
The Best Place To Die[BL]

June Magus had always been a slacker at heart, his dream is to slack off 24/7 with 17 hours of his time in bed. As a class F healer with wealthy family background, this should have been achieved long ago. But, multiple incidents just keep on popping up and involving him that he can't help but work hard before he can achieve his dreams. "You can't slack off if the world is destroyed." "Fuck, I just want to sleep." *** WARNING BXB relationship hints in the story. If you are homophobic please scroll along.

Nacchi_Yan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Chapter 4[Masked Man]

Wearing casual clothes prepared for physical activities is what June decided to wear before meeting XBlank. The person sent him a location where they would meet as soon as the gate opened and after that, he did not reply to any more messages.

No person contacted the silver head healer, as such, he had no choice but to put his trust in this mysterious person on the forum.

A hand reached out and patted June on his shoulder. He turned around and saw a man wearing a bunny mask. The man is tall, so he had to look up a little. His hair is as black as the dark night while his eyes are golden.

His aura is imposing, the man's outfit is a sleeveless black turtle neck with a trench coat on his body. He looks intimidating and no one dares to approach the pair who had just met for the first time.

"You can call me Hyun." Hyun held out his hand, June in turn took it and shivered from his cold temperature.

"I'm June, as I said in the forum I'm a healer. I don't need the drops, I'm just looking for a child." The healer felt that this exchange is alright he wouldn't do any combat but he can at least heal him.

For some reason, the bunny on his face is really in contrast to his outfit that June couldn't help but look. According to the person himself, he is a battle mage. It means he can fight both near and long-range, it won't put him in a disadvantage even if there are just two of them.

Five minutes before the gate opened, Hyun grabbed his hand. This is normal for teams, so they would not be teleported to different places. The silver head healer looked ahead in the the gate completely oblivious to the gaze other people are giving him and the masked man.

After they entered the gate, the people holding their breaths begun to chatter.

"That bunny mask, isn't that the unaffiliated battle mage who refuse to re-test at the Xenos association?"

"This is the first time I've saw him with someone else."

A woman with an eye catching red hair was leaning against the wall watching the whole scene. Her laughed carried a bit of sarcasm as she remembered her guild master looking for his elder brother.

Now it looked like that elder brother of his had latched on another target to leech off. Still, she needs to report to the master that she saw his brother or she wouldn't hear the end of it.

"Tara can you slow down?! You're too impatient." A bulky man with a big scar from his left eyebrow down to his lower eyes said with a sigh. This guy is an A class tanky warrior, he pull the agro of monsters to him and Tara is the one assigned to give damage.

This time they bought a few lower ranked members to train, the goal is not the first completion but training. Though if they can complete it then it would be a bonus.


Sand blew, the place is completely empty and deserted that it is almost impossible to tell which is east or west. A compass is completely useless in this place, low level D class scorpion monsters lure under the sandy ground.

It is easy to kill but they travel in pack, it is troublesome unless you have someone with fire magic.

The scorpion monsters have lethal poison, potion can cure it but most Xenos who entered the gate probably brought only a bottle or two since they didn't expect this monsters to be here.

On the other hand Hyun used his magic to burn the scorpion to dust, he can move without caring whether he would be scratched lightly or not. He have a healer with him and poison would be easy to deal with.

The masked man used a simple spell of fireball, it was a crude way of fighting. He carelessly throw spell at the monsters, his mana doesn't seem to be exhausted one bit . At the same time while he is fighting, a golden light continued to hover over his body, the light scratches vanish as soon as it appear.

"Can you end things properly. Jumping around like this, you are wasting your mana." It's not like he wanted to complain, but if the masked guy keep on fighting like he is currently doing then he would just exhaust his mana when these guys are not even the final boss.

"I understand. I'll wrap this up quickly" It looked like June managed to convince Hyun but he did not expect he would cast an S class magic for the measly D class, it completely defeated the purpose of conserving mana.

[destruction magic: Red Rain ]

This magic would make the blood boil until the body hit its limit and therefore exploding, creating a red rain like scene. The scorpion's monsters have poisonous blood that can melt , the silver head wanted to ask why he choose to do use that magic? It isn't efficient. It's basically suicide.

"Are you crazy? I hate pain the most." June complained just accepting the inevitable.

He was enveloped in a warm embrace, and then the battle mage run with the aide of his wind magic.

Too Powerful!

It seems like Hyun knows a lot of elemental magic.

"I won't let you be hurt, you are the healer. You can just heal my burns."

Fuck, he is being treated as a moving potion bottle.

the potion bottle : 'Ahhh, just do whatever you want, it's your mana and body anyways. '

If he had the ability June would long hit him in the face to wake him up from his egoistic attitude, sure enough this guy is just like the other S class. They are all arrogant and it seeped deep down through their bones.

"Is that our child you are looking for? " June looked at the place Hyun is pointing out completely filtering out his 'our child' statement. The familiar Momo came into view and before he called out to the child, he saw the men from before kicking his figure down a hole and the anguish cry of the fallen child.

Momo: Angel you came back for me.

Hyun: I saw our child

June: It's my chicken bag

Author: ......

Nacchi_Yancreators' thoughts