
The Best Lover

After the death of her parents, Andrea Borges takes care of her little sister Camila, who years later becomes seriously ill with Leukemia, Andrea who without thinking twice tries to do everything possible so that her sister receives the treatment remains in debt to the bone Their lives have been very difficult, but even more so for Andrea who has tried to prevent her sister from suffering the harsh reality of life. By chance or fate, she meets a good friend, Darlene Bustamante. Who recommends her to one of her best friends, Alexandro Doskas, a famous Greek YouTuber who currently resides in Spain. Despite knowing Alexandro very well and knowing that he has not had it easy either, she recommends Andrea thinking that maybe she can melt his cold heart. Alexandro, seeing Andrea's innocence, is trapped with a desire for her, he has very clear ideas about women and his desire for money and fame and he thinks that Andrea is also one of them, and tries to sleep with her at all costs it costs, while he puts different types of tests, poor Andrea is caught in a world of lust and sex. Andrea thinks that Alexandro is a good person, but, she discovers that what she paints behind a screen is nothing more than a sham, but even so, she could not help feeling attracted to him who always looked for the necessary means to provoke him. And even though She doesn't want to admit it, she likes that. Alexandro makes her sign a contract and she, not knowing much about the law, falls into her trap, signing without hesitation, remaining prey in the hands of him, who will not miss the opportunity to make her his. Innocent enough to admit that he attracts her until he makes her want him, leading her to live hell with him, they both hurt each other but cannot be apart until the worst happens. Both suffering hearts who only hurt each other, can they both find healing? Can that relationship transcend or just be a simple desire? Will Andrea be able to submit it to Alexandro?

LunaKink · History
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16 Chs

Chapter 7


As soon as he saw his mother, Alexandro was very surprised but then he relaxed and hugged her while she complained that because he was not going to visit her, to tell the truth, it was the first time he had seen her. Her mother is very beautiful despite her age, she was much younger, both of them looked a lot alike.

- Do you want something to drink? He asked his mother.

She sighed and smiled tenderly - I really don't want to bother you, but if I crave a coffee, I haven't had this morning and you know how I get when I don't. - She said sitting in the comfortable chair.

Alexandro turned his head to where I was hiding, I got scared and tried to hide before he saw me -Andrea, take care of that- she said.

But how did she know she was there? -Yes, right now- My heart was beating very hard, I left there and went to the kitchen to prepare the coffee, in the distance I could hear how they were talking and laughing, as soon as it was ready I served it and put them on a tray, to him He didn't like it with sugar, but I still put a sugar bowl in case his mother did and some cookies.

As soon as I left they both looked at me and I got very nervous -Come, girl don't be afraid- His mother said with a smile.

I left the tray on the table- Bon appetit- I said, but when I was going to retire her mother called me.

-Andrea, right? - I nodded- Come here, sit with us.

Oh no, my nerves increased - I don't want to interrupt, don't worry.

-Stay- Alexandro said without looking at me, it was more an order than a request.

-You scare her- her mother reprimanded him, hitting him on the leg -Quiet dear, I'm not the same as my son's ogre.


I smiled and sat next to her -Won't you have coffee?- She asked me while she took a sip.

-No, thanks I already drank.

-It's very good- She commented taking another sip. - Then tell me, Andrea, how does my son treat you? I know he's a little grumpy, but I swear that got him out of his father.

Alexandro looked at me waiting for my answer, I swallowed hard and answered quickly - Very well, he is a good boss- I lied.

-Mm, I see. But you can trust me and tell me what you want-he said with a wink.

The truth was very funny to me, as you could tell that his humor was not the same as his son's -Thank you very much, ma'am.

-Oh not for God's sake, tell me, Elena, I don't like being called madam, I still feel young.

-Excuse me.

She gently caressed my shoulder - Don't worry.

I really liked his mother, she was a very happy lady and you could tell how much she loved her son, they both began to catch up with certain things, I wanted to get up and leave because I felt a little uncomfortable I had nothing to do there that was a private conversation, but seeing how Alexandro laughed seemed somewhat tender to me, I had never seen his look like this and his way of speaking to him was so respectful.

- What do you say Andrea? - Elena asked.

- Me? - I was so deep in thought that I hadn't been paying attention.

-Yes, what do you think about my son giving me a grandson?

What? A grandson? That surprised me a lot.

- Stop saying those things, I am not interested in having a child and much less marrying - Said this standing up.

She smiled and looked at me- And you don't have a boyfriend?

I blinked several times and swallowed, I felt Alexandro's gaze burning the back of my neck - No, I don't have a boyfriend.

- And my son does not seem attractive to you?

But what happens to this lady? I did not know what to answer, I do not understand what these questions come from. -Mother, leave her alone-I breathed, relieved that I didn't have to answer that, I looked at Alexandro gratefully.

Elena smiled again- Well, well- she stood up- I have to go, today your father has a medical visit.

They both said goodbye with a kiss and hug, she approached me and hugged me "I hope everything goes well," she said whispering in my ear.

I blinked several times. What did she mean by that?


I did not expect this visit, much less that he began to talk freely with Andrea, but well, that's how my mother is, a talker and as always investigating everything. Already when she left I got ready to go to finish some videos that had been left for today but my stomach growled.

- Right, I have not eaten anything but coffee with cookies.

I went to the kitchen for something quick and bumped into Andy - What else can you cook? I asked him while he was looking for yogurt in the fridge.

-Mmm, well, many things, I'm not a professional, but I know how to cook.

-Very good, then cook something for this afternoon and make it quick because I'm starving.

She thought for a few seconds and then said -Do you like pork?"

-Yes, I like all kinds of meat- I said looking at her from top to bottom to which she blushed- Do not delay- I warned her, and then I went to finish my work.

Not even one hour passed when the smell of meat flooded the whole house, my stomach growled in response and I went out to see what Andrea was doing. When I got to the kitchen I stood for a moment in the doorway watching her cook, she looked so animated and attentive to what she was doing that she didn't even realize I was there.

From what I looked at I was making pork chops, the truth was, I did not remember the last time I had eaten pork chops, I looked at what else I was doing and there I saw the error, the smoke extractor was not turned on so the house smelled of pure food.

-This always has to be on-I said when I approached her by her back, as soon as I felt she stiffened, I raised my hand and gave the button to start doing its work the extractor- If you don't turn it on all the house It will stink of food and I hate that.

-Sorry, I didn't know. -She apologized

I put my hands on her waist and brought her closer to me-You have to be more careful because that makes the kitchen not stained with grease.

-Yes- she said nervously- Alexandro.

-Keep cooking, I want to see- She tried to move, but I did not let her, so she had no choice but to continue, I would like to see her cooking with only the apron on so I could play more comfortable with her, her butt rose my growing erection making her wake up, even more, I felt her tense up when she felt my penis press into her.

-I'm hungry,- I growled into her ear, she trembled.

-The food is almost ready- she was so nervous that she barely understood what she was saying, poor thing.

-Not of that, of this- I ran my hand over her stomach and immediately she tried to remove it, but I didn't let her.

-Alexander, please.

I started to move slowly, I needed that little touch- Please what?


- not?

She put the chops aside and turned off the stove, and then tried to move, but her attempt was in vain, I made her turn so that she was in front of me I lowered my head and slowly licked her neck to which, she trembled in response while that with my hands I squeezed her butt, sticking her closer to me, she was trying to free herself, how stubborn this girl was.

-Stay. -I ordered her, but she ignored and continued trying, but that only caused me even more not to let her escape, I licked my lips and brushed them next to hers I bit her lower lip slowly, and just when I was going to kiss her they began to knock on the door.

-Damn it- I growled, it sure was Gabriel. He had told her to come because there was something important that he had to finish in order to send the edited work.

I released her and saw her face all reddened and her eyes were watery about to cry, I pressed my forehead to hers and caressed her face, I didn't want her to do any drama in front of Gabriel either, so I needed to calm her down, I hugged her for seconds and I looked at her again, she looked calmer.

-I'll go open the door, okay? - She nodded and looked down from her, she adjusted her apron and went to the bathroom. -We will continue with this later, little one. I really wanted to rip all those horrendous clothes from her and make her mine over and over again until I got tired, but all at the same time I would take care that she is the one who asks me for it.

Of one thing if I was completely sure, this little game was not going to take long, little by little she has been reacting to me, and today was no exception, despite not being naked I felt her nipples get hard she was as excited as I lack they did not give me to tighten them and bite them.

I smiled maliciously, the truth is that I was liking this game more and more.

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