
Chapter 23: The Concert Pt 2!!

Fans are cheering as the band is getting into positions but, they came up from the floor and the music plays even sing and dancing.

As the concert continues the cheers from, fans and then the eldest teenage boy waves at their fans.

"Hello! To all of our fans out there!" the eldest teenage boy called out and the fans cheers crazily.

"annyeong-haseyo moduga mijun-ibnida. geuligo naneun jimaida. (Hi everyone this is Mijun. And I am Jima.)" the fourth teenage girl said as they bowed.

"Mi senpai! Ji senpai!" the fans called out and they all went backstage by floor to get changed.

Not long after two of the band with dancers came up by floor and the, music play and they sing even dance until the concert; ends and after they finished singing even dancing the band came together and bowed even waved, goodbye as they leave the stage and went to the cars.

"We all did a great job. Mijun, Jima you guys did good." the eldest teenage girl said as they are driven to the house.

Then, one of the boys spotted something in the newspaper and showed it to them while in the car.

"Hey, these guys will have their first footy stadium finish construction tomorrow." the second teenage boy said.

"When is the first game?" the eldest teenage boy asked as he grabs the news paper, to look at it.

As he reads it the cars pull up in the, drive way and spots it.

"The supernatural alliance footy game, is on the first of next year and the construction final touches is tomorrow." the eldest teenage boy said until someone's phone rings.

"Okay, who's phone is that?" as the eldest teenage girl asked the band begin to laugh when she realised it's her phone.

But, in the kingdom of vampaias (vampires) the king of vampires gets a scroll with an invitation to participate in the footy; game in the first month, week and day of the next year.

"Heh, a game of football okay. But, why call it footy?" as the king of vampires said and asked himself but not; realizing that the vampires are trying not to laugh.

While at the concert stage is dead quiet and the security guard, is making sure everything is in order for the next morning; until he spots someone on the floor but as he came around the corner and blood "oh, god" security guard said but before he could tell the alliance police he was grabbed and flew in the air but; at the house of the band. The second eldest boy and girl are writing and doing music track, for their next song album until the youngest teenage girl ran to the door.

"Guys, you gotta see this." youngest teenage girl said as they go into the lounge room and see a breaking news report; on the television.

'Good evening, around 3am this morning a 34 year old woman was found dead behind the concert stage. The police are looking for; the security guard that was on duty. I implore the, band to return home before it's too late. Goodnight.' news reporter said; on the tv and the band members looks at each other.

"Any suggestions? Anybody?" eldest members asked while looking.

"We can go home." third eldest boy replied.

But, before anyone else could reply there's a knock at the door and the eldest teenage boy walked over to the door and; opened it and sees a man wearing brown and white suit with gentleman hairstyle.

"Ye? (Yes?)" he asked in Korean.

"Watashi wa maridesu. (I am Mari.) The lord of fate, here." he replied in Japanese and English as he hands an envelope; and leaves.

The eldest teenage boy closed the door and walked over to the others "What's that? A letter?" youngest teenage boy asked, as the youngest girl looks at it.

"It's an invitation. To dine with lord unmei and his wife." youngest teenage girl replied as she becomes suspicious.

"What is wrong, Cassandra?" second teenage girl asked as the youngest teenage girl walked to the temporal studio; and closed the door behind her while the others are confused.

But, in the temporal studio the youngest teenage girl sits on the floor and tucks her legs in as she begins to cry and the; eldest teenage girl places her hand on the door and fans out of the stadium. The band gets in the van and heads, to the round a-bout until the eldest teenage boy gets a call from one of their managers.

"annyeong-haseyo?" he asked as he answers the call.

"James. We have a problem." manager replied over the phone.

"Manager, get to the point please." eldest teenage boy said.

After the manager told him the call ended and the van, pulled up outside of a gate with sign saying 'mansion of fate' and; a guard walked over.

"Can I help you?" guard asked.

"We are here by lord Fate's invitation." bodyguard 1 replied.

"Unmei-sama?" guard questioned in surprise in Japanese.

"Hai." bodyguard 2 replied in Japanese.

As the gate opened and the van drove to the mansion, while something move really fast like a shadow along with the guards.

Don't worry guys, I am publishing one chapter at a time but I don't know how to lock the chapters and leave certain ones unlocked; so I am leaving them unlocked.

Dragon_Princess70creators' thoughts