
The Best Shinobi

A young man who suddenly got reincarnated into the ninja world from his class. He had no idea what happened but now that he was here, he needed to live a new life. Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Sealing Jutsu, Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, he planned to master all of them. Being reincarnated into a normal clan, it would be extremely hard but he wasn't going to back down. This is the rise of Menma Izuno in the ninja to become the best shinobi. ................... Naruto will follow the same journey with a lot of new changes. Join my discord: https://discord.gg/uxhZZe8KdV Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EvilParagon

Evil_Paragon · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Shinobi who overcame darkness

After Tsukino managed to settle down every in the village, she finally decided to talk to Menma and others. Of course, Menma was just a Genin so she had to talk to Kakashi about the situation in the village.

Being a Jonin, he had better authority over the decision he could make.

Seeing the condition of the village, he chose to return to Konoha and ask the Hokage for help. After all, Shinga was part of Konoha before he was betrayed.

Part of this was Konoha's fault as well.

After she discussed the village's problem with Kakashi, she went to find Menma.

At this moment, Menma was simply lying down on the ground next to Naruto and others. They were waiting for Kakashi to finish their jobs.

When Tsukino arrived, everyone raised their heads.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" Tsukino looked at Menma and asked.

Hearing her words, Menma was surprised but he quickly nodded. He stood up and walked toward Tsukino. She didn't stand still but rather walked away as Menma followed her.

"Hey, why do you think she suddenly asked Menma to talk?" Naruto looked to the side and asked.

"Don't know. Don't care." Sasuke shrugged his shoulders and continued to sleep. He was only interested in strength.

Others also didn't think too much. But, there was one extremely unhappy person. It was none other than Tenten.

Seeing Menma and Tsukino together, Tenten felt threatened.

On the other side,

"Thank you for freeing everyone from that tree!" Tsukino bowed her head as she thanked him. She found that if Menma had used his own trick to destroy that tree, everyone would've been absorbed by it.

He nearly saved the entire village on his own.

But, Menma didn't think so much. He shook his head and said.

"No, most of it was done by Jonins and others. I only used my own method to destroy that tree because I found that we couldn't keep those people separated for long from the tree."

"No, although it might be a simple move for you, if it wasn't for that move, we couldn't have saved all of them. Your village Jonin told me about it. So, I decided to give this to you."

When she said that, she took out a few scrolls and handed them to him.

Menma was stunned for a moment. Suddenly, he remembered the time when he told Kakashi that he was interested in the Sealing Jutsu of this village.

He didn't expect Kakashi to help him like this.

Although he was humble, he wasn't that good. He quickly took the scrolls and opened them. When he found that these scrolls contained some of the important sealing Jutsu, he instantly looked at Tsukino and bowed his head.

"Thank you very much! I needed these Jutsu very much."

"No need! You helped us. It is the least we can do." Tsukino shook her head and her cheeks slightly blushed as she replied.

"No, you might have underestimated the value of these Sealing Jutsu. Just normal Ninjutsu can't be spread around without authorization, not to mention, these are the Sealing Jutsu which are quite rare in the world."

"As for the matters of the village, it was our task. We did what we were told to do. So, I can't accept these Jutsu that easily. Please, take these! These are some of the Ninjutsu that I developed myself."

"They are much easier to use than normal Ninjutsu."

Menma immediately took out nearly a dozen of scrolls and passed them to her.

Although Tsukino didn't want to accept it that easily when she heard that he created them, she got curious.

She opened one of the scrolls and her mouth opened wide. She looked at him with shock and asked.

"You can use Great Fireball Jutsu just by clapping your hands together?"

This was the first time she found out about one seal jutsu. After all, it shouldn't be possible to use Great Fireball Jutsu with just a single seal.

Menma smiled and said.

"Indeed, it is impossible for normal ninjas. But, for legendary people like First Hokage, it was nothing. In fact, Water Dragon Bomb Jutsu required forty-four seals for any normal person but for the Second Hokage, it only took four seals."

"So, for three years, whenever I had time, I researched developing these Ninjutsu and making them much easier to use. Of course, I haven't tested them properly because of the lack of my Chakra."

"I hope you can test them for me. But, don't worry, they will definitely work."

Hearing his words, Tsukino chuckled and shook her head.

"You don't have to worry. Even if they didn't work, I don't care much. We will definitely test these Ninjutsu. If it works, it would be a great help for our village."

Hearing her words, Menma nodded and sealed all those scrolls into one scroll. He planned to study them later.

"Umm…. Will we meet again?" Tsukino hesitated for a moment before she asked.

Menma was stunned. But, then he nodded his head and said.

"I am not going to die. Although our villages are far away, for Ninjas it won't be hard. Of course, we might be busy in our own lives. So, it would be a little difficult."

Tsukino's eyes dimmed a little bit but she quickly regained her composer and nodded.

"I also hope we can work together in the future."

Menma nodded his head casually, not understanding her thoughts. But just when he was turning back, he suddenly remembered something and told her.

"Also, don't tell anyone about these scrolls for the next two years. I haven't given these Jutsu to the village. I plan to give them after two years."

Hearing his words, Tsukino was surprised for a moment. Suddenly, she smiled and asked.

"Does that mean these Jutsu have no problem?"

Menma didn't understand why she came to this conclusion but he still answered.

"Yes, they don't have any problems. The reason why I don't use them is that I am afraid of using them in front of others unconsciously. After all, it is still uncommon to use Jutsu just by clapping your hands."

"Of course, the previous reason still exists. Because I have decreased the number of seals, the amount of Chakra has been increased. But if you manage to increase your Chakra Control, then you don't have to worry about it."

Tsukino nodded her head.

'It seems like he has a plan for this. Since he doesn't want anyone to find out about it, I will start giving these away after two years. Right now, we have lost a lot of Shinobi.'

'It would take at least two years to produce more Shinobi. So, it would be the perfect time to give them these Jutsu.'

After that, they walked different ways. Tsukino returned to her home where many people from her village were waiting for her while Menma returned to his group.

Kakashi, Guy, and Genma were already there, waiting for him.

"Since Menma is here, let's leave!"

Kakashi spoke.

Everyone nodded their heads and left with their iconic run.

But while they were running, Naruto moved closer to Menma and asked.

"Do you think this village can survive without any Shinobi?"

"It would be hard but if our village give them some protection, then it wouldn't be a problem." Menma nodded his head and answered.

Hearing his words, Naruto clenched his fist. There was anger in his eyes but he didn't speak a word.

Menma suddenly patted his shoulder and said.

"Life isn't about the goal. It's about a journey. You would go through several good things and several bad things. Sometimes, bad things happen more often than good things."

"But, if you give up on your life just because of those bad things, you don't deserve to be a Shinobi. Because Shinobi always protects his village from the shadow. He doesn't want others to know his feelings nor he will give up because of those bad things."

"Of course, sometimes, it would be too hard not to give up. At that time, you should always remember the friends that you made on this journey. The friends that are still waiting for you at the end of the darkness."

"So, don't think about the bad thing that happened to the village. Tsukino will not give up because there are still villagers waiting for her to lead this village. So if you can, come to this village often and help these villagers to slowly restart their new lives instead of feeling guilty."

Although his voice was low, everyone was nearby to hear him. Everyone had different thoughts about his view on Shinobi but there was one man who felt these words deeply related to him.

He lost his father when he was just a child. He lost his best friends when he had just graduated from the Jonin. Then, he soon lost his teacher.

In this life, he lost a lot of things. He had been drowning in the darkness for so long. Many times, he just wanted to give up and die.

But, there were people around him who never gave up and waited for him at the edge of darkness, and pulled him out of that.

The friendship that he made during this journey always kept him in the light and helped him overcome the darkness.

He, the Copy Ninja, Kakashi Hatake took a long time but eventually, he came out of the darkness thanks to the friends around him.

Whether that friend was Blue Beast or a boy with a scary expression, they were all friends that he made on his journey.

[Well, I have ten chapters in pa@treon so you might wanna check it out.]