

That night at dinner, as they sat around the table, relishing wild game, Neil watched Ray eyeing Tanya. It was clear to him that the other man admired her. His heightened senses, the result of his recent shift, told him that desire was lurking just below the surface. The tension at the dinner table could be cut with a knife. Renee had joined them, and he was getting disapproving vibes from his cousin. He looked at the two women, Tanya, innocent and naive, in her simple knee length dress, and Renee, seductive and sultry in her off shoulder top and long skirt with a slit down the side which exposed her long legs. Neil felt desire curl in his stomach. Renee and he had been lovers for long, unwilling to wait for their official mating ceremony. They had made love both in their human as well as wolf form. To have her so near to him was driving him mad. He wished they could just disappear, leaving the others behind, but he had a task in front of him. He glanced at Tanya as she picked at her food, a little nervous to be surrounded by so many of his kind. It had to be this night. He had waited too long. With Ray ready to poach on his territory, he had to act fast. He had to consummate his marriage to Tanya. Once, they were truly mated, he could put his plan into action.

"Stay away from her," Neil sent a mind signal to Ray, as he glared at him. It was something they were adept at doing in their wolf form to communicate with each other during hunts. "Huh?" Ray acted the simpleton. "I am warning you to stay away from Tanya. She is mine," he reiterated his claim over her. As an Alpha, he could mate with any female in the pack, and none could stop him, though one seldom did that as it could spoil the harmony. He did not wish there to be unnecessary rivalry in the pack, but Tanya was here for a purpose, and he was determined to see it through. Therefore, if Ray had any ideas about her, Neil had to nip them in the bud. After dinner, Tara put on some music, inviting everyone to the floor. His father had already retired to the study, pleading business engagements, so Neil decided to throw his inhibitions to the wind, as he worked off some of his energy on the dance floor. It was too early to retire to the bedroom, without being obvious.

"What are you thinking?" Ray asked Tanya as she stood in a corner, watching Neil and Renee dance out a slow number. He had his hands on her waist and they were swaying to the rhythm of the dreamy music. "Just wondering. They seem so good together. Why did he not marry her? Why me? I am not even one of you." "Don't think like that. Neil must be in love with you to marry you," Ray tried to reassure her, though he was afraid that he didn't sound convincing enough. Maybe even Tanya thought that too, for she turned to him with a curious look, "Tell me more about werewolves. I wish to know about your origins. I have never read about your kind outside fantasy stories." "You really want to know?" "Why not? When I have to spend my life with one, I should know everything about his kind," she smiled. "Come with me then," he took her hand, pulling her towards the open doorway.

"Where are we going?" she asked, curious, as he led her towards his car. Opening the passenger door and handing her in, he took the driving seat. "Each pack has an elder, who is sometimes a shaman too. He is called as the 'Wise One" in the group. He knows all the history about the pack, from the times immemorial." "We are going to meet one?" excitement tinged her voice. He nodded his head, driving towards the town. After about half an hour, they came to a stop in front of a cottage, set apart from the others. Parking beside the gate, Ray guided her inside, ringing the bell at the door. It was opened by a teenage girl. Recognizing Ray, who was the second in command to Neil, she bowed in greeting. "We wish to meet Joe," he told the girl. "Grandpa is out in the backyard," she said, as she led them out in the back through the house. They found Joe sitting beside a bonfire, smoking a clay pipe. He rose to his feet when he saw them. "Welcome Luna," he greeted, as Ray introduced her, his toothless grin spreading across his face. He was a thin wiry man, with curly gray hair, wearing baggy trousers and a coat which had obviously seen better days. "Lu...Luna?" Tanya stuttered. "Of course. You are the Alpha's mate. You are our queen, our Luna," Joe explained, still smiling. Gesturing for them to sit on a rug placed beside the fire, he took his seat. "What brings you here at this time of the night?" he asked Ray. "Tanya wishes to know about our origins. I could think of no one better than you to recount that." "I am honored that our Luna wishes to know more about our kind. I shall be happy to oblige," his toothless grin appeared again. The girl came out of the house bearing three mugs on a tray and Tanya could smell the mouthwatering aroma of hot chocolate. It was just the right thing to have on a cold night like this one. Cupping the mug between her palms, soaking all its warmth, she settled down comfortably on the rug to listen to the history of the pack.

"Long long ago, when the gods would come to the Earth to mingle with the mortals, the fierce Roman god of war, Mars, saw a beautiful Vestal Virgin, Rhea Silvia and lay with her. Eventually, she gave birth to two sons. They were named Remus and Romulus." Joe narrated his story, his eyes shining, his face animated. Tanya found herself totally engrossed in the narrative, even forgetting the cup of chocolate in her hands. "Afraid that the boys would grow up to be mighty warriors like their father, and overthrow him, the king gave orders that the boys be put into a basket, and thrown into the river Tiber." "What happened to the boys?" Tanya queried, curious. "The god of the river saved them. The basket reached the banks safely and the hungry babies were suckled by none other than a she wolf." "Oh! How interesting…." Tanya murmured. "When the boys grew up, they expressed their gratitude to the wolves for saving them from hunger and thirst. As a mark of their respect for the she wolf, they blessed her with a boon." "Boon? What kind of boon?" Tanya was spellbound. "The boon that the wolves of their pack could shift into human form when they so wanted. That was the beginning for us. The pack members of that ancient pack lived as humans and wolves both and came to be known as werewolves. With time, their members spread all over the world and different packs came up. Our Alpha is directly descended from that ancient pack. He has royal blood in his veins." Joe looked at her with pride shining in his eyes.

Tanya took in all the information Joe had shared with her. She found all this so interesting. She was going to ask Joe more about the pack when all of a sudden Neil barged in on the little party. "Tanya! I have been looking for you all over," he was clearly out of his mind with anger. Joe got up to bow before Neil, his stance respectful, as he said, "Welcome Alpha Neil. I was just narrating the pack's history to our Luna." Ignoring him, Neil looked daggers at Ray and Tanya. "I have come to fetch my wife. Come Tanya, it's late," he held her arm in an iron grip, pulling her towards the exit. Feeling embarrassed, Tanya turned to Joe. "Thank you Joe and goodnight. I enjoyed the hour," she smiled at him. The old man turned to Neil, unafraid of his show of rage. "Our Luna is an exceptional woman. Courageous and kind. She will be the mother of many brave cubs, all great warriors," Joe spoke as if prophesying. "Shut up your nonsense," Neil threw at him, clearly disgruntled to find his wife with his cousin, and walked out almost dragging her behind him.

Tanya stole a glance at Neil as he drove in silence. His profile was rigid, his lips pursed in displeasure. It was clear to Tanya that anger was simmering just under the surface. In this mood, he frightened her. As the car came to a stop in front of the manor house, he jumped out of his seat and came to her side. Opening her door, he again caught her in a vice like grip, and almost paraded her towards their bedroom. Once inside, he slammed the door shut, then proceeded to take off his jacket. "I...I...am sorry. You were dancing with...with...Renee and I grew bored," Tanya tried to pacify Neil. Without looking at her, he continued shedding his clothes. "Are you insinuating that I neglected you?" his voice was icy. She shook her head mutely, apprehensive of angering him further. What was his problem? She had just been listening to a story, for god's sake. He was acting as if he had caught her with a man in flagrante delicto. Once he had taken off all his clothes, he stood in front of her. Tanya felt her face burn with shyness as she tried to look anywhere but at him. She had been eager to make love with Neil since they married, but not like this, not when he was unreasonably angry with her. Slowly, Neil pulled her to himself, raising her face and bringing his mouth down on hers in a punishing kiss. "Let me go Neil," she protested. "Enough!" he spat, pushing her down on the bed and joining her there. "You must be taught what it means to be mated to the Alpha."