
The Beginning Of A New Era

The Beginning of A New Era is a story with post-apocalyptic, survival, conquests, political, and fantasy / dark fantasy elements. the event of the story are occurring on both a post-apocalyptic Earth and in a new unknown world. I can't say more without spoiling ............................. ACT 1 - CHAPTER 1: NEW WORLD " hmpf...Imagine being literally in a new world  .... a world only waiting for us to explore it, to solve it mysteries, and to discover all the wonders it has to offer! " the voice of a man echoed throughout what seemed to be a vast empty dark cave. sigh~ that man then added after sighing " yet! ...here we are stuck with the guarding duty.... " ....................................................................................................................................... • • • • • ps : it my first story give it a chance and I am sure you will not regret it I will try my best to provide you with the best content, but to become better I will need your help so dont Hesitate to give me a review, I will read all of them much love and hopefully you will enjoy it you can read up to 16 chapters ahead by supporting me here : https://www.patreon.com/AgLd author: AgLd ps: it is not a futuristic novel story

Ag_Ld_1012 · Fantasy
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Act 1 - Chapter 5 : Battle Starts

" Captain Ahab don't you think it a bit too dangerous?.. even for him!. "

" He will be fine..plus it is a good opportunity for him to grow and gain field experience and for us to learn a bit more about this world " with a cold dead voice captain Ahab explained. Why he didn't stop Alex.

" so in other words, you are using him as a lab rat ?! "


" you are better qualified than me to know that in the presence of your king, The royal gourds only answer to him...plus he made it clear that even if I ordered him, he will not listen ...to stop and subdue him I would've had no other choices then to use force. from all the options I had, it was the least efficient with the worst outcome possible. "

"I know all of that already.... but we are still not sure if it is truly his highness or not."

" if it, is not the real lord Zel, then right now there is better qualified than Alex to know. and with his defragmenting ability, it would be easy for him to retreat if judged necessary. "

"I see ..you thought about everything,.. still, I don't understand his highness's decision to include him in such a mission, to begin with...yes ...he must be a genius in aura manipulation he could even have the potential to reach a lord level of power..... but knowing all of that, why risk losing and wasting his potential in such an uncertain expedition, to begin with !... it just makes no sense. " the professor voiced his thoughts

"Sometimes we just don't have other choices " vaguely said Ahab not wanting to say more

".. enough now! and just focus. "

he then ordered, putting an end to the conversation. not allowing the old man to ask any more questions.

the goal of Ahab and the reason he was explaining his decisions to the professor was to appease and get rid of his worries, thus making him more efficient and focused on his assigned duty.


".... confrontation in 30 seconds... " said the professor in a serious tone.

• • • •

meanwhile 500 meters further.

in the camp of the natives, the atmosphere was tense, to say the least.

" Rioki' hal xoddsi ! Celvsi halpodeam ! " an imposing 2 meters tall bold humanoid was shouting at the others in a rather incomprehensible language.

with his brown skin and bulging muscles, and with all these weird symbols all over his naked uperbody, one could easily mistake him for some wild beasts because of that ferocious aura surrounding him. yet to best describe him, he looked like what a mix of an orc and a human would give birth to

' are they some tribal tattoos.? if it the case it means they have some kind of culture " Zel was lost in his thought

the group was composed of what seemed to be 12 orcs, with two of them including their seemingly leader having brown skin and the rest having greenish skin. looking exactly like orcs we known on earth, quickly and in a disciplined organized manner took their weapons and circled the thirteenth, last member, making it the center of their formation .

the last member was clearly not from the same specie. being built differently, but the rob and the hood it was wearing masked all it features making it impossible to identify.

Soon after taking their position,


weird unpleasant noises coming from all directions broke the once silent and calm forest.

having already only little light passing through it the once mystic forest was now looking like a death trap. only fools would adventure into. the tension seemed unbearable, some of the orcs looking left to right in anticipation totally focused.


" Tui Suiesk mav !! " their leader shouted once again looking to the person present in the center of their circle.

without wasting time it started chanting incomprehensibly,.. these chants seemed to cause the staff on its hand to vibrate and the head of the staff to shine brighter and bright, until suddenly a ray of light launched out of it, taking the form of a doom shield, enveloping all the 13 of them in it, with the staff being its center.


Bang, Bang, Bang...

Projectile started to fly from every direction colliding with that shield.


hundreds of Greenish short creatures started to jump out of the forest directly into the shield that was now weakening every passing second. some cracks starting to form on its surface.

• • • • •

" Goblins.. ?!! first ogres, then orcs! now goblins ??? what next ??? " the professor shouted in shock still using his ability to record the events.

' This world and earth sure had some kind of connection at some point in history there are no other explanations.....fascinating! '

the professor thought to himself

• • • • •

" they seem intelligent enough to communicate, and to use some basic formation but still they are outnumbered "

Zel who was confidently standing just some distance away with both his hands on his back seemingly not fazed at all by what is happening, he was just standing there analyzing the situation as always with his deep black eyes.

No one seemed to notice him, despite standing only about 50m from that group.


Even those goblins creature seemed to ignore him even when some of them were passing him by less than 1m before they continue to jump into that shield force. And then start to ferociously slam whatever was on their hands on it trying to break it.

Soon the shield energy was all green covered by all of those ugly little monsters.

Kiiiiiiiiii kiiiiiii kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

' Hmmm ... It seems it will collapse at any second, what are they gonna do next perhaps... .'

"KIII ?!"

Zel who was deep in his thought was brought back by a noisy scream made by one of these ugly creatures, but this one was a bit bigger than the others. chubby belly

That creature seemed to notice Zel only when it was less than 30 centimeters and almost colliding with him . in other words noticing him only because zel was in its trajectory.

the monster quickly stopped and jumped back some meters away

" Kiiiii !!? " a sinister smile appeared on its already ugly face. after the surprise effect of something out of nowhere faded. let's place to Happens for having found what is considered an easy prayer.


the creature charged at Zel who was not giving it a once of importance. like a bull in rage.

when again this time less than 2m from him that creature jumped into the air, swinging randomly what seemed to be a sharp weapon poorly made out of some bones.


A black boot appeared out of nowhere, in mid-air slamming with force right into its face crushing its skull and making it head explode, killing it on the spot.



Some of the other goblins intrigued by the sudden death of their one kins stopped their track and started to look at each other.


a loud explosion shook the ground

" CLEVER! Instead of wasting time gathering energy as they did for the shield, they used the already available one and condensed it creating an explosion, Killing 100 of these little green creatures in the process. The caster is talented, to say the least ..." Zel said out loud impressed by what he just saw

" Ro"kh ! Nav !!! Addoooovq !!! " the brown bulgy orc once again screamed incomprehensible words out loud.

" Rhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ..! "

following his orders all the orcs let in unison an intimidating war cry, causing the goblins charging at them to abruptly stop in their track sending shivers all over their bones.

then all the orcs charged in all directions signaling the start of the battle.

like killing machines they were slashing cutting and smatching anything unlucky enough to be in their way, needless to say that the small unlucky creatures had no chance despite their outrageous number against these enraged mad beasts.

in the middle of all that Chao screams

" you seem to be the real one ....but there is only one way to find out," Alex said in a serious tone preparing himself to attack.

" Hmm ? !.What are you talking about Alexander...? " Zel said not understanding what Alex was talking about . not bothering himself to turn around to look at him.

" The old bone told us that you may be fake... "

' Old bone ?? ... fake?.... What is an oldbone? Is it some kind of strange creature they encountered here ? ' zel was trying to process what Alex said to him trying to find some logic in it.

" Yes, I am real... if that is what you are insinuating. more importantly, why did you take your helmet off ? " he then answered ignoring focused on the caster, that was now heavily panting due to exhaustion, 2 orcs acting as bodyguards killing any sneaky enough creature that succeeded to reach them. one was a normal orc but the second was the other brawn skinned orcs, to simply describe him he was a slandered version of their leader long hair.

" So it truly was youu big broother!! .....are the others here too ?!?... it was getting so boooring out here... " said Alex happy to see Zel

" no, i came alone, but most importantly aren't you feeling any side effects taking your helmet off ? "

" oh right, Nop not at all! it's just like on earth but the only difference is that it seems the air is a bit more 'dense' I would say .." Alex joyfully answered with a smile on his face meanwhile sitting on the body of the big goblin he just killed .switching once again into his normal self.

" I see.." Zel said his hand on his mask slowly starting to take it off.

* * * * *

author thoughts: tell me what you think of the story so far did you enjoy it ?thank you for reading see you next time - AgLd

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