
The Beginning Of A New Era

The Beginning of A New Era is a story with post-apocalyptic, survival, conquests, political, and fantasy / dark fantasy elements. the event of the story are occurring on both a post-apocalyptic Earth and in a new unknown world. I can't say more without spoiling ............................. ACT 1 - CHAPTER 1: NEW WORLD " hmpf...Imagine being literally in a new world  .... a world only waiting for us to explore it, to solve it mysteries, and to discover all the wonders it has to offer! " the voice of a man echoed throughout what seemed to be a vast empty dark cave. sigh~ that man then added after sighing " yet! ...here we are stuck with the guarding duty.... " ....................................................................................................................................... • • • • • ps : it my first story give it a chance and I am sure you will not regret it I will try my best to provide you with the best content, but to become better I will need your help so dont Hesitate to give me a review, I will read all of them much love and hopefully you will enjoy it you can read up to 16 chapters ahead by supporting me here : https://www.patreon.com/AgLd author: AgLd ps: it is not a futuristic novel story

Ag_Ld_1012 · Fantasy
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Act 2 - Chapter 18 : Biggest Expedition And Majority Vote !

Consisting of 11 floors, Sober and well maintained, there was nothing particularly lavish or extravagant about the building's inside.

when she reached the end of the corridor, Lena decided to come to a halt, because of the large staircases In front of her

" Well then, from now onward, you're on your own," she told Zel..

" thank you " he replied to her before getting up from that wheelchair. at the very top of these stairwells. two solid wood doors.

"It sure is convenient that your office is on the first floor," she said to him.

"It would be such a hassle to always walk all the way up if it was not the case, only thinking about it is tiring me. it is simply a waste of time...plus, having it easily accessible for me and everyone else is a lot more efficient in case anything happens. "

Zel gave her an explanation of his decision to use the first level as his office as opposed to any of the other floors.

" I never thought of it that way, but if I follow your reasoning, would it imply that you gave each level to them according to their importance? I mean my hubby in the second, jess in the third.. " she started to list the owner of each floor.

" and Ludolf in the last...though, it was difficult to decide who deserved it more between the two of them... " With a smirk on his face, Zel was thinking about someone before continuing.

"But it's not so much by importance as it is by their general duties..." he added before beginning to slowly climb the stairs one by one.

" oh! I see~ ... clever I would say."

Lena was closely following him and climbing the stairs at the same rate as him.

After arriving in front of the two luxurious wooden doors He looked at them for a moment, took a deep breath, and then slowly reached for their door handle...


the two doors slowly started to open thus Revealing little by little his office.

it was spacious like that of a CEO of some big company. but there was nothing special about it. plain and simple with the only two things that were a little fancy being his office table and the chair behind it.

meanwhile in the right corner was a wooden bookcase with only one book in it. and in the lower-left corner was a sober futon.

On that office table, alongside all the paper sheets, was a luxurious Venice mask that was easily capable of covering all his face thus concealing all his facial features. Its right half was milk-white, with three golden lines of varying lengths randomly positioned on it, while its fully deep black left half was the polar opposite.

He looked toward it before taking a step, then slowly starting to walk toward that office table, before throwing a glance at that mask, meanwhile slowly setting and settling into his luxurious chair. He crossed his legs and extended his left arm. took it,, and finally, put it on.

Mystery, enigma, and novelty, after wearing it he looked like a riddle only awaiting to be solved.

He then relaxed both his hand on the supports of the chair and took a deep respiration.

before casting a glance in the direction of Lena, who was proudly standing outside in between the still open doors, and both her arms were on her back.

" come in ."

Zel then, with his proud voice invited her in.

" Welcome back, your majesty!"

Lena said in a formal tone she hadn't used before, bowing as she entered and closed the doors behind her

" Without wasting any more time, please begin by telling me what happened in Hope City during my absence, and for once, please begin with some good news," Zel stated

" then I will begin my report "

" ....."


" yes.???! go on !. " he said in anticipation not understanding why she didn't start yet.

" I am sorry, it....it just that there is no real good news, expect the presence of some skilled aura users in Hope city. " she apologized meanwhile

" that good... did you try to recruit them ?! needless to say that if they decide to join our ranks or if they just decide to stay and settle in Hope, it would really benefit us and our future developments... "

" well ...recruiting them would be difficult ."

" why !?.... do they perhaps already have some kind of affiliation ? " he asked her

" meanly because of two reasons, we lack the necessary resources to convince them, we approached those we deemed worthy of joining us but they all asked for things way beyond our actual capabilities... heck! one of them even asked for 3 tones of supplies every month. as if it was not insulting enough he asked to get a mansion," she said rethinking about that moment and slightly getting upset.

" was that person worth it? or is it just to disrespect us? if it is the latter, then just make an example out of him. " Zel asked seriously thinking to accept such an outrageous offer.

we would have already acted if it was not to prevent any fuze from happening, we can't take such a risk plus I do think they already have their reasons to be here," she said to him

" a reason you said? .." he repeated.

" Hope city-issued mankind decree" she said to him

" a mankind decree ?! ... I mean, of course! we would issue a mankind decree, why not! I would say..... but before that ...can you remind me.... what the heck is a mankind decree, to begin with ?! " he said not understanding what she was talking about asking her for some more information regarding that matter.

she then approached and pointed toward one specific paper.

He took it, looked at it suspiciously, and then began reading it.

"................for anyone who will or is currently reading this text................"

This is a summons and a call from HOPE CITY, a call to those of you brave enough to take their faith in your hands! and dare to confront and defeat death.....regardless of who you are! If you thrive on adventure and you believe you are strong enough! and have the necessary skills and abilities to survive your journey to Hope City. Then you have earned the right to take part in the greatest expedition ever organized by humanity! Led by legendary figures with unmatched power levels and unparalleled renown, ...it will only be a question of time, before this new unexplored continent that is brimming with resources and new lands just waiting for you to claim them! becomes ours! ..

"..........The expedition will take place 9 months forward the issue of this summons......"

" L..legendary.... ? " Zel repeated what he just read, cringing and feeling awkward.

" Can I ask who issued that stupidity? No actually, don't tell me! lets me guess, I only know one person who is egocentric to a point enough to call himself a living legend...and that !....despite no one even knowing him, and yet with enough influence to make such a thing happen ..... I can feel that sarcastic smile of his!.....and it irritates me. " Zel said breaking his composure

"Indeed, it is The Doc's doing....but even he is not able to do such a thing alone, with the help of the Russian, Lord Rey and as you may perhaps guessed The DOC who used your name to issue what he called a mankind decree." she clarified and explained what happened.

" no I didn't guess...nooo of course he will use my name! ...." Zel said obviously annoyed clenching and opening his left hand.

" it says 9 months," as he was gonna ask a question

" 7 months already passed " Lena answered as if knowing what he was gonna ask

' but isn't it far too early to move on to the next stage? was I gone for this long?.....' Zel deeply thought, about the goal behind such actions.

" And what were the other factions' reactions? they surely did not let it slide, I mean no one would easily accept potentially losing such valuable assets such as awakened! seriously, what was he thinking! " he added. a bit worried "

The majority of them didn't express their opinions but generally speaking, some were in favor of it and enthusiastic about it, and some others felt threatened did accuse us, and some even asked us to stop whatever we are trying to achieve, "

Lena confirmed his suspicions. and gave him the general feeling of the other parties

" did the Chinese try anything funny? "

he said in a serious tone.

" no ! they didn't, they were more busy dealing with their internal problems . so Besides calling it ....' a shameful act against humanity and an attempt from a weak faction to try and gain more power ' ... they didn't try anything else, respecting the peace treaty. up until now, that is! they were. " she answered him

" Good, That's all we need for the time being..." What!?... What's up with your worried expression? "Speak!" he exclaimed to Lena, who had worry written all over her cute face.

"it's just that they sent envoys 2 months ago, wanting to talk to you about the true meaning of that mass recruitment. "

" and ? "

" They are still in hope city, lord Zel. "

" I see, that explains why all the security precautions ....and how many did they send this time? " he asked

" two.."


" Are you afraid they have anterior motives? they sure do but... "

" Well yes! Your highness, but the issue is not there, there is a rumor that they had a new leader. if it is truly the case, we still don't have any information about him or... her or their standpoint toward us... "

' a new leader ?! ....someone was able to dethrone that monster ?... interesting ' he thought

"I see, I will meet them tomorrow.. anything else to report ? " he asked her throwing the paper between his hand into the desk.

" The situation in hope is a bit alarming, a matter of fact, a special reunion will be held soon, in your absence, they contacted me to attend it..."

" oh yes please do! the last thing I want to hear right now is his screamings if they ask you about me! just say he had important things to deal with ."

" they said it was to discuss the future of the city, and that it was an opportunity for us to explain and justify all these recent events.....but I suspect that their main objective is to try and destitute you. and .....now that they surely know you are in the city,... they would want to hear explanation directly from you...."

Lena said with her voice full of worry.

" hmpf...and what ?!. they can try but they still need a majority vote, and with the support of the RDP and the academy it would just be a waste of time ... " Zel said confidently

" that's exactly where the issue is all about .... they can! and if you don't do something about it, they probably will! ..." she simply said to him slowly nodding her head .as if she know something he didn't.


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thank you for reading and see you next time - AgLd