
The Benevolent King and Crazy System

Entered into a completely different world, severe poverty, greedy government, Chatra is faced with many dire challenges. "This world, this world must be repaired!" Follow the story of Chatra who enters the body of a poor man named Dirga Widada. With a crazy system, let's change this crazy world for the better!

BangSamaaaa · Fantasy
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12 Chs

How to Escape From Here?


Everyone in the hall was shocked. However, not all of them knew what a Magic Divine Keris was, so some of them were shocked because many people were shocked. Just go along.

"Hey, Basudama, what's a Magic Divine Keris?" One of the warriors in the left row asked the warrior next to him; a man who looked like a sleepy person, but also gave off a mysterious impression.

"I think I've heard that name before, but I can't remember where it is."

"Ah, I feel the same way too."

The warrior who was next to Basudama, overheard their conversation, then said, "Of course you guys seem to have heard the name of that keris. Isn't the Magic Divine Keris a fairy tale that your mother often tells you before you sleep?"

The two warriors nodded after gaining enlightenment. Then, the warrior who asked at the beginning said, "A keris that only chooses its own master, and has extraordinary power. Do you believe that it is the same keris, Basudama?"

"You dare question the statement of Prince Adinata Wijaya Baskara? You'd better be quiet before saying anything even worse. For your statement earlier, I will keep it a secret until my grave."

Realizing what he had just done, the warrior got goosebumps before saying, "Sorry, I really went too far! I will fast for a whole month to atone for this sin of mine."

Basudama then ignored him and turned his attention back to Prince Adinata Wijaya Baskara.

After a moment of stupor; Thinking of a solution to the problem of the Magic Divine Keris, Prince Wijaya then said, "Put that commoner in the dungeon. I will execute him directly in the royal square tomorrow afternoon. As for the problem of the two warriors who died and anything about it, I leave it to all of you."

Prince Adinata Wijaya Baskara sat back on his throne. According to legend, the Magic Divine Keris only chooses its own master. Then, what if the master dies? The keris must be looking for a new master, right? Then, what if he was the next master? Wouldn't that be thrilling? However, if he doesn't, he will keep the keris forever to become one of the royal treasures. There can be no other master but him from now on!

Sadewa nodded, again carrying Chatra on his shoulders; took him to the dungeon.

During the trip there, Sadewa faced a dilemma. The person he brought with him was the master of the Magic Divine Keris. Even though he is very weak now, Sadewa is sure that he will become a great person in the future. However, can he compete with Prince Adinata Wijaya Baskara? The person who broke through the super expert realm at the age of 20. Not even the elders in the top clans were like him. Generally, one would break through the super expert realm at the age of 40. That is, if he devotes his whole life to silat. Meanwhile, these commoners, who seemed to be the same age as Prince Wijaya, had not even entered the basic realm. Ah, what a poor keris.

"It's no use even if I help him. Once Prince Adinata Wijaya Baskara wants his death, then it's a certainty!"

They entered a dark and wet hallway. Drops of water from the ceiling seep, occasionally splashing on their bodies. It produces a very pungent stench, like a mixture of rotten cabbage and chicken manure. Hence, Chatra woke up which Sadewa immediately noticed.

"Just stay there! I'll torture you if you rebel!" Sadewa said while pressing Chatra's waist with his arm; make Chatra as if wrapped in a python.

Chatra didn't reply and just stayed where he was. This warrior was the one who defeated him easily. Of course Chatra was afraid of him and believed the truth of his words. However, this terrible stench was simply unbearable.

"Could you put me down, Sir? I want to throw up."

"Hold it until we get to dungeon!"

Chatra didn't say anything after that, but replied in his mind, "Oh, God. What is this ordeal again?!"

In the corner of the hall, there was a room with a door completely made of stone. Sadewa then threw Chatra there, then said, "Pray as much as possible! Maybe, with your prayers it can change Prince Adinata Wijaya's mind not to execute you."

"W-what do you mean, Sir?" Chatra doesn't understand the real situation. Even though he knew he would receive the death penalty if caught by them, but why did it come so fast?! We should have had a trial first, Damn it! Ah, then what about the condition of Adanu, Nuraga, and Batari? Were they also caught?

"I will answer your confusion after you answer my question. What is the name of your keris?"

Realizing that something had happened to the Magic Divine Keris, Chatra in a very low voice said 'appear', pretending to scratch his nose; clicked on the inventory option at the same time, and saw that the Magic Divine Keris wasn't there. However, there appears a new option next to the inventory option.

"I don't know the name and haven't thought about naming the keris, Sir. I accidentally found the keris in the Dark Forest, and don't know for sure where it actually came from."

"Ah, I see. What a lucky man." Sadewa was silent for a moment before continuing, "That keris is the Magic Divine Keris. You must have heard the legend about it, right? Yes, it is a super strong keris that can ... bla bla bla." Sadewa explained all the legends in detail, as if Chatra was a child who had heard the tale for the first time. However, isn't saying the same sentence three times is too much? Chatra understands that part well, but for some reason he keeps repeating it, as if he's afraid Chatra won't understand. Chatra's head almost burst as a result. He is even worse than Chatra's Indonesian teacher in high school.

"Alright, it's time for me to go." After feeling that he had been in the room long enough, Sadewa moved from his place two steps, but came back again and said, "Ah, you are the one who go, gone forever. Remember my message! Pray as much as you can!"

"I understand, Sir."

Seeing that at last Sadewa really left and closed the stone door, Chatra moved in the same direction, looking and listening to his surroundings; make sure no one is outside. "You're finally left, Damn it!"

The hologram was still floating before his eyes. Seeing that there was a new option next to the options inventory, Chatra immediately clicked on it.

"What happened while I was unconscious?"

"Congratulations on getting energy. New user status created!"

Status :

Strength : 256

Durability : 300

Vitality : 127

Agility : 248

Senses : 105

Luck : 105

Intelligence : 135

Energy : 30

HP : 12,523/20,000

Status points : 0

Gold coins : 1121

Additional Status:

Charm : 21

Authority : 12

Skill :

* Teleport lv.1 (exp: 10/100)

Move to a user-defined place, max 20 meters. Cooldown 3 seconds."

"Now it really looks like it's in a game. However, what made all this happen?"

As far as Chatra knows, new options will appear when he successfully complete a mission. However, why is this one different? Was the estimate wrong?

Chatra was silent for a moment; thought about the reason, and immediately smiled upon gaining enlightenment. "Ah, it's because of the Magic Divine Keris! They must have held the keris for a long time, so their energy and vitality was subconsciously absorbed by it and came to me. But ..." What's the use of that now? Tomorrow is the day of his execution. Even though he gained a large amount of energy, but facing the likes of Sadewa or maybe even stronger ones, of course it was all useless.

"The only way to stay alive is to escape from here! I still have the teleport skill, right?"

However, the teleport skill would only work when the user thought about his destination. Upon entering this great palace, Chatra was in a complete stupor. Of course he did not know the details of this building. With only a displacement range of 20 meters, returning to the Dark Forest was also impossible.

Chatra was silent for a while, before finally smiling again. "Ah, how about continuing to increase the teleport skill experience? It can level up, right?"