
The beauty and her beasts

A treacherous love is it not?, She, The beauty to his beast. A beauty with a dark heart, A beauty who seeks to use the beast. A beast that despite all his knowledge and wisdom of the beauty's dark heart but was enchanted by her nonetheless, Drawn to her like a moth to a flame, A tale of a maddening love, A tale of three, A tale of war, A tale of deceit, one with all on the line. Who will be victorious?, Will there be a victor?, Will there be no victor?, There is more to their tale than what meets the eye, Very well then, LET THE GAMES BEGIN!

Richard_J_Bruce · Fantasy
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9 Chs


[Drakard: capital of the night realm: Palatul nopții: The throne room] 

Sharlene gazed up at her brother, king of the Zoanthropes with thinly veiled vexation,

"Some how i'm not even suprised?", She states derisively, her voice menacingly level, 

"Now could your highness please enlighten me why exactly he couldn't bring my sister back?" She questions, the sister in question non other than a certain young magnum. 

Sven's expression remains still, never once Shifting from it's placid visage, 

He exhales in mild exasperation before speaking, 

"It's as i'd feared my darling sister, her memories of our past are sealed" he states, his tone tinged with displease, his lips contourting in a momentary expression of irritation,

"That would mean she also doesn't remember what happened right" Sharlene states alluding to the last time they'd met the girl, granted they were children at the time, rage, pain, loss and several conflicting emotions had gotten the best if them, in a way Sharlene almost felt them responsible, responsible for her mother's death.

"So what exactly do we do to help her remember?" She questions, Sven trains his gaze on his sister,

"Are you sure you want her to?" He questions,

"I lost a sister that day, i want her back" Sharlene replies mirroring his gaze, "and so do you, frate mai mare" she responds. To her reply Sven holds silence, he had too much pride to deny it,

"It will be far from easy my darling sister, i sense the hand of the Witch queen in this" he declares, 

"I take it the magik in question is not one even our court Witch can dispell" Sharlene questions, Sven noted the obvious omission of the said witches name,

(It would seem her belief on the Magik kind remains the same) He muses, "TI's so" he replies, "nevertheless, a psychological shock big enough to rattle her should do the trick" he follows,

"True, any spell that supercedes that becomes blatant mind control" Sharlene states, "and for a Witch of my sister's bloodline and standing..." Sharlene trails,

"She'd eventually come to realize" Sven follows, "which by extension means...",

"That Queen bitch must be reinforcing it somehow" Sharlene snarls, the sound tearing from her throat feral as it vibrates,

"Through regular contact i suppose, which will mean she'll be over to the castle of blood-leeches every few months" he states,

"We have to ward her against the next reinforcement" Sharlene replies, "weaken the magik just enough then give her a mental shock" Sharlene declares,

"I'll have the watchers scry for her movements" Sven replies,

"Wonderful" Sharlene replies beaming him a stunning smile, to this Sven cracked the bearest of smiles,

"Remember sister, this will not be easy, we run the risk of antagonizing the other two master races" he declares,

"Ahh don't tell me..." She trails pressing her palm upon her lips while feigning shock, "the notorious Dark Lord himself fears the Magiks and Blood-leeches?" She questions,

"Not even in hell" he grins menacingly, his reply justified in the sense of their belief, the Zoanthropes where not only widely diverse but were the most populous of the master races, it would be a nightmare for any opposing 'Force' to plan against them, that and the fact that the conversion process from being a normal mortal to becoming a Zoan, for most kinds of Zoans, relative to the other races was an easy process, this reasons where part of the many why the master races tried so desperately to subdue them, now though, the opposite held true, it was fear, especially with their alliance with the monster races

"Nevertheless we will do what we must" Sharlene replies, her eyes shifting to an Obsidian hue momentarily,

"As we always have" Sven replies, his eyes mirroring hers,

"Come" Sven calls seemingly to no one, Anikit who'd been allowed to listen, wills the doors open, his steps measured, shoulders square, chin raised, gaze square as he comes before Sven taking a knee,

"I greet the Zoan Lord" he greets,

"Anikit, my brother, there is no need for this" Sven replies, Anikit rises to his feet, 

"It is of my will sire" he replies, nevertheless a smile danced his lips,

"I'm glad to see you both have grown past the petty squabbling" he comments, to this Sven chuckles, 

"Not quite", he states as Sharlene cracks a smile,

"I take it you've found the young lady" he questions,

"You were always a big fan of her" Sven comments, "yes, but as your aware, she far from remembers" he concludes,

"Then we must simply remind her, i have failed her just as much as i did your parents in my charge" he replies,

"OUR PARENTS" Sharlene corrects, "and you have failed no one brother, we are all victims in this, liberation from our encumbrances is subject to our retaliation" she concludes,

"I concur" Sven replies, "that aside, we must begin a kingdom wide sweep for unusual activity, the rebellion of the blood-leeches Lords seems to conveniently placed to allude to Demon manipulations" he declares,

"It might be both" Sharlene replies,

"True, the Demons High Lord and the Witch Queen do have a stifled history, she is far from the sentimental type to for-go benefit for such reasons, with the right incentive, she'd wed Satan himself" Anikit states, "my lord, i'll call for a meeting of the officials" he follows,

"Do so" his King replies.

 "Brother, has the files I asked for earlier arrived?" Sharlene questions,

"In your office" he responds,

"Thank you, we've said all there is to say, let's get to work" she states, Anikit nods in reply, meanwhile Sven holds silence, seeming to be lost in thought even as the two exit the throne room.

(There is much to do, too much on the line, and my instincts tell me i must watch my back closely, lest i be stabbed unawares) he mulls, he wondered so, if it was a simple matter of paranoid obsession, a consequence of his parents death, or if it was simply matter of King and beings who hold authority, power, prestige, maybe it was both, no matter, his paranoia was what had kept them alive many a time, it was what would keep them alive many a time to come and it was in all absurdity and suprise telling him man a thing, the monster races where not to the trusted, neighter so the Magiks, and even more preposterous, those he could, in any capacity where non other than the Blood sucking Leeches, not withstanding the other master races, but they'd long signified their disassociation on the matter through their letters, he truly believed the dullards themselves believed Deamon would not come for them, that this was a simple matter of grudge and justification, the impudent fools, rather no,

(They simply need us weakened, they seek to capitalize from the chaos) he mulls,

"They'd be in for a suprise".