
The Utopia of the Djinn

POV Julian Kingscrown

"Wow, I didn't expect that, do you at least have an approximate idea of where the place where it takes us is? I said with a tone full of many expectations

I don't know who brought me, but since I discovered that I had the legacy, I felt that he had not been stingy with the skills that he gave me, although well if we except that he was reducing my life expectancy, everything is profit

"No, it seems that it is protected by a barrier in the middle of the sea or sky created, but that location changes constantly, as if something was creating multiple random locations over and over again to confuse me" she replied in a doubtful tone

"Do you think it's safe to go there, Miss Silvia? I asked, while weighing the pros and cons

"It should be safe if it's something they gave you to get there, besides it could give you clues about your origin in this world" she said thinking while still touching the Spatium rune on my back

"Hmmm, can I trigger the teleportation or do I need your help? I said remembering that Silvia after escaping was seriously injured

"You alone can't; according to what I see your relationship with the Ether is almost nil", you only use the second rune with the Vivum art by instinct and it burns some of your life, if you try it with the spatial rune in the same way I don't know how high the cost could be, it's dangerous" she said thoughtfully

"Are there no options?, I doubt they gave me that to kill me" I replied tilting my head trying to find solutions

"I could help you, the location is set, I would only activate the use of the Ether to move us from one place to another" Silvia told me with a somewhat complicated look

"But that would put you in a worse state, I won't do it" through my mana vision I can see those disgusting mana particles of the soul fire consuming her life, but I couldn't affect them and I couldn't drag them to use them in a spell in the atmosphere

I wanted to save Silvia now more than ever, but I didn't see a clear path, no matter how much I thought of solutions, nothing worked, the only thing that occurred to me was to use the Vivum art to counteract those flames

But Silvia wouldn't let me do it, because it was going to burn my life expectancy and I wasn't going to be able to restore hers, I was only going to prevent it from extinguishing so quickly

"It's okay, I won't force you, but it could be a unique opportunity to get answers to your existence" she replied in a kind tone

"But not at the cost of what little life you have left, there should be more opportunities in the future" I said again

"It could be too late by then" she retorted in a more serious tone

"Why do you want to reduce your life even more?" I said while lamenting inwardly

"I don't need the concern of someone much younger than me" she said looking me in the eye

"I don't do it, I just save the plot of what I know" I said in self-conviction

"You still don't know how to lie, I've told you that you still don't control your actions and expressions perfectly when you do, ha ha ha ha" she laughed under her breath

"You're annoying, I already said we won't do it, first let's look at how this forest dog evolves" I said returning the look to our volunteer guinea pig

Besides, I also wanted to recognize what exactly my branch of Vivum did in my memories of the novel, initially it was thought that this branch was only in itself some way of control over life; either healing or strengthening other beings, but in fact the basis of Vivum is existence itself

After Arthur obtained his Ether core, it was discovered that there were actually four sub-branches of it: Life, death, creation and destruction. Of which I lean to believe that mine is in the branch of creation or destruction, since it seems that I am creating new limiters to the species that I am helping or destroying the ones that already exist

The problem is that if it is the branch of creation it does not work for me, because I do not know how much life expectancy would have to be burned to have any effect on Silvia, besides there would be no guarantee that she would be saved.

"In case it is from the branch of destruction things get even more complicated, they are very unstable and I don't know if it will destroy everything in its path or just the soul flames, this is giving me a headache

What do I do, do I risk it taking me there and believe in the possibility that there is something that can help her? Or do I do nothing and let her die

That shouldn't be a question, damn it, clearly I should risk it, even if it's a little bit to try to save her, I spent three days in this crossroads of thoughts until the evolved forest dog woke up, which I called Vanangard, this guy unlike Rex or Ingram can use his Ice deviant very naturally

He had a beautiful blue and white fur with fierce features, but at that moment I had no room to think about him...

"Have you decided anything?" Silvia asked me again

"Yes, let's go Silvia" I made a forced smile because I knew this would put her in danger, it was the only way where maybe there was hope of being able to save her

After preparing ourselves to fight in case of emergency, she put her hand on my back

"Ready?" Silvia said from behind

"Yes, let's do it, but don't overdo it" I replied in a worried tone

"I already told you that the coordinates are already set, I'm just going to open the way it won't be that bad" she said in an optimistic tone

The moment I felt the cold sensation of the Ether this time a little higher on my back, the world changed


POV Djinn Remnant

It seems that after all, you did it boy, at the cost of your life, you fulfilled your purpose and gave him everything he needed, but will that be enough?

My smile widened when a connection was established with the outer space, finally someone had arrived after so many attempts and setbacks

When I looked in my astral form from the purple crystal due to the damn dragons, I could see the silver-haired boy, all their efforts had not been in vain, I told myself

Besides, they look a lot alike, although I don't like the dragon next to him too much, but he seems wounded, besides it was part of the deal I made with them to let her in...


POV Silvia Indrath

After activating the space rune on his back, the world around changed

Now we were on a round platform of pristine white with purple decorations, and right in front of us there was a beautiful white city that shone in violet tones, it was a beautiful creation comparable to the domains of the dragons in Epheotus

Unfortunately at that moment I didn't have too much time to appreciate it because a pain numbed my body, the soul flames began to expand more and I finally fell to the ground

"Silvia" Julian shouted with a very worried look

I guess the little one was right, it was too much for me to bring us here, at that moment I felt that I had to give him the will and my daughter before I died, although that would change the history that he had told me

It's the best option in my opinion, but Julian said he didn't want my will and my daughter he didn't know how to answer

At that moment the Ether particles around me began to accumulate and enter my body slowing down the expansion of the flames, Was it Julian? I couldn't tell as I fell unconscious now more comfortable than before


POV Julian Kingscrown

After the Ether around us was activated in some way and Silvia seemed less pained while unconscious, I looked around

I saw an old man of purple color, or rather a ghost of an old purple man

"Thank you for helping my friend" I bowed to him offering respect for saving Silvia

"It's part of my contract, but I only extinguished the flames that were killing her, her life expectancy is still the same a few months more, that's all there is for her" he said in a tone, this time somewhat disgusted

I guess it's normal, the Djinn hate the dragons after the genocide they did with their race

"Still I appreciate that you helped her" I said in a respectful tone

"It's nothing, more important boy, do you know something? He asked

Know about what?", I said raising one of my eyebrows

"It's nothing important, eventually you'll know" the old man said taking a pause

He's senile, he says very confusing things and seems like he was waiting for me

"Were you waiting for me?" I asked in a cautious tone

"Yes, we need to talk, do you know what this place is?" the old man said

"Judging by your transparent appearance I would say you're not alive, seeing the purple decorations, how well built the city is, how empty it is too and the violet crystal about five meters from here I would say it's one of the Djinn shelters Am I right?" I questioned the old man

"Quite observant and yes, this is Eden, the last utopia of those of my race, this place was going to be our refuge where the Asuras couldn't reach, but it couldn't arrive in time and now it's only an empty city" the Djinn said in a melancholic tone

"Why did I have the coordinates of this place engraved on my back?" I wanted to know first how much they knew about me

"I don't remember, I only know that there was a contract, with someone very similar to you and his best friend, that's why I let you pass right now, you used the entry pass they gave you, but if you want to enter again you'll have to be approved by me, receive the key although you won't be able to open it without the use of Ether and you'll have to bring that Asura every time, but I don't like that if you don't do it I won't give you the key"

That bastard is annoying but I need this, if I manage to have access to this city and the forests that surround it it will be a gain for me to have a safe refuge where the Asuras can't pass or rather only the ones you allow

"What do I have to do to pass your test" I said trying to know the requirements to win the key

"Take the body of that Asura for yourself" he said in a serious tone

"What do you mean?", I said in a confused tone

"Make her use an art to give you her flesh and blood, so you can withstand the use of Ether" he said this time in a disgusted tone

"What the hell..." no wait, that's not a bad idea, couldn't she do the same thing as Silvie and give me her body and flesh in exchange for staying locked in an egg, until I can help her recover?

With that I would achieve two objectives, I could handle the Ether without burdens on my body and also there would be more chances to save Silvia in the future

I said while taking my chin and thinking seriously, in this option that had not occurred to me until now

"I have a question, does that have to be now?, my friend still has to do something before, just with a contract between her and me would it be valid for you?

"It's valid, but you'll have to make a contract with me too" the old man replied

"What is that deal? I asked somewhat cautiously

"You will put the Suras in their place and help find our vestiges in the world to bring them here, besides with your Ether art help restore my race"

It's true that there are possibilities to turn the deviated emitters back into Djinn, as I did with Rex, Ingram and Vanangard

But as this old man seems to know more about my abilities than I do

"It seems you know about my abilities" I said trying to get a clarification from him

"naturally that's why I allowed your entry here, you are our last hope" he said in a serious tone

"Could I consult it with my friend when she wakes up?" I said trying to buy time

"Alright, but you can't leave here, you'll wait with her until she wakes up and until you have her body you can pass" the old Djinn said disappearing again into his purple crystal.