
The Bellrose Did Not Bloom Today, Maybe Tomorrow

Due to the misfortune of being born into the powerful family of Baskervilles, Lactiflora and Roosevelt are forced to participate in the most horrendous tradition their family have, fighting for the head position, pulling hairs, dooming your cousin’s fate, nothing special. The uninterested pair decided that the sick tradition has to end. Pulling the string in the Vitrum manor, the twins found out that their fate is inevitable, but as persistent and as stubborn as their father, Lactiflora and Roosevelt, along with their cousins, discovered the secret their ancestors hid below the manor. A journey into the entrance of the abyss, into their hearts and soul. Their past, present and future. Into the unknown... Their journey will bore holes into their hearts, break their spirits, and deform the way they see the world, no matter what they gain, what they lose, they have each other. Like how they entered the manor, Lactiflora and Roosevelt will always be together.

Atropa_Acuminata · Fantasy
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13 Chs

What Is Lost will Also Be Found

Everyone's time in the manor progressed smoothly, they all have an activity to immerse themselves in. Both Lactiflora and Roosevelt were digesting every book in the little library in their room, Olivia and William arguing once again for every little thing, Sakura alone in the garden, and the rest doing who knows what.

"I want to spar with someone…" Lactiflora cannot take it anymore. At times like this, when her and Roosevelt do not have a lesson, her Aunt Veronica or Uncle Carlos will indulge her and have a spar, at rare occasions, her father too.

"Sorry sis, I'm too lazy to move from here." The older of the two scoffed as her brother didn't even bother looking up from his book. 'Maybe you should go and make some "friends", it wouldn't be so bad if you have a sparring partner here. I think that Olivia girl or Fedrin, the two of them look like swordsmen." Lactiflora gives her brother a flat look, before dressing up for a more practical outfit.

"Fine, if you need me I'll be in the activity hall." He gave her a nonchalant hum before she left the room, the older of the two knew it would only take a few minutes before boredom got to him and followed him to the activity hall.

Lactiflora sometimes questions her life choices. She knew that she is atrocious when it comes to directions, she should have brought Roosevelt, who memorized the entire floor they are in and their ways around the manor the first time he got there.

The more rooms she passes by the more fear builds up inside her. Lactiflora does not remember the last time she was lost, their mansion was catered to her inability to recognize direction. Or maybe she remembers the time being lost scared her to the bone.

She doesn't feel tired, she can still go on, she is not a weak person. But the thought of sitting down and resting her leg sounds good to her right now. Lactiflora squats down, maybe calming down will clear her mind enough to make her remember the way back to their room. She secretly hopes that Roosevelt will magically feel her distress and come find her, it was always Roosevelt, the first to find her when she's lost, just like in the past.

"Roosevelt, Merin, where are you?"

The young mistress Bellrose gripped her sword tighter, she will never forgive Merin and Roosevelt for losing her.

"Merin!!! Roosevelt!!! I swear to Gaia, if you forgot about me and went home, I will give you two hard times for a week."

13 years old Lactiflora went to the woods with her twin brother, Roosevelt and one of their maid Merin to find wild flowers that their father required for the medicine he was trying to create. She didn't really need to come, she's bad at recognizing the difference in plants, but she wants to spend time with her brother after a long week of practicing with her Aunt Veronica who offered to teach her how to use mana infused swords.

"If I find out you two are playing a prank on me, I will make you guys pay."

The sun is setting, Lactiflora keeps on walking, not knowing if she is making progress on trying to find the way out or if she's going farther into the woods. It should have been easy since their father taught them how to navigate the forest that concealed their manor, unfortunately for her, she has no sense of direction.

When the sun finally set, the girl decided to sit down. She's not tired, she just needs to concentrate, maybe if she prays hard enough someone will appear.

As if some gods heard her prayer, a voice calls out her name.

"Lacti!!! Are you here? Answer me!!!"

Like a dam, Lactiflora's tears fall, her salvation is here, her brother found her. Jumping from where she was sitting, she threw herself into her brother's arms to wail.

"Father!!! Ms. Maria, Merin, I found her." there Lactiflora realized that the safest she felt in, is in her brother's arms.

Only after reminiscing she realized the pathetic position she was in and stood up to continue on her journey to find her way out of these maze like corridor

After walking for some time the eldest Bellrose finally caught a glimpse of someone, it was one of the head butlers, Rei with Roosevelt beside him, looking visibly worried for his sister who is smart in all, but directions. Lactiflora almost teared up at the sight of her saviors, that she was unaware that she picked up her pace. Like in the past Lactiflora threw herself into her brother's arms, hugging him tightly as if making sure he's real.

"I believe young master Roosevelt can find his way back?" The red haired butler bowed.

"Yes, thank you so much for your help, it's greatly appreciated."

"I'm glad to be of your service."

The twins did not see the butler's fond expression as he turned his back.

I just want to say that i might update slowly specially now that i am entering my first year in college... yay. thank you for at least checking my story out.

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