
The Beginning Of A New Era

The Beginning of A New Era is a story with post-apocalyptic, survival, conquests, political, and fantasy / dark fantasy elements. the event of the story are occurring on both a post-apocalyptic Earth and in a new unknown world. I can't say more without spoiling ............................. ACT 1 - CHAPTER 1: NEW WORLD " hmpf...Imagine being literally in a new world  .... a world only waiting for us to explore it, to solve it mysteries, and to discover all the wonders it has to offer! " the voice of a man echoed throughout what seemed to be a vast empty dark cave. sigh~ that man then added after sighing " yet! ...here we are stuck with the guarding duty.... " ....................................................................................................................................... • • • • • ps : it my first story give it a chance and I am sure you will not regret it I will try my best to provide you with the best content, but to become better I will need your help so dont Hesitate to give me a review, I will read all of them much love and hopefully you will enjoy it you can read up to 16 chapters ahead by supporting me here : https://www.patreon.com/AgLd author: AgLd ps: it is not a futuristic novel story

Ag_Ld_1012 · Fantasy
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Act 2 - Chapter 12 : Deep Slumber

Bip... bip ...bip

In a monitoring room, two people dressed in white coats were standing meanwhile looking at different monitors.

"his condition?" Asked a middle-aged man.

" He is in a stable state, nothing special to report "

A young man who seemed to be no more than 19 years old, he had short black hair, and light skin, with two of his most distinctive features being his two beautiful lazy hazel eyes, and the fact he wore round glasses.

" I said state! , 'nothing special' isn't a rapport, ... if you continue to act like a spoiled child, and if you don't take your job seriously, i

will personally make sure that you will never enter a lab again, clear ? ! now state..." the middle-aged man said in a cold voice scolding, the young man and frightening him.

" 43bpm, his breathing is stable. He lost 10% of his muscle mass due to inactivity, but nothing to worry about, his injuries are healing well, unconscious state but, his brain activity works normally...."

Upon hearing the threat, the young man began to spit out all the information he had collected, looking at various monitors.

"Good, what is the estimated time for his full recovery ? " the middle-aged man asked.

" Unknown! but the estimated time for his Full Body recovery is about 2 months, the only major issue is that it is difficult to predict when he will wake up... if we only had the adequate equipment to collect such data... unfortunately we don't, " the young man said after passing through all his notes.


".... you think that nowadays, this kind of medical material is easy to find! "

" i -I know, it's not what I meant"


" Say father .... " said the young man.

"hm? "

" How could you stay soo calm after a discovery of this amplitude ? " he then added

" It been like this for 3 months now, don't you think we would have been more of help being in that new world ? !... The DOC must truly hate us don't he ?!..... after doing all the experiments, he ordered us to monitor and not even leave that bunker...I mean I can understand why he is forbidding me, but you..... aren't you supposed to be the vice head of the research department? " The young man added, a little frustrated

"Adam ..." the middle-aged man said not bothering himself to turn around, thus hiding whatever expression his face had at that moment. all his focus was directed toward only one particular monitor, ignoring all the others, as if he was waiting for something to change in it, or for it to show any signs of activity, but nothing, as if it was inactive.

" You're still young and immature... it seems you're still not able to know where your priorities are at,..... but I will not blame you, there are things you still are too young to understand, this is why for the meantime and until you are able to, stop complaining and focus, ...and .....don't call me father when we are in duty here, you are to call me....." the middle-aged man scolds his son in a passive-aggressive way before he was cut..

" F..father !.. I- I think lord Zel is waking up! " Adam exclaimed.

" What ? ! Are you sure about that ? " said the middle-aged man .meanwhile abruptly turned and then looked toward the same screen his son was looking at.

"Yes! look ! ... his brain activity is showing fluctuation like those of someone waking up from a deep sleep." Adam said pointing at some graphics.

They then both turned around to look at the other room through the glass wall that was separating them from it.

In the middle of a room similar to that of a hospital, was a bed. Laying unconscious in it was a man, and attached to that man was all sorts of medical equipment, with all sorts of cables and tubes attached to him.

The man's eyes begin to slowly open, he seemed as if he was waking up from a long and deep slumber, Zel then looked to his left and right his eyes still not fully open, and with his vision all blurry, trying to understand what happening and what was going on.

Seeing that, the young boy rushed to the exit of the monitoring room, but upon opening the door, a hand popped out of nowhere coming from the outside, grabbing him from his right shoulder and stopping him in his track.

" Ara ~ what a bad boy we got here ~ well tell me, Where do you think you are running like that young man? or perhaps you wanted to bump into me !! ara~ " A sweet and charming voice rang in the ears of the young Adam.

" M ...glup~ m-miss Jessica... it's his highness! He is waking up! i I- need to examine him " the young man said in a rush

Jess then invited herself into the room to see if what that young man was saying was true thus revealing herself, she was a 28-year-old woman with silky, neck-length red hair that was pulled back into a ponytail. To top it all off, she was wearing a black royal guard outfit that gave her a nobel appearance and perfectly embraced her perfectly curved body, which was capable of making any woman envious and any man tempted.

She then looked with her two beautiful blue eyes toward the middle-aged man, who simply just ignored her, and was instead analyzing the data that the inactive monitor he was looking at previously was printing.

Glurp~ The young man in front of her gasped, turning crimson and having trouble breathing since every time he does, her pleasant yet seductive perfume trickles into his nose.

" Araa ara ~ , what a naughty boy do we have here? you know! if you are interested in me just say it! you may even get a reward who knowsss ..." jess said in a tempting sexy voice.

adam gulped~ and used all his willpower to stay calm. " Wh-who isn't ?! " he said to her not daring to look her in her eyes

" Ah ~ your boldness ~...you must be pretty popular with girls, aren't you ?! tell me do you have a girlfriend?"

She said meanwhile approaching slowly toward him with a smile on her face.

the middle-aged man's curiosity was picked up! upon hearing that question and slightly tilted his head in anticipation of the answer.

" I- ...no I don't " adam awkwardly said.

" Oh may ~ you don't ?! ...does that mean you are... "

she giggled before she continued

" You know if you want I could pretend to be your girlfriend for this night ~ and I could teach you a thing or two~, so what do you say deal? "

she said with a smile on her face. as if she was satisfied with the results of whatever she was trying to do.

" Stop that already, and Lets him passe ... " the middle-aged man who was tired of her little devilish play ordered her.

" Hm~?! stopped what ???! " jess innocently said

meanwhile, the young Adam, who was taken by surprise by Jess's attitude and who wasn't able to handle such pressure being the healthy man he was. didn't know what to do besides just awkwardly running out.

" Oh then see~ you later big boy ~," she said to him meanwhile looking at him with a smile on her face. then she turned around and switched from her seductive into her serious state and said

" I see his highness finally wake up..... is he all right? " she asked looking at Zel through the glass, who seemed to be a bit dazed due to him not yet understanding where he is or what is happening,

after a moment he pulled himself a bit up to be in a more comfortable position.

" I think he will be alright, we still need to do some more examination on him but his life is not in danger anymore "

He said to her not looking at her but instead continuing whatever he was doing with the monitors

" Glad to hear that.. " after hearing his answer she was relieved

" And what about the situation in the new world? " That scientist asked her.

" I don't have much info, I was personally guarding this room for almost the entirety of the time, but from what I heard everything is going well and smoothly.." she answered him

" So we still don't know what was that something responsible for his near-death state.....anyway .....I want you to deliver that, and to give it in-person to nonother than the Doc,...I still have things to do here so I, unfortunately, can't yet go to that new word ."

He told her meanwhile giving her an envelope

" May I ask what is it ? " she asked while taking it and hiding it in one of her pockets.

" Data and results the doc asked for," he said

"Of what ...? "

" ....Don't you think You already know enough ?!, just bring it to him already you can dismiss... " the vice head of the research department ordered her.

" You're so mean ~ Okay, I am on my way just take good care of his highness~," jess said leaving in her sexy demeanor.


" Well let's resume .." the man now alone said, immersing himself again in his work.

* * * * *

author thoughts : hope you will enjoy the Act 2 don't forget to add the book to your library it is the easiest way to support me, you can also leave a review or a simple comment I will read them all, thank you for reading - AgLd