
The Best Shinobi

A young man who suddenly got reincarnated into the ninja world from his class. He had no idea what happened but now that he was here, he needed to live a new life. Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Sealing Jutsu, Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, he planned to master all of them. Being reincarnated into a normal clan, it would be extremely hard but he wasn't going to back down. This is the rise of Menma Izuno in the ninja to become the best shinobi. ................... Naruto will follow the same journey with a lot of new changes. Join my discord: https://discord.gg/uxhZZe8KdV Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EvilParagon

Evil_Paragon · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Guiding Genin Part 3

"Because both of come from a family that majors in Fire Style Ninjutsu, you should focus on that. But, for Beni, I suggest you learn Compound Ninjutsu."

"You can ask your uncle about it. Or, you can try to learn Nature Transformation. It would be best if you ask your uncle about this."

"There aren't many options for you. So, I can't suggest more but there is one suggestion that I can give you two."

"When you focus on Fire Style Ninjutsu, don't try to make them big. Just increase their temperature. With enough control, you will be able to do it. Once you increase its temperature, even against Water Style, you can win."

"Of course, you need to focus on Chakra Control for that."

Hearing his words, Beni and Fuma who wasn't expecting that much were surprised. But, they quickly nodded their heads with grateful looks.

"Of course, if you feel you are lacking something, you can contact others. That's the main reason why I suggested the second advice."

Saying so, Menma turned his head at Jena and Okinawa.

"Jena, your dream is quite hard to realize without a lot of effort. In fact, if you follow my suggestion, you might have to work harder and smarter than anyone else in the group."

Hearing his words, Jena was surprised but also nervous. Her dream was to make her family use different kinds of Ninjutsu and not limit themselves to Shadow Style.

If it was possible, she would do anything for it. She took a deep breath and said.

"I am not afraid of hard work. Just tell me what to do."

Hearing her words, Menma nodded.

"First, you need to keep training Taijutsu and Shadow Style to increase your Chakra Reserve. Shadow Style is also related to spiritual energy so you should be able to increase your Chakra Reserve just like Sasuke."

"Second, you need to learn Nature Transformation. There are two kinds of transformation. Shape Transformation which allows you to give Chakra a shape. It can mold Chakra into any kind of Shape."

"Nature Transformation changes the nature of the Chakra from ordinary Chakra to elemental Chakra. People are normally born with one kind of Chakra Release. But, Jonin can master more than one kind of release."

"Why? Because they can master Nature's Transformation. It would be really hard for you to do such a thing. But if you succeed, nothing is stopping you from achieving your goal."

"Just imagine using Earth Style to create an opportunity to expand your Shadow. Just imagine using your Shadow to Paralyse someone and then using Shadow Clone with Nature Transformation to attack them."

"As I said before, it would be really hard. Few people can truly master several Nature Transformation. So, you might even fail. But, as long as you persist, you will be able to accomplish your dream."

"Shadow Style with Five Nature Transformation. Under Kage Level, you will be invincible."

Hearing his words, Jena was shocked but also excited. She wasn't sure if she could do it but if she succeed, then she would be able to fulfill her dream.

And, Menma clearly mentioned it. If she could learn Nature Transformation, she would be able to use her Shadow Style with more versatility.

Then, Menma looked at Okinawa.

"As for you, I don't really have that many suggestions. If you can, focus on completing more tasks. If you accumulate more merits, you can ask Water Style from Third Hokage that was created by the Second Hokage."

Hearing his words, Okinawa chuckled and nodded his head. He already knew what he should do. After all, he had been together with Menma for years.

Menma finally turned his head at Hinata's group.

"As for your group, it is really hard to say. Kiba, I know you love Akamaru but have you ever considered getting more Ninja Dogs? For example, getting different Dogs with different kinds of abilities."

"There are some dogs with extremely sensible noses while some dogs with extremely ferocious attack powers. I am not sure if it is suitable for you but if it is, then it won't be a pain to get more Ninja Dogs."

"As for other training, you can focus on Taijutsu."

"Shino, if it is a life and death battle, I believe you will be able to kill us here. But, in a normal battle, you will be left behind. I am not sure if this method would work or not."

"But, if your insects can use poison, why can't they use other elements such as fire and lightning? As long as you learn Nature Transformation, you can use your Chakra that was fed to your insects to trigger Nature Transformation, can't you?"

"Well, I am not sure if this will work. I just hope it will. I don't know other ways to increase your strength. Sorry!"

Hearing his words, Shino was shocked. First of all, most people wouldn't even feel his presence. Second, he never expected his insects to be able to do Nature Transformation.

It was true that his insects grew up with his Chakra. And, as long as his Chakra remains inside them, he should be able to mold it. Then, using Nature Transformation wouldn't be hard, right?

He didn't know the answer but it was worth trying.

"Thank you!" Shino instantly lowered his head and said.

Menma smiled and continued "It's okay. Actually, even without my instruction, you would definitely increase your strength."

Then, he walked toward Hinata. Unlike others, he had some thoughts about Hinata's Byakugan. After all, just like Naruto and Sasuke, she was able to use Hamura's Chakra.

So, it should be possible to trigger it, right? And, if she triggers Hamura's Chakra, there is a little possibility for her to awaken Tenseigan. After all, Hamura was able to awaken it.

And, it was clearly mentioned that once an Otsutsuiki uses Hyuga's Byakugan, he can easily awaken Tenseigan.

She is already a Hyuga. And, once she awakens Hamura's Chakra, she would be able to gain Tenseigan, and even if she couldn't awaken it, she should be able to push it to a whole new level.

Seeing him approaching closer, Hinata couldn't help but fluster. Her shy character wasn't just for Naruto. It's just that it was extreme toward Naruto.

"How do I say this? Let's just call it a coincidence. Even if someone asks me, I don't know how to say it. Maybe it was just a dream or maybe a prophecy. Maybe one could say I am completely wrong or maybe it was just a theory."

"But, I get the feeling that you can evolve your Byakugan. And, not like making it stronger, but literal evolution. If you train really hard, pushing your Chakra to your eyes constantly."

"And, also, it's not that you are weak or you don't have any talent. It's just your character. It is hard to change talent but it is easy to change character."

"Just remember, if you don't change your character, he might never notice you. He might never understand your feelings for him. You might just become a passerby in his life."

"But, if you change your character and become brave, you might not lose to anyone here. I don't have much to say to you. Try these two methods. And, also you should train in Taijutsu more."

Saying so, he turned around and left toward Neji. At this moment, some didn't understand what he meant. Many didn't understand. Only Hinata and Ino did.

Hinata was shocked hearing his words. Rather than turning shy, her expression became extremely anxious. Although she knew that it might become something like this, she never thought Menma to say it outright in her face.

Her expression became pale. But, Ino quickly went over to comfort her. She didn't understand why Menma would say such cruel words. But, she couldn't stop him from saying it.

Menma didn't care about it. He came in front of Neji and said.

"When it comes to purity of these eyes, yours might be lower. But, when it comes to talent, you are second to none. But, your heart is tied. Unless you realize that there are things that you can't change at least, not yourself, you won't be able to do anything."

"Let me ask you a question. Despite not having any relationship with anyone of you. Why do I go so far as to help you guide? I could just focus on my close friends or even I could just ignore everyone."

"But I didn't do that. Do you know why?"

Neji didn't answer. Because he didn't understand. He didn't understand why Menma would do such a thing. Not just him, everyone else was silent as well.

Menma noticed his expression and spoke.

"When you can't decide on something, you go by majority rule. In the future, if I am in a situation where I can't do something, I will still have friends who will help me."

"Your voice might be small and your strength might not be enough to change anything. But, what if you include all of us?"

When he asked this question, Neji's heart was shaken.


[Well, I now have twelve advance chapters in Pa@treon. So, if you like this series, then don't forget to join my Pa@treon. Link is- www.pa@treon.com/EvilParagon]