

This is a fan-fiction of THE BEGINNING AFTER THE END, In which a soul gets 5 wishes from the God and his world of choice to be reborn. 7CH/WEEK

Novel_Lover459 · Fantasy
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25 Chs


Arthur and his family has reached the Auction house, which was getting filled by the guests.

"Looks like many Nobels are going to come here". Adam said to which Arthur just smiled knowing that it may be his first time in this type of Auction House.

"Even the King and his family are also going to come here". Arthur said to which Adam and his party were surprised knowing it.

"Then the things that are going to be sell here are also important, I can't wait to see what thie Auction House have to sell". Adam said to which Arthur and other had a smile on their face.

"All let's go, I will lead to you all to your room". Vincent siad but just as they were about to go an announcement was heared.


When Vincent and Ray heared it they quickly came forward and get ready to welcome them.

The door opened and they entered. Blaine was a middle aged man with a normal face while Priscilla was a beautiful woman but still not as much as Sylvia but still has a figure of milf and beside them were Curtis and Kathyln.

When Arthur saw Priscilla he had a desire to get her but he don't want to rush thing, he want to make the girls fall for him. Then he saw Curtis and Kathyln.

Kathyln had a indifferent face which was clearly saying that she didn't want to come here. Arthur had a smile on his face seeing her.

"It look like you found a new prey, hehehe". Sylvia said in his mind to which Arthur smiled towards her and patted her head to which Sylvia started enjoying his touch.

Behind the king and the queen was a man with a hood on his head and seeing him Arthur had a wide smile on his face.

"Welcome your majesty and her majesty". Vincent and Ray said while welcoming them and kneeling down and others present there also kneeled down.

But to Ray's surprise Arthur was standing there with his hands in his pockets. He was worried that the king might punish him but deep inside his heart he was proud that even in front of a king his didn't kneel.

"Sorry for my son's rudeness your majesty, he was away from home for a long time". Ray said to which Blaine was about to say something but before her Priscilla interrupted him.

"It's all right, kids his age re like that even sometimes my daughter is like him". She said with a smile while looking towards Arthur, it was her first time seeing a boy that handsome but she didn't think much after all for her he was just like other kids.

On the other hand Curtis was not happy with Arthurs attitude,in his eyes Arthur was just a commoner on the other hand he was prince but when he saw his attitude he was angry thinking how can a commoner didn't kneel down in front of the Royal Family.

While Kathyln was observing Arthur with interest in her eyes, to her Arthur seemed different. When she saw his indifferent look towards the Royal family, the look which says I don't care if you are Royal family or not.

"My wife is right, you don't have to worry". He said and then looked towards Vincent.

"Vincent shall we start the Auction". He said to which Vincent nodded and took them to their seats.

"Arthur why didn't you kneel down, the king might have punished you". Alice asked with a worried tone.

"Thats right Arthur, why didn't you". Helen and others then also asked the same question while worring. But what they all heared shocked them entirely.

"Why should I kneel down to someone, who is weaker then me". Arthur said with a smile on his face.

When Alice and others heared him they were all shocked. They all know that the someone he is talking about is not just anyone, that person is the king of this country. But after some time they became normal because they had seen more absurd things.

"Haah, I really don't know what to say". Adam said to which Arthur just smiled.

"I don't know if I should be proud to know that my son is strong or be worried". Alice said to which Arthur came near her with a smile on his face.

" You don't have to worry mom, after all your son is the strongest". He said to which all of them had a smile on their face.

"I think we should go now, the Auction is going to start". Arthur said and then they came to their seats.

While this was happening Sebastian the man who came with Blaine, was looking towards Sylvia and Sylvie and he had a ugly smile on his face.

The Auction finished without any problems.

On a seat away from his family Arthur was sitting with Sylvia and Sylvie thats when he heared a voice.

"You really have mysterious mana beasts commoner" Sebastian said with a big smile on his face.

Hearing him Arthur looked at him and smiled.

"Thanks for your praise, do you want anything from me". He asked while standing.

"YES, I want your mana beasts". Sebastian said while trying to touch them, but to his surprise Arthur held his hand.

"Sorry but they are not for selling". He said and started going towards his family, but stopped when he heared Sebastian's voice again.

"It looks like you get it wrong, what I mean is they will be mine". He said with a creepy smile on his face, but what happened after that not only shocked him but everyone present in the Auction House other Arthur's family and friends. Then he heared a monstrous voice, hearing it Sebastian started to tremble in fear and fall on the ground.

"SAY THAT AGAIN". Arthus said with anger in his voice while unleashing his Aura a little.

But when he heared Sylvia's voice he stopped it.

"Arthur control your emotions or you might kill everyone present here except your family". She said to which Arthur stopped and looked towards Sebastian who was trembling in fear on the ground and turned towards his family.

But on the other hand the Auction House was in uproar when Arthur unleashed his Aura.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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