
The Best Shinobi

A young man who suddenly got reincarnated into the ninja world from his class. He had no idea what happened but now that he was here, he needed to live a new life. Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Sealing Jutsu, Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, he planned to master all of them. Being reincarnated into a normal clan, it would be extremely hard but he wasn't going to back down. This is the rise of Menma Izuno in the ninja to become the best shinobi. ................... Naruto will follow the same journey with a lot of new changes. Join my discord: https://discord.gg/uxhZZe8KdV Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EvilParagon

Evil_Paragon · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Chunin Exam Part 3

"So, is that true that I am from Uzumaki Clan?" Karin curiously asked as she walked alongside Menma. After getting along with him for a while, she no longer felt afraid of him.

More importantly, she felt better than before. At least, unlike her teammates, he didn't treat her like a personal healer.

"Indeed! Uzumaki Clan people are mostly identified by the color of their hair. Because of their high vitality and chakra, they have high accomplishment in Sealing Jutsu."

"In this world, Sealing Jutsu can be transformed into any kind of Jutsu. In other words, they were the most powerful clans before they were destroyed. I found that when the Uzumaki Clan was destroyed, some of their people escaped."

"Many hide in different countries and villages. Some even changed their hair color to fit inside other countries. Your parents must have escaped as well."

"My friend's mother is from the Uzumaki clan while his father is from another clan. Because of his father's high level of strength and Chakra, his genetics were highly dominated by his father's genes so he doesn't have red hair."

"But, he is indeed Uzumaki."

When Menma explained, Karin quietly listened to his every word. She was truly curious about her own clan and now that she had an opportunity, she didn't want to miss it.

When she heard that Uzumaki Clan were destroyed because they were the strongest clan, she couldn't help but feel bitter.

If they weren't destroyed, maybe her mother wouldn't have left the country and they would've lived a beautiful life.

Even though she was sad about it, she didn't think too much. After all, no matter what she does, she can't change the past.

"It seems like your partners are here." Menma suddenly paused his footsteps and spoke. His words suddenly brought her attention as she turned her head to the side and saw two of her teammates coming toward her.

"Karin, you are actually alive." When they reached her, they looked at him with surprise. But, soon their eyes fell on Menma. As soon as they saw Menma, they knew that Menma saved Karin.

But, they didn't like seeing Karin with Menma. So, they immediately made a defensive position and spoke.

"Karin, what are you doing with the enemy? Come here!"

Although it seemed like he was concerned about him, his tone was full of threats. In his eyes, Karin was a personal healer who could heal their injuries no matter how hard they suffer.

Hearing his words, Karin's eyes shrunk and her mind froze in fear. Her hands shook a bit as she thought of moving forward but suddenly, a hand tightly hold her back.

"It seemed to me that you previously left her to die. That means she is already dead once and now she no longer belongs to your group. So, can you please leave?"

Menma smiled and spoke in a harmless manner.

"You bastard, who are you? Get away from her. She belongs to Village Hidden in the Grass." The Genin in front of him immediately shouted while taking out his kunai.

Seeing this, Karin's body shook involuntarily. She didn't know what to do because Menma was holding her tightly.

Suddenly, Menma pulled her close to him and tore her sleeves.

As soon as her sleeves were torn apart, her pale hands appeared in his eyes. His hand trembled a bit. Although he already knew this by watching anime, it still hurt him to see those bite marks on her hands.

And, his eyes started blinking at a crazy speed.

"You bastard, what are you doing? Karin, do you want to die? If you don't come here, I will tell our Jonin about this." Seeing this scene, the Genin immediately panicked and shouted.

"Twenty-Two!" Menma slowly spits out these numbers and the Kunai appears in his hand. The next moment, he lets go of her hand and throws Kunai toward them.

The speed caught them off guard but they weren't worried. After all, they could easily dodge the Kunai. But just when Kunai reached in front of them, it was replaced by Menma.

Splash! Splash!

Menma instantly appeared and pierced their stomach with his Kunai. Their eyes almost popped. They didn't even manage to react. After all, this was Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

Even Chunin couldn't properly react to his speed, not to mention they were just some Genins.

But, Menma didn't let them die. He pulled out his Kunai and the green light emerged from his hand. The next moment, their wounds started healing at an incredible rate.

"Ww-w-what are you doing?"

Seeing their wounds being healed so fast, those two didn't understand Menma's operation. But when they asked him, they only saw the devilish smile on his face.

Suddenly, Menma disappeared from their sight and appeared above them.


[Fire Style- Great Fireball Jutsu]

A few seconds later,

[Mystical Palm Jutsu]

Stab! Stab!

[Mystical Palm Jutsu]

[Wind Style- Gale Palm]

[Mystical Palm Jutsu]

[Fire Style- Great Fireball Jutsu]

[Mystical Palm Jutsu]

This continued for over ten minutes as Menma kept killing them and healing them at the same time. But, after the end of it, he finally healed them for one last time and held them by their neck.

"You can go back and tell your Jonin that Karin will no longer return to your village."

Saying so, he puts them down and two marks appear on his hand as he places them on their body. After that, he kicks them away and finally returns to Karin.

At this moment, Karin was blankly staring at the entire process. For the first time, she realized what revenge truly is.

It was horrible. Even though she hated them, she couldn't help but take pity on them, After all, it was shocking that someone would injure his enemy and then use healing jutsu and then injure them once again.

"I am sorry. I took revenge for you without asking for your opinion." Menma slightly bowed his head and apologized upon reaching in front of her.

Only then Karin woke up from her shock and quickly shook her head.

"No, no, that... Thank you!"

Thump! Thump! Thump!

At this moment, Karin lowered her head as she thanked him. But a large drop of tears fell from her eyes and landed on the leaves on the ground.

For the first time in her life, she felt incredibly happy. She didn't know how to show her happiness so her tears kept falling down.

But, suddenly, Menma pulled her into his embrace. Although it felt a bit rash to do this, he still pulled her into his embrace and gently pressed her head.

"Please do not care! Those tears are precious. You shouldn't waste them like this."

When Karin heard those words, she couldn't hold back her tears even more. She didn't know why this person suddenly appeared in her life but from the moment he appeared, she found that her life has taken a strange yet amazing turn.

She didn't even understand how to proceed. But she knew that the first thing that she needs to do is to calm down. It took a while but she eventually calmed down.

She finally took a deep breath and asked.

"Can you let me go?"

Only then Menma realized that he was taking advantage of her. He quickly pushed and turned his head sideways in embarrassment. Seeing his embarrassed face, Karin froze for a moment and chuckled.

She didn't know why but seeing him embarrassed like that made her incredibly happy. It might be because of her last doubts that have disappeared.

She looked at him and finally asked.

"Can you tell me why did you help me?"

Hearing her words, Menma didn't know how to answer. He couldn't tell her that he liked her character. Although she was extremely attached to Sasuke, he understood it was because Sasuke saved her.

She even told this herself. She just wanted to see his smile once again. That's all.

When he watched the anime, he couldn't understand why her background was so tragic. He couldn't tell her that he took pity on her because of her tragic life.

Seeing his silent face, Karin couldn't help but feel sad. She didn't even understand why she felt sad. Maybe she was hoping for some kind of response that she would like to listen to.

Or maybe she just wanted to find a reason for this change in her life. Just when she sadly lowered her head, Menma patted the back of his head and spoke.

"I have a friend who is not just my best friend but also my rival. He….. He had a harsh childhood but he is an extremely bright person. No matter how bad life becomes, he always moves forward with positivity."

"But deep down, he is always alone. He might have some friends but unlike me or others, he doesn't even have a person to call family. I can't resurrect his parents but when I saw you, this thought came to my mind."

"Maybe I can help him find a sister. A..a….and, I really ..... like your hair."