
The Beneath.

The First Part of The Odyssey Trilogy; The Beneath. Kicks off when all Xavier's ever known is brutally taken from him in the mass genocide and destruction of his home town, a neutral zone in the Tanggal continent called, 'The Oasis.' Cast out into the unforgiving Outer-lands... and faced with a world wholly different from his own. Can Xavier uncover the secrets that lay behind his home's destruction and survive the outer-lands??

Musa_asuM · Fantasy
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63 Chs

CHAPTER TWO: Connection

The rays of the morning sun pierce through the window of Xavier's room as the sunflower fields dance elegantly to the winds tune when the curtain draws on a deceptively beautiful morning.

Xavier is awoken by the memories of last night…

Half hoping, that they were just a dream…

That their world wouldn't be ending in a day…

But otherwise being perfectly aware of the situation he finds himself in.

What would usually be another routine morning in the paradise referred to as the 'Oasis'

Now has a heavy uncomfortable air about it.


Xavier sighs drably

it's a lot to process

At that moment his door swings open and a familiar sight appears.

Beautiful white hair shining in the gentle rays of the morning sun.

As his crimson eyes meet his mother's

"Oh… you're already up…."

She says uncharacteristically, without her usual candor and enthusiasm.

"… Yeah…"

He responds equally as downcast, sitting up and waking Mylo in the process.

"… breakfast…"

"Breakfast is ready…."

Risa mumbles before saying fully

The break in between signifying what one could imagine is a busy mind.

Xavier catches on…

Hoping he hadn't…

But his mother isn't herself today.

And that only serves to further reinforce the reality of what he had still been hoping was a bad dream.

"Oh… I'll be right down…"

He says giving a faint smile to his mother in a subconscious effort to lighten her mood.


She responds giving back a small smile unable to hide her mental tire.

Risa leaves the room and Xavier falls back to the bed…

"…It wasn't a dream…"

He quietly mutters to himself patting Mylo's head.

Soon after Xavier heads downstairs and is met by the sight of his mother and a set table top for breakfast.

Her head tilted down to the table as she mulls over things.

Silently he makes his way to the island and grabs a sit.


He asks quietly smiling looking her way.

To which she simply nods in return

A plastic smile painted on her face.

He grabs a bowl of rice next to the basket of buns to serve himself.

This isn't his traditional meal, or his traditional happy morning…

It might look the same…

Smell, feel and even taste the same.

But it's not the same.




The silence in the room is amplified.

You could feel it.

And You could actually hear it too if you tried hard enough.

Such is the gravity of the atmosphere in their household now.

A Loud silence…

A sudden gust of wind and the door rolls opens as another all too familiar figure strolls in

This time his father…

"Good morning everyone!"

He says in his usual manner.

Grinning ear to ear as cheery as always.

He is a noise.

A noise breaking apart the silence currently holding this room hostage.

Ignorant as ever to the mood he walks straight to his wife and kisses her good morning patting his son's head and grabbing his usual sit beside him.

"Hmmm… what's with all the doom and gloom."

He says starkly taking a big bite off a bun from the basket.

A surprisingly genuine look of confusion plastered on his face.

"Hey Xavi you gonna finish that…"

He says as Xavier simply stares back at the cause of all their ire.

"…Uhmmm, hunnie I can always make more…"

Risa cuts in somber toned...

"Nah it's alright…"

Victor responds

"Anyway Smart Mark said he's got something to show you today Xavi..."

Victor says turning his attention back to his son with a big grin.

"You should pass by there today it could be important."

He finishes smirking at his son whilst scuffing up his hair.

"Uhmmm. okay…"

Xavier responds unsure

Victor stares at both his wife and son with a blank expression as if genuinely shocked at the thick atmosphere in here.

Why is the mood so dead?

He thinks to himself,

And in that moment is hit by the realization.

(deep breath) "…"

"You know…"

"It's a beautiful day…."

He says softly staring out the window with somber eyes.


"I think…"

He begins

"I think sometimes it's important to just take in everything what the world has given you and make the best of it…"

He says softly

"Because you'll never know if it's going to come around again…."


"You know…"

Victor says both soft and passionately.




Like an understanding of their shared fate was shrouded in the silence.

After Staring at each other for a while, Victor stands up and pats his son's head again.

"Well, best be off to work…"

He says

"Jerry said the deliveries today are going to be rough but I'll be back before dinner though…"

Victor says with a light smile.

"Make sure you go see Mark, Xavi..."

He says before grabbing the whole basket of buns

"These are really good."

He says before kissing Risa's cheek and leaving behind a both awkward and confused short silence.


"… You wanna maybe help me do the dishes before you leave..."

Risa asks Xavi.

"I respectfully decline."

Xavi responds holding up praying hands and getting off his sit.

"Okay… okay… be back before dinner…"

Risa says giggling softly to herself

"Bye mom."

"C'mon Mylo."

Xavi replies somberly smiling at her, before making his way out the door.

"Haaaaaah…. Right... time to get to work…"

Risa sighs to herself slapping her cheeks in an attempt to psych herself up.

Xavier walks through the flower laden path and passed the field as their little town comes into view.

Sand molded houses similar to igloos populate the area.

As the thick gold sand is the only thing you can see passed their house on the rocky hill.

The area is covered by a high wall of sand and rock.

Their home sitting at the top of one of two rock hills.

One hill at the south end of the area, where their home sits.

And the other the entrance to the Oasis.

Beyond this, lines of emerald paint the gold from above.

These are the towns waterways.

And at the centre sits a large pool of water.

It's beautiful emerald green color resonating even more with its gold surrounding.

This water body spreads into all the branch waterways and is their only source of water.

But also their livelihood as a source of vitality for their sunflower farm.

There aren't many beautiful places out here besides the fields that encircle his home.

But the sand filled town has its own charm.

Like a giant gold tablet with an emerald at its center, it shines.

As he approaches the town the sounds of chatter and life spring forth.

From the vendors selling their various foods and accessories in their makeshift stands…

To the wealthier shop owners looking to draw attention to their establishments shouting outside.

The vibrant energy of the town is unmatched.

The peace of his home on the hill is beautiful…

But nothing beats the energy and life of the town center.

"Oh look Mylo we're here."

Xavier says to Mylo as the view of a big sand building just passed the emerald center come into view

'Smart Mark's Handy Shop' it reads.

Pushing the door open…

A dark eyed chubby figure with frameless glasses, fading blonde hair, a goatee and duster in hand comes into view as Mylo blitz in straight through a door that leads to the back of the shop.

"Hey Uncle Mark…"

Xavier says coming in.

"Oh hello there little 'Grey' boy what can I do for you?"

Mark replies.

"What can you do for me?"

"What do you mean father said you have something to tell me…"

Xavier replies.


The chubby man ponders while stroking his goatee eyes closed.

"Hmmmm… I don't recall ever having anything to say to you kiddo but if your old man said it, it most likely must have been…."

He says thinking back.

Just then.

Mark is cut off by the sight of what appears to be a scrawny little girl with red hair knotted in pigtails and deep dark eyes slowly making her way towards Xavier behind him.

Biting down on her lower lip in an intimidating manner she exposes her several missing teeth as she sneaks ever so quietly trying her hardest not to be caught…

"Huuuhhh… sorry Xavi…"

Mark mumbles to himself squinting his eyes and adjusting his glasses before turning away.


Xavier exclaims confused.

"Uh huh!! Got you!!!!!"

The little girl shouts in a high pitch tone that'd put a soprano opera to shame as she jumps on him and pins him down!!!!

Quickly maneuvering around to his side with expert UFC mat work and folding his hand behind him.


Xavi shouts in agony


He says struggling as he recognizes the figure currently dominating him!

"ARGHH! HEY! ARGHHH!! I tap I tap…"

He says quickly beginning to tap his hand on the ground as the pain begins to increase

"So you thought you'd get away with not visiting me yesterday ehy??"

She says in a cute but devilish tone.

"I got busy! I got busy I swear!!"

Xavier replies hurriedly tear in eye, hand still slamming the floor as hard as possible.

"So what?!?"

"I have nothing to do with whatever you were busy with, why are my plans the ones getting dropped for something else."

She replies angrily wrenching his arm even tighter making Mark wince.

"Sorry Kid."

Mark mumbles to himself trying to make himself busy dusting whatever is nearest to him.

"I TAP!! I TAP!!!"

Xavier shouts back again tears almost flowing out


Xavier shouts to his dog which springs forward from the back in full speed.


The pup returns and lunges himself into the air at Lucy!!!

But just as he is about to land…

He is knocked out of the air and onto to the ground!!!

And by what appears to be a turkey?!?


Mylo screams in agony.

"Mylo!!! Arrrgghh…"

Xavi shouts in equal agony as Lucy tightens her hold.

"Hmmmm…so you thought you'd make it two on one huh? Nice job Rusty!!!"

Lucy says as she throws a thumbs up to the majestic cheeky bird with green feathers.


The green bird spreads its wings to reveal a beautiful array of colors.

Guess it's a peacock…


It sounds triumphantly one foot over the dog!

Yup the majestic creature that just dropped kicked a dog out of the air in indeed a peacock.

Mighty majestic if I do say so myself.

And yes reader there is still in fact a 12-year-old girl currently pinning down a 13-year-old boy like an expert grappler…

"Now back to 'Mr. I… got… busy…'"

Lucy says in a mocking tone looking down at Xavier

And yes again reader this boy is in fact the main character of this story too.

Great observation.


Xavi exclaims drained in between life and death as he passes out.


Lucy exclaims when she notices he's stopped struggling



She says her tone awkward and worried!!!




-To Be Continued-

l0_0l. Hello, hello. Tis I “the still not famous yet cheese head.’ Chapter Two rolls in and don’t you just love the feeling of hardwork… Add, rate and share if you’re enjoying the read so far! These be coming at ya fast from now on. Well more like a day, a chapter but same thing! Anyway be seeing ya!

P.S Been told chapters a little long right now but oi am trying to build a world here. So pleaseeeee bear with it for the first couple of chapters I can only do so much with less than 2000 words.

Musa_asuMcreators' thoughts