
The Turn of Fate And Loss of Memory

A few days after Lin'marie started her training out in the forest of devils she sees the boys, being boys until the instructor dragged them to the training grounds then all the soldiers and guards in training is standing there.

"korera no shonen-tachi wa watashitachi no kunren-ho wo yabutta. Watashi wa tazuneru. Kunren no cho shizen-tekina domei-ho no saisho no ho wa nandesuka? (These boys broke our training laws. I ask you. What's the first law in supernatural alliance laws of training?)" the instructor said and asked.

"anata wa kunren ni koi wo shite wa ikemasen. (Thy should not fall in love in training.)" Lin'marie replied.

"Correct, who said that?" the instructor asked as he looked around but, he didn't realise there is a sword pointed at his neck.

"You cannot hide yourself forever. Vampaia." Lin'marie replied as he looks carefully and sees her dead cold and fierce eyes.

Then, Lin'marie and the vampire are fighting until Lin'marie chopped the vampire's head off.

"What just happened?" one of soldiers in training asked.

"Lady Lin'marie, just chopped off that vampire's head off." second of soldiers in training replied.

"Head back, to your rooms." as Lin'marie said the soldiers in training went back to where they sleep and, the sun begins to rise Lin'marie hears a strange noises and as she went to find out where the noises came from.

"Halt!" man yelled.

Lin'marie turns around with sparkles of darkness and the guards takes off very quickly, then, she hears a familiar voice but, as she turns around something unexpectly happened she got kissed on the lips and when she slowly flushed red she quickly moved back while covering her mouth and eyes, but, after Lin'marie removed her hands from her face she couldn't see anyone around expect animals then, someone came over to her.

"Relax, Lin'marie." as he said she looked up and see the oldest prince.

"Wha--Wha--" Lin'marie hesitates.

"'They' are known as horses." the oldest prince said.

But, at the kingdom of vampires the queen is giving life/birth while the king is walking in pacing speed, and the maidens and butlers are to busy with the delivery of the prince or princess that is soon to be born and the loyal vampire guards are just standing outside waiting for news from the butler about the birth.

"Why are you staring at the photograph of a human? Humans, disgust us." the second loyal vampire guard asked and said.

"You mean 'Humans disgust you'?" he asked.

"Jarred, I was adopted by the most known loyal vampire advisor. My mother and father were vampires until they were killed by an exorcist in the war." the second loyal vampire guard replied.

"This, photograph is of my wife and son. My wife was a witch of magic even she was the daughter of the most famous maiden of devils and the late necromancer of wizardry but, the dark magic." Jarred replied.

After he explained about the photograph then, he sees his son riding a horse within the horse track.

"Who's he?" the second loyal vampire guard questioned in confusion.

"He. Is my son. Necromancer, Ewira." he replied.

"Wait. What?!" the second loyal vampire guard asked.

"But, we call him Ewira." Jarred replied.

In the kingdom of humans there are riots toward alliance city hall and as the lord of the kingdom of humans, wonders why there are riots until he sees the signs and people shouting as he puts his head down and after the other lords and ladies left the room he started to walk over to the portrait of, the first lord of the kingdom of humans but, as he stares and background music plays but not long after he started to sing in regret, disbelief and sadness as he walks through the alliance city hall of supernatural.

As he entered his office and closed the door behind him but, when he approached his desk until he quickly turned around but, doesn't see anyone there and sighed in relief.

"Who's there?" he asked.

But, before he could do anything he is up against the wall.

"Ugh! Who are you? Why are you here?!" he questioned as he was trying to catch his breathe.

"Heh. I am here for you, James." man replied as he approached with a smirk.

"Please don't kill my family." James said.

Then, the unknown man stopped and one of the unknown people in black clothing and cloak shakes their head while covering eyes.

"koten teki na ningen no kigai mousou. (Classic human paranoia.)" muttered to themself.

"Why would I hurt your family? I am here for you, James." he asked and said in confusion.

"Answer my question." James said harshly.

"A, watashi wa jakkudesu. (Oh, I am Jack.)" he replied to his question before and James his eyebrow in confusion.

"Jakku dare? (Jack what?)" James asked.

"sorede ashimai? Jasuto Jakku? (That's it? Just Jack?)" James asked.

"Un, genki! Jonsondesu. Watashiriochichi wa Jonson-samadesu. (Ugh, fine. It's Johnson. My father is lord Johnson.)" he replied.

"You must've heard of him?" man asked in curiousity.

"Moshiwakearimasenga, arimasen. (Sorry but, no.)" James replied.

But, at the kingdom of vampires the king is holding a baby in a white blanket and then, the king handed the baby to the maidens as the banging continues.

"My lord, there's a war going on within the kingdom of devils. Including...us!" the butler said calmly before he yelled.

"Jeikobu wa sore wo tojita. Anata wa akachan wo okoshimasu. (Jacob shut it. You will wake the baby.)" the head maiden of vampires said as she whacked him over the head.

"Masuta okimesama nigeta! (Master the princess is gone!)" the second loyal butler yelled.

"Nani! Who took her?!" the king of vampires questioned angrily.

"Kanojo wo mitsukeru tame ni anchisukiru wo okuru! (Send the guards to find her!)" as the king of vampires ordered the head guard bowed and left the throne room in a hurry to find the newborn princess.

"Jikan uchi ni kanojo wo mitsukete kudasai. (Please find her in time.)" the queen of vampires said very weakly.

"Shinpaishinaidekudasai, karera wa machigainaku watashitachi no musume wo mitsukerudeshou. (Don't worry, beloved they will definitely find our daughter.)" king of vampires said as he hugged her.

Not long after the queen of devils felt pain she knew something was wrong, and the young prince Gaexi picked it up wherever he is.

Maho no mori (Wizardry Forest)

Young pupils of wizardry are getting taught how to use their powers and gifts from a young age, until they reach the age teenage they are known as Jokyu jisshu-sei (senior apprentices) but, a few years after they start their first rank of wizardry: Majo (Witch), U~izado (Wizard). Until their final wizardry training and schooling they officially become wizards, witches or sorcerers, sorcerersses, warlocks and enchantresses of wizardry.

"wakai masuta, anata no otosan wa anata to wakai josei wo shokan shite imasu. (Young master, your father is summoning you and the young lady.)" the second year senior apprentice said.

"Naze Ronarudo? Jibun de okonatte mimasen ka? (Why Ronald? Why don't you go yourself?)" the young master questioned.

"kare wa watashide wanaku anata wo shokan shitakadesu. (Because he summoned you and not me.)" the second year senior apprentice replied as he left.

Then, the young master and lady entered the great hall of wizardry.

"Yokoso, richado-sama to kurisu-sama. (Welcome, Richard-sama and Chris-sama.)" the first year pupil said as she bowed.

"Arigato yuri. (Thank you Lily.)" the young master said as they headed to his father's office two levels above.

Shiniapawafurusosarazuofisu (Senior Powerful Sorcerer's Office)

The young master knocked upon the door.

"kuru. (Come.)" man said.

The door opens by magic and they enter the office and see his father in a unusual clothing then, the young master put his head down while covering his eyes in disbelief.

"Shinjirarenai. (Unbelievable.)" the young master said to himself.

"kurebishon-sama nande ki teru no? (Clevsion-sama why are you wearing that?)" the young lady asked.

"kawaikunaidesu ka, watashi no saiai no musuko? (Isn't it cute, my darling son?)" the ehad sorcerer of wizardry asked.

The young master looked away with crossed arms.

"Daijobudesuka, musuko? (Are you okay, son?)" the head sorcerer of wizardry asked in concern.

"Anata ga atamadearu chichi U~izadoryi no mada anata... (Father you are the head of wizardry and and yet you...)" the young master hesitates.

"soredemo watashi wa nani? (And yet I what?)" the head sorcerer of wizardry asked in curiousity.

The young master stands up and went over to his desk and whacked his hands.

"Anata wa maitoshi watashi no tanjobi ni kodomo no yo ni furumaimasu! (You act like child every year on my birthday!)" the young master replied angrily.

Then, he spots the young master's eyes glow green right in front of him.

"sore wa watashi ga anata wo shiawaseni shitaikaradesu. Sore irai... (That's because I want to keep you happy. Ever since...)" the head sorcerer of wizardry said.

"haha ga nakunatte kara zutto yamete hoshi. (Ever since mother died and that is why I want you to stop.)" the young master said.

"Shikashi richado... (But Richard...)" the ehad sorcerer of wizardry said.

"Nobatto! (No buts!)" the young master yelled until the young lady stood up and after she went over to the desk.

"kurebishon-kun, watashi ni mukatte. (Clevsion-kun, look toward me.)" the young lady said.

The young master looked and then, an echo of a slap across his face.

"kurebishon-san, anata wa 1-ri no okina bakadesu! Anata no yona hansamuna otoko wa rikai suru hitsuyo ga arimasu! (Clevsion-san, you are one big idiot! A handsome guy like you should understand!)" the young lady yelled.

"watashi wa kurisu wo nani wo rikai suru hitsuyo ga arimasu?! (What should I understand Chris?!)" the young master question as he looked at her with his eyes glowing green.

Then, she ended up on the lounge sofa in the office.

"kurebishon-kun, nande kon'na ko to suru no? (Clevsion-kun, why are you doing this?)" the young lady asked.

"Naze watashi ga kore wo shite iru no ka anata wa tazunemasu? (Why I am doing this you ask?)" the young master asked as he approached.

"sore de jubundesu richado! (That's enough Richard!)" the third year warlock of wizardry yelled as he enteredthe office, and the young master spots him.

"kanojo wo orite, oi. (Get off her, nephew.)" he said.

The young master stood up and walked to the desk even leaned against the desk.

"Yokoso...Aniki (Welcome...Big brother.)" the head sorcerer of wizardry said.

Then, he sat on the lounge sofa with a disgust expression as the guard escort the young lady to her home.

"What brings you here, nii-san?" the head sorcerer of wizardry asked.

"Anata wa watashi ga koko ni iru riyu wo shitte imasu Erikku. (You know why I am here Eric.)" he said.

"Nii-san, if this is that gakko (school), you can forget it." the head sorcerer of wizardry said.

"Raian, teokureda. (Ryan, it's too late.)" he said.

"gakko? Don'na gakko papa? (School? What kind of school papa?)" the head sorcerer of wizardry's son asked.

Then, there hatred lighting between them.

"Papa to oji, ani to issho ni okotte iru? karera wa futatabi tatakau tsumoridesu ka? (What is happening with papa and uncle, older brother? Are they going to fight again)" a young boy asked as he held his big brother's hand in fright.

"Futari-tomo yamero! (Stop it both of you!)" the young master yelled and they look with the fright of his anger eyes expression.

"Unn, U~iriamu wa anata ga beddo ni iru koto ni natte inai? (Umm, William aren't you supposed to be in bed?)" Eric their father asked.

"He was. Until we started fighting and arguing." Ryan their uncle said.

Then, the boys are confused as they head to their rooms the young master said something that made them go back to their own areas.

"Ototo wo shinpaishinaidekudasai. Chichi wa, kon'ya jibun no heya de kaisha wo motte imasu. kuwaete, oji wa jibun no heya de oba to issho ni sore wo suru no wo mastu koto ga dekimasen kyuden. (Don't worry little brother. Father, has got company tonight in own chambers. Plus uncle can't wait do it with auntie in their own chambers at the palace.)"

"okiniiri nani chodo, nii-san? (Like what exactly, nii-san?)" the young boy asked.

"ie, motto nite imasu karera wa anata no baai ni resuringu shimasu. (No, more alike they will be wrestling in your case.)" the young master replied as he headed to his own room.

"Is he alright?" Ryan their uncle asked.

"Aren't you supposed to be at home?" Eric their father asked in confusion.

"watashi wa. shikashi, watashi wa anata no mae ni iru koto ni kidzukimashita. (I was. But, I found myself in front of you.)" Ryan their uncle replied.

As their father looks at their uncle with weird expression and he, went back to his desk.

"Eric, we still on for poker?" Ryan their uncle asked.

The head sorcerer of wizardry looked up with confusion and took his glasses off.

"Poka? Pokaburaza wa inai? (Poker? We don't have poker brother.)" the head sorcerer of wizardry asked and said.

"Matsu! Koko ni poka wa arimasen! (Wait! No poker here!)" the third year warlock of wizardry, replied to his question.

Not long after...

"Raian naze anata wa watashi wo sonoyoni mite iru nodesu ka? watashi ga isogashi no ga wakarimasen? (Ryan why are you looking at me like that for? Can't you see that I am busy?)" the head sorcerer of wizardry questioned.

"Dakara anata wa shiranai? (So you don't know?)" the third year warlock of wizardry asked.

The head sorcerer of wizardry raised his eyebrow in confusion.

Hi everyone! I know that I said that I won't start writing this chapter until next month but, I didn't want to leave you guys the readers on a cliff hanger until next month. So, I am publishing this chapter today plus I know the world has different timezones. So, I hope you like this story. And I know that some parts of this chapter "might" be harsh but hopefully you are enjoying this story.Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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