

Tuesday morning Diandra received the dress she had order on line, Opening the package with excitement recalling how the blue dress was looking so fascinating.

But from the moment Diandra stands in front the mirror with the dress on, disappointment and disdain fills her heart, the color no longer look rich and beautiful disliking it immediately she take it of.

Staring at the dress with tears rolling down her face hoping the dress will just disappear out of her sight, because the dress was revealing her pregnancy.

Now fear builds up within her heart as she dreaded that the day was approaching quickly, and she don't have anything to wear for the occasion.

Whispering, "Lord, I feel so tired and fed-up hiding this pregnancy and my love for Alex from the people I love, that it weaken me."

Tears flow because she was dishonest by hiding the truth, and now with her disappointment of the dress she lost the zeal to go shopping to look for another dress.

"So what am I going to do now, this was my hope of resolving my problem, now I have to look for another. Oh Lord, why did Sam had to insist that I be there?"


Maria hearing Sam calling her phone and getting no reply and his concern for her was making him complain for everything.

"Sam will you please relax, I will go and see what is the reason she isn't answering."

Folding the dress neatly she brought for Dee when she went on her vacation, placing it into a gift bag then walk down the street to visit Dee.

Entering the cottage Maria thought to herself, 'Why is it her door is unlock. Has something happen to her?' Hurrying, Maria ascend the stairs, seeing her room door open, as she enters.

Realizing the moment, she enters the room Diandra was crying, dropping the bag down and quickly rushes to her side, "Dee, honey what is the matter?"

"I need to get a dress."

"What is wrong with you, I thought you were unwell and do you know that you have Sam so worried."

"Maria, you don't understand, I don't have anything to wear for Saturday."

"Okay, but you don't have to fret up yourself, we still have time in which we could go shopping to get you a dress."

"Maria, I can't take you away from your work, there are so many preparations to complete before Saturday."

"Sweetheart, don't let that bother you, I will get two girls to come and assist me. Now listen to me and get dress we will visit a few shops.

I am certain we will find something appropriate for the evening. I brought you the dress I bought from my vacation you can try it on, and didn't you say you will order one on line?"

"I did order one Maria and it look so lovely in the catalog, but now that I get it I don't like it."

"Let me see it Dee."

Reaching for the box under the bed Diandra pull it out. "Here see for yourself."

Looking as she remove the dress from the box, "But Dee, this dress is so lovely, and this royal blue look radiant and look at how beautiful the silver working is arrayed at the front."

"Then seeing that you like it so much you can have it."

"Dee, why are you being so ridicules, now to tell you the truth if I was fifteen years younger, I will have snatch it away from you, but don't you think I am pass the age of wearing such glamorous gowns."

Hearing her laugh, "Now that's my beautiful girl, so, tell me what you don't like about this dress?"

"I can't explain why I dislike it; I just don't like it any longer, that's all."

"Then try on the one I brought you."

"Where is it, right now I am desperate?"

Maria went and pick up the bag and show her, "It is lovely Maria, let us hope it fit, will you help me please?" Trying on the dress but the zipper won't go up over the bust line.

Dropping it at her feet, "I should have gone to the dress maker instead of going through all this hassle and stress and get her to design me a beautiful outfit, now the time is to short to make that arrangement."

Hugging her, "Will you just relax we will find one before Saturday I promise you."

"Look I feel so tired and right now I am not up to doing any shopping."

"Dee, have you eaten anything?"

"I just had a glass of milk."

"Honey, you need to eat, come along I will make you a sandwich."

When the small footstep approaches softly then the shouting of his voice. Maria laughs when he keep saying Granma, Granma."

Stooping down, "Hi, sweetie did my child sleep well?"

Scooping him up as he hugs her kissing her face all over, "Wow, wow, my sweetie, gramma loves you very much to."

"Gramma, I miss you."

"Me to sweetie. come on and brush your teeth and gramma will fix her baby a sandwich."

"Gramma, I brush my teeth ready."

"You did?"

"Yes, gramma I was playing with David and Go- go-liath."

"Will you like to visit grandpa?" Seeing the nod. "Okay, let me fix a sandwich for your mummy."

"Me to gramma." Okay," holding his hand, "Come on let us go and make your mummy foodie."

Walking down the stairs as the aroma from the sausage circulate the atmosphere causing her stomach to churn.

Hurrying out the door inhaling some fresh air as it fill her stomach when she heard Maria calling her. "I am in the gallery."

"Here is your sandwich."

Taking the first bite causing the churning to erupt bringing up whatever in her stomach.

"Is it that bad?" seeing the nod, "Okay, you need to visit the doctor and you are moving home with me."

"How long have you known?"

"I guess a few days ago."

"Thank you for understanding Maria."