
The Beauty of a Beast

The Dragorian Empire was vast and powerful. It swept across the land like a plague, destroying everything and bringing it under the control of Emperor Zinj. Bloodthirsty and ruthless, he ruled the Empire with an iron fist. However, in order to consolidate his power and solidify his reign, he needed to establish a dynasty. He had countless wives and concubines, but none seemed capable of bearing him a child. He did have one son, however, the Crown Prince Daimon. It was under Daimon’s command that the armies of the Empire laid waste to countless kingdoms, crushing all resistance, and bringing them under his father’s control. His fearsome countenance, commanding presence, and bloodthirsty nature resulted in him being bestowed with the title, the Beast. Lady Rowena, the only child of King Roland and Queen Mathilde of the Solarillon Kingdom, has been chosen to be the bride of the Crown Prince Daimon. A terrified and reluctant bride, she is hastily shuffled off to the heart of the Dragorian Empire to be wed to the scourge of the world. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Excerpt: “Come here, Dear Husband.” She patted the bed beside her. His eyes widened in shock. His body seemed paralyzed even as it burned with lust. He swallowed hard and subconsciously licked his lips. Seeing his hesitation, she moved her shoulder just enough for her gown to slide a few inches off of it to reveal her pale creamy skin. Then she pulled at the ties to the neckline of her nightgown undoing the bow and loosening them enough to reveal a generous amount of the upper swells of her bountiful breasts. Seeing his interest, she then ran her slender fingers down her breasts, over her softly rounded stomach, and down her long legs. His eyes hungrily followed her every movement. Aware of his intense gaze devouring her, she pouted sexily and asked him “Or do you not find your bride attractive?” Rooted to the spot, his mouth opened and closed several times without making any sounds. He shook his head to clear the fog in his brain. At last he spoke, “Do you know what you’re doing?” His voice was thick and hoarse with lust and his throat was dry. She laughed, her voice thick and sweet as honey. “I’m a virgin, but I’ve been instructed in the arts of the bedchamber.” She rose to her knees, dropping all pretense of being a shy blushing bride, and looked deeply into his eyes. “Do not worry, Husband. I have been an excellent student in both theory and practice.” He swallowed hard as his heart raised, his hands became clammy, and his groin tightened painfully. “That’s…that’s not what I meant.” He stammered sweating profusely. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ How will she survive being thrown into the Beast’s lair? Can this beauty tame the Beast and rule as Empress?

BatOctopiSnakeSpdr · Fantasy
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151 Chs

Chapter 4: The Wedding of the Century

"It's your wedding."

Those words had echoed through Daimon's head every day for the past four months. No matter how many battles he fought on his way back to the Capitol, he could not erase those words that kept springing unbidden into his mind. They intruded on his thoughts both day and night robbing him of sleep.

At last, the day arrived. The entire empire was abuzz with excitement. Only two people looked grim at the prospect – the bride and groom themselves.

Nobles from across the vast Dragorian Empire gathered to witness the wedding of the Empire's Crown Prince Daimon, known as the Beast, to the only daughter of the King and Queen of Solarillon, a small but prosperous vassal state at the very western edge of the empire.

Few had ever been to the Empire's Capitol of Draconis. And fewer still had been inside the magnificent palace that was larger than many vassal states' capital cities. Curiosity overcame fear as they eagerly awaited the most important wedding the lands had ever seen.

The Emperor was renowned for his lavish taste and extravagant style. But truth be told, most nobles had never had the honor of attending any feasts at the castle, so they had not personally experienced this opulence for themselves. But it seems the wedding of his only son and heir brought out a more magnanimous side of him and the guest list numbered in the thousands.

Everywhere the castle was decorated ostentatiously in purple and silver, the colors of the Empire. Purple roses and silver skulls adorned the walls, floors, and even the ceiling. The luxuriousness of the ornaments awed the entire assemblage.

Few who had seen the Crown Prince Daimon up close had lived to tell the tale. It was under Daimon's command that the armies of the Empire laid waste to countless kingdoms, crushing all resistance, and bringing them under his father's control. His fearsome countenance, commanding presence, and bloodthirsty nature resulted in him being bestowed with the title, the Beast. But that was in battle. Now they could see him up close from relative safety.

Even more curiosity surrounded the identity of his soon-to-be bride. Most had never even heard of the Solarillon Kingdom. No one could fathom why a tiny kingdom from the outmost borders of the Empire was chosen to supply the woman who could potentially become the Empress. The chosen woman must be truly special.

At last the wedding began. The Crown Prince class in purple and silver was a striking man. He stood at the altar in front of the officiant. Behind the officiant, the Emperor Zinj sat on a throne as if he were the deity the citizens of the Empire worshipped.

General Zhan, the Prince's most trusted friend, served as best man, and stood at his side at the altar. There was no one in attendance on the bride's side apart from two maids that escorted her to her fate. These maids were supplied by the Emperor himself, so she truly had no allies in this very dangerous place.

A change in the music alerted the throng to the arrival of the bride. She wore a voluminous gown of dark purple embroidered with silver roses and serpents. She carried a bouquet of roses, calla lilies, irises, and orchids in varying shades of purple. A long silver veil covered her face. It was so thick that her face could not be seen. It seems that they only reason she could make it down the aisle, was because of the two maids who attended and guided her.

"Faithful friends and loyal subjects. We are gathered here today to bear witness to one of the most important events for both the history of the world and its future." Intoned the wedding officiant with a booming voice.

Daimon rolled his eyes at Zhan who was trying his best to stifle a laugh. His father was never one for subtlety. He glanced at his bride. He could tell nothing about her age or appearance. He shrugged inwardly. It didn't matter anyway. They were both pawns in this charade.

"Do you, Daimon, Crown Prince and son of the illustrious Emperor Zinj of the Dragorian Empire, accept this woman as your official wife from this day forward. Do you vow to protect her and any offspring that she may bear for the good of the Empire so long as she and they shall live so long as they do not betray the Empire?"

"I accept her as my official wife and vow to protect her from this day forward." Daimon's smooth baritone could be heard throughout the hall. He had no intention of repeating the ridiculous vows, undoubtedly written by his father, and further humiliating his wife-to-be.

No woman deserved to be humiliated, especially on her wedding day. Its not as though she had any choice in the matter. But if he thought his own vows were ridiculous, the vows his bride had to recite were even more preposterous.

"Do you, Lady Rowena, accept your role as dutiful wife of the Crown Prince Daimon, son of the illustrious Emperor Zinj of the Dragorian Empire, who is now to be your lord and master from this day forward. Do you vow to obey his every command, serve his every need, and support his every whim from this day forward? Do you understand that any dereliction of your duties or failure to live up to the standards set by your husband and master will result in the severest punishments including the possibility of death?"

Daimon's stoic nature and warrior training was all that prevented him from striking the officiant for expecting his bride to offer herself into servitude.

At the conclusion of his speech, a melodious giggle echoed throughout the hall. Although shocked at the outburst, no one dared breathe. The greatest shock was that it seemed to have come from the bride herself!

After what seemed an eternity, but was in reality only a few seconds, a charming and mellifluous voice replied, "I vow to love my husband with all of my being and serve him to the best of my ability."

Startled by the unprecedented change in the bride's vows, the officiant hesitated. A stern glare from the Crown Prince, however, was all the motivation he needed to continue. He did not dare glance back at the Emperor, who was, no doubt bristling with indignation at the bride's refusal to repeat the vows exactly as written.

The officiant took the wedding rings and presented the first one to Daimon. It was a delicate silver winged serpent with amethyst eyes. Daimon placed the ring on Rowena's slender finger. "With this ring, a token of my devotion and symbol of the Dragorian Empire, I declare thee my lawfully wedded wife."

The officiant took the larger ring and presented it to Rowena. She placed it on Daimon's large hand while stating "With this ring, a token of my devotion and symbol of the Dragorian Empire, I declare thee my lawfully wedded husband." Once again, she conspicuously omitted the part about him being her lord and master. Daimon didn't mind. In fact, he admired the young woman's guts.

With the rings exchanged, it was time to wrap up the ceremony. "If there is anyone here who objects to this union, let them speak now or forever hold their peace." No one dared even breathe or blink until the interminable time had passed. Although, in reality, it was only about 30 seconds. No one would dare cross the Dragorian Empire.

Visibly relieved and eager to finish the ceremony, the officiant continued "As there are no objections and by the power invested in me by our illustrious Emperor, I now declare this union to be official and binding. As the Crown Prince is the embodiment of the life-taking power of the Empire and the Lady is the embodiment of the life-sustaining power of the Empire, a more perfect union could not be formed. I now present their royal highnesses, Crown Prince Daimon and Lady Empress Rowena of the Dragorian Empire."

It was a custom of the Empire that the bridal veil not be removed until the bride was in her husband's bedchamber. This was the reason why Empire weddings did not end with groom kissing his bride for the first time, which was a common tradition throughout the vassal states. The Dragorian's believed that the couple's first kiss should take place in the bridal chamber as it would inevitably lead to many 'first' between the newly married couple.

Daimon held his hand out to his new wife, who accepted it gracefully and together they walked down the hall to the reception.

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