
A new beginning

It embraced her. There was no escape, she thought, it was like a thorn in the heart. Do you have any idea of how that thorn feels? It is as if all the suffering in the world is gathered in one soul and unfortunately that soul is yours. Destroyed. Heart-breaking. That's what she felt. A crying spasm that caused her pain, leading her to a higher rank. It controls her subconscious, it influences her consciousness fluently.

But it didn't take long for her to get used to it, and then she learned to live with it. It was like a pleasure set in, a pleasure caused by that thorny rose, that 'misfortune' that we all run away from.

Emma was the kind of person who tended to 'never'. The damp leaves were only withered by sadness. Wet eyes listened to the darkest stories. She assimilated every word with a delicate mourning for every person she met as if those memories were too. But each of us had that cold shower that woke us up to reality. And then she realized that her cruel realities were slowly breaking her sweet dreams. The perfect in her eyes had so many imperfections, unrealistic artificial even something like that. It reflected what it was not.

The idea of ​​material work was seen as a 'dehumanization' that she was unable to cling to. And yet, with her wet eyes, she believed that a change would bring a new beginning. But for a new beginning would end a chapter. An old and dusty one.