
The Best Shinobi

A young man who suddenly got reincarnated into the ninja world from his class. He had no idea what happened but now that he was here, he needed to live a new life. Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Sealing Jutsu, Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, he planned to master all of them. Being reincarnated into a normal clan, it would be extremely hard but he wasn't going to back down. This is the rise of Menma Izuno in the ninja to become the best shinobi. ................... Naruto will follow the same journey with a lot of new changes. Join my discord: https://discord.gg/uxhZZe8KdV Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EvilParagon

Evil_Paragon · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Fighting Tsunade Part 2

Hearing his words, Tsunade snickered. But, she didn't hesitate to get serious. After all, Menma wasn't just an empty word. Unless she uses her full strength, it would be extremely difficult to kill him.

And, it was all due to one Jutsu.

Flying Thunder God Jutsu!

Of course, Menma wasn't planning on using this Jutsu in the fight against her. If she had no hemophobia, it wouldn't be a problem for him.

But, since she was in such a situation, he didn't want her to face blood, at least not now.

Even so, he still had enough power to face her. Seeing Tsunade who was getting ready for heavy attacks, Menma slapped his palm together.

[Fire Style- Great Fireball Jutsu]

A massive five meters wide fireball burst out of his mouth and rushed toward Tsunade.

Seeing how easily Menma conjured the fireball, Tsunade realized that she didn't have the chance to use the other Ninjutsu.

She slammed her foot on the ground and her heel broke the earth into a piece that flew up.

She raised her hand and slammed her palm against that piece of ground.


The earth and fire collided. The massive fireball tried to push it but the immense force that pushed that piece of ground was stronger thus, it succeeded in breaking the fireball.

When the dust and smoke settled, Kim instantly made two seals and a long, thin stream of water burst out of his mouth. The stream of water rushed toward her.

Tsunade immediately conjured chakra into her hand and slammed it against the water stream.


The water split apart and Tsunade quickly pushed through it and rushed toward Menma. She slightly tapped the ground and jumped. An enormous chakra flowed into her foot as she kicked toward Menma.

[Heavenly Foot of Pain]


Her foot struck Menma but it turned out to be a small piece of branch. When she landed on the ground, it almost made a big crater. The ground crumbled and the hole emerged beneath her foot.

Menma appeared a few meters behind her. His chakra flowed into his mouth as he made two hand seals.

[Fire Style- Fire Dragon Bullet]

The flame dragon burst out of his mouth and rushed toward Tsunade. It wasn't big but its speed was faster than Fireball.

Seeing this, Tsunade instantly made several seals and slapped her hand on the ground.

[Earth Style- Earth Wall Flow]


The Flame Dragon struck the earthen wall. The collision between these two burst the earth wall into pieces and moved forward.

But, its power had gone a lot weaker. Tsunade clenched her fist and slammed a punch against the flame dragon.


The flame dragon exploded upon explosion, covering her in flames. Unfortunately, the flames couldn't even burn her clothes instead that Tsunade turned into white smoke.

"Shadow Clone?" Menma was surprised for a moment but he quickly turned around and made a seal.


A fist struck his face and he turned into a piece of wood.

"Tch!" Tsunade clicked her tongue with displeasure and quickly turned around. She saw Menma appearing several meters away from her. As soon as he appeared, he made a seal.

[Lightning Style- Thunderclap Arrow]

He slammed his palm forward and the white lightning burst out of his palm, flowing toward Tsunade.

"Who are you underestimating, brat?" Tsunade shouted and her chakra formed a Chakra Scalpel around her hand as she slammed her fist against the thunderclap arrow.

But, as soon as she destroyed it, she saw nearly ten Shuriken coming towards her. At the same time, he made a seal with his one hand while bursting out flames from his mouth.

[Fire Style- Phoenix Sage Flower Nail Crimson]

This was a move that Itachi used. So, he didn't change the name. Because he found this move really handy, he memorized it completely.

The shuriken moved at a certain pace. At the same time, they were covered with flame, which made it into the shape of a phoenix. As it flowed toward Tsunade, she also found this Jutsu quite troublesome.

She instantly made the hand seals and release the water stream from her mouth.

[Water Style- Water Bullet Jutsu]

After releasing the stream of water from her mouth, she once again made the seals and slammed her hand on the ground.

[Earth Style- Earth Flow Wall]

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The water only managed to extinguish the flame and only the earth wall managed to block those shurikens. Two Menma suddenly appeared behind her and Menma in front of her changed into smoke.

[Fire Style- Great Fireball Jutsu]

[Wind Style- Great Breakthrough]

When he released two Ninjutsu with two shadow clones, the fireball grew massively from five meters wide to ten meters wide because of the wind.

Seeing that big fireball, Tsunade clenched her teeth and jumped toward it. She condensed Chakra into her foot and slammed against the fireball.

[Heavenly Spear Foot]


Her foot slammed against the fireball and blasted it. The fireball exploded, covering her in flames. But, she came out from the other side of the explosion.

She reached in front of Menma and slammed her foot against him. But, Menma also quickly reacted as he raised his foot to block her foot.


Their foot collided together and both retreated a few steps. At the same time, both released the Chakra Enhanced Strength and dashed toward each other.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Their foot and hands collided with each other. Menma tried to land a proper punch against her but she always see it coming and block it.

No matter how much clever he tried to be, she was always one step ahead of him. Years of battle had forged her body to react to any kind of situation.

Not to mention, this easy battle was her opponent with a twelve years old kid. Even with his martial art training in the past, he wasn't strong enough to land a hit on her.

As they continued to strike against each other, Menma slowly fell into a disadvantage and Tsunade took the opportunity by landing a punch on his chest.


Menma didn't have the time to use Substitution Jutsu in such a chaotic battle so he flew back several meters and struck the ground a few times before finally stopping.

Crack! Crack!

He felt the bones on his chest cracking.

"I lost." Menma heavily sighed and released the Medical Ninjutsu to heal his wound.

"But you fought against me for so long. And, you didn't even use the Flying Thunder God Jutsu. It seems like all that time you spent to create that Jutsu finally paid off."

Tsunade slowly walked toward him and speechlessly spoke. She was truly shocked by his Chakra Reserve.

She still renumbered just how many times he used Ninjutsu in the battle and he still had the Chakra to fight hand-to-hand against her finally, he even used Medical Ninjutsu to heal himself.

From this alone, she could feel like his Chakra wasn't near depletion. If this was a life and death battle, Menma could still fight.

Hearing her words, Menma shook his head and said.

"It might be true but I used almost two years to get this stronger while some of my friends should have already been twice as strong as me. If I don't use the next four months to get stronger, I will definitely lose against them."

Tsunade was speechless once again. She couldn't help but shake her head as she asked.

"Do you really have to be so negative? You can easily catch up to them with your Chakra, can't you?"

Menma shook his head and said.

"Teacher, as I said before, you underestimate my friends. Before they might only have talent but now they have the proper guidance as well. Although not all of them might get as strong as me but some of them will definitely surpass me."

Hearing his words, Tsunade narrowed her eyes and said.

"Don't tell me you are regretting now?"

Menma slowly stood up and shook his head.

"Of course not! If I was given a chance to go through that moment again, I will still guide them. Making them stronger also gives me a chance to get stronger."

"After all, when only there is desperation, a person makes the strongest effort. So, for the next four months, I will train desperately to catch up to them."

Tsunade slowly smiled and nodded.

"That's good. At least, you aren't demotivated. But, I still have one last thing to teach you. Now with your Chakra Reserve, you will be able to use this Ninjutsu."

When she said that, Menma immediately came to a conclusion in his mind.

"Teacher, you mean Summoning Jutsu?"

"You know about that?" Tsunade looked at him with surprise but suddenly realized that Menma always knew more than a normal child.

"Of course, how could I not know about Three-Way Deadlock? And, I also want to learn Summoning Jutsu, especially for Sage Mode." Menma said.

Hearing his words, Tsunade narrowed her eyes as she spoke.

"It seems like this is also in your plan. But, you might have to change it. Even with my grandfather's Chakra, it took him a miracle to learn Sage Mode from Shikkotsu Forest."