
The Best Shinobi

A young man who suddenly got reincarnated into the ninja world from his class. He had no idea what happened but now that he was here, he needed to live a new life. Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Sealing Jutsu, Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, he planned to master all of them. Being reincarnated into a normal clan, it would be extremely hard but he wasn't going to back down. This is the rise of Menma Izuno in the ninja to become the best shinobi. ................... Naruto will follow the same journey with a lot of new changes. Join my discord: https://discord.gg/uxhZZe8KdV Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EvilParagon

Evil_Paragon · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Root Attacks

Two Days Later,

"Hey boy, you are Tsunade's disciple, right?" A white-haired ninja walked in front of Menma who was currently on a date with Karin and asked.

"Yes, Lord Jiraya. My name is Menma." Menma stopped for a moment and introduced himself with a slight bow.

"Haha! You are much better than my disciple in this respect." Jiraya patted Menma's shoulder with a solid smile on his face.

"There was no one to teach Naruto any manners in the past. I hope Lord Jiraya would forgive him for that." Menma politely bowed his head and answered.

When he heard his words, Jiraya felt pain in his heart for a slight moment. But, he quickly overcame that pain and smiled.

"It's okay. That kid is my disciple. It doesn't matter what he calls me. But, I have a serious task that needs your help."

"Are you talking about bringing back Teacher Tsunade?" Menma asked.

Jiraya's eyes shrunk as he quickly asked.

"How did you know?"

"Isn't it simple? We need a new Hokage and right now, there are only three options. Danzo isn't liked by the other two advisors at least as a Hokage and you didn't want to become a Hokage."

"That will only leave my teacher for this position. Unfortunately, I can't help you with this." Menma explained and shook his head.

Hearing his words, Jiraya gave him a deep look before saying.

"You know a lot."

"Indeed! I know a lot." Menma replied with a slight smile.

"Haha! That's amazing for someone of your age. But, why can't you help me bring Tsunade back?" Jiraya gave him a serious look for a moment before asking.

"That's simple! I can indeed use some tricks to deceive the teacher and bring her back but she wouldn't do her job as a Hokage with all of her heart."

"She needs someone to make he realize that dream of her brother and boyfriend and also make her preserve that dream for the future generation. And, no one is better at this than Naruto."

"So, I can't help you with this. You just need to take Naruto with you and I believe things will work out just fine."

Menma explained.

"If there is nothing more, I should leave."

Saying so, he quickly grabbed Karin's hand and ran away with her.

Seeing this, Jiraya's lips twitched for a moment before he thought about his own disciple. He knew that the relationship between him and Menma was good.

But, he didn't think it would be this good. At least, even he didn't have that kind of trust in Naruto. No, to be exact, he didn't even know Naruto as a person.

He sighed for a moment before finally deciding on taking Naruto with him.

"Menma, was that really Lord Jiraya? Is it really good for us to leave like this?"

Karin worriedly asked.

"There is no need to worry about it. My teacher and Lord Jiraya aren't too strict about their status. They are very carefree. Anyway, I haven't taken you out for a month."

"So, I don't want anyone to spoil our date." Menma snickered.

Hearing his words, Karin's face suddenly blushed as she lowered her head.

Soon, they continued their date. They went to different shops in Konoha, watched some movies, and even had a moonlight view all by themselves.

When Menma was taking her home during the night, he sensed several ninjas surrounding him.

"Karin, I will send you back first." As soon as he said, a strange seal on Karin's body lit up as she suddenly disappeared.

"So, did Danzo send you? I was surprised that he didn't try to threaten me with my family during Konoha Crush."

Menma spoke as he took out two kunai from his bag.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

"Menma Izuno, Master Danzo wants to meet you! Follow us."

One of the roots spoke with an emotionless tone.

Menma wasn't surprised by his words instead he pointed his finger at the root and said.

"Hey, do you have that kind of seal on your shoulder?"

The root member didn't understand his question as he turned to his shoulder to look at the seal.

Whoosh! Bang!

Suddenly, the seal lit up and Menma appeared in the position of that seal. He slammed his fist on the head of that root ninja and smashed him on the ground.

"That's one down and eight more to go."

Menma raised his head and stared at the other eight root members as he spoke with calm down.

"What is going on? He didn't even throw his Kunai."

"Did he mark us before?"

"No, impossible! He didn't even find us before. Besides, that mark appeared on him out of nowhere."

His attack left every root Ninja in disarray as they didn't understand how he actually did what he did.

"Hey, watch out!"

Suddenly, one of the root ninjas saw another seal glowing on the body of the root member and shouted immediately.

But before even he could react, Menma had already appeared in that seal. His hand was covered in the lightning-wind blade as he pierced the body of that root ninja before even he could react.

"Damn it! This is of no use. We need to take the initiative. Use the bugs to block his path. I think he is using his sight to create the seal on his opponent."

One of the root members analyzed his powers and immediately shouted.

Another root member realized a massive amount of bugs and started covering them with the bugs.

'Sure enough! I can't underestimate the intelligence of the Ninjas. It didn't even take more than a single second for them to find out the logic behind my Jutsu.'

"But, do you really think that's all I've?"

Suddenly, his body got covered in lightning and flame. His cells were vibrating at a rapid pace as he suddenly disappeared from his position and appeared behind them.

"No, you don't."

When the root member saw his target, he immediately slammed his palms on the ground and a massive wall emerged from the ground.

[Earth Style- Mud Wall]


"You do not understand my strength, roots"

[Shadow Clone Jutsu] [Purple Flame Array Jutsu]

At this moment, four shadow clones summoned a massive purple barrier around them. With this barrier, Menma wasn't worried about startling the Konoha with his attacks.

[Mini Version- Heaven Clapping Red Dragon]

A mini version of a red dragon burst out of his palm and rushed toward those root members. Even though the bugs and massive mud walls were used to block his attack, the red dragon easily tore it apart.


Upon colliding against those root members, it exploded causing a massive explosion. A few seconds later, the power of the explosion disappeared and Menma reappeared inside the barrier.

He walked toward the root members whose bodies were burnt but just when he reached closer, a Root Member stabbed his sword toward Menma with a ferocious expression under his broken mask.


The red lightning appeared on his palm as he easily caught the sword with his hand alone. And, then he crushed it with his palm.


He took a step forward and punched that root member's head into the ground.

"Right now is not the moment to startle Danzo. I need to wait until I finally get that bloodline."

Although Menma was able to increase his powers to Kage Level with several tricks, he was still lacking a lot of Chakra compared to Naruto.

And, without such a high Chakra Level, he wouldn't be able to practice Sage Mode.

Do you really think Minato Namikaze had a low Chakra Reserve? He did tug of chakra war against Nine Tails and managed to seal half of its Chakra after using his chakra continuously on Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

That's why despite being an orphan Naruto was able to suppress Nine Tails' chakra. Don't forget Kakashi said that he could only use four percent of his total chakra.

And, that four percent was enough to release more than a thousand shadow clones. If you don't understand how that works, then in simple terms, Naruto could go through the same battle that he went through with Menma twice without taking a break.

In that battle, from using his Eight Inner Gates to sage Mode to continuous use of Rasengan and Shadow clone, he was consume Chakra as if there was no end.

And, despite that, he was able to fight Gaara. Yes, and he did all this with four percent of his Chakra.

That just goes to show how important Chakra is to a Ninja. Even Sasuke who had Rinnegan in Boruto was barely a Kage Level and only reached Six Paths Level whenever he is around Naruto who could share his Chakra.

And, to have a massive Chakra Reserve, you need a bloodline. Unless he planned to kill all the ninjas from the world and absorb their Chakra, he had to find an alternative.

And, this alternative would arrive in a month so right now, he had to be quiet and wait for this opportunity.

As for those root ninjas, he simply burned them to ashes and blow them away with his Wind Release.