
The Best I Ever Had English Version

She was the best he'd ever had. But he let her go away. Now, Jenneth was back in Ryan's life. Will the old flame rekindle as they team up to restore the love of their friends? - A Moonville SideQeul story -

joanfrias · Urban
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26 Chs

Tha Plan

Jenneth has been restless since she woke up early this morning. She came home late last night from Samantha's party, or at least a little over midnight. Yet, she still woke up at six this morning. She wasn't able to sleep because of Ryan's expected visit today. That is also the main cause of her restlessness right now.

It's ten A.M. now. Jenneth wondered what time Ryan will arrive. She looked down at her Havaianas flip flops. She's wearing a shirred top and denim shorts. She remembers the shorts being quite short and the off-shouldered top exposing her sexy collarbone. She suddenly worried that Ryan might insinuate she wanted to look sexy in his eyes. But that's really how she dresses up when she's at home. Well, at least when she's expecting a visitor. She really dresses up to be presentable.

And she admits she really dressed well for their meeting. She doesn't know why, but when she realized she'll be seeing Ryan, she tries her best to look presentable. At first, she refused to admit it to herself. She wanted to believe that she's not doing that to attract Ryan by being beautiful in his eyes. But now, she realized she's always making sure she looks beautiful because she does not want him to think that life has been hard for her since he was gone from her life. She wants him to think that he's not a loss for her, that she even was better without him.

Yes, she admits she's still bitter about their breakup.

And at last, Ryan arrived. She doesn't know why, but she was pleased to see him – or rather, to see him looking like that. Ryan really knows how to dress up. He's wearing this dark blue sweater over a light blue polo, paired with khaki pants and brown leather shoes. Jenneth tried so hard to suppress the smile on her lips. She kind of suspected he really prepared for this meeting.

"Hi… Hello…"

Jenneth just smiled at him.

"Actually, I don't know how to start... I don't know how to tell you what I want to ask you."

Jenneth's smile slowly faded. And before she can say anything, Ryan handed her a white envelope.

"You have to read this letter first," he told her.

Jenneth took the envelope, which seems to enclose a very long letter judging from its thickness.

"I'll leave that to you for the meantime. I just need to meet a client. Probably I would be back late this afternoon."

So that is the reason why he's so dressed up. He's meeting a client. Jenneth was kind of peeved.

"See you later."

Ryan went out of the door, and Jenneth can do nothing but watch him leave. After a few seconds, she heard the engine of his car as he drove away from their front yard.

"Hah! Wow!"

She doesn't know if she'll be amused or annoyed with what just happened. Is this Ryan's letter for her? She suddenly felt nervous. What could be inside this letter? Is it about them? Is Ryan asking her to get back to him? She's not prepared about that.

Nevertheless, she needs to open the letter. Her heart raced as she started reading it, but she was taken aback when she read the salutation.

To my beloved Darlene...

Jenneth frowned. Darlene?

She continued reading the letter. It's a story about Kenneth and Samantha, and of course, Kristine. She knows Kristine, as they used to have double dates back in college. Kenneth and Kristine, Ryan and her.

Speaking of Ryan, he doesn't have much participation in the story written in the letter. Just like in the movies, he is just a supporting character. Until Jenneth reached the end of the letter. She has this feeling that Ryan will ask her to help him fulfill Kristine's dying wish.

Which he confirmed when he returned that afternoon. He immediately asked if she had read the letter.

"I did," she said. "It was about Kenneth and Samantha and Kristine."

Ryan nodded. "I guess you already have an idea of what I want to ask you."

"You want me to help you," she said with certainty.

"Yeah… You see, I already thought of a plan to get Kenneth and Sam closer. But I'll be needing your help."

"Why did you think I'll help you?"

Ryan was stunned.

"Ry, Sam is already in a relationship."

"He's just a boyfriend."

Jenneth almost rolled her eyes with what he said.

"They're not yet married. They could still break up."

"Ry, I don't want to be the reason of some couple's break up."

"But what if that's what's destined to happen? What if they are really meant to be?"

"You don't understand..."

"Jhing… you know how much Kenneth loved Kristine. But she died. We never wanted it to happen. But what if that's destiny's plan all along? And that what we are about to do is the way for everyone to be happy? You read how much Sam loves Kenneth. This is the chance for them to love each other."

Jenneth looked at Ryan. He's begging her. She can feel the pleading through his eyes. She can feel his desire to fulfil Kristine's wish. It actually makes her feel like helping him. But then...

"I can't... I'm sorry, Ry. I can't do it."

Jenneth felt like crying as she remembered the reason why she can't help Ryan. She took a deep breath to compose herself.

Ryan gazed at her. He's questioning her with his eyes. Jenneth avoided his gaze. She wants to tell him the reason why she can't do it, but she can't do it either. She just looked down.


She looked at him again.

"So you won't help me and Darlene," Ryan said, then he nodded. "I understand."

"I'm so sorry…"

Maybe it's the look in Ryan's eyes that made Jenneth feel guilty. He was hurt, and he didn't bother hiding it from her. Jenneth can feel the hurt he's feeling because of her rejection.

"Can I have the letter back? Please?"

Jenneth gave the letter back to him.

"Thanks for your time."

She nodded, still not meeting those sad eyes. She let him leave without even watching him go. This time, she was sure this will be the last time she will be seeing him.

Well, for that matter. Because a part of her is saying that this might not be the last time they will see each other. That there will be an instance when they will bump into each other again, and maybe that time, they will be better than how they were these past days they've been together.

Jenneth stood up and closed the door. She looked at the panel, wondering if Ryan would go through that door ever again.


Ryan slumped in his sofa, a little bit desolate. He actually kind of expected that Jenneth will never do as he wanted. She will never help him. It would take the greatest miracle for the opposite to happen.

But still, he hoped the impossible will happen. And when it didn't, disappointment enveloped him. His plan was so perfect he was very sure of the satisfactory outcome.

Wait. His plan could still work! All he needs to do is take everything into his own hands. He doesn't need Jenneth. He doesn't even need her to agree to what he will be doing. After all, she is not the one who will perform the deed for him.

He took his phone and opened the contacts list. Yesternight, he was able to get Samantha's mobile number. She said it's a temporary one, but he still asked for it as he told her they should hang out together sometime before she goes back to the US.

He never thought he would use that number that soon. But nevertheless, it seems that he's bound to call that number even though the reason might be far from what he intended when he ask Samantha about it.