

This is a fan-fiction of THE BEGINNING AFTER THE END, In which a soul gets 5 wishes from the God and his world of choice to be reborn. 7CH/WEEK

Novel_Lover459 · Fantasy
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25 Chs


When Arthur teared Sebastian everyone Present there has a look of pure horror.

They just couldn't believe what they were seeing while on the other hand Arthurs family were also shocked seeing this but they knew that Arthur was just protecting himself.

"Mom go home with others".

Arthur said and then opened a portal for them. Seeing the portal at first except his family Vincent and others were completely shocked but seeing the situation they didn't asked any question.

When Alice heared her son she wanted to refuse but she knew that even if she refuse he will send them back.

"All right we will go but you have to come back to me safely".

Alice said while picking up Eleanor whose eyes were closed by her.

"Of course I will come back to you Mom". Arthur said with a smile on his face and then looked towards Angela, Helen and Jasmine.

"You three, after this is finished we will have a private conversation". He said with a wide smile on his face.

Hearing him and seeing his smile they became embarrassed and nodded their head. After that they passed through the portal.

"So now what should I do with you". Arthur said while looking towards Blaine who was kneeling down and trembling like crazy.

While Priscilla was hugging her both children with fear in her eyes.

"Look Priscilla I have no grudges against you and your children, it was your stupid husband who started this". He said while coming near them to which at first Priscilla was scared.

But she knew that if he wanted to kill them then he could have done that from the start. So she became calm and looked at him with still fear in her eyes but when she saw that charming smile on his face she almost forget what he had done a moment ago.

"I-I am s-soory for my husband's mistake". She said while looking at him.

"Well it's not that I can't forgive you but if I let that bastard go he will surely try something in the future". He said to which Blaine started sweating and trembling like crazy.

"Well you know what let's call someone".


Cynthia was doing her work when she suddenly heared Arthurs voice in her head.

"Cynthia I am going to open a portal in your room right now, come through it".

Cynthia was surprised knowing that Arthur can open portals but came out of the shock.

"I should've think much, let's go and see what's happening there". She said and possed through the portal.

" What the fuck". These were the words which came of her mouth when she came out of the portal.

She saw a body lying there in two parts and Blaine King of Sapin was kneeling down there and trembling like crazy and his whole family was also there.

"Just what did you do now Blaine".

When Blaine and Priscilla heared her voice they immediately turned towards her.

"Director Goodsky". Priscilla said when she saw her, when Curtis and Kathylyn heared their mother they also turned towards Cynthia. Curtis was scared because he has never see his father in this state before but on the other hand Kathylyn was also worried for her family but she had stars in her eyes while looking towards Arthur.

She had never seen someone like him who can make her father kneel down and defeated three royal guards like nothing.

When Cynthia saw Priscilla she came near her and started checking if she Curtis and Kathylyn were hurt or not.

"Cynthia you don't have to worry, I didn't do anything to them". Arthur said while coming near them.

" It was this fucker who wanted to kill me and then take my bonds".

When Cynthia heared about the bonds she turned her face and saw two cats one big and one small and immediately get to know that they were Sylvia and Sylvie.

"I will say sorry from his side Arthur please forgive him". She said with respect in her voice.

When Priscilla and others heared her they were surprised. They never saw Cynthia this respectful towards anyone. They all started to think just who is Arthur.

"You don't have to say sorry Cynthia, just take care of everything here". He said and opened a portal to his home.

"Alright I will be going now". He said and entered the portal.

When Arthur was gone the tention in the room lightened and Blaine for the first fine saod something.

"D-D-Director who was he". He said while standing up but still trembling remembrimg Arthur.

"The Strongest Being of this Planet".

When Blaine and others heared her they became completely silent because when they saw the serious look on Cynthia's face they all knew that she was not lying and gulped a mouthful of saliva.

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