
The Best Shinobi

A young man who suddenly got reincarnated into the ninja world from his class. He had no idea what happened but now that he was here, he needed to live a new life. Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Sealing Jutsu, Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, he planned to master all of them. Being reincarnated into a normal clan, it would be extremely hard but he wasn't going to back down. This is the rise of Menma Izuno in the ninja to become the best shinobi. ................... Naruto will follow the same journey with a lot of new changes. Join my discord: https://discord.gg/uxhZZe8KdV Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EvilParagon

Evil_Paragon · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Naruto and his Ninja Way

"Do we really need this Jar anymore?" Tenten turned her head at Menma and asked. She was a bit distressed because they had already put the Chakra into Jar which means it can't be used for the next two years.

In a normal situation, Menma would've been angry but when he saw Naruto releasing five hundred shadow clones using Nine Tails Chakra unconsciously, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Haha! He truly is the most unexpected ninja."

He wasn't feeling distressed like Tenten for wasting this Jar. Instead, he turned his eyes to Naruto and waited for him to make a move.

Naruto was also surprised by such a huge number of Shadow Clones. He quickly sent all of those Shadow Clones to fight the Chunins.

All of them felt a great threat from Naruto and instantly released their respective Jutsu against his clones.

The clones kept turning into white smoke with each strike but it was taking too much Chakra. They couldn't hold it for long and Naruto also seized this opportunity to stick the paper bombs on them.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Those nine paper bombs exploded, and the massive amount of shadow clones turned to smoke. At this moment, Naruto had received a lot of pain.

If it wasn't for his training and Uzumaki's Body, he would've died. Soon, he felt like all of his remaining Shadow Clones returning to him, and slowly, his head started to spin.

He felt like he couldn't stand anymore and he started to fall to the ground.

But, at this moment, Menma appeared next to him and held him tightly.

"Man, you sure took care of nine chunins on your own."

Hearing Menma's words, Naruto turned his head and a smile appeared on his face. He raised his index finger and middle finger at Menma, saying.

"Of course, I am going to be Hokage in the future."

Menma smiled and helped Naruto.

Slowly, the dust and smoke settled. But, Menma's eyes turned bad. At this moment, although those ninjas were injured, they weren't dead or incapacitated.

All of them were in a rage. When they saw Menma, they instantly tried to rush toward Menma. But, suddenly, a large shadow appeared underneath them.

[Shadow Paralysis Jutsu]

At the same time, Okinawa gritted his teeth and instantly made a seal with his hands.

[Water Style- Great Breakthrough]

He slammed his hands and a massive gust of wind blew toward them. This was the move that he had learned recently so he wasn't sure if it would work.

But, when the gust of wind blew toward them, Menma turned his head at Sasuke and shouted.

"Sasuke, Fire Style!"

Sasuke who was fighting against the girl heard him and instantly turned around. He looked at Neji and said.

"I can't fight anymore."

Then, he dashed toward them and made hand signs instantly.

[Fire Style- Great Fireball Jutsu]

A large amount of flame burst out of his mouth and slammed into the wind. The wind didn't break but rather merged with his flames and increased its volume.


The massive fireball struck nine of them who were unable to move due to Shadow Paralysis.

"Neji, let me help you."

"Leaf Hurricane"

Suddenly, Lee shouted from the back. He felt like he hadn't done anything at all. So, when he saw the opportunity, he dived in. He immediately concentrated his power on his foot and when the girl was distracted by Neji, he kicked her in her side.

This girl didn't have any defensive jutsu and was she powerful with her body, so when she was attacked heavily, she instantly passed out.

Menma saw all of the Chunin finally going down and sighed a breath of relief. He turned his head at Sakura and saw her helping those people. He looked at Tenten and others.

"Anyone, who can still move start helping Sakura!"

In the entire group, only Lee and Tenten were fine. They immediately rushed to help Sakura. Although these people were wrapped by the branches, they weren't dead.

After they finished pulling nearly hundreds of people out of those branches, they realized the tree had started to pull them in once again.

It shocked them as they didn't know what to do now. Even Naruto who had recovered a little started helping them.

After a while, Menma finally realized that unless this tree is destroyed, they can't stop this process. It was more like a Divine Tree.

When he thought of that, Menma suddenly realized something.

'Wait, if this tree is like a Divine Tree and if Shinki is just a battery, doesn't that mean I can still use the jar on it?'

Menma realized that he must try it. After all, he had already spent his Chakra and activated the jar. He held the Jar and took it in front of the Tree.

Then, he looked at others and said.

"Everyone, retreat! No matter what, don't come forward until I am finished."

Naruto and others were covered with sweat. They have been pulling these people out of the branches but no matter how much they try, these branches start sucking them in.

Fortunately, when Menma ordered them, they had already removed all of the people from the tree and put them far away.

Seeing that Menma was going do to something with that jar, they all retreated. Menma then closed his eyes and focused on the jar.

He had already spent his Chakra. Now, he just had to utilize it. Instantly, he chose the tree as the target with his mind.

The jar shook a bit and a strange red chain appeared out of it. This red chain was made out of Chakra. It swept toward the tree and pierced it.

The tree trembled for a moment. Menma instantly released his hands from the jar and started making the hand signs. There were a lot of hand signs, just like the Chakra Stealing Jutsu, there were hundreds of hand signs.

[Jar Style- Chakra Absorption Jutsu]

The next moment, that red chain trembled and started pulling the tree toward it. Some of its branches that were moving toward those people stopped.

"Tenten, what is Menma doing? What kind of Jar is that?" Okinawa turned his head at Tenten and asked with shock. He had been with Menma for over three years but he never saw this jar.

Tenten was a bit conflicted about whether to reveal it or not but eventually, she realized that she didn't have much choice.

"That is a secret Jutsu that I and Menma developed for three years. It is quite complicated and even I don't know much about it. I only contributed in materials."

"This Jutsu is used to absorb something with Chakra into it. As long as they don't resist, anyone with Chakra can be absorbed. And, once absorbed, they will turn into Chakra."

"If they are humans, they will die and turn into Chakra."

Hearing her explanation, everyone was stunned.

"This Jutsu….. Isn't it a bit evil?" Neji couldn't help but comment upon hearing the principle of that Jutsu. If it was used on him, wouldn't he change into Chakra and die?

"No! Menma told me that power is never evil or good. Only people are. And, I believe Menme will never use it against good people." Naruto instantly rejected Neji's words and showed his confidence in Menma.

Hearing his words, Neji and others were surprised but two people weren't. Okinawa and Tenten who knew Menma very well didn't care if Menma creates such kind of Jutsu.

[Daytime Tiger]


Suddenly, they heard a loud explosion from a far. The massive explosion of wind released a powerful shockwave that rushed toward them.

"Everyone, run!"

Neji who had used his Byakugan shouted and dashed away. Others also followed him as they ran away but among them, only one of them rushed in a different way.

At this moment, Naruto dashed toward Menma. He found that Menma was defenseless in front of that shockwave and it was so huge that everyone was getting injured even if they were defending against it.

But, Menma was different. He was facing his back toward the shockwave. So, if it hit him, he could be fatally injured.


The massive shockwave hit Naruto but he gritted his teeth. He didn't even care if his body was injured. He stuck his foot on the ground and blocked all the shockwaves with his body.

Menma who was in the middle of absorption couldn't move otherwise the Jar would explode because of the impact and the Chakra would be released out of it.

Menma was prepared to block the shockwave with his body but he realized that the shockwave wasn't hitting him at all. Only when he heard the familiar sound, he turned around.

He saw a young man wearing the orange jacket holding on against the shockwave without even flinching. His foot had pierced the ground and his nails were bleeding.

At this moment, the shockwave slowly ended and Menma dashed forward to hold Naruto before he could fall to the ground.

"You idiot, why did you do that? You could've died." Menma bit his tongue as he shouted at Naruto while holding him in his hand.

At this moment, Naruto's face had several cuts and so was his jacket. His face and body were covered in blood.

Even though he was suffering from such injuries, instead of crying in pain, he slowly raised his thumb and spoke. There was a smile on his face which was covered in blood.

"I… am….going to become…..Hokage. I will protect everyone including my best friend. This is my Ninja Way."


I found that I have few more chapters in stock so I decided to put them in Pat@reon. So, if you like my work and love to support me, then please check out my Pat@reon in synopsis or copy the link from before, just remove (@).
