
The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

Walking in on her boyfriend and cousin having sex and exposing their plans to get rid of her... Shi Xue was heartbroken. Due to her shock, she knocked over a vase. Since the plan had been exposed... She is on the run for her life. Her dad passed away several years ago, and her so called family members were after her inheritance. After running for god knows how long, she was struck in the back of her head by a man dressed in black. "Hehe... I'm too tired from playing cat and mouse with you... since you are unconscious.. I shall drown you and have you die a more peaceful way." In this fateful night, the handsome man was out on his private cruise dealing with his "business" with the spies he found from his company. As he was staring at the ruthless torturous methods used on the spies to make them talk.. he heard .. "help... me." How much did she hear and who was she? Just when he was about to toss her off the cruise... he recognized her ... the coldness of his eyes melted away as he gently embraced the girl to his body. "Shi... Xue...?"

Sweetflowlips · General
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209 Chs

Chapter 98- Huangs run in the blood

After a while of hugging each other, the three couples finally remembered why they were in the room. Right, they weren't finished just yet. Everyone's attention turned to the half wrecked woman on the floor who was whimpering in tears. When she fell onto the floor, her unbroken leg had been crushed in a weird angle, dislocating it. She had been on the floor crying this whole time, but nobody noticed it. Yu Rou felt like digging a hole and stuffing herself in it. She didn't want to listen or see any of these couples dog food acts. Seeing them all sweet and filled with happiness added salt to her wound. She felt pity for herself.

Shi Xue continued from earlier, "It is indeed unfortunate. You had one leg left, now the other seems broken as well. That is karma for you. You committed countless shameful acts and it's around time that you pay for it. You could've been left with one functioning leg, but you ended up breaking it yourself. You can crawl with your arms if you want, but they may soon be gone as well."

Yu Rou clenched her teeth, "What do you mean? Haven't you done enough to me? Everything should've been paid for already, and you two weren't hurt!"

Shi Xue smiled enchantedly, "Your payment for us was paid. But not your debt to others."

Yu Rou's eyes widened, "W..what..?"

Shi Xue clapped her hands twice and the bodyguards brought a bunch of people into the room. This group of people were all contacted and brought here by Zhi Hei's orders. After Shi Xue woke up, she requested Zhi Hei to assist her in her revenge. She wished to have Yu Rou pay for her consequences, but it's no fun to do it alone. So she requested Shen Qi to look through contacts and find those whom Yu Rou had once bullied or harmed to join the fun. That was the real 'mission' that Shen Qi was on. The people had been waiting behind the doors and peeking through the door at the retribution show. They were anxiously waiting for their turn. Some people in the group were family members of the victim that Yu Rou had harmed from her jealousy or arrogance. Due to her status as Xia family's big miss, they never had the chance to do anything. How can they miss this great opportunity?

Yu Rou's face drained of color when she saw familiar faces. Before the group of people started their beating and retribution, each of them reminded her of the deeds she's done.

Teenage girl: "You had a group of classmates rape my sister and took videos of her because you saw Mr.Huang looking at her one time!!! The video was spread and my sister committed suicide!!! She was my only family!!"

52 year old woman: "You carved the word "slut" on my daughter's face and even plastic surgeons couldn't help her condition because it was too deep. You ruined her life because she was prettier than you!"

40 year old man: "My son was framed by you of sexual harassment after he reported you cheating on an exam. He was expelled and no schools would ever want him anymore with this on his records!! He was our family's hope!! We earned every cent to send him to a good school for a better education! Now, it's all gone. Because of your selfishness!!"

Plentiful people in the group spoke Yu Rou's crimes out before spitting on her one by one. Yu Rou screamed in terror of the germs from the spit. "NO!!! Nooo!!!! Eww!!! Disgusting pigs get out!!! Ahhh!!!!!"

Mother Xia felt fear for her daughter from a distance, but she knew that she can't save her own daughter. She didn't know that her daughter had long been scheming. She always thought that her daughter was just innocent and easily taken advantage of by others. She didn't know that there were so many people whom she had framed and hurt in the past. Mother Xia sighed and looked away.

Shi Xue walked over the Mother Xia and knelt down. "You must be disappointed in your own daughter. You are part of the reason why she became this way, so you hold some responsibility as well. If you didn't spoil her actions and listened to other innocent people or at least give both sides an equal opportunity to speak out, this wouldn't have happened. You were biased towards your own child. You are a failure as a mother. Though you thought that what you did was protecting your daughter well from the world..Do you realize how wrong you are now? Because of your actions and so called protection, she has now become an arrogant annoying pest of the society."

Mother Xia didn't say a word and only cried at her corner. Shi Xue didn't plan on doing anything else to Mother Xia because she was dragged along the nose by her own daughter. This attack alone, already killed this woman inside. Plus, her husband is no longer by her side. She had nobody left, but herself. Though she was annoying, she did love her daughter the wrong way. In some ways, she deserved at least a little pity.

Shi Xue shook her head and walked to Zhi Hei. She opened her arms requesting a hug. He chuckled before wrapping his little devil into his arms.

Shi Xue said helplessly, "Our kids better not be even 1/100000000000 like Yu Rou, or else I'll puke blood"

Zhi Hei chuckled, "Oh? Then we must be super strict with them in the future."

Shi Xue: "You say this now, but if we have a daughter in the future and she runs to you with open arms requesting for something, you better not spoil her!"

Zhi Hei: "Isn't that the same back to you? You might be the one who spoils our children the most! I'll play the bad guy."

Shi Xue: "Tch. We'll see about that."

Mother Huang had very sensitive ears. Once she heard them mention 'children,' her eyes lit up brilliantly. She quickly pulled her husband over.

Mother Huang excitedly questioned, "Did I hear you guys talk about kids?"

Shi Xue coughed, "Uhm.. uh we were just talking about how to not spoil them ..."

Mother Huang: "'Don't worry about that! The Huang's run in the blood!"

Meaning, no matter how worst the situation gets, it'll only be related to doting their loved ones to death and never doing anything spiteful, unless facing enemies.

Mother Huang: "so when are you going to give me and old Huang some good news?" she winked

Shi Xue: "Uhm.. we want to.. do things slowly... and enjoy our time together first.."

Mother Huang: "Oh.. Ohh~~ Don't worry I'm not rushing any of you~ But do give me a heads up! I need preparations!!"

Zhi Hei: "Ahem.. mom... it's going to be long before we're having kids. I want my wife to myself for a few years." he said childishly and wrapped his arms tighter around Shi Xue.

Seeing her son doting on his wife and acting spoiled already... sheesh.. would he get jealous over his kids in the future? she wondered.

Father Huang stood there smiling the whole time because his head was filled with the word "Grandchildren!"

Zhi Hei: "Also, it depends on her, when she wishes to have our child. I don't need to rush, she can have all the time she needs."

Shi Xue's face blushed, "We haven't even done anything yet! Where would children come from?"

Zhi Hei whispered, "If you want, I can do everything with you tonight." he winked.

Mother Huang laughed heartily and said, "We should all go home and rest, it's already enough for tonight. Hui Yan, are you coming home tonight? Or are you going to be like your brother and his wife?" she smiled teasingly. She remembered where they had left off before rushing to visit Shi Xue. Hui Yan's face flushed.

Hui Yan: "Mom!! It's too early for that!!!"

Shen Qi hugged her from behind and whispered, "Your mom's right. What do you want? We technically spent the past 10+ years loving each other."

Hui Yan: "Not you too!! I'll be drowned by your teasings! Forget rest! "

Mother Huang: "Oh? if you can't rest well anyways, might as well do something meaningful~ Who knows maybe I'll have little grand buns reporting to me this year, ho ho ho~~~"

Hui Yan's face was redder than the strawberries she devoured earlier. "Sheesh...." But inside of her head, she thought of how it'll be like to do... this and this with Shen Qi. She wondered how great it'll feel to become one with Shen Qi.

Seeing her in a daze, he playfully whispered, "What naughtiness are you filling your head?"

Her heart started thumping loudly and raced faster after hearing his passionate voice and feeling his hot breath near her ears. She let out a soft moan and surprised him.

Though this was not the first time he had heard her moan, he never saw her react to his whispers this way. Her eyes were closed and lips parted a little. Her glossy lips were a little stuck together as her natural blush added on to her tempting expression.

*gulp* Shit, I played with fire and now I'm also on fire! Shen Qi thought to himself as he wished to tease her further.


Father Huang reminded them that they were still in public and to do these when they're alone. He took the extra jacket from the bodyguard's hand and wrapped it around his wife's shoulders. Then he took his wife's hand and gave his children a meaningful glance before heading out with his wife. That glance meant, "I don't care who gets pregnant or gets who pregnant, I want to play with little buns!" This glance was too clear that Hui Yan and Zhi Hei burst out in laughter after the sweet old couple left. Shi Xue and Shen Qi were both confused with what was going on...