
The Begining.

Delve into the timeless journey of Brandon, a singular being who walks the annals of human history. From primordial tribes of untamed Africa to the sprawling cities of today and the enigmatic reaches of our future, Brandon is both witness and player in a grand cosmic game. As he navigates the intricate tapestry of human civilization, he uncovers shadowy forces manipulating the course of humanity. These unseen adversaries, ancient and relentless, seek to shape our fate from the darkness. Pitted against them, Brandon strives to illuminate the truths hidden beneath layers of deception. Embark on a tale that interlaces myth, science, and the indomitable human spirit, all set against a backdrop of cosmic battles, clandestine enemies, and the eternal struggle between light and shadow.

Amusedim · History
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34 Chs

Chapter 16 Destruction

Chapter 16: Destruction

The success of the alien experiment marked the end of our existence as we knew it. Their objective, the creation of a slave race, was achieved, and our fates were now inconsequential to them. We, the unwilling participants of this grand design, were to be discarded, our value reduced to nothing more than recyclable waste.

As we were herded away from the lush gardens we had known as our prison, a conversation between two of the towering figures caught my attention. The one speaking, an assistant to the overseer, possessed a voice reminiscent of stone scraping against stone, void of any warmth or empathy.

"And what of the breeding stock, sir?" he asked, a hint of indifference coloring his words. To him, we were mere commodities, objects to be utilized and disposed of at will.

"Their purpose has been served," came the reply from the overseer. His voice echoed with finality, a grim testament to our impending fate. "It's time to recycle."

The assistant responded with a nod, his movements as devoid of emotion as his sentiments. "The capital awaits us, sir," he said, his gaze shifting towards the distant horizon where the gleaming pyramid towered, a solitary beacon amidst the fading light.

"Yes," agreed the overseer, his eyes following the assistant's gaze. "The capital, and our next assignment."

Their words hung in the air, a chilling reminder of our insignificance in their grand scheme. As they retreated into their thoughts of future assignments, their indifference towards us ignited within me a spark of defiance. Though our bodies were still confined, my mind had found the strength to rebel against their imposed reality.

The march to the recycling facility was a journey through the heart of the city we had been forced to call home. The city's alien beauty, once awe-inspiring, now looked grotesque and foreboding. I couldn't help but take in the sight of the gargantuan walls that rose around us, encasing us in their cold, unfeeling embrace. The towering buildings, with their sharp, angular architecture, stood in stark contrast against the darkening sky, casting long, eerie shadows that swallowed the dim light of the setting sun.

One by one, we were led to a monolithic structure at the center of the city, its angular form a grotesque parody of the pyramid that had once fascinated us. It hummed with a low, persistent rumble, and from its gaping maw emitted a blood-red glow, an unholy light that bathed us in its eerie hue. The sight of it filled me with a dread I had not felt in years, a primal fear that clawed at the edges of my consciousness.

The aliens were coldly efficient, their actions mechanically precise. They lined us up like cattle before the slaughter, a long procession of despair leading into the jaws of the monstrous machine. One by one, we were fed into its gaping maw, our bodies disappearing into the crimson glow, our screams swallowed by the relentless hum of the machinery.

The pyramid, that gleaming pinnacle of alien architecture, began to stir from its foundations. I watched as it detached itself from the city, a massive entity rising against the evening sky. The ground trembled beneath our feet as the structure took to the air, its radiant aura shimmering against the encroaching darkness, casting long, wavering shadows across the city. Its departure was as abrupt as its presence had been imposing, leaving behind a void that seemed to resonate with the desolation that had consumed us.

I watched in helpless despair as, one by one, my brethren were led into the infernal machine. Their anguished cries echoed within the stark confines of the facility, reverberating off the cold, metallic walls. The air was thick with a tangible dread, the lingering screams of the fallen serving as a horrific symphony to our impending doom.

Yet, amidst this grim spectacle, something within me rebelled against the inevitability of our fate. I found myself straining against the shackles of my entranced state, a burning determination surging within me. As the pyramid receded into the distant sky, I found myself clinging to the fragments of my shattered consciousness, a beacon of defiance amidst a sea of despair.

As the line continued to dwindle, the horrific reality of the situation sank deeper into me. I was going to be reduced to nothing more than a puddle of goo, my existence erased as if I were nothing more than a nuisance to be disposed of. But even as this realization dawned, the stubborn spark within me refused to be extinguished. I clung to my dwindling awareness, a flicker of defiance in the face of overwhelming despair.