
The Best Place To Die[BL]

June Magus had always been a slacker at heart, his dream is to slack off 24/7 with 17 hours of his time in bed. As a class F healer with wealthy family background, this should have been achieved long ago. But, multiple incidents just keep on popping up and involving him that he can't help but work hard before he can achieve his dreams. "You can't slack off if the world is destroyed." "Fuck, I just want to sleep." *** WARNING BXB relationship hints in the story. If you are homophobic please scroll along.

Nacchi_Yan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Chapter 2[Buy,buy just buy]

Ever since June woke up he sometimes hear a voice urging him to enter a gate. It's weird so he chose to just ignore it

His stomach had been rambling since earlier so he had no choice but to enter the nearest shop selling chicken wings to quench his own cravings.

He waved his hands trying to catch the attention of a waiter but they are too busy talking with a child. The silver head healer isn't too happy to be ignored so he stood up to call them when a slap resounded in the shop.

"I told you to stop deceiving yourself and obediently follow those A-class Xenos to the gate, but you just got to make things worst. Whose money do you think you are using to eat?" Seeing the child being hit, June's facial expression immediately frowned.

It's not his hobby to meddle in people's affairs, but it is different when a child is involved.

"You're going to make me lose my appetite." The parents(?) of the child turned their back and saw a beautiful young man. They noticed he is wearing a branded coat but inside is a hospital gown.

Is this man from the mental institution? Why is he going out like this? The couple wanted to call the number of the hospital when the man grumbled under his breath.

"You won't serve me? Don't you know who my brother is? I want to reserve the whole shop and I want that child to dine with me." June tried to bluff, as far as he knew his brother is still a college student, not someone that powerful. It doesn't matter though he can afford paying anyways.

The silver head healer choose a seat at the corner of the shop but the table is enough for 6 people, the couple did not stop him and sent the timid child to his table.

The child timidly sat in front of him not speaking and just obediently lowering his head

"You, what's your name?" June asked and he saw the child raised his face with his eyes widen.

"I'm Momo, I can use spatial magic but since it's not that advance I can only store luggage." June felt that the child's ability is useful for picking up drops, it must be the reason why his parents are renting him.

If he could take the child he could help him store his stuff without needing to pay extra payments in plane extra luggage, he can buy a lot of souvenir and his brother could have someone he could play with. June completely forgot that there is a big age difference between the two, just putting them in the same category 'child' in his mind.

His thoughts were cut off as soon as the tantalizing smell of chicken wings were served on the table, all kinds of flavor were there, but what caught his attention is the red glossy chicken. It smells good, it's eye catching but most of all, it smelled spicy.

June grabbed the plate of red chicken and put it in front of him.

Momo gulped when he smelled the food, it's been a day since he last eaten. Having these food in front of him is plain torture to his stomach. It didn't take long for it to make a sound in protest asking to be feed.

"How old are you?" The silver head placed the food in front of the child and urged him to eat.

"I'm ten years old." Momo muttered as he nibble on the chicken wings, the child is so malnourished and thin that one could mistake him for a seven or eight years old child. His sleeve rolled up showing the faint bruises.

It would be easy to connect the dots and realize this child is being abused, forced to work for his own needs, while the parents profit off. He felt rage, something he had not felt for a long time.

He held out his hands over the child and his hands glowed golden as he healed him.

"A healer?" the woman at the counter said in shock. Her eyes changed and turned greedy, if it is just a healer they could handle him and extort money. Even if his so called big-shot brother came they could just run away before he arrive.

"Thank you angel, my body feels so light." June frowned when he heard the child calling him angel, that's right he hadn't introduced himself, still being called an angel is somewhat weird. He is not a good person, just being nice to this child he have a hidden motive, he wanted to make him carry his souvenir and bring to his brother.

"Kid, I'm not a good person, beware of being tricked by a human trafficker. Don't call me angel, I'm June Magus."

All the people Momo saw said they are a good person, only this guy would tell him these things which is kinda weird for him.

"Then, can big bro just take me away from here?" He asked with his eyes shining brightly a little bit expectant.

"I can, but you still have a pair of parents. They can arrest me if I take you away." The child turned silent and did not say anything anymore, they continue to eat until the bell ring indicating that someone entered the shop.

A group of Xenos entered the shop, it looked like they just came out of a gate. There are sticky fluids/blood of some sort in their armor. Their eyes searched through the shop until it landed on the boy eating with the silver head healer.

"We got into a big trouble carrying all the materials, while here you are eating chicken wings!?" They approached the table of June, the smell is like iron and it made him lose appetite. He frowned at the sight of the group interrupting his meal.

"Can you please move away from our table? You smell." The man's eyes turned to June who is wiping his lips with a tissue.

He removed his coat and is now just wearing the hospital gown, a patient eating at a chicken shop. The sight invoke laughter within the group.

"If you want this child, you need to pay rent just like us." It looked like the child is being rented out to other people like merchandise in the market.

If it's that simple then buy, buy just buy.

Author's Note: 

I'm asian so even if it's uncommon to call big brother I'll still use it or else I'll feel weird. I'm used to using, Hyung, Kuya, nii-chan or aniki so bear with me if I use big brother a lot.

???: When will I appear? 

Author: Chill down or I won't let you appear. 

Nacchi_Yancreators' thoughts