She was the best he'd ever had. But he let her go away. Now, Jenneth was back in Ryan's life. Will the old flame rekindle as they team up to restore the love of their friends? - A Moonville SideQeul story -
It's a typical Wednesday morning at Tarlac General Hospital. Jenneth is in a meeting with Gwen, the hospital administrator's executive assistant. They are talking about the project given to them by the hospital's president. He wants them to create packages that includes laboratory tests as well as those services from other departments of the hospital.
"Okay, so for the meantime, let's focus first on these three," Gwen said to Jenneth. She is now in front of the white board at the boardroom, where the proposed packages that they made up a while ago are written. "APE, Standard Chem, then Routine Check Up."
Jenneth nodded. "Okay."
"So you take care of the Lab part, then I'll talk to Radiology and Cardiac for the other services included in the package. Then I will talk to Marketing to tell them about the packages they can offer to companies here in Tarlac, specifically the APE package."
Jenneth smiled. She likes working with Gwen. She's good and she's easy to talk to. She always knows what to do and she's very efficient in any task given to her. No wonder the president is impressed with this executive assistant of his. Jenneth can only imagine how his work becomes easier with Gwen's help.
"So I guess that's it!" Gwen said after one last look at the white board.
And with that, their meeting ended. Together they went out of the board room to the receiving are of the Admin office, where Gwen's cubicle is located. They met Jemma, the president's secretary.
"Miss Gwen, I'll just deliver these documents to IT, then to Maintenance," Jemma said.
"Okay," Gwen said to her.
Jemma went out of the office, leaving the two.
"Want to have coffee first?" Gwen asked her. "Anyway, it's coffee break."
Jenneth looked at the wall clock. It's two minutes after ten AM.
"I have to do something at the Lab." She made a disappointed face. She really loves the coffee in Admin.
A visitor then entered the Admin office. It was Jonathan, the in-house engineer of TGH.
"Good morning," he said to the two ladies. The good-looking engineer smiled at them.
"Hi Engineer!" Jenneth greeted back.
"Is Sir Raul in his office?" he asked them.
Jenneth looked at Gwen, since she is the one who should know if their boss is in.
"Uhm... well... he's...h-he's in his office..."
That made Jenneth frown. Suddenly, the smart and ever confident executive secretary is stuttering and seems very tensed. What could have changed her disposition all of a sudden?
"Thanks." Jonathan smiled at them as he walked towards the president's office through the board room.
Jenneth saw how Gwen followed Jonathan through her gaze. And in an instant, Jenneth knew the reason of Gwen's sudden change.
"You're crushing on Engineer, huh?" she asked when the guy is already out of their sight.
Gwen is obviously stunned as she looked at her. "Huh?"
She gave her a teasing smile. "Oi!!!"
Gwen looked away. "No, I don't! I'm not! What are you even saying? How did you even come up with that idea?" She scrambled to her cubicle.
Jenneth followed her. "You're crushing on Engineer! Come on! You can be honest with me. I won't tell anyone. Promise! And besides, what's wrong with having a crush on Engineer? Like, he's cute, he's perfectly tall. He's kind. He's one of the nicest guys in the hospital."
"You talk like you're the one who has a crush on him," Gwen said with a scowl.
"Well, what's not to like about him, right? But, he's not my crush. Promise."
She's been there before. Having a crush at workplace and eventually falling for that guy. The last time that that happened to her, she became a mistress of a guy who's already in a live-in relationship. She doesn't want to go back to that place again.
She just wished that won't happen to Gwen, or anyone else in their company.
"So... he's your crush. Right?"
Gwen finally gave in to her teasing. "Well, you said it yourself... What's not to like about him, right?"
She felt glad about her revelation. She was so happy she continued teasing her. Until Jonathan came back to the receiving area.
"Excuse me Ladies. Gwen, may I have the HDMI cable?"
Gwen clumsily looked in the drawer for the HDMI cable that Jonathan requested. Jenneth decided to leave the two, as she might be too amused with the scene, she could say something that might reveal Gwen's feelings for Jonathan.
Which she should not do. Gwen is the only person who has the right to say how she feels about him.
Gwen looked like she does not want Jenneth to leave, but the latter still went on her way back to her own office. While she was in the elevator, she can't help but smile as she remembered the scenes that happened in the Admin office earlier. And that smile can't seem to leave her face as she walks out of the elevator to her office in the Laboratory.
But she was wrong. That smile slowly faded as she walked to the main lobby of the hospital. She saw Ryan, making her wonder what could be the reason for her to see him again. She thought their encounter last Monday is the last one, but is seems Fate has other plans.
Well maybe, she forgot that she works in a hospital where a lot of people from all walks of life go. It might not be Fate after all. It's not that unusual for them to bump into each other in that kind of place. She saw the bandage on his right leg, and how he almost fell if only he wasn't able to hold onto the gang chairs.
Well, she could just ignore him and not talk to him completely. Yes, she saw him there, but does that mean she has the obligation to greet him and talk to him? No, she doesn't.
But, so what if she approach him and talk to him? Does she really need to avoid him? That's what people do if they are still bitter about something or someone and they haven't moved on yet. Also, he's on her way to the Laboratory, so it's impossible for her to pretend not seeing him.
So even though she doesn't want to, she still went to him. "Ryan?"
The guy looked at her, obviously surprised upon seeing her.
"Are you okay?" She looked at his leg.
"I'm fine." He struggled to stand up properly, but it's obvious that he's having a hard time doing it.
She can't help but feel pity for him. "What happened to you?"
"Uhm… They said it's hamstring. Kenneth and I played basketball. That's how I got it."
"Gosh, that's too painful... Are you alone? Kenneth should have come with you here. Is it painful?"
There she is asking too many questions again. She looked away when Ryan gazed at her.
"Actually, I'm here because of Darlene. Kenneth's daughter?"
"Darlene? What happened to her?"
"Dengue. She was admitted here just this morning."
"Oh my God…" Her concern shifted to Darlene.
"This is all my fault." He suddenly looked sad.
"I'm positive you never wanted her to contract dengue, right?" she asked.
"She wants to go here in TGH. She was asking for my help, but I refused."
"Why is that so?"
"She wants to see you."
Ryan gazed at her. She looked away, while Ryan sat down on one of the gang chairs.
"You didn't want to help her because she wanted to see me?"
"It's because of you that's why she wants to go here."
"That's why you never wanted to help her."
"If you'll just nag at me about that, then I guess I'll just leave and go to Darlene now."
He slowly stood up but struggled because of his leg. He was about to fall again if only Jenneth did not catch him and steadied him.
"Be careful," she told him.
"Thanks." He pulled away from her grip.
"I'll come with you."
She wants to know the condition of that cute little girl she met at The Coffee Club. Aside from that, she feels like she just can't let Ryan go there alone on his condition. She's feeling guilty just thinking about it.
"I also want to check how Darlene is doing," she just said.
"Okay," Ryan said.
"Wait." She took out her cellphone from her pocket and called her staff. "Hello, Ces... I just need to visit a certain patient. I'll be quick... Okay, bye." She looked at Ryan again. "Let's go?"
Ryan nodded, and he wasn't able to refuse when she supported him as they walked to the elevator. Jenneth also felt awkward as their arms are linked together and their bodies so close to each other, but she just tried to ignore it and kept quiet the entire time they were inside the elevator.