
the beginning of the apocalypse

destroyed streets filled with corpses and blood, tall buildings that are now destroyed and some of their sides split, monsters that I don't know are roaming everywhere, and the night sky which is usually just dark now has a blue moon that gives both beauty and horror shining on this city. "How did this all happen!?, I just closed my eyes to try to sleep for less than 10 minutes!?, how and what happened in just a few minutes!!???" [Ting!!] "Wha-pa, what happened?, what was that sound?" I looked around me but there was nothing. As I calmed myself down, from the corner of my vision something shone. [Ting!!] A beautiful ocean blue board appeared before my eyes, an unfamiliar text appeared that I could strangely understand. [Now it's time for evaluation, only the strong live in this new world.] [Now!!! A new era will begin] ------------------------------------------------- the book cover is not mine

purnsky · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

First Chapter - Finished

Hearing a mechanical voice telling strange information with sea blue boards or screens appearing one by one with the same text as the voice.

"What's this?" I asked myself, but my focus was diverted to the street filled with corpses.

I've seen corpses that were almost crushed or split apart, so I didn't feel too bad, just seeing them being eaten by monsters roaming the streets felt bad.

"Ugghh!, damn! what's going on? Does this have anything to do with the big earthquake? And what is this screen?"

As if answering my question the mechanical voice once again sounded with a blue screen appearing in front of me.


[Starting 'evaluation']

[Taking into account the human race who cannot restrain their desires]

[Creating a situation suitable for 'evaluation']

[A situation where the desire to kill, the desire for wealth, the desire for lust arises, seeing that the 'Apocalypse' will begin]

[The evaluation will be divided into events and each event will be named 'chapters']

[First chapter - survived at 11 hours, 59 minutes..]

[Goal: kill 1 Monster]

[Rewards: 2 random silver level Prizes]

[Advantage: monsters will slow down temporarily]

[Tips: being the first to kill a monster will get a platinum level starting reward]



Hearing the voice from the floating screen, my mind suddenly went very fast to understand what was happening, looking at the screen once again I finally reached a conclusion.

"This world is finally ending" I said while looking at the screen that said 'chapter'.

"This seems like it's telling you that if you want to live you have to kill the monsters outside, ugh..."

It's hard to think about whether I can actually kill him, but looking at that screen, I can't help but have to kill him.

While I was thinking about how to kill him, I entered my apartment to get my cellphone to see if there was anything that could be used, but unfortunately it seemed like all the networks were down.


[Applying character profile]

Looking at the blue board that appeared again, I had a thought

[Advantage: monsters will slow down temporarily]

[Tips: being the first to kill a monster will get a platinum level starting reward]

"Here it is!, this advantage might be a way for me to kill that creature, and the tips only tell me to kill the monster first?, aren't there any tips on how to kill it!?"

Sighing in annoyance, I immediately opened my profile.

"How do I open it? Profile?"


[Name: Gain punrwhite]

[PSTR: F] (all inclusive, agility, endurance etc.)

[INT: F] (cleverness in all things, and the energy that should exist in the new world)

[Skills: Cooking(D), Learning(E), Imitating(E), Observing(D)]

[Ability: Eyes of Luster(F)]

[Description: Eyes that shine like the blue sky, seeking Luster (benefit)]

"Wow.." I'm so trashy.

"But are these sparkling eyes?, I don't remember having sparkling eyes?, is this a screen that turns out to be boho- Wait, if everything that is happening is real that means"

I immediately rushed into my apartment and immediately ran to the bathroom, looking in the mirror I impatiently looked at the mirror and that's where I was flabbergasted.

Even though my face is still Average, these beautiful sky blue eyes add a little to my charm. Ugh, if this had happened before the apocalypse maybe I could have gotten a job more easily.


Sighing in my heart, I immediately left this almost damaged apartment, seeing those monsters, I had to defeat them.

Exit the apartment building and carefully approach the nearest monster while paying attention to your surroundings in case another monster appears from behind.

I carefully observed the monster's movements from where I was hiding.

Picking up a sharp iron in the ruins where I was hiding, I started to approach the monster so I could reach it.

With my heart beating fast as if it wanted to leave my body, I approached the back of his body which was facing the opposite way.

By believing what was shown on the screen, I believed the monsters would slow down for a while, or maybe for the 'first chapter'.

When it arrived right behind his body and entered his range, I raised the sharp iron with the intention of stabbing his head, but something terrifying happened.


The iron that should have penetrated his head stopped at his scalp, which could mean that his skin was harder than sharp iron.

The monster who realized this immediately shouted "roarrr!!!!" And try to scratch

"Unlucky!" Avoid the monster's counterattack

"I was careless, the screen only showed them slowing down, not weakening!!"





Dodging one monster attack after another, while panting with a body that was injured from falling while dodging, I realized that even though the monster was slowing down, it was still fast by mere human standards!

Thinking about how to kill this monster suddenly occurred to me, there is something that is the biggest weakness of humans, seeing this monster in the form of a giant humanoid means that maybe he has that weakness.

Thinking of that plan, I wasted no time and immediately approached the monster. Seeing that it wanted to scratch me, I ran at full speed towards it. killed but this could catch him off guard.

Hitting right at its weakness, making the monster feel pain and discomfort, I took this moment to take it down.

"Got it, you monster!!"

Lifting the iron then stabbing it in the eye with all my strength.


"Ugh!!" Thrown away by the monster's fury, I got up half my body to look at the monster.

The monster tried to pull the iron from his eye, only to have a lot of blood come out and finally fell down.

Seeing that I finally won.

A feeling that I haven't had for a long time, a feeling of joy. Enjoying life, nothing is boring here, the days may be more alert but with you being able to be anything in this world, I really like this world.

"Win!!, finally!!!" Celebrating it alone while lying on the damaged road.

"Okay, that's all. I've killed him. I should be able to live now," I said, lifting my body.

When walking home, the sound screen finally appeared.


[First chapter – survival in – 11 hours, 35 minutes..] (finished)

[Goal: kill 1 Monster] (completed)

[Rewards: 2 random silver level Prizes]

[Advantage: monsters will slow down temporarily]

[Tips: being the first to kill a monster will get a platinum level starting reward]

[Congratulations on completing the first chapter – Survival]

[Congratulations on being the first to complete the first chapter]

[The second chapter will start when the countdown ends]

[Calculating gifts..]

[Judging participation..]


[Congratulations on getting 2 random silver-level Prizes, and 1 random platinum-level prize]

[Get 1 'silver level katana', get 1 bottle of 'energy drink', get 'evolution fluid']

[Silver level katana: a katana made with the hard work of a smith, it is said that its sharpness is capable of splitting concrete according to the strength of the holder]

[Energy drink: increase 1 (PSTR) permanently]

[Evolution fluid: evolves the body to a level below perfection]

Prize levels etc: Bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond

[Because you have finished the 'first chapter', the 'inventory' and 'chapters' menus can now be accessed]

As soon as the words came out a screen appeared showing a menu, which showed





Opening the [chapters] menu displays what is above.

'There's nothing special about this like the quest menu' I said, while opening the [inventory] menu.

Opening the [inventory] menu appears 12 blank columns on the screen.

Seeing the sword and the bottle filled with water fall, I hurriedly picked it up carefully so that the evolution fluid wouldn't fall from my hand.

'This is platinum level stuff!!' I thought, while putting them all into inventory.

Walking back to the apartment carefully so as not to attract the attention of other monsters, entering the building and climbing the stairs I finally arrived in front of my room, entered the shabby apartment room, I opened the blue screen to use my gift.

"Profile" I said


[Name: Gain punrwhite]


[INT: F]

[Skills: Cooking(D), Learning(E), Imitating(E), Observing(D)]

[Ability: Eyes of Luster(F)]

[Description: Eyes that shine like the blue sky, seeking Luster (benefit)]

Looking at my profile, I opened [inventory] and took out an energy drink, I carefully looked at the bottle again, with feelings of determination and trust, I opened it with the intention of drinking it.



Feeling a warm sensation flowing down your throat, after drinking it until it was finished, it didn't take 1 minute for the drink to react.

"Wow.." it felt a little painful but after that it was as if I got stronger.

"Okay, time to see my changes, Profile!" I said excitedly.


[Name: Gain punrwhite]


[INT: F]

[Skills: Cooking(D), Learning(E), Imitating(E), Observing(D)]

[Ability: Eyes of Luster(F)]

[Description: Eyes that shine like the blue sky, seeking Luster (benefit)]

Seeing my (PSTR) stat rise, I involuntarily smiled.

"Now this evolution fluid?, Evolving this body to near perfection it says" I said confusedly.

If that's all true then my appearance and strength will improve greatly, just drinking the energy liquid will feel the difference and now it's at a different level.

If someone says drinking energy liquid is useless because I will increase my stats, it's not at all because when it reaches the limit of the human body, namely (C) this drink will no longer react the same, that means drinking now is the right choice, and I do too I want to know how the liquid reacts so that I won't be surprised if I consume this platinum level liquid.

Looking at this blue liquid, I felt a feeling of anticipation and fear, afraid of the reaction effect, would it be three times as terrifying as the effect of the energy liquid?

Taking a deep breath, carefully opened the liquid and put it into my mouth.




"This is delicious!" Unexpectedly, the taste is unique but very delicious.

Like an energetic liquid, it doesn't take 1 minute for the effects to start to react.

"Ugh!!, damn!!, damn!!" Widening my eyes in panic, gritting my teeth to suppress the groan of pain I so badly wanted to let out.

'Damn it's more than ten times that!!'

It feels like something comes into every fiber of your muscle and flesh that makes you ache and shudder, then that something destroys everything they touch.

'How many minutes have passed' I thought because I couldn't hold back the moans.

Instead of getting better, this pain actually got worse, with excruciating pain I couldn't hold back the groans of pain any longer.

"Arrrggghhhh!!! Uggh!! Shillllll!! Damn!! damn!!! Argh!!! Unlucky!! Argh!!! Dammit!!!"

With my final scream, I finally couldn't hold back my consciousness any longer.






Several hours have passed.

In a quiet room a figure with an appearance that was close to perfect, muscles entwined on his body and a handsome face wearing a pained expression lay on the floor in a pool of strange black liquid.

The painful expression on his face slowly disappeared, and the young man's eyelids trembled.


"What happened" I said while holding back the pain that was still in me.

Looking around, I felt strange.

"Hm? Does it feel like I can see the details of these items?" I said subconsciously while looking at the sofa in front of the TV.

The sofa had a lot of visible damage, and some irregularities in the wood.

Rubbing my eyes, I calmed myself down, looking around again before looking at myself.

My eyes widen.

"This? My body? Where do these perfect muscles come from, arms, legs, stomach, chest, they are perfect!" I said shocked.

Something smelly smelled to me, I subconsciously followed the scent, and I saw a strange black liquid where I was lying earlier.

"Ugh, it smells so bad, I just realized that my body is really sticky, and this liquid smells so bad!" I said.

Lifting my body and walking to the bathroom in a hurry, I immediately washed my body.

After I finished scrubbing my body until the dirt no longer stuck in the slightest, I got out of my bath.

When passing by the mirror, something caught my attention, walking back to look at the mirror, I saw it.

Eyes, nose, hair, chin, cheeks, they all look perfect, making it look artificial.

"This…my face?"

"This perfect facial proportion, with this perfect body, they say it's only close to perfect!?"

"But a handsome or beautiful appearance will be a curse if you don't have strength," I sighed.

"But fortunately the liquid also increases my strength to near perfection, has it reached the human limit?" I said curiously.

"Okay let's see after wearing clothes" while walking out.

After wearing clothes that were now getting tighter on my body, I walked to the sofa and sat there.

"Okay let's see"



[Name: Gain punrwhite] - (¼ high beings)


[INT: B]

[Skills: Cooking(D), Learning(E), Imitating(E), Observing(B)]

[Ability: Eyes of Luster(C)]

[Description: Eyes that shine like the blue sky, seeking Luster (benefit)

Effect 1: observe and search for enemy weaknesses

Effect 2: looking at others when lying to the user]


"Besides other skills, my physique has improved (PSTR, INT) and my abilities have increased drastically!!" Agree.

"It seems I underestimated that liquid, I thought it only reached the human limit."

"but this physique reaches ¼ high beings!!"

"Also, my abilities have increased, which I didn't even know could level up!"

"Is it because the eyes are part of the physical?" I mused.

Looking at my profile happily, I almost forgot to look at the time in [chapters] because I didn't know how long I had been unconscious.


"I'm hungry" looking for food in the refrigerator I only found a few sausages, sighing I ate them.

"Okay, Chapters!"


[First chapter – survival in – 0 hours, 10 minutes..] (finished)

[Goal: kill 1 Monster] (completed)


[The second chapter will start when the countdown ends]


"I've been passed out all day!?"

"Damn, I don't have enough time to prepare for the second chapter"

With that I just regretted it and waited for the second chapter to start.

how?, I don't know what the future holds but just enjoy it now

purnskycreators' thoughts