

When Diandra said, "You see Ken when I got married, I was young and as you know an illiterate.

My husband and I only live together for two weeks then we were separated, Alex and I was friends."

Alex lifts his head thinking she was going to reveal the truth but she said, "My husband knew that Christina, Alex's mom was my very good friends.

On hearing what had happened, between my husband and I, Christina insisted that the Mellford need an heir, so she paid me an allowance to put Champ name Alexander Mellford. Well that was if I was pregnant."

"You get an allowance for Champ?" Ken questioned

"Well she did set up a trust fund just in case I was pregnant, so yes!"

"So where is your husband, Dee?"

"All eyes were on her; Sam look at her then at Alex even Margret knowing she had suspected Alex was Dee husband. But looking at her face now seeing the confusion. Wanting to laugh but then that will spoil all Dee fun..

Alex could not believe his ears, 'She take some truth and mix it up with some lies and have them all believing her foolishness.

As his eyes clash with Sam, 'My God he is just as bad as she, I am not going to spoil their fun.'

When Champ said Uncle roni."

"Yes son," feeding him as everyone was waiting on her response.

Alex wonder what other deception will she come up with, and how does she think up all those lies so quickly.

Smiling with his head bend when she said, "Sam do you really think it is wise for I to reveal the truth, they might lose their appetite."

"You are asking me, Princess, this is your story." Alex thought her story, which she seems good at narrating..

"You are right, Sam, you see Ken when he learnt that I could not cook or take care of his house, he become very angry, and he throw me out of the house with the few pieces of clothes I when to his home with.

Ken how could I return when he said that I stink, answer me? Do you think I should have return to tell him I had his son; would he have believed me?"

Alex looks at her, thinking to himself, 'At that time I was so full of myself, I would have never believed her and did exactly as she just say.

I never thought about having a family until recently. Listening to her now, she knew me better that I knew myself.

She was illiterate then but she understands life so much clearer than I. How could I have misjudged her when I know she is so right.

All she was saying is so true, my pride had hurt her so much. Being sorry or saying sorry could never remove that scar.'

"Look I am really sorry, but to him I was an embarrassment, so having no choice I just didn't bother,

So, I accepted the offer Christina give. Also, before Christina died, she gives me the house in Longfield, so after she die, I came here to live and I never look back.

I never saw Alex again, until he came asking for my help and you know the rest?"

"Are you saying that Champ dad don't know he have a son?"

"That's right, Ken and I don't care, you see he thought that Alex and I was having an afire.

Any ways, Champ is carrying Alex name, now can we eat I am hungry. And I have no intention of telling him."

"No Dee, I have one more question."

And what question is that your honor?"

"If you don't know the whereabout of your husband, how can you get involve with Alex?

Look Alex I am sorry but in God sight you are committing a sin."

"I agree with you Ken, and Diandra your brother is right, now I will have to get my lawyer to make an agreement concerning my baby. All I am concern is being a part of my baby's life."

"Okay, that is enough, did you all have to cause my appetite to go, now all the preparation my lovely wife made will go to waste."

"That's all-right honey, our Princess give them a run for their money. Ken honey, Alex is Diandra husband and Champ dad." Ken looks at Sam and Maria and the way they were laughing.

"Dee honey, you need to stop your lies because you will get innocent people in trouble? You sure put Alex in a spot, now my dear all this excitement is not good for me."

"Do you need to rest Sam?" Diandra asks.

"I am fine seeing my whole family here together, what more can a father ask for."

"Well Dad, now that Diandra is moving to Brixton, what are you going to do?" Margret asks.

"Nothing I supposed, I am retired and need to rest."

"Then how about you and mom move in by us?"

"If I have to do that, then I will accept Dee offer."

"And what offer is that Dad?" Margret quarries.

"Dee, asked me to live by her in Brixton."

"She did?"

"Yes, have you seen her house, I always wanted to live in a palace, so I might as well go with her."

"Will the Princess have you and Mom living with her in the palace?" Natalia, asks.

"Oh, the Prince ask me honey." Maria responds.

"He did?" Margret questions.

"Yes, he did, so if the Princess loyal servant is going, I will be joining him." Maris said smiling with everyone.

"Then I supposed we will get an invitation to visit that beautiful kingdom?" Natalia responds.

"Of course, you are always welcome my subject children." Diandra replies.

Sam heard Alex laugh, when Ken said, "Good heaven, will you all stop it?"

"Is something bothering you Ken?" Diandra ask. "Will you and Beverly like a special invitation to visit?"

"I want to know why I am always the last to know what is happening in this family?"

"Oh, let me see, Margret is the first, Natalia is the second. I am the third, so as you can see Ken, you are the last, so what do you expect?"

"Dee, behaves yourself," Maria rebukes her.