
The Best I Ever Had English Version

She was the best he'd ever had. But he let her go away. Now, Jenneth was back in Ryan's life. Will the old flame rekindle as they team up to restore the love of their friends? - A Moonville SideQeul story -

joanfrias · Urban
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26 Chs

All About Her

Jenneth stared at those pleading eyes of Ryan. Oh well, maybe she really could tell him the truth. After all, that chapter of her life has ended. Whatever hate she has garnered because of that mistake, she already had enough.

"I don't wanna ruin Sam's relationship with her boyfriend. From the beginning, my mother was tagged as a home wrecker. She had an affair with my father who is already married to another woman. Even until she died, and even though my father is still married to his wife and never left her, people still see my mother as the mistress. Because in a relationship, even though you already fixed the problem, the stigma that one of you cheated will still remain."

Ryan was dumbfounded. He understands that all too well. Until now, he still suffers from being the bastard son of his father with another woman. Until now people still call his mother a wicked woman, even though she's already dead for so many years. Because until now, his stepmother still could not move on from what his father and mother did to their family. And even though his siblings from his father side treats him well, he knows that at the back of their minds, he is still the son of the woman who almost destroyed their family, who left a scar and tainted their perfect image.

Jenneth continued. "And it's not just about my mom… I had a fair share of home wrecking experience, too."

Ryan was stunned.

Jenneth smiled bitterly as she continued confessing. "Well, it didn't totally happen. I ended it the moment I found out about it."

"What happened?" Ryan asked. He can't believe that Jenneth would fall for a man who is already in a relationship. He knows she won't do that as that was what happened to her mother. Jenneth hates that so much. Not her mom, but the thing that she did, the vulnerability that she allowed to take over her.

"I didn't know that he has a partner, and I didn't know that their relationship is already going on for years. He was an engineer in the hospital I worked in. He was this… cool, perfect guy… good looking, kind, smart, confident." Jenneth took a deep breath. "You might say I'm exaggerating, but, yeah… He's perfect."

Ryan can't help but feel jealous. And envious. It seems like that man is perfect based on Jenneth's description. He just looked away.

"And he does all the right things at the right time… He was able to make me forget you…"

That might be the most painful thing that Ryan has ever heard. He looked at Jenneth, and he did not bother hiding the pain that crossed his eyes. He can't hide it anymore.

Jenneth, on the other hand, was also hurt. She was hurt in realizing that the thing that made her forget something that hurt her so much was also the thing that will hurt her again. Was it karma? Back then she was so happy with Henry, and she was so thankful that she came to her life and made her forget everything about Ryan.

Yes, maybe it was karma.

"I was so happy… Everything was perfect, and then… this woman… She came to me and she told me that she is Henry's common law wife… for six years."

Jenneth wasn't able to hold back her tears as she remembered what happened before. She suddenly became the most hateful person in the hospital without even knowing that she's doing something wrong. She was shocked when a certain woman suddenly attacked her, telling her she was a sinful woman. Even if that was true, she was not aware of that truth before that confrontation.

Ryan felt pity for her. If only he could hold her that moment, embrace her, console her. But Darlene is on his lap. What he did was he just held Jenneth's hand and squeezed it lightly, aiming to give her comfort on that painful recollection.

"I thought I already learned my lesson that time. That I was smarter. When he said that we should keep our relationship from other people, I agreed, thinking that his reasoning was valid. He said it might complicate our status as colleagues in the same company. But then, it wasn't the truth. He just wanted to hide it because everyone knows he already has a partner."

"He's a jerk!" Ryan wasn't able to hold it back. "What kind of guy would cheat on his wife and fool a girl who did not do anything bad at him? And even if you did do something bad, is that enough reason for him to treat you like that?"

Jenneth shook her head. "I don't know. I have no idea why he did that to me. He seems like a decent man."

"He's insane." Ryan can't hide the anger that he feels for that certain man that he hasn't even met yet. If only he could hit him until he's practically dead, he would have done it.

Yes, he admits he has hurt Jenneth. He cheated on her. But he had a very deep reason and if only he had a choice, he would not do it like that. He would not have done what he did. But whatever he did, it wouldn't amount to what that detestable guy did to her.

"He's crazy!"

"Ry..." It was Jenneth's turn to squeeze his hand.

"He fooled you! How dare he make you his mistress! You don't deserve it. You deserve someone better, someone great. Someone who will love you and fight for you. Someone who will take care of you, who will put you up on a pedestal. Not someone who will make you shameful to everyone. Because of him, your image was ruined. What kind of person is that? Not in a million years he deserves you."

Jenneth just looked at Ryan. She doesn't know why, but she felt great with what Ryan said. Was it because of the words he picked? The way he said them? Or was it because it was Ryan who said it?

Whatever it is, Jenneth felt better. She smiled because of what Ryan said.

"That guy is deranged," Ryan added.

"I know," Jenneth said. "And thank you."

Ryan finally realized what had happened. He suddenly became aware that he just flared up because of Jenneth's revelation. That made him quiet all of a sudden.

"But I hope that gave you an idea why I don't want to get involved in your plan. I just don't want to be blamed for ruining a relationship of two people I'm not even involved in. I'm not even the third party."

"Sorry... I didn't know," Ryan said, obviously remorseful.

Jenneth smiled. "Well, I didn't tell you, so... And, you didn't tell me so in a way, you saved me. I'm innocent. Though, I figured it out eventually. It's your fault. You're not a good actor."

Ryan seemed offended. "That's not true! My acting was superb. You're just smart enough to see through me."

Jenneth laughed, and Ryan just watched her. Somehow, he's glad that she's already smiling. Laughing, actually. And admittedly, he loves seeing her laugh. He loves seeing her be happy.

Jenneth noticed his gaze at her. She then remembered that their hands are still together. She pulled her hand pretending to wipe the tears that fell on her face.

But the truth is, she suddenly felt something with their hands holding each other's like that. Especially with that look that he's giving her right now.

"I wonder what has happened to those two," she just said, pertaining to Kenneth and Samantha.

"No idea..." Ryan looked at Darlene. "I think we need to go back now. It's getting colder."

Jenneth looked at Darlene. She touched her face and the kid's really getting cold.

"I guess so."

They stood up, with Ryan still carrying the sleeping Darlene. Together, they went back to Samantha and Kenneth.

But something has happened. They saw Samantha rush back to the rest house. That made them rush to Kenneth.

Ryan called Kenneth, who turned to look at them. They gave him a questioning look, but Kenneth did not say anything. Jenneth decided to follow Samantha, and Ryan chose to stay with Kenneth.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Ryan asked.

"I don't know, Ry. I don't know what happened. Everything seemed right. The music, the stars, the moment... Everything."

"Then what went wrong?"

Kenneth shook his head. "I don't know... I told her that I love her."


"She said I just might be mistaken. That I don't really love her... Maybe, she doesn't really love me. She can't love me more than just a friend."

Ryan looked at him. "I don't think so."

Kenneth looked at him. Ryan is having second thoughts if he will tell him the truth because he made a promise he wouldn't. But it's the only way he could let Kenneth know how Samantha really feels for him.

𝘚𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺, 𝘚𝘢𝘮... He has to tell Kenneth the truth.

"During our prom, Sam didn't really want to come. She just said she'll come so that you will come, too. She wanted you to be with Kristine that night."

"But she even had a dress made for her. She even bought shoes... You're lying, aren't you?"

"She did that to make you believe she's attending the prom. But she really didn't plan on going."

"...She did that for me?"

"And for Kristine."

Kenneth looked guilty. Ryan felt bad a little, but he still continued to tell his story.

"You see, Sam also feels something special for you back then. At first, she's not aware of it. She found out about it, though, when it was already too late. She realized you already liked Kristine. She decided to give way to the two of you.

"On the night of our prom, I was able to persuade her to come. She stayed with the crowd and watched us do the cotillion dance. After that, I was about to go back to her, but then the King and Queen was announced. It was you and Kristine, and then you danced together, alone… looking lovingly at each other. And from that night, everything about you and Kristine changed. And from that night, Sam's heart was broken."

"I didn't know," Kenneth said defensively. "I didn't know that she also felt something special for me."

"Dude, she was your first love. But you were blinded by your attraction with Kristine. I don't blame you. Kristine is a great girl. You were young... innocent... It was meant to happen. No regrets."

Ryan looked at the sleeping Darlene. Kenneth also looked at his daughter.

"No regrets..." Kenneth said.

"It was meant to happen. She was meant to be born in this world. Maybe she has a mission in your life that she needs to fulfill."

Ryan stopped before he was able to tell about Kristine's wish to Darlene.

"You messed up before, Ken, but fate gave you another chance to make it right. Will you let everything to end up just like that?"

Kenneth looked at him. Ryan kind of sensed that his answer was no, but Kenneth said something else.

"But, she doesn't want to."

"Just give her time, Ken. Everything will work out in the end."

Kenneth nodded.

Ryan smiled at him, as he secretly wished things would really work out the way they are supposed to.