
The best female doctor: Abandoned woman is also arrogant when taking c

[Hilarious and cute story] Gu Changsheng, who was born as a military doctor in the special forces and is proficient in both Chinese and Western medicine, feels that this journey through time is a rip-off! A son is given as a gift when traveling through time, well, this feels good. Having a son to take care of you in your old age, and having a permanent property at home, it is not difficult to be rich and prosperous. Your bad dad is coming back? Sorry, I don’t like to go back! Son, what kind of dad do you want? There are handsome and rich boys in the world, let’s pick and choose... This is a story about a crazy top-notch female doctor who plays around in ancient times with a bun!

wina_aubre · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 36 The Master and Servant of Prince Mu’s Mansion

Gu Changsheng returned to the backyard angrily, still not satisfied, so he ran to the martial arts training ground behind the big locust tree, and very ruthlessly abused the target that Han Qiu had just set up.

  She was really angry, damn it, she had reluctantly given up the beautiful man for the sake of a peaceful life, but the peaceful life was getting farther and farther away from her. Is

  it so ostentatious to be a doctor? Ancient people, it is not your fault that you are ignorant. You are ignorant but treat me, who has knowledge, as a guinea pig. This is not right!

  I beat! I kick! I kick!


  The Prince Mu's Mansion in Liuzhou City under the same sky.

  Zhou Mu was dressed in a golden and purple python costume, with the ancient jade hairpin still inserted in his head. He sat on the dragon chair with a solemn and cold expression, listening to the report from his subordinates kneeling below.

  "Master, the people sent by King Liang have been eliminated, and the news has been completely blocked."

  Zhou Mu lowered his head and did not reply. The purple-gold mask on his face reflected a cold light, which made the people kneeling below unconsciously tense and sweat dripping down.

  His master never liked to talk much, which made it difficult for them as subordinates. It

  was a capital crime to guess the master's intention without authorization. If he didn't guess, what should he do next?

  Jiang Sanfu secretly glanced at Yuanbao, who was hiding behind the pillar.


  Yuanbao tried his best to shrink his round body behind the pillar and tried his best to hide his presence. It was not that he didn't save the dying, but that he didn't dare!

  The master went to Beijing privately, almost lost his life and came back with injuries. This was his capital crime.

  But he was also innocent. The master went to Beijing secretly while he was sleeping!

  Yuanbao shook his sleeves, stretched out a finger and shook it, and the meaning was obvious that he was powerless.

  Jiang San, who was kneeling on the ground, lowered his body even lower, wishing that his whole body could be hidden in the ground.

  The suffocating silence made Yuanbao, who was hiding behind the pillar, sweat all over his body. Jiang San, who was kneeling on the ground, wished that he could become transparent.

  The person above had a slight reaction, and finally raised his head and looked at the person kneeling on the ground. He spoke slowly and coldly: "Jiang San, I heard that you asked Yuanbao to find a wife for you?"

  Jiang San shuddered almost invisibly, and glanced at Yuanbao, the eunuch, behind the pillar with hatred.

  You big mouth! If

  the master cares about his private affairs, it will definitely not be a good thing!

  But the master had spoken, and he had to reply. He could only bite the bullet, wipe the cold sweat, and reply in a low voice, "Master, there is such a thing, the slave, the slave is already twenty-three years old..."

  "Oh, it's quite old..." Zhou Mu nodded, raised his hand and knocked on the armrest of the dragon chair from time to time.

  Jiang San was almost crying. It was okay for him to be old, but Master, can we not ask this question so seriously? Is it his fault that he can't get married? He was in the military camp for 300 days a year, and worked for the master for the remaining 60 days. The military camp was just a Buddhist temple, where was there a place for him to find a wife?

  "It's my fault for not noticing this. So, Jiang San, I heard that Uncle Liang Wang has taken a fancy to the third daughter of the Xiao family, the assistant minister of the Ministry of War. You can go and ask for that girl. I heard that the girl is pretty and her family background is worthy of my favorite general." Zhou Mu spoke indifferently, and it was rare for him to say so much. The

  third daughter of the Xiao family, the assistant minister of the Ministry of War? How did the King of Liang take a fancy to you?

  Woo... Jiang San really cried, his face pressed to the ground, "Master, I am not worthy of her..."

  He didn't want to be worthy! Damn the third daughter of the Xiao family!

  "Then find someone who is worthy and marry her off!" Zhou Mu snorted coldly and continued: "If she enters the Liang Palace, I will promise you Diao Chan!"

  Diao Chan? That tough deputy general who doesn't look like a woman?

  It's better to marry that damn Third Miss Xiao than to marry her. He will definitely be abused like a dog by Deputy General Diao Chan!

  "Master, don't worry. Within half a month, the Third Miss Xiao will get married and will definitely not marry into the Liang Palace!" Analyzing the pros and cons in an instant, he didn't want the Third Miss Xiao, and he didn't dare to take Diao Chan. He might as well accept his fate and ruin other people's marriages!

  "That's great!" Zhou Mu nodded and looked at the pillar beside him. How did he think of hiding such a big piece of fat behind such a thin pillar?


  "Master, Yuanbao is not at home." Yuanbao, the eunuch behind the pillar, held his head and replied intuitively.

  "Oh? Did Master see a ghost?" Zhou Mu snorted coldly.

  I'd rather be a ghost! Eunuch Yuanbao wailed in his heart, covered his head and resigned himself to moving out from behind the pillar. His cat steps were even slower than a turtle!

  "Yuanbao, don't say that I didn't remind you. I never like to wait for people." Zhou Mu slapped the armrest of the dragon chair heavily, and his coldness surged. This Yuanbao is really getting more and more unruly!

  If he hadn't followed him since he was a child, he really wanted to cut off his plump fat and feed it to the dog!

  When Eunuch Yuanbao heard this, his movements suddenly became faster. His plump body swayed, and in the blink of an eye he knelt down next to Jiang San. He

  held his head with both hands and fell to the ground!

  "Master, you don't need to ask about the things you asked me to inquire about." Eunuch Yuanbao licked the ground and replied timidly.

  Who can tell him what happened to his master?

  As soon as he came back, he was asked to inquire about a woman, yes, a woman!

  The master hasn't paid attention to any woman for twenty years, why did he suddenly ask him to inquire about a woman?

  The key is that this woman is an abandoned woman with a baby!

  If it were a girl with a clean background, Yuanbao would definitely burn three incense sticks to bring her back to the master!

  But how to resist such a woman?

  "No need to inquire?" Zhou Mu was stunned and asked puzzled.

  "Master, the whole Liuzhou City now knows that woman. She is more famous than you." Eunuch Yuanbao looked at it and stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat on his face. She is so famous, he really doesn't need to inquire.

  Zhou Mu stood up immediately. This woman!

  Eunuch Yuanbao saw his master coming over from the slits of his eyes, with murderous anger, and the whole person was shaking like a sieve. Jiang

  San looked at him sympathetically. It turned out that he couldn't protect himself, which was worse than himself!

  "Master, I can't marry a wife!" Eunuch Yuanbao looked at the beaded Chaotian boots that stopped in front of him, and it took a long time to suffocate a word.

  He is a eunuch! Don't use the matter of marrying a wife to embarrass him, he really can't do anything!

  "I can sell you to a brothel!" Zhou Mu said, and suddenly remembered something, his face suddenly darkened!

  That woman, also wanted to sell him to a brothel!

  Damn it!

  Eunuch Yuanbao no longer cared about shaking, raised his head in panic, and looked at the master in front of him, "Master, it's not right, a slave like this, it's not good to sell."

  Zhou Mu kicked him, and Eunuch Yuanbao rolled around, stopped, and touched the shoulder with a footprint. He didn't say anything, right? Why was he kicked again?

  "You don't sell well, but I do?" Zhou Mu said coldly.

  Eunuch Yuanbao was immediately shocked, his round face with a pair of big eyes staring round, with a look of disbelief, "Master, are you joking, who dares to sell you?"

  Isn't this an old birthday star drinking poison, looking for death?

  He glanced at his master. Well, the master's appearance was indeed much better than his own. There was a world of difference!

  "Bang..." Another kick came over. Zhou Mu looked at Yuanbao who was rolling round in front of him, "Yuanbao, take away that suicidal look in your eyes!"

  Yuanbao steadied himself and closed his eyes obediently! He has been kicked many times in the past two days! It seems that the master wants to kick him like a polo!

  Jiang San looked at Yuanbao lying on the ground like a ball, and he felt balanced immediately. He was not the worst. He was just going to demolish ten temples and ruin a marriage, but Yuanbao was almost kicked flat.

  "Tell me! What did that woman do to attract attention?" Zhou Mu stopped looking at him and spoke coldly.

  Again? This word is too mysterious...

  But Eunuch Yuanbao didn't have time to think about it, and hurriedly reported the truth, "Master, that woman threatened to publish Gu Chengyi's prescription to the world. The clinic reopened for free treatment for seven days. On the first day, only one patient came. The woman took the prescription and sold it to the doctor in Liuzhou City, and then went to share the spoils with the woman at night."

  "Share the spoils?" This is what she would do. That woman has always been a person who wants money but not life! Zhou Mu nodded, "Continue!" "

  Early this morning, the door of the clinic was squeezed apart, and then the woman threw out Wang the butcher from East Street." He had seen Wang the butcher, who was almost as round as him, but was thrown out. The woman's maid must be a strongman, Yuanbao nodded with certainty.

  "Just thrown out?" Zhou Mu didn't believe it. He squeezed her door apart and just threw her out. That treatment was much better than him.

  "Oh, and she also stripped Wang the butcher of all his silver." Yuanbao thought about it and continued.

  That's right. If there was no silver, who knows how miserable Wang the Butcher would be!

  "Then what?" Just this is not enough to make her famous in Liuzhou.

  "Then, all the doctors in Liuzhou went to her clinic. It is said that the lady is the successor of the long-lost acupuncture skills. The entire medical industry in Liuzhou was alarmed. The people in Liuzhou City are discussing that they will go to Gu's Medical Clinic to line up for consultation tomorrow morning." Eunuch Yuanbao wiped the sweat from his face. This lady is really too troublesome. She has been back in Liuzhou for only a few days and has made such a big fuss. It's

  really unbelievable! "This woman! She is so restless!" Can the acupuncture skills be passed on casually? Her grandfather's previous experience is there, why is she so brainless? Zhou Mu glanced at Yuanbao hatefully. This confused servant has nothing to do except eating! With such a big commotion, if he doesn't ask, he probably won't report it!


  Yuanbao looked at his master who turned and walked out, and quickly got up and followed him, with an anxious look on his face, "Master, where are you going?"

  "Master, it's getting dark, you'd better not go out."

  "Master, you haven't had dinner yet." Yuanbao picked up his clothes and followed him hard, out of breath.

  "Master, it's not safe outside, let's not go out."

  "Master, your injuries haven't healed yet, let's go back to the mansion." Yuanbao followed behind Zhou Mu and took a breath to the roof.

  "Stop talking! Master, I'm going to see a doctor." Zhou Mu hid his figure in the dark and moved forward quickly.

  "Master, there are plenty of doctors in the mansion, why go far away?" Eunuch Yuanbao quickly followed.

  "If you keep talking, I'll sell you to a brothel tomorrow."

  Eunuch Yuanbao immediately stopped talking as if his tongue had been cut off. He didn't want to be sold to a brothel! Absolutely not!