

When was eight-o-clock Sergeant Gomez and Sergeant Lewis were waiting, ready to go on patrol to visit each location?

Half ten Alex made an order for lunch and asked that it be delivered to his home address, then continue with the task at hand.

Four-o-clock entering the mall to complete his last visit, noticing this beautiful baby blue gown in a manakin that was in a showcase.

It was the perfect size for Diandra, it had silver working in a diamond shape at the front, unable to resist, seeing beautiful accessories to go with the dress.

Getting a pair of shoes because he knew she didn't brought with her much things. Alex then ask them to gift wrap the package and deliver it to his address, which he had written.

Returning to the office being alone with his door lock, calling the house. Hearing her voice, he quarry about how she was feeling, then ask "If she received any package?"

Hearing she did, Alex said, "It is only for this evening, I know you didn't pack anything for outside activities, and I know coking is out of the question because the house would be in a mess.

Oh, and Diandra will you be ready by half six, I will send a taxi to get you, I am still working."

Six-o-clock he had already bathe and was dressing, excited about the evening, wearing a navy blue suit with a white shirt and a white tie with navy blue stripes.

Admiring himself in front the mirror, feeling as though it's his first date with this special girl he so wanted to go out with.

When the phone rings, answering, "Yes Melisa," listening to what she said then said, "Please let her know I am busy, yes I understand it might be important, so let her call in the morning, thanks, Melisa."

Knowing the taxi will be there at half six, Alex step out of his office twenty to seven and lock his office door.

One of the officers who was waiting to take duty for seven, was sitting but seeing him, he stood up immediately to salute. "Relax Officer Khan."

"Boss, I see you have a heavy date?"

"Why do you say that Officer?"

Seeing him smile, "Well, in my opinion Sir, when you are just going for dinner you does not go to such extreme."

"And what is extreme to you Officer Khan?"

"Boss, I notice you only wear that suit for a special occasion, so this evening must be very special?"

Hearing Melisa laughing then said, "I see your Officers are profiling you, so you must be a good teacher?"

"Yeah, that is true but it also means they are being observant and alert."

"Is she special?"

Resting his both hands on her desk, " She my dearest Secretary is very special."

"No notes tonight?"

"Not tonight, I hope the night will be long and we could enjoy each other company."

"You have a very busy day tomorrow, so go easy, don't let me have to call you early in the morning?"

"I will not, so let me start my evening early and not keep the beautiful lady waiting."

"Aren't you going to reveal to me who this lady is?"

"For now, nope, but let me say she is very special."

"You are sounding very romantic this evening, so be careful you are caught in her web?"

"My dear special secretary, if that were to happen then I will welcome it with open arms."

Saluting her, "In the morning my pretty lady, you can just call me at five to be on the safe side," then he hurried out the office.

Staring after him, 'What has gotten over him, in all his dates I have never seen him so enthusiastic about any of them before, so what is so special about this one?'

At the restaurant, Alex waited anxiously as time passed quickly thinking, 'Supposed she changed her mind.'

Hearing the clock bang, seven, Alex positions himself in such a way that from the time she enters through the entrance he will get a glimpse of her immediately.

Wiping his face as the sweat dribbles down his back, wondering, 'Why, am I sweating so much, this is worse than I had expected.

Every time someone enters he stood up expecting to see her walking through the door, but he was disappointed.

When was seven-fifteen Alex went to the men's room, then recalled the elderly lady sitting outside the restaurant with some beautiful roses.

As memories flooded back how she hated to attend dinners and parties, Alex decided not to get any roses?

"How could I be so stupid thinking she will come? If I had invited someone else, they would have been here long before me, waiting just like how I am doing right now?

Diandra must be thinking she will embarrass me, oh Lord how do I tell her I don't care anymore who say what, she is my wife.

How can I woo her if she keeps locking herself away from the world? Before I blink two weeks will fly away and then what excuse could I use to see her again?'

Taking out his phone about to call at the house when all he heard was, "Wow."

Turning around towards the direction he heard the, "Wow," hearing her voice asking for "Mr. Mellford and if he was here already?"

Alex stood up from the bar and slip aside before the waiter sees him, Watching as he escorts her to his table.

Hurrying out he bought her a beautiful pink rose as he hurried back inside hearing the waiter saying, "Ma'am, he was here not too long ago, he must have gone to the washroom."

Diandra thought at that moment, "Supposed he left thinking I must have changed my mind."

"If he returns tell him I was here and he will meet me home."

About to leave feeling such relief when the waiter said, "Ma'am!"

Hearing him breathing behind her then he said, "Thank you, Rossi, I will manage from here."

Giving her the rose then holding the chair for her to sit, then said, "Rossi, get us a drink please, and tomorrow I have to work."

"Yes Sir!"

Diandra watches him turn and left then asks, "What does that mean, Alex?"

"Rossi, knows when I am working, I don't consume any alcohol."

Seeing the fear in her eyes when she asks, "You still drink alcohol, Alex?"

Smiling to reassure her, as he said in just a whisper, "Sorry, Rossi doesn't know that I quit all heavy drinking, some months ago."