
Chapter 65- Why everyone wanted to be a CEO


When the meeting was coming to an end, Shi Xue woke up and rubbed her half blurred eyes. Since she just woke up, her eyes were a bit pink from tearing a little and her throat was a bit dry. She touched her throat slightly before walking towards Zhi Hei, who had a drink in his hands. He quickly turned his chair around when he heard footsteps behind him and saw the girl's half awake expression.

The members once again paused from an interruption. Zhi Hei stared at the girl, who was still in a daze. Seeing her reddish misty eyes, and her lips parting lightly, he gulped. Her dress was a little wrinkled from her nap earlier and her hair was a bit messy. She walked to him and positioned herself in his lap. She totally forgot that there was a meeting going on as she took the drink from his hands and drank it pleasurably. She was a bit clumsy when she drank from the cup that some of it slid down from her jawline to her throat.

"You drank it all?" he looked at the girl dotingly.

She nodded.

"Then what about my share?"

The girl leaned over to his ears as she playfully whispered while circling her fingers on his chest "You have me to quench your thirst... unless you're telling me I am not enough?" she said seductively as she licked the sides of his ears. She said it in a very low yet soft tone that only Zhi Hei heard. The rest of the members were puzzled in what was going on between the girl and the CEO behind the seat, but none of them dared to look.

His heart began to race from the girl's provocative nature after waking up. He lifted her chin and kissed her gently before letting her lips go. She looked at him with desires in her eyes and positioned her arm around his neck signaling him that she wanted more. Zhi Hei wished this was an emptied room so he could act as he wanted, but he remembered that there were other humans in the room. So they had to stop here and now.

"There is an audience right now. Wait till we get home..." he bit her ear lobe.

"mmmmm" the girl's eyes half closing already... she slowly drifted back to slumber land.

He wanted to pick her up and put her back to the couch, but her arms were wrapped around his neck tightly . He had no choice, but to let her remain her current position and rolled the chair carefully to retrieve the blanket for her. After securing her in his embrace, he gave the members the signal to continue. This time, their voices had to be much much lower than the previous that others barely heard he other's voice because the miss is sleeping .. in the CEO's arms.

Finally, the meeting ended, but it was too late to do any shopping. The girls tried their best to smile and leave the room, whereas, some winked at Zhi Hei. There were also a few who tried to ask for his number, but was chased away by his cold gaze. After everyone left, Zhi Hei's playful smile showed on his face as he locked the door. He then positioned the girl on the table and leaned towards the sensitive spot near her ears. He blew gently into her ears and whispered "Wake up... or I'll do you here..." he jokingly said. The next second, he felt something warm wrapping around his waist. He was a bit stiffened as he looked down and saw that her legs were wrapped around his waist tightly. She seemed to be still sleeping, but she reacted to his voice. Her dress was slightly lifted up and her lace baby pink underwear is exposed with her smooth thighs.

...I'm trying to control myself here....

He smirked and licked her ear lobe. Her body stiffened, and relaxed before shivering again from his touch. She let out a low moan into his ears and her hot tongue licked his ears. He shuddered a little before continuing his tease session with her. He never thought that office made out sessions could be this sexy and excited.. no wonder being a CEO is something everyone wanted to achieve.. they get to hold their lovers in such a place...

He gave himself dessert before dinner as he kissed her milky neck up to her collarbones. He left light pink marks so that she could still walk out of the office without feeling very embarrassed. Her eyelashes fluttered a little before her eyes opened and she sat up. She felt a little dizzy because she sat up too fast after waking up. When she became clear headed, she realized that her current position is a very seductive, yet playful pose. Her legs were crossed around his waist, The sleeveless dress became off shouldered, and her thighs were spread showing him her panties. She turned bright red as she realized that she had been burying her face into his bare chest between the buttons. When she moved her face to look up at him, her lips teased his chest letting out a small moan from him. She wrapped her arms around his back and licked his chest in amusement. She never knew he had a sensitive spot on his chest even when she played wiht his nipples the other times.

She skillfully removed his buttoned down shirt and threw it to an nearby chair.

"Tease me anymore, and I'll take you right here right now.."

Hearing his arousing challenge, she couldn't help but smile gorgeously "You can try."

He tilted one side of his eyebrows as he saw through this sneaky fox's little plan. She knew he wouldn't do anything to her as long as she is unprepared or stops him later, so his tease didn't work out. Her smile was very beautiful at the moment, eh it makes up for the tease.

She loosened her legs and reached up to kiss him passionately. He returned the kiss by slipping his hot tongue into her flavorful mouth. Her saliva was sweet as honey, and very soothing to swallow. He barely had enough even after kissing her for the next 12 minutes nonstop. This time, he made sure not even a string of saliva connected between their lips. He kissed her wherever her saliva flowed. From her sweet luscious lips, to her delicious smelling neck, her charming collarbone.... and southwards.. he explored.

Not knowing when, but her dress loosened and her two marshmallows were exposed. She shivered a little from being cold. He smirked and sucked her left nip as he massaged her right nip and teased it. After sucking on the left nip, he balanced it out by switching to the right nip. He pinched her rosy left nipple as she drowned in pleasure. He sucked and sucked as if he wanted some milk to come out of it. He stopped when both sides were slightly pink and her pants brought a bit of pain in her moans. He looked at the girl, who was catching her breath with hazy eyes...

He licked his reddish lips and moved down...

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