

This is a fan-fiction of THE BEGINNING AFTER THE END, In which a soul gets 5 wishes from the God and his world of choice to be reborn. 7CH/WEEK

Novel_Lover459 · Fantasy
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25 Chs


'As Arthur and Alice were talking suddenly the door opened and Ray came with tears in hie eye's and saw Arthur and immediately ran towards him and hugged him'.

RAY- "I am so glad that you came back Arthur". He said while hugging him to which Arthur smiled happily.

ARTHUR- "I am also glad to be back dad". He said and also hugged him back.

RAY- "We are also glad and look at you already a lady kiiler, Alice isn't our son became more handsome then even before". He said while looking at Alice.

ALICE- " Of course he is handsome after all he got his looks from me, hahaha". She said and started laughing to which others also started laughing. As they were laughing Vincent and his family also came.

VINCENT- "Ray I heared your son has returned". He said and looked at Arthur.

TABITHA- "As soon we get the news we came here running". She said and came near Alice and hugged her. She knew how much she missed missed her son.

"I am really happy for you Alice". She said while comforting her.

ALICE- "Thank you Tabi". She said and hugged her back.. Sometime after they parted away.

ARTHUR- "Thank you for letting my family stay and helping them when I was not here". He said with respect in his voice he won't forget what they have done for his family he will repay them in the future.

"And by the way I am Arthur Leywin". He said while introducing himself.

VINCENT- "Are you sure Arthur you are his son". He said while pointing towards Ray who took emotional damage by this. Seeing this all of them started laughing while Ray just turned his face.

ARTHUR- "I hear that a lot uncle Vincent". He said to which at first Vincent was surprised but then gave him a smile.

TABITHA- "Arthur meet my daughter Lilia, she is the same age as you, I hope you would be friends with her". She said while introducing Lilia who has a blush on her face while looking at Arthur.

LILIA- "H-Hi A-Arthur, it's nice to meet you". She said shuttering and blushing. This is the first time she has seen such a handsome boy. He was taller then the most kids of his age. (Arthur's height is 5'4 right now)

ARTHUR- "Hi lilia, it's nice meeting you". He said and came near while giving her a smile. Seeing that smile she blushed deeply and hang her head down.

'After the introducing every one they all sat in the hall'.

VINCENT- "So Arthur you wanted to join Xyrus Academy right, I know it's headmaster if you want I can talk to her for coming here, she won't refuse me". He said to which Ray and Alice were really happy.

ARTHUR- " Thanks uncle Vincent and let me introduce my two mana beasts to you all Sylvia and her daughter Sylvie". He said and two cats on pure white and one small in size with mixture of black and white colour came and sat of Arthur's lap. When they Vincent and his family saw this they were surprised seeing that at such a young age Arthur already have 2 mana beasts and he had never seen these types of mana beasts, while Lilia and Ellie had stars in their eyes seeing those two cats, they wanted to pat them but they were embarassed. When Arthur saw this he had a smile on his face.

ARTHUR- "If you want to pat them you can". Just as he finished his words Eliie suddenly grabed Sylvie and started patting and playing with her, on the other hand Lilia while being embarassed took Sylvia then they both leaved the hall and goes towards the garden to play with them.

RAY- "Hahaha look at both of them being embarassed". He said to which others also started laughing.

ALICE- " You should go and rest for some time Arthur, after that we will go for shopping". She said with a smile on her face to which Arthur was happy.

ARTHUR- "Alright mom, I will go and rest for some time and you don't have to worry about Sylvia and Sylvie they will come back to me after playing with Lilia and Ellie". He said and Alice took him to his room.

VINCENT- "Ray I know you have told us that your son is strong but can you tell us which element affinity does he have or his mana core stage". He said while looking at Ray who had a smile on his face.

RAY- "Well I can't tell you about his mana core stage or his element affinity but I can at least tell you both that he formed his mana core at the age of two". When these words left from his mouth both VINCENT and TABITHA were completely shocked to their core. Vincent thought that Arthur may be strong but when he heared that Arthur formed his mana core at the age of 2,now he can't even imagine just how much Arthur may be strong.

VINCENT- "I don't know what to say even Noble's children form their mana core at the age of 12". He said to which Ray just smiled.


'He was getting ready to go on shopping with mother, while Sylvia and and Sylvie were sleeping on his bed, he asked them if they want to come but they refused saying that they want to sleep. He get ready and goes down where he saw his mother was there with Tabitha and Lilia.

ALICE- "Arthur you are here, I asked them to come". She saw while looking at both of them.

ARTHUR- " Let's go then". He said and then left the house.

'Right now they were in the market,Alice and Tabitha were buying some clothes for them while Lilia was shy to talk Arthur, so he decided to start the conversation'.

ARTHUR- "So Lilia what do you want to become". He asked, at first she was surprised but then answered him.

LILIA- "I want to became a mage, but I have not formed my mana core until now, sometimes I think can I really became a mage". She said with a sad look to which Arthur patted her head which took her by surprise but didn't resist it.

ARTHUR- "Don't worry Lilia you will be a mage, so have faith in yourself". He said with his smile to which Lilia blushed deeply and just noded her head like an obedient child.

'After shopping they returned home and to their surprise there was already someone waiting for them'.

VINCENT- " You are here on time Arthur, The director of Xyrus Academy Ms.Cynthia Goodsky is here". He said with excitement in his eyes to which Ray just sighed, well he is the father but vincent looks more excited then him. He already knew that Arthur was already strong enough in the past but after all these years he can't even imagine how much more strong he must have became.

'When Arthur saw Cynthia, he saw that there is a spell cast on her by which if she betrayed the caster of the spell or leaked any information she will die that moment, and he knew that Agrona is the one behind this all'.

TABITHA- "Director Goodsky, sorry for the wait, we were doing shopping". She said with an sorry look to which Alice also did the same.

CYNTHIA- "It's all right, Vincent asked me a favor to meet someone special, he didn't tell me much, only said that he formed his mana core at the age of 2, at first I thought he was joking but seeing his serious look I got shocked, so I decided to see him myself. So you are Arthur". She said while observing him waiting for him to do the introduction, but what happened after that shocked not only Cynthia but also Vincent and his whole family.

ARTHUR- "Nice to you meet you Cynthia Goodsky, I am Arthur leywin". He said while raising his hand for a handshake. When Cynthia saw this she was surprised and shocked at the same time even the king of Sapin does not call her by her name but right now a kid is not only calling her by name but also giving his hand for a handsake, seeing his attitude she decided to see what he is made of and took his hand. While holding hands she decided to she his mana core but once again she was shocked, for some reason she can't see his mana core, at that time many possibilities were coming but she decided not to think about those, thinking those can't be true and with a normal face looked towards Arthur.

CYNTHIA- "So you are Arthur about whom Vincent was talking about, so shall we go to a open area to see what you are made of". She said to which Arthur has a smile on his face seeing her reaction.

ARTHUR- "Yeah let's go". He said and then all of them came out in a open area.

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