You were in the shower again weren't you?"

"Uhhhhh maybe?" I chuckled.

"What the hell?!" He groaned.

"What?! Is a girl not allowed to shower now or what?!" I laughed at him.

"We will discuss this matter at a….a…at a later time." I heard him clear his throat and couldn't help but smile.

"Ok I gotta go. Your ass better be on that beach in two hours or I'm hunting you down!" I said jokingly.

"Yes Princess."

"Oh hell no. Now you will never see me coming!" I growled.

"Looking forward to it!" I could actually hear him smirking.

I ended the connection as I swung the bathroom door open. He knew how much I hated that title but I knew he was just playing with me at the same time. I hurried down the hall to find Jax was already there. I rushed up and plopped down next to him, still trying to throw my hair into a wet messy bun at this point.

"Whoa! What's the rush?" He asked.

"Two hours." Was all I said in response and he nodded his head in understanding.

I saw a blank look come across his face and I recognized it from when I was in the office with the King and he did the same thing while staring into the fire. I hit Jax on his arm and asked if he was still with me. Jax shook his head and said he was mind linking.

"Wait, your eyes don't glaze over when you mind link?" I asked.

"Not when you're mind linking a lycan they don't." He shrugged.

"Interesting. That lying bastard!" I slammed my fist on the table and then quickly tried to regain myself before drawing to much attention.

"Excuse me?" Jax looked at me confused.

"Seeley. He had that same blank stare when I was in his office." I told him. "We need to get out to the beach now! I want to make rounds to make sure he isn't on to us."

"Can I at least finish my burger?" Jax asked with pleading eyes.

"You better eat like your life depends on it because it does!" I stated before I stood up, "I'll meet you in the cave." I walked off before he could say anything else.