

As a child I prided myself on courage, looking back however I can only see ignorance, an ignorance I find myself chasing after yet again so that I may turn a blind eye to what I have witnessed. The Fog has crept it's way into my dreams, and I fear it may now know me better than myself. It has delved into my soul and day after day it whispers to me, a voice so maddening and yet so enticing, I find myself unable to fight and thus I am preyed upon by the mist that envelopes me. In my dreams I lie there watching helplessly as the Fog devours my being, not just my body but my very soul and with it, it feasts upon my desires as well as my fears. Night after night it calls to me, no matter how hard I pray it's voice is louder however its voice is also too soft, begging me to come closer so that I may hear it and so that it's message can be made clear. I should have stayed away, cast myself far away from the one who calls, for tonight I shall embrace death and together we will walk into the mist, upon the path towards God and I will finally be set free. For the Fog has shown me what lurks at night, beyond the sight of mortal men, for good reason. Legends I read as a mere boy hold nothing to the creatures I have witnessed, for the human mind is not capable grasping what lies beyond our reach. I shall walk into it's clutches, for I am but livestock for the beings that await me. I pray for mankind, that they may bask in their ignorance as long as possible for once that shell has been stripped away and our crushing insignificance has been revealed to us, we will prostrate ourself atop the Tower of Babylon and pray for our ignorance to return yet again.