
Episode nineteen

*Enzo's room*

*Bonnie sobbing*

Enzo: don't be sad gorgeous, I'm really fine

Bonnie: I lost you once before I'm not losing you again

*Enzo wipes her tears with his hands*

Enzo: you get to love more than just one or two times love, you have love in you enough for the whole world

Bonnie: I have the compass I can go back and prevent you from going!

Enzo: what if that changes more things and changes its location once more, the last time you used it, it nearly shattered we don't want it to break before you set things the right way, you have been through enough trouble love don't go through more

Bonnie: there has to be another way!

Enzo: relax, you're strong, it'll be just fine, you will move on, you can do whatever the hell you want, you already travelled the world, so tell me what did you have on your bucket list

Bonnie: I I don't know, I ...

Enzo: then go explore the magic, you're a witch, do you know how amazing you are?

*Bonnie blushes*

Enzo: it'll be okay I promise, I want you to promise that you won't stop living your life for me, that you'll find love once more and be happy

Bonnie laughing: hey! You're cheating *she gets sad once more* that's what you told me the last time

Enzo: you didn't keep your word the first time, travelling the world and actually be happy are two different things, I want you to be happy not a Google map love

Bonnie: did you just Damoned me

Enzo: yes, that bastard knows how to tell a joke

Bonnie: I really hurt him, I went straight to his worst enemy, the woman who broke his heart after chasing her for over a century and a half, screwed him over and caused his brother's death, I'm a terrible friend

Enzo: Damon may seem mad at you but so he was at his brother for the five years he spent with me as a prisoner, he wanted to hate his brother but couldn't, he would wait until I say that it's not Stefan's fault to keep loving him, so he just wants to be mad at you, he doesn't actually feel that way because he loves you more than to hate you

Bonnie: you're good at these pep talk

Enzo: one of my many talents

*Enzo smirked and Bonnie laughed*

Bonnie: I will let you get some rest

*Bonnie gets out of Enzo's room*

Damon: it's still your fault she'll have to lose him again!

Klaus firmly: you'll do well to respect me!

Bonnie: stop fighting already you're both acting like babies, we have huge problems!

Klaus: then I suppose we should work faster, feed the cure for them to clone them before anyone else dies

Bonnie: then hand over the rest of the gears

Klaus: Freya! Give her the gears sister and and inform our brother Finn to come here if he wishes to be saved

*Freya gives the rest of the gears to Bonnie then goes to get Finn*

Bonnie: Lexi, Stefan, and Camille are already here, my dad, the Sheriff, and Caroline's dad are

Bonnie's dad: we're here

*Bonnie runs towards her dad and hugs him*

Bonnie: I missed you dad

Bonnie's dad: you don't know how much proud I'm with you, but what's wrong? Have you been crying?

Bonnie: something happened, I'll tell you about it later but we have to do this now before anything else happens

Bonnie's dad: alright kiddo, I won't pressure you

*Bonnie nods the starts to build the gear up until it's completed*

Bonnie: everyone of you will stand here, this device will clone the body, the soul, and the memories

Finn: the soul?

Bonnie: yes, why are you asking?

Finn: well, my soul is both vampire and witch, from what they told me that device doesn't work on both!

Klaus: you are in a human's body brother

Finn: but my soul is the same, so will it even work?

Bonnie: I guess?

Finn: you guess? You're not sure

Damon: it's her first time to clone someone with a magical device and she didn't have a manual instructions to use it so she doesn't have to happen to know all about it!

Elijah: what's going on?

Klaus: brother! You finally decided to show up! Come over here we have major crisis to deal with!

Elijah compelling Gia: go there and sit quietly

*Gia nods*

Elijah: what's going on? What happened?

Finn: there's a chance that the device won't work on me!

Elijah: who are you?

Klaus: it's Finn in his new human body

Elijah: forgive me brother it's really hard to keep up with you changing bodies

Freya: can we just test it! It'll work Finn it has to!

Bonnie: alright, you'll have to stand over here and try not to move

Finn pissed: if it doesn't work witch I swear to god..

Bonnie: you don't have to be rude about it! I don't want you to be dead!

Freya: just get in there Finn!

*Finn stands on the rectangular device and the device starts to scan him while Bonnie preforms a spell until it suddenly throws Finn away*

Bonnie: oach! Oh my god that hurts!

Damon: what was that?

Klaus: she must have did the spell wrong

Finn: the magic that threw me was from beneath

Bonnie: it hurted me as well

Freya: it couldn't clone his soul!

Bonnie: I'm sorry it didn't work for you

Finn: you don't get to be sorry, if I'm not going to survive, then I'm not going to stand here and watch you go back in time while I'm dead!

*Finn tries to attack Bonnie but Damon throws him away from her*

Damon: you're forgetting that you're in a human body

Finn to his siblings: you're going to help me as your brother or not?

Klaus: my child doesn't exist in this world so I'm not going to let you ruin my chance to get her back, but I do wish to help you, just sit with us to think about what we're going to do about it

Freya: there has to be another way to save you!

Finn: well there isn't! And even though I'm in a human body, I haven't lost my ability of compelling!

*Finn turns towards Lexi looks at her eyes deeply*

Finn: you're going to kill those Bennett witches and anyone who gets in your way!

Stefan: No!!

Lexi trying to resist: Stefan don't get in my way! I'm thousand times stronger

*Damon runs towards Lexi to snap her neck but she was faster and snapped his*

Klaus angerly: undo it now!

Finn: and do what? wait for you to leave me to die?!

Freya: brother please she didn't hurt us she wants to help!

*Lexi runs towards Bonnie but Bonnie lifts her up in the air and throws her away*

Freya: if you are not helping her I will!

*Freya snaps Lexi's neck with magic*

Bonnie: thank you

Freya: well, all you did since you came here was helping, except for one time, but you and your friends saved me, and lately you trusted us and told us everything

Finn madly: what about me?! Am I always going to be the last choice?!

Bonnie angerly: my boyfriend is dying in that room! For the second time! I won't be able to save my grandmother! Alaric is now spending his last few days with his wife because he won't be able to save her! And here you are, complaining about yourself while I let you be the first to be cloned!

Freya: we appreciate your efforts but.. wait! I have the solution!!

*Freya runs to get her necklace*

Bonnie: what is it?

Freya: I can save you with this Finn! It'll keep your soul here until I bring you back!

Bonnie happily: can it hold more than one soul I mean Enzo, my Gramz and Jo? Please say that it's possible

Freya: sadly it's only for family, I wish I could help you

Bonnie: can I just make something like it for them?

Freya: I'm afraid I don't know the spell, it was aunt Dahlia who casted this spell

*Bonnie smiles disappointed as a gesture of appreciation for Freya's sympathy*

*Lexi wakes up*

Lexi: Bonnie... Run!

Freya: brother! Undo it!

Finn annoyed: fine! You don't have to kill her anymore!

Freya: I'm still mad at you for trying to get her killed!

*Bonnie starts the spell once more and clones Stefan, Lexi, Camille, her dad, Caroline's parents after taking the cure, then clones Gia and puts there cloned material each in a spelled box to complete the task when she gets back in time*

Bonnie: Elena! Get in there

Damon: why? She's alive over there!

Bonnie: and in coma, at least this will get us to have her awake again

Elijah: I just wanted to thank you for your help very much

Bonnie: you're welcome, you all helped as well, I'll just clone Elena then we'll only need to go to the cave to use the compass to get back in time and fix this

Klaus: alright here's the book you're going to give me once you get back

Freya: and my necklace which has Finn's soul in

Klaus: I'm trusting you love to do all of that, but I need to make sure I'm not wrong, so..

*Klaus grabs Damon*

Klaus: I know you're on vervain but I need to make sure you're going to do well to hold your end of the deal

Bonnie: I promised! Let him go

Klaus: I'll just bleed him out to make him compellable so he makes sure of it

Rebecca: paranoid as usual

Elijah: I don't agree with the method but we're trusting you with our lives here so this will be just our leverage

Damon: it's okay Bonnie let them get it over with

Klaus: I'll be needing to hang you upside-down so you bleed faster

Damon: your caring for me is touching

Bonnie: alright, you do that while I'm cloning Elena

*Sails enters the house*

Sails: I'm sorry I couldn't help but read that vampire's mind back in that awful cave, which told me that I'll be dead too when you travel back in time, so I managed to reach someone, actually two someones who also will be dead there

*Kathrine gets inside the compound*

Kathrine: hello witch! Seems that you tried to use me

*Sybil comes inside too*

Sybil: since I got out of the tunnel I was wondering how did that guy know about the fork he used on me, I followed him until I managed to jump him yesterday

Damon: Alaric! What have you done to him?!

Caroline: where are my kids?!!

Sybil: you're not their mom honey, but I have to admit, that Alaric guy gave me all the information I needed *she said smirking*

End of episode nineteen