
The Beauty of a Beast

The Dragorian Empire was vast and powerful. It swept across the land like a plague, destroying everything and bringing it under the control of Emperor Zinj. Bloodthirsty and ruthless, he ruled the Empire with an iron fist. However, in order to consolidate his power and solidify his reign, he needed to establish a dynasty. He had countless wives and concubines, but none seemed capable of bearing him a child. He did have one son, however, the Crown Prince Daimon. It was under Daimon’s command that the armies of the Empire laid waste to countless kingdoms, crushing all resistance, and bringing them under his father’s control. His fearsome countenance, commanding presence, and bloodthirsty nature resulted in him being bestowed with the title, the Beast. Lady Rowena, the only child of King Roland and Queen Mathilde of the Solarillon Kingdom, has been chosen to be the bride of the Crown Prince Daimon. A terrified and reluctant bride, she is hastily shuffled off to the heart of the Dragorian Empire to be wed to the scourge of the world. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Excerpt: “Come here, Dear Husband.” She patted the bed beside her. His eyes widened in shock. His body seemed paralyzed even as it burned with lust. He swallowed hard and subconsciously licked his lips. Seeing his hesitation, she moved her shoulder just enough for her gown to slide a few inches off of it to reveal her pale creamy skin. Then she pulled at the ties to the neckline of her nightgown undoing the bow and loosening them enough to reveal a generous amount of the upper swells of her bountiful breasts. Seeing his interest, she then ran her slender fingers down her breasts, over her softly rounded stomach, and down her long legs. His eyes hungrily followed her every movement. Aware of his intense gaze devouring her, she pouted sexily and asked him “Or do you not find your bride attractive?” Rooted to the spot, his mouth opened and closed several times without making any sounds. He shook his head to clear the fog in his brain. At last he spoke, “Do you know what you’re doing?” His voice was thick and hoarse with lust and his throat was dry. She laughed, her voice thick and sweet as honey. “I’m a virgin, but I’ve been instructed in the arts of the bedchamber.” She rose to her knees, dropping all pretense of being a shy blushing bride, and looked deeply into his eyes. “Do not worry, Husband. I have been an excellent student in both theory and practice.” He swallowed hard as his heart raised, his hands became clammy, and his groin tightened painfully. “That’s…that’s not what I meant.” He stammered sweating profusely. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ How will she survive being thrown into the Beast’s lair? Can this beauty tame the Beast and rule as Empress?

BatOctopiSnakeSpdr · Fantasy
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151 Chs

Lunch with the Emperor – part 6

Daimon was relieved when the desserts were finally served as it meant this tedious debacle would end soon. Rowena always seemed to take his father's rudeness in stride, but he still didn't like his insulting behavior towards her.

Queen Mathilde also took his antics with grace and decorum. She was a queen after all. But again, Daimon felt that the two women shouldn't have to put up with Emperor Zinj's selfish and misogynistic lechery. The fact that Emperor Zinj didn't think that there was anything wrong with his behavior only made it that much worse.

He needn't worry too much about his wife's feelings. Rowena was amused by the Emperor's antics as always. She didn't take anything to heart. She simply smiled and nodded in his presence. Then she'd continue to do what she wanted